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Student Name: Adan Vences

Date: 4/7/2019
Portfolio Artifact Description: Music in you–Use a melody of a song you are familiar with that
may lend itself easily as the musical foundation, for your educational lyrics.

What you learned: I have learned through the multiple intelligence online test that my three
strengths are self (intrapersonal), social (intrapersonal), and language (linguistic). I tend to be a
caring person and love working in team. Also, being bilingual I have a huge respect for other
languages. This is why I agree with this test and believe the test made an acute statement.
However, you have to be completely honest with yourself to become arcuate. I can potentially
see bad results for those people that are in denial. I would love to use the MI theory in my
classroom. I believe that it can help students learn something they overlooked in themselves. My
strength and weaknesses were displayed accurately in the test. I can see what I may have to work
on and it explains my frustration, when I’m in setting, where my weakness are prominent. My
favorite instructor was my high school political science teacher. He did a great job of helping my
strengths grow. We worked in a group of people and had discussions about current events. This
helped my social strength grow. After that we had to work as a team and discuss with the class,
what we learned through our group study session. Creating the song was so much fun. I love
listing to music and this allowed me to use what I know and make it fun. I know the components
to create a proper essay. I also remember my issues on creating one. This song allowed me to
bridge the gap and help students remember, what they need to create a proper essay.
ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS)•S
Addressed: Standard #6 6b; Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix
digital resources into new creations.
Application of Skills Learned for the Future: I will be using the MI theory to help my students
identify what they need in order to succeed. This will help me guide them to success. A song can
easily get stuck inside your head. If you place educational information, it will be a fun way to
learn. Giving the students the power to be creative and construct a song, would be so much fun. I
can see this being used in a science class. We forget about formulas or foundations but if we
make it into a catchy tune, we would not forget.

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