How Did Jesus Really Look

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 Apocrypha
 Book of Enoch
 Book of Jasher
 Book of Jubilee
 Flavius Josephus
 Hebrew Lexicon
 History of the Bible
 Online Quran

 Aramaic Lexicon
 Dictionary
 Quran Lexicon

The painting above comes from the catacombs of Rome. The catacombs of Rome was a place where Jesus followers
ran to hide from the Roman army. This picture is an true depiction of Jesus and his disciples. An actual artifact! We
can see his disciples wearing cloaks and having levitical style afros. The people are clearly brown to dark brown in
color and Jesus himself is dark brown. Revelation Chapter 1: 13 And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like
unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14. His
head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire. 15. And his feet like
unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. According to scripture
Rev. 1:13-15 if this was Jesus his hair was white like wool and feet like burnt bronze. If his feet is the color of burnt
brass then his entire body is the same color.

The book of revelations was revealed in 98 A.D so Jesus would be very old so his hair would be all white color after
graying. Isn’t God great to reveal this to us? We see that bronze is a light brown color so if you burn it in a furnace
you get a dark to medium brown color. Look, the scripture says that he was not tan middle eastern color nor was he
pale color. A lamb has woolly hair not straight hair like the goats or other animals. That is why the lamb is sometimes
used as a sign for our people. The image of the beast must be destroyed in the eyes of the true Israelites and a new
way of thinking must be established. So, the false image of Jesus is a grand lie and we must know the truth now. We
can’t keep living a lie thinking our problems will be solved as a people. I come to reform your way of thinking and
teach you the truth about yourselves.

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