Basic Design Foam System

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Basic Design
Foam System
3-5 September 2018

 NFPA 11, Standard for Low-, Medium-, and
High-Expansion Foam


Basic Component of Foam System

 Water supply
 Fire pump
 Foam tank
 Foam Concentrate Pumps
 Foam Proportioning
 Piping & fittings
 Valves
 Foam concentrate
 Gauges
 Nozzle
 Alarms

The Component of Foam

All foam contain three(3) major component:

 Air;
Contained within foam bubbles

 Water;
Delivered at a specified density in gpm/sq.ft of applied area

 Foam concentrate;
injected into the water stream at specific percentage.


Foam Making
 Foam concentrate mixed with water in proportioner and it
creates foam solution.

 Foam solution flows from the point of mixing to the hazard

through a system pipe.

 At the hazard, a system of discharge devices (foam

chamber) are installed that facilitate the mixing of foam
solution with air in the correct expansion rate and produce a
continuous smothering blanket that is light enough to float
on top of most flammable and combustible liquid.

 The mixture of foam solution and air is called FOAM

The Component of Foam


Foam helps us put out fires by 4 different


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Type of Foam
 Protein Foam
Concentrate consisting primarily of products from a protein hydrolysate,
plus stabilizing additives and inhibitors to protect against freezing, to
prevent corrosion of equipment and containers, to resist bacterial
decomposition, to control viscosity, and to otherwise ensure readiness for
use under emergency conditions.

 Fluoroprotein Foam
A concentrate very similar to protein-foam concentrate but with a synthetic
fluorinated surfactant additive to produce a fluid aqueous film for
suppressing hydrocarbon fuel vapors.

 Aqueous Film-Forming Foam Concentrate (AFFF)

A concentrate based on fluorinated surfactants plus foam stabilizers to
produce a fluid aqueous film for suppressing hydrocarbon fuel vapors and
usually diluted with water to a 1 percent, 3 percent, or 6 percent solution


Type of Foam
 Alcohol-Resistant Foam Concentrate
Used for the protection of alcohol based flammable liquid fires or a
concentrate used for fighting fires on water-soluble materials and other
fuels destructive to regular, AFFF, or FFFP foams, as well as for fires
involving hydrocarbons.

 Other Synthetic Foam Concentrate

A concentrate based on hydrocarbon surface active agents and listed as a
wetting agent, foaming agent, or both.

Foam Proportioner
 In order to delivered a foam with the proper expansion
ration and mixed in proper proportions, a foam concentrate
must be mixed with water by a foam proportioner.

 Foam proportioner must be exactly matched to the foam

concentrate used

 Proportioner are specifically manufacture to mix

concentrates in 1%, 3% and 6% ratios
For example: a 6 % concentrate is design to be proportioned at a
ratio of 6% foam concentrate to 94 % water


Foam Proportioning methods

There are 3 proportioning methods used on foam system
Venture proportioner/inline proportioner

Also called inline-proportioner, takes the advantage the law physics to perform
itsfunction. A negative pressure is created on the orifice. By precisely sizing and
metering the orifice, the proper amount of concentrate is drawn into the stream
in proportion to the rate of water flow past the orifice. Venture proportioner are
manufacture to mix foam at specific ratios, either 1 %, 3 % or 6%

Foam Proportioning methods

Pressure proportioner/Displacement Proportioning

A pressure proportioner draws a portion of the incoming water stream

and uses it to pressurize the tank holding the foam concentrate.When
water is drawn into the bladder tank, it surround and presses
uponbthe bladder, squeezing concentrate and forcing it toward the


Foam Proportioning methods

 Balanced Pressure Proportioner /Pressure injection
Balance pressure proportioner used an atmospheric foam
concentrate tank, a pump pressurize the concentrate
and force it toward the proportioner and a proportioner
that balances the pump concentrate pressure to
water supply pressure, mixing the two at correct ratio


Foam System
Low Expansion foam system

◦ Low expansion foam systems are used when a blanket of foam

is needed to float on the horizontal surface of a flammable or
combustible liquid. Some limited protection may be provided
for the blanketing or coating of a vertical surface (two
dimensional fire)

◦ its role of coating, separates the fuel from the flame, blocks
the admission of air to the combustion process effectively
smothering the fire, and cools the surface of the fuel.

◦ Types of Hazards use of low-expansion foam to protect outdoor

storage tanks, interior flammable liquid hazards, loading racks,
diked areas, and non-diked spill areas.

Foam System
Medium and High Expansion foam system

◦ For hazards where smothering of a three-dimensional fire, or

oxygen deprivation of a three-dimensional fire is the primary

◦ A three-dimensional object requiring high expansion foam is

one that requires foam to be totally flooded to an elevation
above the highest level of the object requiring protection

◦ Examples of a three-dimensional object that may require high

expansion foam include a liquefied natural gas (LNG) pump, or
a rack or shelf containing highly flammable or combustible


Foam System
Supplementary protection
◦ For some type of hazard, the primary system of foam shall required
provision for supplemental mean of protection and usually applicated
with fixed hose stream system.

