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Wirdah Firdausi

Business English
Job interview – Advertising Manager

Good morning, I am nuriwin

Oh, good morning, Im wirdah nice to meet you, have a sit please
Well thankou for being here today. May I have your document? Great its interesting.
Tell me a litle bit about yourself please.
I am a person that creative, learn quickly and perform better under pressure. I also
have good communication skill and a good team player that motivate others in order
to achieve the company’s common goals. I started my career in Marketing after
graduating with a Business degree in 2013. I spent entire career at my relative’s
company and now I’m looking to join other company to be more independent and take
on more professional, leadership and creative advertising project.
Well, Since our company is looking for an advertising manager position, Can you
describe the basic definition of advertising?
Advertising is the production of advertisements for various products and services.
This form of mass communication is targeted to a specific audience.
Is it the only way to entice a target market towards product?
Advertising is not the only way to entice customers to buy the product. Advertising
itself can’t sell products or services. It is one of the elements in the marketing mix of
product, price, place and promotion. And the four elements of the marketing mix
when focused on consumer satisfaction results in attracting the target consumer to the
product or service. Advertising is an effective tool to communicate, convince and
induce purchaser behavior of consumers when all the other elements are aligned to
consumers tastes and interests.
Very good. Let me ask you a question. How would you describe the qualities of a
successful professional advertiser?
An individual in advertising needs to be highly creative and be able to harness their
creativity through the implementation of a strategic advertising plan. A successful
professional in this field will also have excellent oral and written communication
skills and be able to work well with other people.
I guess they also must have a good skill in advertising campaign, right? So what steps
would you take to create an effective advertising campaign?
We need to start the process by writing a comprehensive marketing plan that includes
a specific advertising budget. We need to identify our target audience and also select
the appropriate advertising medium. Our plan should ascertain risks, the estimated
return on investment and have a review process put into place.
Really? But how do you measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign?
An increase in sales and brand awareness, are two factors that directly measure the
effectiveness of an advertising campaign. The basic formula to consider in measuring
a campaign’s effectiveness is calculating our revenue plus the return on investment
(ROI). For specific steps in measuring the effectiveness, we can also conduct end of
campaign surveys. With regard to increased sales, we will notice an increase in
website visitors and conversion rate.
Well in real condition, have you ever successfully marketed a product? What was your
I was charged with introducing a new brand at a tech conference in Jakarta. We
created a strategy that involves giveaways at the conference center, along with a
Twitter account that posted about the next locations where customers could find our
product. We integrated the campaign with general conference tweets through the use
of hashtags. It was a lot of fun.
Great experience, but on the other side, is there any marketing campaign you conducted
that wasn't successful? What did you learn from that?
Yes it is. One day a brand I marketed did not experience strong engagement online
from customers. In research done after the campaign, we learned that our sense of
who the customer was inaccurate, and the true customer should be targeted
differently. We adjusted our marketing language and targeted differently via ads and
outreach and experienced greater success the next time.
Ok. So lets say you are ran out of ideas for a new advertisement, what would you do?
We should always be creative when we are in advertising field. When I am running
out of ideas, I refer to internet, forums, open source and blogs, advanced search
engine options or use various communication groups to get ideas. We could also start
the creative process by completing public opinion surveys about what types of
advertising best connects with the costumers. That could generate new ideas for our
own advertising.
And if a customer left a negative review of your product on a social media site, how do
you respond to the customer?
I would take the opportunity as a representative of the brand to address the customer
in a respectful and holistic way, assuring them that our brand feels accountable to
making the customer happy and discussing how we can best accomplish that in the
customer's future interactions with our brand.
In your opinion, what factors are important in choosing your promotional media venue?
Budget is a main factor regarding which media venue you utilize in your promotional
ventures. Where your target audience “resides” online is another factor in whether or
not you focus mainly on social media marketing techniques. Previous advertising
campaign success records should also be considered, as well as the geographical
locations of your audience.
Next, what factors do you consider when defining your target market?
There are several factors to consider when defining your target market, such as age of
the consumer and working or non-working class status. It is also important to consider
your target’s socio-economic status and their specific regions. Depending on the
product or service, religion and community involvement can also play a role in
defining your target market.
What do you know about the types of media advertising that available today?
There are a wide variety of media advertising options available for today’s advertising
professional. Media advertising through radio, TV, cinema, newspapers and
magazines are time-tested and trusted popular venues. Advertisers can also utilize
direct response advertising, as well as online advertising on websites and blogs.
Outdoor advertising is still utilized through billboards and posters. Trade promotions
and trade journal advertising are other avenues for advertising to a specific target
market. Consumer promotions, event sponsorship, direct mailings and the use of
brochures and sales literature can also be utilized.
How about online advertising? Do you think its effective?
Especially in the last 15 years, the Internet has played a major role in offering a wide
variety of opportunities for advertisers to advertise their products and services. Many
forms of advertising (such as blogging and social media marketing) are free online
tools that can be used to reach a wide target market. PDF files of brochures can be
uploaded to websites for consumers to download. Newsletters can be emailed to a
large target audience. Webinars can be hosted to reach a wide variety of consumers.
Good idea. Now please tell me about a working situation in which you had to market a
product with a team of people who had very different ideas and values from you. How
did you manage the situation?
I worked on a team with several people who came from very different backgrounds
and disagreed on many things. The way I worked to bridge this gap was by defining
what our product was together and focusing on the product rather than on our personal
differences. By focusing that way, we were able to work together.
Well Mrs Iwin, if you are accepted, what is an innovative new marketing strategy that
you'd like to implement while in this position?
I'm really excited about the prospect of creating an experiential marketing campaign,
where we can activate the brand in the wild, where our customers are. I've researched
a variety of marketing activations, such as one where a vegetable company brought
branded trucks to a festival and served vegetable snacks to health-conscious
Interesting. So the last question, why should we hire you?
I believe that I fill the position because I’m experienced and I personally have my own
passion in this field. I’m sure I can give my best to this position if I’m chosen.

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