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Mechanisms of Anemia in CKD

Jodie L. Babitt and Herbert Y. Lin
Program in Anemia Signaling Research, Nephrology Division, Program in Membrane Biology, Center for Systems
Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts

Anemia is a common feature of CKD associated with poor outcomes. The current analyses of these studies suggest that el-
management of patients with anemia in CKD is controversial, with recent clinical evated hemoglobin per se does not con-
trials demonstrating increased morbidity and mortality related to erythropoiesis fer the increased risk, but rather higher
stimulating agents. Here, we examine recent insights into the molecular mecha- doses of ESAs and relative resistance to
nisms underlying anemia of CKD. These insights hold promise for the development ESAs, although this has not been stud-
of new diagnostic tests and therapies that directly target the pathophysiologic ied directly.20,21 In addition, ESAs have
processes underlying this form of anemia. been associated with increased progres-
sion of malignancy and death in cancer
J Am Soc Nephrol 23: 1631–1634, 2012. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2011111078
Why would ESAs have these adverse
effects? Although relative EPO defi-
Anemia was first linked to CKD over immunogenic EPO fragments, which ciency may contribute to the anemia of
170 years ago by Richard Bright.1 As kid- do not all correlate with biologic activ- CKD,23 it is not the sole cause. Indeed,
ney disease progresses, anemia increases ity.11,12 anemia of CKD is resistant to ESAs in
in prevalence, affecting nearly all pa- Anemia management was revolution- approximately 10%–20% of patients.2 It
tients with stage 5 CKD. 2 Anemia in ized in the late 1980s with the introduc- seems likely that supraphysiologic doses
CKD is associated with reduced quality tion of recombinant human EPO. This of ESAs, especially at very high doses or
of life and increased cardiovascular dis- and related erythropoiesis stimulating in patients resistant to treatment, have
ease, hospitalizations, cognitive impair- agents (ESAs) greatly benefited patients off-target effects in other tissues. These
ment, and mortality.2 by improving their debilitating symp- findings have renewed interest in under-
AnemiainCKD istypicallynormocytic, toms, and freeing them from dependence standing the molecular mechanisms of
normochromic, and hypoproliferative. on blood transfusions with theirassociated anemia in CKD, with the hope of devel-
The demonstration of a circulating fac- complications (secondary iron overload, oping new therapies that more closely
tor responsible for stimulating eryth- infections, and sensitization impeding target the underlying pathophysiology
ropoiesis, and the kidney as the main transplantation).2,13–15 However, even in of low hemoglobin.
source of erythropoietin (EPO) in the the initial studies, adverse effects were Aside from EPO deficiency, what else
1950s3,4 engendered the hypothesis that noted in patients receiving ESAs, includ- contributes to the anemia of CKD?
EPO deficiency is a predominant cause ing worsening hypertension, seizures, and Numerous studies suggest that circu-
of anemia in CKD. Purification and dialysis access clotting.14,15 In addition, lating uremic-induced inhibitors of
cloning of EPO in the late 1970s and ESAs do not reduce adverse outcomes as- erythropoiesis contribute to the anemia,
1980s 5–7 enabled the development of sociated with anemia, such as mortality, although this has been disputed in some
immunologic assays for quantitating nonfatal cardiovascular events, left ven-
levels of circulating EPO. Although tricular hypertrophy, hospitalizations,
generally normal or slightly increased and progression of kidney disease, in Published online ahead of print. Publication date
available at
in anemia of CKD, EPO levels are con- prospective randomized controlled tri-
sidered inappropriately low relative to als.2 In fact, recent trials in both hemo- Correspondence: Dr. Jodie L. Babitt or Dr. Herbert
Y. Lin, Massachusetts General Hospital, 185 Cam-
the degree of anemia, because similarly dialysis and predialysis CKD patients
bridge Street, CPZN-8208, Boston, MA 02114.
anemic patients with normal kidney func- demonstrate an increased risk of death, Email: or lin.her-
tion have 10–100 times higher EPO lev- adverse cardiovascular events, and stroke
els. 8–10 One important limitation of by administering ESAs to target hemo- Copyright © 2012 by the American Society of
such assays is that they measure all globin levels .11 g/dl.16–19 Secondary Nephrology

