Post Event Report - 2019 NCLGA Convention

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Post Event Report

2019 NCLGA Convention/AGM

May 6-10, 2019
City of Williams Lake, BC

From May 6-10, 2019 – I participated in the following events during the 2019 North Central Local Government
Association’s AGM/Convention (11 of the 12 CRD Electoral Area Directors’ attended this year’s NCLGA
Convention – Area ‘K’ Director Chad Mernett was not able to attend):

2019 NCLGA Convention Book --

2019 NCLGA Resolutions Book --

• Monday, May 6 – NCLGA Board of Directors’ Meeting

• Tuesday, May 7 – Welcome Reception for 2019 NCLGA Convention & Meeting regarding Rural
Healthcare with my CRD colleagues Al Richmond, Margo Wagner and Maureen LeBourdais (CRD Areas
F, G, H Directors)

• Wednesday, May 8th – Opening Ceremonies for the 2019 NCLGA Convention; Emerging Trends for BC
Tourism; Keynote Address from UNBC President Dr Daniel Weeks; Resolutions 101 Session

• Thursday, May 9th – Resolutions Debate (happy to report that all of our CRD NCLGA Resolutions passed
and now go to UBCM for consideration); Municipal Insurance Association/Municipal Finance Authority
updates; Ran for 2nd VP of NCLGA – was up against PG City Councillor Cori Ramsay but ultimately she
won; 2019 NCLGA Annual Banquet – learned that I was successful in my bid for re-election to the NCLGA
Board of Directors as a Director-at-Large, after joining the NCLGA Board in January 2019 to fill 1 of 2
vacant Director at Large seats, resulting from the 2018 Local Government elections

• Friday, May 10th – Moderated a session on Responsible Conduct put on by UBCM/Ministry of Muncipal
Affairs (my CRD Area F/J colleagues – Maureen LeBourdais/Gerald Kirby – joined the session as well);
session on preparing your community for Wildfires/Floods and a Convention close keynote address
from the Hon. Doug Donaldson – BC’s Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural
Development including the announcement of a 6th intake for the Rural Dividend in June…

Costs to attend:

• $410 for registration. No hotel costs as it was in Williams Lake and I have elected to not charge daily
NCLGA Convention attendance per diems, even though CRD Policy says I can….

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Forseth
Director – Electoral Area ‘D’ (Commodore Heights – McLeese Lake)
Cariboo Regional District

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