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FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING II  Liabilities arising from finance leases that

CHAPTER 2 – NON – CURRENT LIABILITIES are not due within 12 months from the
end of the reporting period
 DEBT FINANCING VS. EQUITY FINANCING  Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

Debt Financing – when a corporation desires to  BONDS PAYABLE

raise additional funds for long-term purposes, it
may borrow by issuing bonds and notes. Bond – is a certificate of indebtedness whereby
the borrower agrees to pay a sum of money at a
Equity Financing – when a corporation desires specified future date plus periodic interest
to raise additional funds for long-term purposes, payments at the stated rate.
it may obtain funds by issuing additional share - (Face Value or Par Value)
capital to shareholders. commonly issued in denominations
of, P1000, P5000, or P10000
DEBT FINANCING OVER EQUITY FINANCING: Underwriter – an investment firm, where the
1. By issuing bonds, therefore, a corporation
corporation sells all of its bonds then resells it to
does not spread or dilute control of management
the investing public
over a large number of owners
Bond Indenture – the contract between the
2. The interest incurred in debt financing is a issuing corporation and the bondholder
deductible expense in arriving at taxable income
- it specifies the terms of the bonds,
while dividends on share capital are not.
rights and duties of both parties,
3. The charge for interest on the debt may be restrictions on the issuing
less than the amount of dividends that might be
corporation and all other important
expected by shareholders.
details affecting contracting
1. A corporation can only avail debt financing if it
 Term Bonds – bonds that mature on a
has adequate security offered to creditors.
single date
2. Interests on debt are required to be paid
 Serial Bonds – bonds that mature in
periodically regardless of the enterprise’s
financial performance and financial position. If
 Secured Bonds – provides security and
the interest is not paid on the dates specified by
protection to investors in the form of
the contract, the creditors may bring legal action
specific assets of the issuer, such as real
and there is the possibility of take over by the
estate or other collateral
o Real Estate Mortgage Bond –
secured by a lien against real
Non-current Liabilities – it includes the portion o Collateral Trust Bond – secured
of long-term obligations expected to be settled by shares of stocks and bonds held
beyond twelve months from the end of the by the issuer as investments
reporting period and obligations where the o Chattel Mortgage Bond – is
enterprise has an unconditional right to defer secured by a lien against movable
settlement for more than twelve months after the property like motor vehicles
reporting date.  Unsecured Bonds (Debentures) – are
not protected by the pledge of any specific
MOST COMMON TYPES OF NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES: asset of the issuing corporation.
 Long-term bank borrowings - generally based on the credit
 Notes rating of the company, as these
 Mortgages bonds are backed only by the
 Similar Obligations which are related to issuer’s general favorable credit
general financial condition of the standing
enterprise rather than to the operating  Registered Bonds – are bonds whose
cycle and are due beyond 12 months from owners’ names are registered in the books
the end of reporting period of the issuing corporation
- when these bonds are sold, the and the prevailing market rate of interest for
transfer agent cancels the original similar instruments.
certificate surrendered by the Contract Rate, Stated Rate, Nominal Rate –
seller, and a new certificate is rate of interest stated on the face of the bonds.
issued and registered in the name - this interest rate generally
of the new bondholder. Interest depends on the financial condition
checks are mailed periodically to and earnings of the issuing
the bondholders of record. corporation
 Bearer (Coupon) Bonds – very When the financial condition and
transferrable, not recorded in the name of earnings of the issuing corporation
the owner. provide certainty of interest and
- each bond is accompanied by principal payments, the interest rates
coupons representing periodic company offers to sell bond issue is
interest payments, covering the relatively low
life of the issue As the risk factor increases, the
- the issuer eliminates the need for company needs to offer a higher
recording changes in the interest rate in order to attract
ownership as well as preparing investors
and mailing periodic interest
checks Market Rate, Yield, or Effective Interest
 Callable Bonds or Redeemable Bonds Rate – the interest rate which investors are
– those that give the issuing company the willing to accept on a bond at the time of its issue
right to call or retire the bonds before depends upon some factors such as the market
maturity date, usually specified on the evaluation of the quality of the bond issue as
bond indenture. evidenced by the financial strength of the
- the issuer pays the bondholder an business, the firm’s earning prospects and the
amount in accordance with the call particular provisions of the bond issue.
 Convertible Bonds – those that give the Discount – Effective > Stated; Issue
bondholders the right to exchange their Price < Face Value
bond holdings into a specified or
predetermined number of issuing Premium – Effective < Stated; Issue
corporation’s shares of stock Price > Face Value
 Zero-Interest Bonds (Deep Discount
Bonds) – are issued significantly lower
A. Bonds are sold at Face Value
than their face value.
- total interest on these bonds Cash xx
during their entire term is paid Bonds Payable xx
together with the principal amount
on maturity date
B. Premium
 ISSUANCE OF BONDS PAYABLE Cash(at the selling price) xx
Bonds Payable(FV) xx
Bonds Payable are initially Premium on Bonds Payable xx
recognized at the date of the
actual issue of the bonds. C. Discount

