Iron Biofortification in The 21st Century: Setting Realistic Targets, Overcoming Obstacles, and New Strategies For Healthy Nutrition

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Iron biofortification in the 21st century: setting realistic

targets, overcoming obstacles, and new strategies for
healthy nutrition
Marta W Vasconcelos 1, Wilhelm Gruissem2 and
Navreet K Bhullar2

Plant-based foods offer a wide range of nutrients that are IDA can decrease cognitive and physical development, as
essential for human and animal health. Among these nutrients, well as reduce immunity. It often affects work perfor-
iron stands out as one of the most important micronutrients. mance in all age groups and enhances the risk of maternal
Increasing the iron content in many staple and non-staple plant and perinatal mortality [1]. The recommended daily
foods continues to be a goal of many scientists around the intake of iron varies between 8–18 mg/day according to
world. However, the success of such initiatives has sometimes age, body weight and gender, and 30 mg/day are recom-
fallen short of their expected targets. In this review we highlight mended for pregnant women [2].
the most recent and promising results that have contributed to
increasing the iron content in different crops. We also discuss Dietary diversification, industrial food fortification and
methods that to date have been used to reach iron pharmaceutical supplementation are among different in-
biofortification goals and new strategies that we believe are tervention strategies aimed at tackling IDA. These inter-
most promising for crop biofortification in the future. Plant ventions, however, are often constrained by various socio-
anatomical, physiological and metabolic hurdles still need to be economic circumstances, including lack of access to di-
tackled for making progress on further increasing currently verse diets, insufficient income to afford commercial
reached levels of micronutrient improvements. New strategies fortified food products, lack of agricultural infrastructure,
need to take into account growing environmental challenges and long-term governmental policies and food distribu-
that may constrain biofortification efforts. tion networks [3,4]. Fortified food products often have
low public acceptance because of color and/or flavor
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, CBQF – Centro de Biotecnologia e changes resulting from added micronutrients [5]. Given
Quı́mica Fina – Laboratório Associado, Escola Superior de these challenges, biofortification of staple crops, that is,
Biotecnologia, Rua Arquiteto Lobão Vital, Apartado 2511, 4202-401 the intrinsic enhancement of nutritional content in the
Porto, Portugal
2 edible plant parts, is a recommended strategy that is also
Department of Biology, Plant Biotechnology, ETH Zurich, CH-8092
Zurich, Switzerland sustainable and cost effective. The HarvestPlus Chal-
lenge Program of the Consultative Group for Internation-
Corresponding authors: Vasconcelos, Marta W al Agricultural Research (CGIAR) focuses on the
( and Bhullar, Navreet K ( biofortification of major food crops, including rice, wheat,
maize, beans, sweet potato, cassava and pearl millet [6].
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2017, 44:8–15 For successful biofortification strategies, knowledge of
This review comes from a themed issue on Plant biotechnology
the molecular mechanisms controlling iron uptake and
translocation is essential (Figure 1).
Edited by Dominique Van Der Straeten, Hans De Steur and Teresa
B Fitzpatrick
Iron biofortification of food crops
To date, conventional breeding and genetic engineering
strategies have the potential of effectively delivering nutritious iron-rich food to malnourished populations
0958-1669/# 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. (Figure 2). To breed high micronutrient-containing vari-
eties, natural genetic variation for the trait of interest
must exist in the germplasm available to breeders. Bean
and Pearl millet varieties with a high iron content have
been developed and were shown to improve the physio-
logical iron status in affected young women in Rwanda
Iron deficiency severely affects human health [7] and of school children in India [8]. In several cases,
Deficiencies of essential micronutrients often have long- however, conventional breeding approaches alone cannot
term negative and irreversible impact on human health. increase the micronutrient content in crops to nutrition-
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) affects around two billion ally relevant levels (Table 1) because of lacking natural
people globally. Children, pregnant women, and non- genetic variation and/or negative correlations between
pregnant women in particular are more vulnerable [1]. grain yield and micronutrient content [9]. In rice, for

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2017, 44:8–15

Iron biofortification in the 21st century Vasconcelos, Gruissem and Bhullar 9

Figure 1

Essential parameters for iron biofortification Iron uptake strategies

Storage in the endosperm

Bioavailability ATPase FRO2 IRT1

Ferric chelate

H+ Fe -chelate Fe2+
Strategy I (Non-Grasses)

