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Nonfiction Form (Biography and Nonfiction Books)

Your Name: Jennifer Lopez Romero Title: Galileo Scientist and

Stargazer Author: Jacqueline Mitton
Illustrator: Gerry Ball
Publisher/Date: Oxford University press Genre: Biography
1. Explain how the cover and first pages of the book attract and hold the reader’s
interest. Give 3examples from the book

1. The image on the cover show Galileo and a group of people looking at the starts.
2. The cover has the image of the world map.
3. The first page has the illustration of Galileo looking at the start through a telescope.
STYLE AND LANGUAGE – Explain how the book shares information with children.
Examples: “little-known facts;” new vocab sprinkled in the text; and selection of
information to create/maintain reader’s interest. Give 3 examples from the book
1. The book use a variable of words, there are new words and name that some child may haven
hear before.
2. The book name other cities and countries outside the U.S.
3. The book explain how Galileo did the experiments and the place t took place also describe
the emotions of people around him.
ACCURACY – up-to-date research, references given, no mixing of fact and fiction.

INFORMATION – Child’s interest, unusual subjects or viewpoints - personalized

content – new perspectives, first-person accounts, and fascinating comparisons. Give 3
examples from the book.
1. Galileo did an experiment in public, from the top of a tower Galileo dropped two different
weights people believe that the heavier would land first. But Galileo thought that they would
land together and he was right.
2. Galileo create a telescope and his telescopes were the very best anyone could buy.
3. Galileo observed Jupiter and discover that Jupiter had moons going around it.
Media (paints, pencils, pen, watercolors, charcoal, photographs, crayon, acrylics, chalk,
 oil paint
Visual elements (line, shapes, colors, textures):
Lines: straight horizontal and vertical lines use in the telescope and window, curve lines.
Shapes: circles use for the moon, rectangles, squares and half circles.
Colors: blue, green, orange, yellow, white, brown and red.
How are illustration and text combined to share the information? What does illustration
show that text does not explain?
 The text explain how Galileo look at the moon every night in his telescope. Also, it
talks how he discover that the moon was rough and uneven. The illustration show
Galileo looking to the moon, having a paper where he draw the moon’s surface.

Describe the Page design: use of borders, text placement and font size, information
boxes, charts, vocab identified, use of white and dark space, illustrations placement and
types of illustrations:
 The pages have blue boards only on the sizes of the pages, on top and bottom do not
have boarders. The image covers both pages and is place in the middle of both pages.
In one page the text is on top and the other page the text is place on the bottom.
2. Child Development Theories –Select 1 theory
Identify the stage: industry vs inferiority__and age level__school age_______ for the
Explain the development for this level.
 Have opportunities to develop skill and learn new information.
Explain how the book fits the developmental level.
Give 3 specific examples from the book to support your evaluation.
1. children will learn about the life of Galileo
2.children will learn about other planets.
3. children will learn about Galileo experiments.
(3 high, 1 low)
Explain the rating:
 The book perfectly combines the illustration with the text, it has many words that will
be new to some children and it explain the information in a way that children can

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