Cash(at the selling price) xx

Bonds Payable are initially Discount on Bonds Payable(FV – SP) xx
recognized at their discounted Bonds Payable(FV) xx
value – net proceeds from their
issuance. Discount on Bonds Payable is
reported as a direct deduction from
the face value of the bonds payable
Issue price - is the market price of the bond,
which varies with the safety of the investment
Premium on Bonds Payable is an adjustment of the nominal interest
adjunct account and reported as an to the effective interest
addition to the face value of the Effective Interest Method – a constant interest
bonds payable rate based on the carrying or book value of the
bonds is recognized as interest expense each
97 ½ = 97.5 % or quoted at 105 = period, resulting in unequal recorded amounts of
105% interest expense.
- It provides an increasing premium
or discount amortization each
When the bond quotations are not period.
available, the market price can be
determined by discounting the To obtain a period’s interest expense
maturity value of the bond and all under Amortization, the bond’s
interest payments at the market rate carrying value at the beginning of
of interest for similar debt on that each period is multiplied by the
date. effective interest rate. The difference
between this amount and the amount
Accrued Interest on Bonds Issued is interest paid or accrued is the amount
added to the issue price of the bond of discount or premium amortization.
to determine the total cash proceeds
from the bond issuance. Premium Amortization
1) Nominal Interest = FV * Interest
Bond Issue Costs – are expenditures incurred Stated Rate
by the issuing corporation for legal fees, printing 2) Effective Interest = Bond CV, beg.
and engraving of bond certificates, taxes, period * effective rate
commissions and similar charges. 3) Premium Amortization = Nominal –
Bond Issue Costs form part of the 4) Carrying Value = Bond CV, beg. period
initial carrying amount of the bond – Premium Amortization
liability. In effect, the net proceeds
are reduced by incurrence of bond The amortization of premium tends to
issue cost. reduce both the varying value and the
interest expense on the bond.
The higher is the yield, the lower is Interest Expense decreases each
the present value and the lower is the period, because the carrying value
yield, the higher is the present value. also decreases as the premium is
 SUBSEQUENT MEASUREMENT OF BONDS Premium Amortization increases each
PAYABLE period as the difference between the
nominal interest and the effective
Amortized Cost – the amount at which it is interest becomes wider each period.
measured at initial recognition minus the
principal repayments plus or minus the Discount Amortization
cumulative amortization using the effective 1. Nominal Interest = FV * Interest
interest method. Stated Rate
Amortization – bond premium or bond discount 2. Effective Interest = Bond CV, beg.
should be allocated over the life of the bonds period * effective rate
using effective interest method. 3. Discount Amortization = Effective
- It is a deduction or addition to the Interest – Nominal Interest
interest expense. 4. Carrying Value = Bond CV, beg. period
- It results to gradual adjustment of + Discount Amortization
the bond’s carrying value towards
the bond’s face value and Discount Amortization increases
the carrying value of the bonds,
such that on maturity date, the Gain or Loss on the retirement of bonds is
carrying value will equal the face reported in profit or loss statement as an
value. operating gain or loss.
Interest Expense increases each
period because the carrying value The following must be observed if bonds are
also increases as the discount is retired before maturity date:
amortized. a.) The amortization of premium or discount
The amount of the discount must be updated to determine the carrying
amortization increases each period amount of the bonds at the date of retirement.
as the difference between the b.) Any accrued interest on the retired bonds
nominal interest and the effective from the most recent interest payment date up to
interest becomes wider. date of retirement must be recorded and paid.

