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Question Bank /Topic Learning Outcomes

Course Details

Class: III Year, B. Tech Semester: II Year: 2018-19

Course Title: MATLAB PROGRAMMING Course Code: 15A04605a Credits: 3

Program/Dept.: ECE Section: ECE-A&B Batch: 2016-2020 Regulation: R-15


Question Bank /Topic Learning Outcomes

(Table format as given below is suitable for Theory, MCQ, Lab, and Tutorial. Columns can be added or deleted. No need to take printouts)

Mode of Delivery/ Mark

Topic Learning Outcomes/ Question Bank/ MCQ/ Lab Experiments/ Tutorial Task
TLO. Unit Question Delivery Strategy/ s per
Labels to the right indicate: CO=Course Outcome, BL=BLOOMS level. CO BL
No: No: No (Activity)/ Q
On completion of the Lecture/ Tutorial/ Lab on a topic, students must be able to:
Instructions/ TLM
1. 1 1 Define MATLAB. 1 1 Ice breaking 2
Chalk &Talk
2. 1 2 Compare matlab and computer algebra. 1 2 Chalk &Talk 2
3. 1 3 List the platforms supported by Matlab. 1 1 Chalk &Talk 2

4. 1 4 List the applications of mat lab’s computational mathematics. 1 1 Chalk &Talk 2

5. 1 5 List the features of matlab. 1 1 Chalk &Talk 2
6. 1 6 List the uses of Matlab. 1 1 Chalk &Talk 2
7. 1 7 List the advantages of mat lab. 1 1 Chalk &Talk 2
8. 1 8 List the disadvantages of mat lab. 1 1 Chalk &Talk 2

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Mode of Delivery/ Mark
Topic Learning Outcomes/ Question Bank/ MCQ/ Lab Experiments/ Tutorial Task
TLO. Unit Question Delivery Strategy/ s per
Labels to the right indicate: CO=Course Outcome, BL=BLOOMS level. CO BL
No: No: No (Activity)/ Q
On completion of the Lecture/ Tutorial/ Lab on a topic, students must be able to:
Instructions/ TLM
9. 1 9 List the major windows of matlab environment. 1 1 Chalk &Talk 2
10. 1 10 List the different sub windows of Matlab Desktop. 1 1 Discussion, Chalk 2
11. 1 11 Define command window. 1 1 Chalk &Talk 2
12. 1 12 What does the workspace contains? 1 1 Chalk &Talk 2

13. 1 13 What is the significance of editor window? 1 1 Chalk &Talk 2

14. 1 14 Describe the data types in Matlab. 1 2 Chalk &Talk 2

15. 1 15 Explain MATLAB interactive sessions with examples. 1 2 PPT/LCD 10
16. 1 16 List the applications of MATLAB. 1 1 PPT/LCD 5
17. 1 17 List the advantages and disadvantages of MATLAB. 1 1 Chalk & Talk, 5
18. 1 18 What is the use of figure window? 1 1 Chalk &Talk 2
19. 1 19 List different file formats in Matlab. 1 1 Chalk &Talk 2
20. 1 20 Define M-files in Matlab. 1 1 Chalk &Talk 2
21. 1 21 How a Matlab editor acts a debugger? 1 1 Chalk &Talk 2
22. 1 22 Compare the conditional and standard breakpoints. 1 2 Chalk &Talk 2
23. 1 23 Compare a script and function files in Matlab. 1 2 Chalk &Talk 2

24. 1 24 Explain menus and toolbars with example. 1 2 Chalk &Talk 10

25. 1 25 Explain MATLAB help system. 1 2 Chalk &Talk 10

26. 1 26 Explain the following 1 2 Chalk &Talk 10

a) Script files
b) Debugger
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Mode of Delivery/ Mark
Topic Learning Outcomes/ Question Bank/ MCQ/ Lab Experiments/ Tutorial Task
TLO. Unit Question Delivery Strategy/ s per
Labels to the right indicate: CO=Course Outcome, BL=BLOOMS level. CO BL
No: No: No (Activity)/ Q
On completion of the Lecture/ Tutorial/ Lab on a topic, students must be able to:
Instructions/ TLM
27. 1 27 Explain computing with MATLAB. 1 2 Chalk &Talk 10
28. 1 28 Explain the structure of ‘for loop’ in MATLAB. 1 2 Chalk &Talk 5

