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Study of The Effect Between Sea Surface Current and Marine Debris Distribution in

Jepara Sea
Kajian Pengaruh Arus Permukaan Laut terhadap Disribusi Sampah Laut di Perairan
By Alif Maulida Laili Amna 26020216130072

The presence and persistency of macroplastic in sea environments is of particular
concern because these pollutants represent an increasing threat to marine organisms and
ecosystems. Plastics are light, tough, resilient, inexpensive, corrosion-resistant and easy to
work with. Plastics are used widely in all industries and in our daily lives. Plastics in sea
environtment usually accumulate by currents, winds and waves. Coastal area in Jepara is an
area that is widely used as a tourist place. The problem that often arises in this place is often
the piles of garbage carried by the current to the land and reduce the beauty of the location.
Study area in this research is coastal area of Jepara, Central Java Province. There are 6 stations
used in this study. This research was carried out by linking the pattern of surface currents with
the distribution of marine waste distribution. This research was conducted by linking the
surface flow pattern with the distribution of marine waste distribution using the mapping
method. This research was carried out in the western season, ie from October to April. From
the research conducted it is known that the movement of the distribution of marine waste is
influenced by surface currents which are generated by the western monsoon and the waste
accumulates in several coastal areas from the study site.

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