PS Fe3+-PS
Translocation within the plant
Intercellular transport
Intracellular transport
Transcription factors regulating iron
PS Fe3+-PS
Strategy II (Grasses)

PS Fe3+-PS

Effective iron uptake by the roots

? ? YS1 IRT1/IRT2
Strategy I: Reduction (non-grasses)
Strategy II: Chelation (grasses)
PS Fe3+-PS Fe2+

Combination of strategy I and II in Rice

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

The parameters affecting the success of iron biofortification strategies are represented. Effective iron uptake by the roots is one of the primary
requisites. Iron acquisition from the soil is generally categorized into two distinct strategies: a reduction-based strategy (Strategy I) and a
chelation-based strategy (Strategy II) [45]. In Strategy I, ATPases are released into the soil to acidify the rhizosphere in order to increase the
solubility of Fe3+. NADPH-dependent ferric chelate reductases then reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+ and ZINC-REGULATED TRANSPORTER/IRON-
REGULATED TRANSPORTER-RELATED PROTEIN (ZIP) family transporters, including IRT1, transfer Fe2+ across the epidermal plasma membrane
[46]. Iron uptake in grass species mainly involves the chelation strategy (Strategy II), which comprises of four main steps involving (1) biosynthesis
of mugineic acid family phytosiderophores, (2) release of phytosiderophores (PS) to the rhizosphere, (3) iron solubilization and chelation to PS and
(4) Fe(III)-PS transport to the plant. Rice is a unique grass species which can use both strategies for iron uptake, that is, uptake of iron in the form
of Fe(III)-PS complexes, as well as in the form of Fe(II). However, rice is not capable of reducing Fe(III) to Fe(II) form, as other non-grass species

example, long-term breeding efforts to achieve the been an important goal. To achieve this, plants have been
recommended iron content of 14 mg/gDW in polished transformed with FERRITIN expressed under the control
grains have failed [10], but this target has now been of endosperm-specific promoters, resulting in considerable
achieved using genetic engineering strategies increases in iron content in polished rice grains and in
[11,12,13]. wheat flour [15–18] (Table 2). However, expressing FER-
RITIN alone could not achieve the recommended target
Different processes — root uptake, transport, remobiliza- iron levels in either rice or wheat. In parallel, rice trans-
tion, storage and enhanced iron bioavailability — can be formed with genes related to phytosiderophore synthesis
modulated in order to produce plant foods with higher iron (Figure 2) or encoding iron transporters has also met with
content [14]. In cereals, including rice and wheat, engi- varied degrees of success in increasing iron in rice grains
neering of iron transport and storage in the endosperm has [11,19–21]. More recently, iron biofortification of rice has Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2017, 44:8–15

10 Plant biotechnology

Figure 2

Natural variation
Mutants with in germplasm -
high Fe content in crossing of high
desired tissue Fe content variety
to popular variety


Initial: Final:
TALENs, RNAi, Field and
30 μg/g Variety Farmer 59 μg/g
CRISPR/Cas9, bioavailability
release fields
iron in the
Smart Breeding assessment∗ iron in the
grain grain


Facilitate efficient Alter inter- and intra-

Fe transport cellular Fe storage
and transport

Enhance Fe Increase Fe
uptake (strategy I storage in target
or II) tissue

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Methods for iron biofortification in crop plants. Schematic representation of the current (solid circles) and emerging (dashed circle) methods being
used in iron biofortification programs. Key steps (blue arrow) are shown that are necessary for a biofortified wheat crop to be available to the
farmer. * In the case of GM crops, a prior step of regulatory and product assessment is required for field trials and human bioavailability studies.