29. 1 29 Write a MATLAB program to generate Fibonacci series using for loop. 1 3 Chalk &Talk 5
30. 1 30 Explain the structure of ‘while loop’. 1 2 PPT/LCD 5
31. 1 31 Write a MATLAB program to find factorial of a given number. 1 3 PPT/LCD 5

32. 2 32 Define row and column vectors. 2 1 Chalk &Talk 2

33. 2 33 Define array and give one example. 2 1 Chalk &Talk 2

34. 2 34 Define array addressing with example. 2 1 Chalk &Talk 10
35. 2 35 Explain scalar and vector operations in MATLAB with examples. 2 2 PPT/LCD 5
36. 2 36 Explain about arrays operations in MATLAB. 2 2 PPT/LCD 5
37. 2 37 Write MATLAB syntax of the following with a programming example. 2 2 Chalk &Talk 10

i. Inverse matrix ii. Determinant matrix iii. Identity matrix

iv. Eigen values v. Transpose matrix vi. Hermitian Matrix

38. 2 38 Define two dimensional array with example. 2 1 Chalk &Talk 2

39. 2 39 List the uses of multidimensional arrays. 2 1 Chalk &Talk 2

40. 2 40 Compare array multiplication and element by element multiplication 2 2 Chalk &Talk 2
with example.
41. 2 41 Define array exponentiation with example. 2 1 Chalk &Talk 2

42. 2 42 List MATLAB commands used in polynomials. 1 2

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Mode of Delivery/ Mark
Topic Learning Outcomes/ Question Bank/ MCQ/ Lab Experiments/ Tutorial Task
TLO. Unit Question Delivery Strategy/ s per
Labels to the right indicate: CO=Course Outcome, BL=BLOOMS level. CO BL
No: No: No (Activity)/ Q
On completion of the Lecture/ Tutorial/ Lab on a topic, students must be able to:
Instructions/ TLM
43. 2 43 Define cell array with example. 2 1 Chalk &Talk 2

44. 2 44 Define multidimensional cell arrays with example. 2 1 Chalk &Talk 2

45. 2 45 List MATLAB commands used in cell arrays. 2 1 Chalk &Talk 2

46. 2 46 How to update the cell arrays. 2 1 Chalk &Talk 2

47. 2 47 Explain structure arrays. 2 2 Chalk &Talk 2

48. 2 48 Write MATLAB syntax to access a particular field in structure array. 2 1 Chalk &Talk 2

49. 2 49 Write a MATLAB code to display the student details using structure 2 3 Chalk &Talk 2
50. 2 50 Write a MATLAB code to display bike details using struct keyword. 2 3 PPT/LCD 5
51. 2 51 Explain cell arrays with example. 2 2 Chalk &Talk 10
52. 2 52 Explain structure arrays in MATLAB with example. 2 2 PPT/LCD 10
53. 2 53 Explain the structure of Multi-dimensional Arrays with example. 2 2 PPT/LCD 10
54. 2 54 Explain polynomials operations in MATLAB with example. 2 2 Chalk &Talk 10
55. 2 55 Perform the following Matrix operations with suitable programs. 2 2 Chalk &Talk 10
a) A.A-1= I b) (AB)-1=B-1.A-1 e) (A’)’= A
c) C=A+B d) C=A*B
56. 2 56 Write a MATLAB code to verify the properties of determinant matrix. 2 2 Chalk &Talk 2
57. 2 57 Write a MATLAB code to verify the properties of inverse matrix. 2 2 PPT/LCD 2
58. 2 58 Write a MATLAB code to verify the properties of transpose matrix. 2 2 Chalk &Talk 2
59. 2 59 Write a MATLAB code to find Eigen values and Eigen vectors. 2 2 Chalk &Talk 2