When the bond year does not Bond Refunding – the replacement of an
coincide with the reporting period, outstanding bonds payable with a new bond issue
other than the entries every bearing a lower interest rate.
interest payment date, an
adjusting entry is made at year- An exchange between existing
end to accrue interest and update borrower and lender of debt
the amortization of premium or instruments with substantially
discount. different terms shall be accounted for
as an extinguishment of the original
 RETIREMENT OF BONDS financial liability and the recognition
Retirement of Bonds can be: of a new financial liability.
a) At Maturity Date The extinguishment is recorded as a
b) Before the Maturity Date retirement, recognizing a gain or loss
 By redeeming the bonds immediately. The issue is recorded as
 Repurchasing them in an open a separate borrowing transaction.
If bonds are retired at their maturity  BONDS WITH EQUITY CHARACTERISTICS
date, any premium or discount will
have been completely amortized. The Corporations may issue bonds that
retirement is recorded as an ordinary allow creditors to ultimately
payment of debt, and no gain or loss become shareholders by either
is recognized upon retirement on attaching share warrants to the
maturity date. bonds or including a conversion
The amount of cash paid is equal to feature in the bond indenture.
the face value of the bonds. Investor’s Dual Set of Rights:
1. The right to receive interest and principal
Bonds Payable xx payment on the bonds
Cash xx 2. The right to acquire ordinary shares and
participate in the potential appreciation of the
If the bonds are retired prior to their market value of shares
maturity date and the retirement price is Usually, bonds of this nature are
less than the carrying amount of the attractive to investors and will
bonds, the corporation realizes a gain on generally result in either a relatively
the retirement. lower interest rate or greater proceeds
The carrying value is equal to the face
value of the bonds plus any unamortized Bonds with Non-Detachable Share Warrants
premium or less any unamortized discount – the bondholders are given the right to acquire a
on the date of retirement. specified number of ordinary shares (common
If the retirement price is greater than the stock) of the issuing corporation at a given price
carrying value, a loss is incurred on the within a certain time of period.
retirement of the debt.
Residual Approach – a method of bifurcation, prevailing interest rate on similar
when warrants are included in the issue of bond, notes or based on incremental
the issue shall be allocated between the debt (the borrowing rate of the issuer
bond) and the equity (the warrants). Maturity Value is Payable in Lump
- Based on this concept, the equity Sum
represents residual interest in the Maturity Value is Payable in
assets of the corporation, the Installments
equity component is assigned the
residual amount after deducting  TROUBLED-DEBT RESTRUCTURING
from the fair value of the
Troubled-Debt Restructuring – During periods
compound instrument (bond with
of depressed economic conditions, some debtors
warrant) as a whole the amount
experience difficulty in meeting their maturing
separately determined for the
obligations. For this reason, the creditor may
liability component.
grant concession to the debtor that it would not
otherwise grant under normal conditions.
The account Share Warrants
Outstanding is reported as part of the 3 Forms of Troubled-Debt Restructuring:
additional paid-in capital in the equity
section of the statement of financial a. Settlement of Debt by Transfer of
position. Assets (Asset Swap)
When the market price of the bonds - A transfer of non-cash assets (real
without the warrants is not readily estate, receivables, or other
determinable, it shall be computed by assets)
discounting the maturity value and
periodic interest at the market rate of The difference between the
interest for similar debt instruments carrying value of a the financial
without the equity component. liability (or part of financial
liability) extinguished or
Convertible Bonds – give the holders thereof the transferred to another party
right to exchange their and the consideration paid,
including any non-cash assets
 LONG – TERM NOTES transferred or liabilities
assumed, shall be recognized
Interest-Bearing Notes Payable in profit or loss.
It is initially recorded at its
face value since this represents
the present value of the note.
After initial recognition, it is
measured at face value plus
accrued interest.
Principal Matures in Lump Sum,
Interest is Payable Periodically
Principal and Interest are
Payable Periodically

Non – Interest Bearing Notes Payable

It is written in a form where the face

value includes an imputed interest.
Initial recognition: Market Value of
the goods or services received in
exchange for the note.
If the Market Value is not readily
determinable, the present value of
the note is determined based on a

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