achieved noteworthy success by expressing combinations requirement (EAR) recommended by HarvestPlus, and
of genes, including FERRITIN, NICOTIANAMINE these iron levels have been verified in two field locations
SYNTHASE (NAS), and/or other gene(s) encoding iron [13]. However, in the rice line with the highest grain iron
transporter(s) [12,13,22,23]. Rice lines expressing the level the transgene construct was inserted as an inverted
genes for bean FERRITIN and rice NAS2 have polished repeat [13]. It is currently unknown if the duplicated and
grain iron levels reaching 30% of the estimated average inverted transgene locus can be stably maintained in
breeding lines. Cassava lines expressing the Chlamydomo-
nas reinhardtii IRON ASSIMILATORY 1 (FEA1) gene in
Table 1
the starchy storage roots [24] and those expressing the
Baseline concentration and recommended targets of iron levels Arabidopsis VACUOLAR IRON TRANSPORTER 1 (VIT1)
in staple crops in order to achieve 30% of the estimated average
gene [25] accumulated significantly higher iron levels in
daily dietary requirement for iron on a dry weight (DW) or fresh
weight (FW) basis the storage roots. Despite these encouraging successes,
however, there is still a long way to go before these
Crop Target tissue Concentration Recommended
biofortified crops will reach the needy populations.
in popular iron levels
varieties (mg/g)
Wheat Whole grains 30 59 mg/g DW
From the lab to the field and to the plate
Rice Polished grains 2 15 mg/g DW The total iron content in any given crop is not always a
Beans Whole beans 50 107 mg/g DW good indicator of its useful nutritional quality because the
Pearl millet Whole grains 47 88 mg/g DW human body will not absorb all of the iron, that is, not all
Maize Whole kernels 30 60 mg/g DW iron is bioavailable (Figure 3). In addition to ensuring high
Sweet potato Tuber 6 85 mg/g FW
Cassava Roots 4 45 mg/g FW
iron bioavailability, it is also necessary to consider post-
harvest storage effects and especially the role of the pre-
Modified from [6]. harvest environment. Unlike other nutrients, in particular

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2017, 44:8–15

Iron biofortification in the 21st century Vasconcelos, Gruissem and Bhullar 11

Figure 3

Phytic acid

Tannic acid


Vitamin C



Fe3+ Fe3+
Fe3+ HO
HO O Fe3+
Fe 3+ Fe3+
Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Main factors affecting iron bioavailability. Nutritional iron is usually divided into heme iron (found in meat products, and whose absorption is
generally unaffected by other food components), and non-heme iron (from plant sources, and whose absorption is strongly dependent on other
components of the diet). Most staple foods have high concentrations of anti-nutritional compounds [59] such as phytic acid (PA), which
complexes iron and negatively influences its bioavailability in beans [60], rice [61] and other crops. Breeders have focused on lowering the PA
concentration of high-iron crops. Flour from low PA beans, for example, has recently been used for the production of nutritionally enhanced
biscuits [62]. Two low phytic acid (lpa) mutants have been developed for rice, and map-based cloning and complementation identified the
underlying lpa gene to be the SULFATE TRANSPORTER 3;3 (SULTR3;3) [61]. Tannic acid (TA) is a complex polyphenol molecule that can block
non-heme iron absorption, but strategies to reduce TA levels have not been a widely explored approach. With regards to compounds that
promote iron uptake, two of the most promising candidates are inulin and vitamin C. Inulin showed a positive influence on iron bioavailability in
pigs [63], anemic rats [64], and in iron-deficient broiler chickens [65] but not in humans [66]. Increasing inulin in crops has not been a high priority,
but vitamin C biofortification has been successful, for example in tomato using transgenic approaches [67] or in potato by exploiting natural
variation [68]. However, vitamin C synthesis and accumulation is a highly regulated multigenic trait, and levels vary depending on the
developmental stage of the plant, agronomic practices, environmental conditions [69] or fruit maturity [33]. This is a major obstacle for any
biofortification strategy to increase vitamin C to predictable levels. Lastly, techniques for iron bioavailability studies must be chosen carefully, as
discussions regarding the best methodologies still exist [70].

vitamins that are highly labile in high temperature or light, performed using conventionally bred biofortified material
iron levels in the grain are stable after harvest. In most [28]. Fewer field studies using genetically modified mate-
biofortification proof-of-concept studies plants are grown rial have been reported [13], notably because of the
in strictly controlled environmental conditions (often in- current regulatory hurdles and destruction of field sites.
cluding well-defined temperature settings, humidity and In both cases, polished rice grains retained the required
soil substrates). It is well known that soil type influences iron levels regardless of the field conditions in which
the amount of iron available to the plant for absorption plants were grown. Transgenic iron-biofortified cassava
[26]. It is very important to test biofortified lines in the field plants grown to a 6-month stage in Puerto Rico showed
during several growing seasons to ensure that the increased no phenotypic differences to non-transformed cassava
iron levels achieved by breeding or genetic engineering are plants in greenhouse or field conditions [28]. Repeated
reproducible and robust. For example, a maize recombi- field testing of high-iron maize in different years and
nant inbred population (RIL) grown to maturity in the locations in the United States revealed three modest
field in four environments (two locations  two years) QTLs for iron content, even when considering high trait
showed significant genotype  location  year effects heritability and location-independent enhancement of
for grain iron content [27]. Many such studies have been seed iron [29]. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2017, 44:8–15