◦ The supplementary hose stream requirements provided herein are not

intended to protect against fires involving major fuel spills; rather, they
are considered only as first aid–type protection for extinguishing or
covering small spills involving areas

Type of Foam Systems

Mobile and portable Apparatus
This include hand portable foam system or is mounted onto a truck or
wheeled in on a movable platform (mobile).

Semi fixed Systems

This required a permanent foam maker and outlet spaced as needed or
required and are piped to connection located a safe distance away from the
hazard. A mobile operation need to be conduct, when it will be connected
with piping system to provide the foam concentrate.

Fixed foam systems

Which are automatic , totally self contained and no manual intervention.
Four varieties of storage tank protection:
 Subsurface injection
 Surface application
 Seal protection for floating roof tank
 Dike protection


Design of Foam Systems


Surface low expansion foam system design

Surface application discharge devices are design to roll a thin
blanked of foam over the surface area of the fuel


Surface low expansion foam system design

Surface application low expansion foam systems are designed in
accordance with the following methodology :

1. Calculate tank surface area

A = (3.1416) x (r)²
Where A = tank surface are
r = tank radius.
2. Determine application rate and discharge times (see table
Application rates may vary with specific concentrates and
manufacturer's recommendations.

Surface low expansion foam system design

3. Calculate minimum foam discharge rate and foam concentrate
D = (A) x (R)
Q = (A) x (R) x (T) x (%)

where Q = primary foam concentrate quantity (gallons)

D = foam discharge rate (gpm)
A = tank surface area (see step 1)
R = application rate (see step 2)
T = discharge time (see step 2)
%= concentrate percentage for foam selected,
either 1%,3% or 6%(percentage is represented
as a decimal,i.e., 0.01 for 1%, 0.03 for 3%, and
0.06 for 6%).


Surface low expansion foam system design

4. Determine number
of fixed foam
chamber distribution

5. Determine
supplementary hose
line foam quantity

Surface low expansion foam system design

6. Calculate the supplementary foam quantity
Ds = (N)x (50 gpm)
Q = (N) x (50 gpm) x (T) x (%)

where Ds = supplementary discharge rate (gpm)

Q = supplementary foam concentrate quantity(gals)
N = number of hose lines (see table above)
Ts = hose discharge time (see table above)
% = concentrate percentage, expressed as decimal 50 gpm
minimum NFPA 11 requirement (per hose line)


Subsurface injection system design

Subsurface injection low expansion foam system

 The foam system is applied below the surface of the liquid and
the foam injected will floats to the surface.

 The foam supply pipe for the injection system may be either
tapped into the existing process line at the bottom of the tank or
tapped directly to the tank.

 Subsurface injection required high back pressure foam makers

 It may difficult to install subsurface injection on existing tank,

because it requires that the tank to be emptied.

Subsurface injection system design

Subsurface injection low expansion foam systems may be
successfully designed by using the following methodology:

1. Calculate fuel surface area. The fuel surface area is the circular area of
exposed fuel at the upper level of the tank.
A = (3.1416) x (r)²
where A = fuel surface area
r = tank radius
2. Determine application rate and discharge time. Figure 3-8 lists
application rates and a range of discharge times that vary with respect to
the nature of the fuel for subsurface injection This application rate is
distributed over the surface area calculated in step 1 for the duration


Subsurface injection system design

3. Calculate minimum foam discharge rate and foam concentrate
D = (A) x (R)

where D = foam discharge rate (gpm)

A = tank surface area
H = application rate (see table step 2)

Q = (A) x (R) x (T) x (%)

where Q = primary foam concentrate quantity (gallons)

A = tank surface area (see step 1)
R = application rate (see table step 2)
T = discharge time (see table step 2)
% = concentrate percentage for foam selected, either 1%
3%, or 6% (percentage is represented as a decimal,
i e., 0.01 for 1%, 0.03 for 3%, and 0.06 for 6%)

Subsurface injection system design

4. Determine the number of subsurface foam application outlets, is a
convenient table that relates number of outlets to tank diameter and
flash point of the fuel

5. Determine supplementary protection requirements, table below allow the

designer to determine the foam hose allowance that must be added to
the minimum subsurface injection quantities previously calculated


Subsurface injection system design

Subsurface injection system design

6. Calculate supplementary foam quantity

Ds = (N)x (50 gpm)
Q = (N) x (50 gpm) x (T) x (%)

where D = supplementary discharge rate (gpm)

Q = supplementary foam concentrate quantity(gals)
N = number of hose lines (see table above)
Ts = hose discharge time (see table above)
% = concentrate percentage, expressed as decimal 50 gpm
minimum NFPA 11 requirement (per hose line)


