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Professional Development Plan

Lizbedy Cruz Rosa

In this Professional Development Plan, I mentioned five goals which I believe will help me

become a better teacher, get more teaching experience with different students and acquire more

knowledge of teaching and of the English language. I set graduating from my Master’s Degree as

my first goal because I believe that that is the most important goal to complete at the moment and

because by finishing this degree I’ll be able to acquire more understanding about teaching and about

how to teach ESL students. Secondly, I set my next goal as acquiring a teaching certificate because

without one I will not be able to teach elementary or high school students and because of this I will

not be able to use all the knowledge I have acquired in previous years. Also, by acquiring a teaching

certificate and taking the necessary classes in order to get the certificate, I’ll learn even more about

pedagogy and about the educational field. Continually, I mentioned getting a job as a teacher as my

third goal because I think that teaching will give me real classroom experience. Also, I’ll be able to

improve my teaching abilities because I’ll be able to see how different situations take place inside

the classroom, learn about the different learning styles that students have and see which strategies

work better for learning English. The fourth goal I mention is to teach in another country to students

who’s first language is not English and I name this as one of my goals because I think it is

important to teach a diversity of students who have different backgrounds and cultures. By teaching

students who have different first languages, I’ll be able to see how distinct students learn English

and in this way create activities and use teaching methods that are more diverse and related to how

they learn. Lastly, the fifth goal I mention is starting a doctorate in order to continue my education

and expand my knowledge and in this way further help my students. I think that this goal will help

me become a better teacher because by acquiring more knowledge about English, I will learn more

about how to make the learning process easier for students by acquiring further understanding of the

English language. Additionally, by continuing my studies I will be able to access and learn about
the most recent research being done in the English and pedagogical fields. I have mentioned five

goals that I believe will make me a better teacher and will help me acquire more knowledge about

the educational and language fields. By completing these five goals, I think I will grow not only as

a teacher, but as a professional as well and that these goals will help me in the long run and

throughout my career. By setting these goals, I think that I’ll grow as a professional and that by

making this plan I’ll have a much better idea about what I want to continue doing in the future.

Professional Development Plan

Goals Skills Activities Resources Timeline Deadlines

Graduate - Organization - Finish classes Money: - Began May 31, 2019
from my - Dedication -Get good grades $300 to apply when I
Masters’ - Hard work - Complete to graduation started the
Program graduation Master’s
requirements $20,000 for Degree in
and submit the total amount of August
necessary Master’s 2017 to now
documents Degree and that I’ll be
required by the extra expenses finishing in
university. May 2019
Staff and

- Attending
material for

Get teaching - Organization - Register for Money: - Staring May 2020

certificate in - Dedication tests $6,000 to pay from May
order to start - Patience - Study for tests for tests, 2019 to
working as a - Studying - Take test classes and finishing it
teacher - Time - Take classes teaching in May
management required to get certificate 2020.
- Analyzing teaching programs
- Apply what I certificate
have learned and - Pass classes Support:
have been - Complete -Teaching
learning practicum and certificate
field programs staff
observations -School staff
- Wait for results and teachers

material for

Get a job as a - Patience - Look for jobs Money: - Starting August 31,
teacher and - Be open - Apply in $1,000 for from May 2019
implement minded different transportation 2019 until I
teaching - Responsibility employment and for get a job.
strategies and - Confidence in positions teaching Ideally
activities I skills - Go to job supplies costs before
have learned - Work ethic interviews August
from my - Availability - Get job offers Support: 2019
Masters - Interviewers
- School staff
- Employers

- Attending job
Teach in a - Research - Look for Money: - Starting 2019-2020
different - Time countries in $10,000 for from when I
country to management which English is moving, travel, graduate
people of - Dedication not the first and housing until I’m
different - Ability to language. costs able to get a
cultures consider various - Look for ESL job in
who’s first options teaching jobs in -Reading another
language is - Have an open those countries material country.
not English mind to all types - Apply for jobs
of situations in those -Attending
- Organization countries international
- Get the job fairs
documents you
need to teach in
that country
- Search for
places where I
can stay
- Get hired for a
Start -Time - Look for Money: - Two years June 2022
doctorate in management programs that $50,000 as an after I
order to -Dedication focus on subjects estimated cost graduate
continue my -Study habits I am interested of studying to from my
education and -Ability to keep in doing my get a Masters
continue going and not doctorate Doctorate’s Degree
acquiring give up - Look for Degree
knowledge in universities
the English where they offer -Reading
language so I the doctorate material for
can further - Pick a classes
help my university to
students. study in
- Apply to that
- Send all
documents and

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