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Mode of Delivery/ Mark
Topic Learning Outcomes/ Question Bank/ MCQ/ Lab Experiments/ Tutorial Task
TLO. Unit Question Delivery Strategy/ s per
Labels to the right indicate: CO=Course Outcome, BL=BLOOMS level. CO BL
No: No: No (Activity)/ Q
On completion of the Lecture/ Tutorial/ Lab on a topic, students must be able to:
Instructions/ TLM
60. 3 60 Define Global Variables. 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2
61. 3 61 Explain Local variables and global variables with examples. 3 2 Chalk &Talk 10

62. 3 62 Define a function in MATLAB. 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2

63. 3 63 How do you run a function in MATLAB? 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2
64. 3 64 Define a mathematical function? 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2
65. 3 65 Explain elementary mathematical functions in MATLAB with example. 3 2 Chalk &Talk 10
66. 3 66 Explain Trigonometric functions in MATLAB with example. 3 2 Chalk &Talk 10

67. 3 67 List any four elementary number functions. 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2

68. 3 68 Define a user defined function. 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2
69. 3 69 Explain user defined functions with examples. 3 2 Chalk &Talk 10

70. 3 70 How to create function file? 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2

71. 3 71 Define Anonymous functions. 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2
72. 3 72 Define inline functions. 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2
73. 3 73 Define recursive functions. 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2
74. 3 74 Define Nested functions. 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2
75. 3 75 Define private functions? 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2
76. 3 76 Explain advanced MATLAB functions. 3 2 Chalk &Talk 10

77. 3 77 Explain data import and export in MATLAB. 3 2 Chalk &Talk 2

78. 3 78 List the standard file formats supported by MATLAB? 3 1 PPT/LCD 2

79. 3 79 List any four functions used to perform I/O operation on delimited and 3 1 PPT/LCD 2
formatted text files? PROJECTOR
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Mode of Delivery/ Mark
Topic Learning Outcomes/ Question Bank/ MCQ/ Lab Experiments/ Tutorial Task
TLO. Unit Question Delivery Strategy/ s per
Labels to the right indicate: CO=Course Outcome, BL=BLOOMS level. CO BL
No: No: No (Activity)/ Q
On completion of the Lecture/ Tutorial/ Lab on a topic, students must be able to:
Instructions/ TLM
80. 3 80 How to write a formatted data to a text file? 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2
81. 3 81 How to read formatted data from a text file? 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2
82. 3 82 List any four data conversion characters. 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2
83. 3 83 How to create an Excel spreadsheet from a text file. 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2
84. 3 84 List the commands required to perform I/O operations on text files. 3 1 Chalk &Talk 2
85. 3 85 Explain I/O Control in MATLAB with an example. 3 2 Chalk &Talk 10

86. 3 86 Explain MATLAB data files with programming examples. 3 2 Chalk &Talk 10

87. 3 87 Write a MATLAB code to find magnitude, angle, real part, and 3 2 Chalk &Talk 10
imaginary part of the number √ (2+6i).
Unit:04:Programming Techniques
88. 4 88 Define program design in matlab. 4 1 Chalk &Talk 2
89. 4 89 Define program development in matlab? 4 1 Chalk &Talk 10
90. 4 90 Explain the instruction execution cycle in MATLAB. 4 2 Chalk &Talk 10

91. 4 91 Define relational operators in matlab. 4 1 Chalk &Talk 2

92. 4 92 List any four relational functions. 4 1 Chalk &Talk 2
93. 4 93 Explain relational operators with examples. 4 2 Chalk &Talk 10

94. 4 94 List any four logical operators in Matlab. 4 1 Chalk &Talk 2

95. 4 95 List any four bit-wise logical operators. 4 1 PPT/LCD 2
96. 4 96 Explain logical operators with example programs. 4 2 Chalk &Talk 10