Subsurface injection system design

Example :
And enclosure, fixed cone roof, flammable storage tank with
diameter 100 ft. and height of 60 ft. the tank contain 100
octane gasoline, requires a low expansion . Determine the
minimum amount of 3% foam concentration
Step 1 :
Selecting the foam type :
Recommended foam to be use is AFFF for gasoline with 100 octane
(NFPA 325)

Subsurface injection system design

 Step 2 ; Calculate fuel surface area
𝐴 = 3.1416 × 𝑟
= 3.1416 × 50 𝑓𝑡
= 7854 𝑠𝑞. 𝑓𝑡

 Step 3; Determine application rate

Application rate = R = 0.10 gpm/sq.ft

Min discharge time = T = 55 minutes


Subsurface injection system design

 Step 4 ; Calculate foam discharge rate to protect fuel surface

D = 𝐴 × (𝑅)
= 7854 × 0.10
= 785.4 ≈ 786 𝑔𝑝𝑚

 Step 5; Calculate foam concentrate quantity to protect tank

surface area
𝑄 = 𝐴 × 𝑅 × 𝑇 × %
= 7854 × 0.10 × 55 × 0.03
= 1266 𝑔𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 3%𝑓𝑜𝑎𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑

Subsurface injection system design

 Step 6 ; Determine the number of subsurface foam application

Because the diameter is 100 ft and the flash point less than
100°F, two(2) subsurface nozzle needed


Subsurface injection system design

 Step 7 ; Determine the number of supplementary hose needed

Determine the duration of hose discharge time

Conclusion : 2 hose stream needed with 30 minutes discharge

duration for each.

Subsurface injection system design

 Step 8 ; Calculate the supplementary hose foam quantity
𝐷𝑠 = 𝑁 𝑥 50 𝑔𝑝𝑚

N = number of hose
50 gpm = each foam stream shall have a solution application rate
of at least 189 L/min (50 gpm), with the minimum
number of hose streams (nfpa

= 2 × 50 = 100 𝑔𝑝𝑚

𝑄 = 2 × 50 × 𝑇𝑠 × %
= 2 × 50 × 30 × 0.03
= 90 𝑔𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 3% 𝐴𝐹𝐹𝐹 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑


Subsurface injection system

 Step 9 ; Determine the total discharge rate

D total = 𝐷 + 𝐷𝑠
= 786 + 100
= 886 gpm

 Step10; Determine the total foam concentrate quantity

Q total = 𝑄 + 𝑄𝑠
= 1296 + 90
= 1386 gallon of 3% AFFF concentrate

Dike protection foam system

 With dike protection system, the dike area are
flooded with foam that will float on top of any
flammable liquid that may spill within the
containment dike

 A dike protection system may also be

recommended as supplemental protection for
fixed cone roof or floating roof tank dike area or
as a supplement to apply foam to the exterior
surfaces of all cylindrical or spherical flammable
or combustible liquid storage tanks containment
within the dike.


Dike protection foam system design

Dike protection are design using the following

1. Calculate dike area
A = (dike length) X (dike width)

2. Determine application rate and discharge time

per NFPA 11

Dike protection foam system design

3. Calculate minimum foam discharge rate and foam concentrate
D = (A) x (R)

where D = foam discharge rate (gpm)

A = tank surface area
H = application rate (see table step 2)

Q = (A) x (R) x (T) x (%)

where Q = primary foam concentrate quantity (gallons)
A = tank surface area (see step 1)
R = application rate (see table step 2)
T = discharge time (see table step 2)
% = concentrate percentage for foam selected, either 1%
3%, or 6% (percentage is represented as a decimal,
i e., 0.01 for 1%, 0.03 for 3%, and 0.06 for 6%)


Dike protection foam system design

4. Determine number of foam discharge device
required using a recommended maximum
spacing of 30 feet between devices, spaced
along the perimeter of the dike

2𝐿 + 2𝑊
𝑁 =

Where N = number of device

L = length of dike
W = width of dike

Dike protection foam system design

A dike whose width is 100 feet and length is 150
feet, containing several small gasoline cylindrical
storage tanks, requires a low expansion foam
system, Determine the discharge rate, concentrate
quantity, and number of nozzle
1. Calculate dike area

A = (L) X (W)
= (150 feet) X (100 feet)
= 15,000 sq. ft.


Dike protection foam system design

2. Application rate = 0.10 gpm/sq.ft , because fixed
discharge outlets are used.
Discharge time = 30 minutes, because flash
point of the fuel is less than 100°F.

3. Calculate foam discharge rate and concentration

quantity, using 3% AFFF foam concentrate.
D = (A) X (R)
= (15,000) X (0.10)
= 1500 gpm

Dike protection foam system design

Q = (A) × (R) × (T) × (%)
= (15,000) × (0.10) × (30) × (0.03)
= 1350 gallon 3% AFFF concentrate

4. Determine number of foam discharge device

2𝐿 + 2𝑊
𝑁 =

300 + 200

= 𝟏𝟕 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒄𝒆𝒔


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