J Am Soc Nephrol 23: 1631–1634, 2012 ISSN : 1046-6673/2310-1631 1631


studies and no specific inhibitors have hemodialysis patients, also have im- reticuloendothelial macrophages, and
been identified.13,23 Shortened red blood paired dietary iron absorption. Indeed, hepatocytes to inhibit iron entry into
cell survival also contributes, as demon- oral iron was no better than placebo and the plasma.33 Inflammatory cytokines
strated by radioisotope labeling stud- was less effective than intravenous iron directly induce hepcidin transcription,26
ies.23–25 Although the etiology is not at improving anemia, improving or pre- presumably as a mechanism to sequester
entirely clear, metabolic and mechanical venting iron deficiency, or reducing ESA iron from invading pathogens, leading to
factors have been proposed.23,24 Nutri- dose in hemodialysis patients.27–29 In the iron sequestration, hypoferremia,
tional deficiencies, such as folate and vi- addition, many CKD patients receive and anemia that are hallmarks of many
tamin B12, due to anorexia or dialysate ESAs, which deplete the circulating chronic diseases including CKD.
losses are currently uncommon with the iron pool by increasing erythropoiesis. The development of assays to mea-
routine use of supplementation in hemo- Thus, CKD patients are prone to true sure bioactive hepcidin in the last 2–3
dialysis patients.23 Whereas hemodialysis iron deficiency, and iron supplementation years has ignited a profusion of studies
patients historically developed secondary is part of mainstay of anemia treatment investigating the role of hepcidin excess
iron overload from recurrent blood trans- in CKD. Intravenous iron is preferred for in the anemia of CKD. Numerous stud-
fusions, the modern era of ESA treatment hemodialysis patients because of im- ies now show that hepcidin is elevated in
has uncovered an increasingly recognized paired dietary iron absorption.2 CKD patients.26,34–36 Mechanisms sug-
role for disordered iron homeostasis as a In addition to true iron deficiency, gested to account for this are increased
major contributor to the anemia of CKD. many CKD patients have functional expression by inflammatory cytokines
Based on its ability to donate and accept iron deficiency, characterized by im- and reduced renal clearance. 26,34–36
electrons, iron is essential for many im- paired iron release from body stores Studies are ongoing to determine whether
portant biologic reactions, including ox- that is unable to meet the demand for hepcidin measurement will have diagnos-
ygen transport, cellular respiration, and erythropoiesis (also called reticuloendo- tic utility in CKD patients regarding iron
DNA synthesis. However, this same prop- thelial cell iron blockade). These patients status, inflammatory status, or ESA re-
erty makes excess iron toxic by generating have low serum transferrin saturation (a sponsiveness or resistance. Complicating
free radicals that can damage or destroy measure of circulating iron) and normal factors are the lack of uniformity in hep-
cells. Systemic and cellular iron levels or high serum ferritin (a marker of cidin measurements by different assays,37
must therefore be tightly regulated. The body iron stores). Some of these patients and the complex interplay of various fac-
majority of iron (20–25 mg) is provided are treated with intravenous iron, a trend tors that influence hepcidin levels in CKD
by recycling from senescent red blood that seems to be increasing with the patients, including iron, inflammation,
cells, which are phagocytosed by reticu- recent controversy surrounding ESAs. and reduced renal clearance that tend to
loendothelial macrophages to store iron However, for patients with high serum increase hepcidin, and anemia, ESAs, di-
until it is needed, with lesser amounts ferritin $500–800 ng/ml, management alysis clearance, and hypoxia that tend to
provided by dietary absorption in the du- is less clear.2 Concerns about treating reduce hepcidin.26
odenum (1–2 mg) and release from liver these patients with iron include poor ef- Recognition of a key role for hepcidin
stores. Plasma iron, which circulates fectiveness and the potential for adverse excess in causing the functional iron de-
bound to transferrin, is relatively limited effects, including oxidant-mediated tis- ficiency and anemia of CKD has ignited
at 3 mg, and therefore must be turned sue injury from excess iron deposition interestintargetingthehepcidin-ferroportin
over several times to meet the daily re- and increased risk of infection. One lim- axis as a new treatment strategy for this
quirements for erythropoiesis. With no itation is that high serum ferritin is not disease. By blocking hepcidin and/or
regulated mechanism for iron removal, specific for increased body iron stores increasing ferroportin activity, these
typical iron losses are 1–2 mg daily, because ferritin is also affected by infec- agents could improve dietary iron ab-
mainly from intestinal and skin cell shed- tion, inflammation, liver disease, and sorption and iron mobilization from the
ding and menstruation in reproductive- malignancy.2 patients’ own body stores, thereby mini-
age women. Systemic iron balance is Recent data suggest that hepcidin ex- mizing the need for supraphysiologic
therefore maintained by regulating dietary cess may account for the impaired dietary doses of intravenous iron and ESAs
iron absorption and iron release from iron absorption and reticuloendothelial with their potential adverse effects. Im-
storage sites in the liver and reticuloendo- cell iron blockade present in many CKD portantly, in CKD patients with hepcidin
thelial macrophages.26 patients. Discovered independently by excess, large intravenous boluses of iron
CKD patients have increased iron three groups in 2000–2001,30–32 hepcidin would be predicted to have limited effec-
losses, estimated at 1–3 g per year in he- is the main hormone responsible for tiveness because much of the iron is rap-
modialysis patients, due to chronic maintaining systemic iron homeosta- idly taken up by the liver and sequestered,
bleeding from uremia-associated plate- sis.26 Produced by the liver and secreted and the remainder that is incorporated
let dysfunction, frequent phlebotomy, into circulation,30–32 hepcidin binds and into red blood cells would be recycled in-
and blood trapping in the dialysis appa- induces degradation of the iron exporter, effectively. In addition, intravenous iron
ratus. 23 CKD patients, particularly ferroportin, on duodenal enterocytes, itself would further increase in hepcidin

1632 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 23: 1631–1634, 2012 SCIENCE IN RENAL MEDICINE

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hibiting hepcidin production, interfering more closely target the underlying patho-
with the hepcidin/ferroportin interac- genic mechanisms of this disease for REFERENCES
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