12 Plant biotechnology

Table 2

Biotechnological strategies for iron biofortification in staple crops utilizing genes targeting: (i) storage; (ii) efficient uptake and
translocation; (iii) regulation of deficiency responses; (iv) inter-cellular and intra-cellular storage and transport; and (v) combination

Target Gene(s) Crop/cultivar used Iron increases compared Reference

for transformation to controla
Storage GmFERRITIN Rice/Japonica cv. Kitaake Up to 3-fold (T1 whole seeds) [15]
GmFERRITIN Rice/Indica cv. IR68144 Up to 3.7-fold (T2 polished seeds) [16]
OsFERRITIN 2 Rice/Indica cv. Pusa-Sugandhi II Up to 2.09-fold (T3 polished seeds) [47]
GmFERRITIN H1 Rice/Indica cv. IR64 Up to 3.4-fold (T3 polished seeds) [17]
TaFERRITIN 1-A Wheat/Bobwhite 50–85% increase (wheat flour) [18]
GmFERRITIN Maize/HiII (A188  B73) 0.2 fold (whole kernels) [48]
Gm FERRITIN Maize/HiII (A188  B73) and Jubilee 20–70% increase (maize flour) [49]
GmFERRITIN Lettuce (cv. Green Leaf) Up to 1.7 fold (leaves) [50]
Uptake and HvNAS1 Rice/Japonica cv. Tsukinohikari Up to 2.3-fold (T2 polished seeds) [20]
translocation OsNAS1 Rice/Japonica cv. Nipponbare 2.2-fold (T1 polished seeds) [11]
OsNAS2 Rice/Japonica cv. Nipponbare Up to 4.2-fold (T1 polished seeds) [11]
OsNAS3 Rice/Japonica cv. Nipponbare 2.2-fold (T1 polished seeds) [11]
OsNAS2 Wheat/Bobwhite Up to 2.1-fold (T4 whole grains); [51]
2.5-fold (flour)
OsYSL2 Rice/Japonica cv. Tsukinohikari Up to 4.4-fold (polished seeds) [52]
HvIDS3 genome Rice/Japonica cv. Tsukinohikari 1.4-fold (polished seeds) [53]
CrFEA1 Cassava/TMS60444 >3-fold (12 month old storage roots) [24]
Deficiency responses OsIRO2 Rice/Japonica cv. Tsukinohikari >2-fold (whole seeds) [54]
OsFRO2 Soybean 10% (grain) [55]
Inter-cellular and OsVIT1 or Rice/Japonica cv. Zhonghua11 1.5-fold (brown rice grains) [56]
intra-cellular storage OsVIT2 functional and cv. Dongjin genetic
and transport disruption (mutants) background, respectively
OsVIT2 T-DNA Rice >1.5-fold (polished seeds) [57]
insertion line
AtVIT1 Cassava/TME 204 3–4 fold (storage roots) [25]
Combination strategies PvFERRITIN, AtNAS1, Rice/Japonica cv. Taipei 309 Up to 6.3-fold (T4 polished seeds) [58]
GmFERRITIN H2  2, Rice/Japonica cv. Tsukinohikari Up to 6-fold (T2 polished seeds) and [23]
HvNAS1, OsYSL2  2 up to 4.4-fold (T3 polished seeds)
GmFERRITIN H2  2, Rice/Japonica cv. Paw San Yin Up to 3.4-fold (T2 polished seeds) [22]
HvNAS1, OsYSL2  2
GmFERRITIN H2  2, Rice/Japonica cv. Tsukinohikari Up to 4-fold (T3 polished seeds) [22]
and IDS3 genome fragment
AtIRT1, PvFERRITIN, Rice/Japonica cv. Taipei 309 and Up to 4.24-fold (T3 polished seeds) b [12]
AtNAS1, and AfPHYTASE NFP rice [58]
GmFERRITIN and OsNAS2 Rice/IR64 Up to 6-fold (T3 polished seeds) [13]

