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Organizational Creation

If you were to find one thing, which would save you from going into the realms of insanity, crisis,
disillusionment or oblivion, what would you find? What if you were told that that thing is called
creation? You would surely land a punch or two in my face. However, before things take an untold
turn, let me explain myself. As you can see above, this entire thing is about creation, organizational
creation. Don't misunderstand me by thinking that this is some corporate jargon. No sir, it isn't.
Creation in its very objective form means to create something. This can be a parchment of writing, a
slushy brush on an empty canvas, or simply even something never before thought of. Also, that is
what I exactly tend to mean about creation. Man has been creating ever since man could have some
senses. It is what has given us meaning in life. We can even experience this in our daily lives: A man
is much happier if he has made something, by giving in the time, effort and resources to come up with
something which makes them proud. Ironically, a man is mortal but his work may be immortal, we
know, so many people by their names and stories even though we’ve never met them, primarily
because they’re dead, So, we can extrapolate from this that creation is what keeps you alive. Creating
an empire, creating a book, a sculpture, a painting, It is important.

Another thing which creeps into minds is what does it have to do with organization?
Nowadays, when huge companies try to get you distracted by the use of notifications, you can say
that we’ve never been more unorganized under the façade of organization. SO many people, they
sit and just spend so much time on their phones, hours of time doing nothing in specific, just
scrolling through their “feed”. It is worth arguing that it isn’t mindless but in fact an active stream of
information about things around the globe. However, as far as our minds and time go, this stream
is highly counterproductive. How many times do people tell each other that they are busy even
when they are spending hours over hours doing little to nothing. As a result, there are so many
problems, peaking which nobody even thought of earlier. There are so many apps for organizing but
so less organization overall.

If I were to take this on a personal level, I’d say I am not absolutely right nor am I absolutely
wrong. Our parents, teachers, other people who may or may not be educated, when they ask us to
get off our phones, we many a times brush it off and continue. However, I urge you to think why are
they saying what they are saying? I mean to say that even in our hearts, we know that we are wrong
to spend so much time on phones but we never listen to ourselves nor do we listen to these people.
There’s a certain gut feeling factor to certain things in life and I know you all will agree to some
extent regarding this. So, isn’t it crazy that we don’t even listen to ourselves (which begs the
question- who are we even when we aren’t listening to ourselves? ) when we know it’s 3 am and
you’ve watched probably too many cat videos? You see, when my mom shouts at me, she doesn’t
mean I am inherently wrong about spending so much time online, even when I’m studying. There’s
this gut feeling in her which urges her to go and try to make her son alright. Now, she may not have
the full knowledge of what I am doing, but she still tries to do what her gut tells her to. Sometimes, I
shout at her for not understanding how different school study culture is from college culture.
However, there is this weird feeling which lurks inside me telling maybe she is right. Maybe I spend
a lot of time online, maybe I don’t know what to do other than that because it is a way of living for me
but it is what it is. I was thinking last night about this and I thought maybe I am wrong. I do spend a
lot of time online, being too busy for others but that’s not taking me anywhere. Very few nights I
sleep knowing that I did the best I could, so, why do I shout at her when she tries to tell me to mend
my ways? All this, led me to think about organizational creation. You see, everybody has so many
interests but not so much time. We have to create in an ‘interest field’ because that will help us apply
our knowledge and also give us some sense of accomplishment, no matter how little. But if you’re
like me, you’ll probably spend the entire day doing one thing and keep lagging in other fields. So,
Organizational Creation
organizational indulgence, gives us huge scope for doing what we want. I wish I could write more
but I haven’t yet applied what I wrote so yeah.

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