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Face of Transportation Vehicle

This Essay is made to Complete Task for English Subject

Lecture: Dr. Effrina Yuricki, M. Pd

Muhammad Mahdi 1801201

Transportasi Darat 1.11 (1.K)

Face of Transportation Vehicle

Transportation is one of common issue to talk about. The main character

of transportation is the vehicle. All transportation vehicles are same in our opinion
for so long time. Apparently, transportation vehicle is same but different. It is
interesting to be discussed. So, let’s us see what transportation vehicle is

Vehicle Based on Fuel

There are four types of vehicle based on fuel. The first is gasoline vehicle.
Vehicles are classified to this category use gasoline as its fuel. Types of gasoline
that can be used are premium, pertalite, and pertamax. For example, low-cost
green car, city car, sedan, etc. The second is diesel vehicle. Vehicles are classified
to this category use diesel as its fuel. This type of fuel is stronger than gasoline
but produces more pollutant. Diesel and dex are types of this fuel. Such as, sport
utility vehicle, trucks, bus, etc. The third is electric vehicle. Vehicle are classified
to this category not use oil material as its fuel, but use electricity power to move
the vehicle. This type of fuel is eco-friendlier than others fuel type. For instance,
Tesla, Smart, etc. The fourth is gas vehicle. Vehicles are classified to this category
use gas as its fuel. It is seldom found around area. For example: bajaj. According
to description above, we can conclude that gasoline vehicle, diesel vehicle,
electric vehicle, and gas vehicle are types of vehicle based on fuel.

Vehicle Based on Wheels Number

There are three types of vehicle based on wheels number. The first is 2-
wheels vehicle. Vehicle are classified to this category commonly used in develop
country such as, Indonesia, Thailand, India, etc. It accommodates 2 persons only.
It is designed compact, simple, and for short-medium trip. The second is 4-wheels
vehicle or we call it car. Vehicles are classified to this category commonly used
by various group such as, family, employee, worker, etc. It can be found all
around the world because it is general vehicle. It is designed to carry people about
5-7 persons and stuff. The third is 6 or more wheels vehicle. Vehicles are
classified to this category commonly used to carry heavy load both people or
contain/material. It is usually operated by firm/company for commercial purpose.
For example, bus, truck, tanker, etc. As summary, 2-wheels vehicle, 4-wheels
vehicle, 6 or more wheels vehicle are vehicle types based on wheels number.

Vehicle Based on Wheels Type

There are two types of vehicle based on wheels type. The first is tire wheel
vehicle. Vehicles are classified to this category use tire as its wheel. This wheel
type is commonly used on general vehicle because its spare part and service is
easy to do. For instance: wagon, car, bus, truck, etc. The second is chain wheel
vehicle. Vehicles are classified to this category use chain as its wheel. This wheel
type is commonly used on specific vehicle because it needs special service and
specific spare part. It is usually used for specific condition such as, off road,
disaster area, etc. For instance: excavator, battle tank, armored-personnel vehicle,
and others heavy vehicle. So, we can summarize that vehicle based on wheels type
consist of tire wheel and chain wheel.

Vehicle Based on Function

There are three types of vehicle based on function. The first is people
transport vehicle. Vehicle are classified to this category is used for transport
people from origin to destination. It is purposed for people transport only. Such as
car, bus, van, etc. The second is goods transport vehicle. Vehicles are classified to
this category is used for commercial purpose. It just can accommodate goods to be
carried. For example, truck, bus, tanker, etc. The third is mix transportation
vehicle. Vehicles are classified to this category is “booming” nowadays. This
vehicle type can carry any load both people or goods. It is popular especially in
low-end group. For example, multi-purpose vehicle, van, etc. According to
explanation above, we can conclude that vehicle can be differed as people
transport vehicle, goods transport vehicle, and mix transport vehicle.

Vehicle Based on Purpose

There are two types of vehicle based on purpose. The first is personal
transportation vehicle. Vehicles are classified to this category purposed for
personal using. It owns to private or individual person. It is using by the owner as
tool to transport from origin to destination. For example, car, van, city car, etc.
The second is public transportation vehicle. Vehicles are classified to this
category purposed for public using. It is commonly found in big cities or big
regions. It is commonly owned by firm/company. For example, bus, train, light
rapid transit, mass rapid transit, sub way, etc. So, we can conclude or summarize
that vehicle can be grouped as personal transportation vehicle and public
transportation vehicle.

Vehicle based on mode

There are three types of vehicle based on mode. The first is land transport
vehicle. Vehicles are classified into this category move on road. This vehicle type
is common used by people. For example, car, bus, truck. The second is water
transport vehicle. Vehicles are classified into this category move on or in the
water. This vehicle type is one of the oldest transportation modes ever that explore
the world. For example, ship, ark, submarine. The third is air transport vehicle.
Vehicles are classified into this category is modern transportation mode. It
connects from origin to destination in long range but in short time. For example,
plane, helicopter, air balloon. In summary, land transport vehicle, water transport
vehicle, and air transport vehicle are types of vehicle based on mode.

Earlier, we probably do not pay attention to things around us like vehicle.

We only know about vehicle, like car, bus, truck, etc. We think all of
transportation vehicle is same. Evidently, transportation vehicle is same but
different each other. It has many types, it can be grouped based on fuel, wheels
number, wheels type, function, purpose, and mode.

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