AfPHYTASE, Aspergillus fumigatus PHYTASE; AtIRT1, Arabidopsis thaliana IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1; AtNAS1, Arabidopsis thaliana
NICOTIANAMINE SYNTHASE 1; GmFERRITIN H1 and H2, Glycine max FERRITIN H1 and H2; HvIDS3, Hordeum vulgare iron deficiency specific
1; MxIRT1, Malus xiaojinensis IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1; OsFERRITIN2, Oryza sativa FERRITIN 2; OsIRO2, Oryza sativa IRON
PORTER 1; OsNAS1, 2 and 3, Oryza sativa NICOTIANAMINE SYNTHASE 1, 2 and 3; CrFEA 1, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii IRON ASSIMILATORY
GENE; OsVIT1 and 2, Oryza sativa VACUOLAR IRON TRANSPORTER 1 and 2; AtVIT1, Arabidopsis thaliana VACUOLAR IRON TRANSPORTER 1;
OsYSL2 and 15, Oryza sativa YELLOW STRIPE1-LIKE 2 and 15; PvFERRITIN, Phaseolus vulgaris FERRITIN.
In the case of transgenic plants, the target tissue and generation of tested plant material written in parentheses, if available.
Fold change values are provided in comparison to the non-transgenic rice lines and not to the transgenic lines used for super-transformation.

Modern technologies to design future performed using zinc finger nucleases, meganucleases,
biofortification strategies TALENs and CRISPR-Cas9 [30]. These technologies
Recently, new technologies have emerged that can pro- have benefited from the high speed and low cost of next
vide significant advances in iron biofortification programs. generation sequencing methods that facilitate non-tar-
These include oligo-directed mutagenesis, reverse breed- geted gene and allele discovery [14]. In addition, it is now
ing, RNA-directed DNA methylation and sequence-spe- current practice to combine different molecular breeding
cific nuclease technology or ‘genome editing’, commonly and genomics methods such as marker-assisted selection,

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2017, 44:8–15

Iron biofortification in the 21st century Vasconcelos, Gruissem and Bhullar 13

association genetics, high-throughput phenotyping crops. Research is underway to improve crops for higher
and genotyping for targeting specific traits [31]. RNAi- yield, stress tolerance, disease and pest resistance, nutri-
mediated gene silencing has also progressed, for example ent use efficiency, and increased nutritional value
in developing low-phytate rice by reducing the expres- [37,38,40]. Finally, when considering current achieve-
sion of the INOSITOL 1,3,4,5,6-PENTAKISPHOSPHATE ments of increasing iron content in staple crops for human
2-KINASE GENE (IPK1) [32]. These methods can soon health, we must also be aware of the potential impact of
be integrated in breeding and genetic engineering pro- climate change and loss of genetic diversity. Rising tem-
grams aimed at complex micronutrient biofortification peratures, unpredictable precipitation and droughts as
strategies, for example that combine increased iron con- well as increasing atmospheric CO2, which are projected
centrations with increased promotive compounds or de- in climate change scenarios for the 21st century [41],
creased levels of antinutritional factors. By combining could affect soil fertility and in turn plant iron absorption.
bioinformatics approaches, omics resources and transcrip- Genetic diversity, which has revealed higher reductase
tome collections, scientists have now unraveled the ascor- activity in bean [42] or higher seed iron concentrations in
bic metabolic network in tomato [33], which can facilitate chickpea [43] and rice [44], must be protected and better
the deployment of novel vitamin C biofortification strat- utilized because it will allow breeders and scientists to
egies for different crops, thereby augmenting iron bio- respond to future challenges.
availability. However, vitamin C biofortification remains
a challenge due to its complex genetic regulation. Ge-
nome-wide association studies (GWAS) have also Conflict of interest
revealed genes involved in plant tolerance to iron toxicity There is no conflict of interest relating to this article.
[34] and deficiency [35]. Similarly, a GWAS study in
sorghum successfully identified novel quantitative trait Acknowledgements
loci for polyphenols, some of which co-localize with This work was supported by National Funds from FCT through projects
homologues of flavonoid pathway genes from other plants PEst-OE/EQB/LA0016/2013 and PTDC/AGR-PRO/3972/2014 to MWV,
and by ETH Zurich funds to NKB and WG, who also gratefully
[36]. Polyphenols are important anti-nutritional factors for acknowledge support from a private donor. We thank Meng Wang for the
iron bioavailability, and thus these QTLs may lead to wheat plant drawing used in the figures and we thank Kumar Vasudevan for
the rice plant drawing. We apologize to all colleagues whose relevant work
novel candidate genes for decreasing polyphenol concen- we could not cite because of space limitations
trations in the grain to improve iron bioavailability.

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