97. 4 97 List any four logical variables in Matlab. 4 1 Chalk &Talk 2

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Mode of Delivery/ Mark
Topic Learning Outcomes/ Question Bank/ MCQ/ Lab Experiments/ Tutorial Task
TLO. Unit Question Delivery Strategy/ s per
Labels to the right indicate: CO=Course Outcome, BL=BLOOMS level. CO BL
No: No: No (Activity)/ Q
On completion of the Lecture/ Tutorial/ Lab on a topic, students must be able to:
Instructions/ TLM
98. 4 98 Explain logical functions with example programs. 4 2 Chalk &Talk 10

99. 4 99 Define if-conditional statements with syntaxes. 4 1 Chalk &Talk 2

100. 4 100 Write the syntax of switch conditional statement. 4 1 Chalk &Talk 2
101. 4 101 Write the syntax of nested-if structures. 4 1 Chalk &Talk 2
102. 4 102 Explain if statement, else if statement with examples. 4 2 Chalk &Talk 10

103. 4 103 Explain switch structure with example. 4 2 Chalk &Talk 10

104. 4 104 Define subplot with syntax. 4 1 PPT/LCD 2

105. 4 105 Define overlay plots. 4 1 PPT/LCD 2
106. 4 106 Explain the different methods to generate overlay plots? 4 2 Chalk &Talk 10
107. 4 107 Explain the following 4 2 Chalk &Talk 10

a) Sub plots b) overlay plots c) 3-D plots d) Legend e)

Color Pallete

108. 4 108 Write the syntax and example for for-loop. 4 1 Chalk &Talk 2
109. 4 109 Write the syntax and example for while-loop. 4 1 Chalk &Talk 2

110. 4 110 List any four special 2d functions. 4 1 Chalk &Talk 2

111. 4 111 Define XY-plotting functions in matlab. 4 1 PPT/LCD 2

112. 4 112 Write the syntax for matlab’s basic graphic command. 4 1 Chalk &Talk 2
113. 4 113 Explain 2-D plotting functions with examples. 4 2 Chalk &Talk 10

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Mode of Delivery/ Mark
Topic Learning Outcomes/ Question Bank/ MCQ/ Lab Experiments/ Tutorial Task
TLO. Unit Question Delivery Strategy/ s per
Labels to the right indicate: CO=Course Outcome, BL=BLOOMS level. CO BL
No: No: No (Activity)/ Q
On completion of the Lecture/ Tutorial/ Lab on a topic, students must be able to:
Instructions/ TLM
114. 4 114 List any four 3D plotting functions. 4 1 Chalk &Talk 2
115. 4 115 Define regression in matlab. 4 1 PPT/LCD 2
Unit:05:Linear Algebraic Equations
116. 5 116 Define linear system. 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

117. 5 117 What is the purpose of linear equations? 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

118. 5 118 What is a linear equation in math? 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

119. 5 119 What is a linear system in control system? 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

120. 5 120 What is the general form of a linear equation? 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

121. 5 121 Write a linear equation in standard form. 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

122. 5 122 Write the standard form of an equation? 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

123. 5 123 What is the significance of Matlab in solving the linear systems? 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

124. 5 124 Define Linear System of Equations. 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

125. 5 125 Define the solution of linear systems of equations. 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

126. 5 126 How do you solve systems of linear equations? 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

127. 5 127 Write a MATLAB code for left division method to solve the following 5 3 Chalk &Talk 5

COURSE PLAN Page 8of 10
Mode of Delivery/ Mark
Topic Learning Outcomes/ Question Bank/ MCQ/ Lab Experiments/ Tutorial Task
TLO. Unit Question Delivery Strategy/ s per
Labels to the right indicate: CO=Course Outcome, BL=BLOOMS level. CO BL
No: No: No (Activity)/ Q
On completion of the Lecture/ Tutorial/ Lab on a topic, students must be able to:
Instructions/ TLM
b) 2x1 +9x2 =5
3x1 -4x2 =7

128. 5 128 Explain Elementary solution methods with example programs. 5 2 Chalk &Talk 5

129. 5 129 Write a MATLAB code to solve the following set using Gaussian 5 3 Chalk &Talk 5
elimination method

3 x-y+2=6

130. 5 130 How to solve the given systems of linear equations in elementary 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2
solution method?
131. 5 131 How to solve the given systems using Gaussian Elimination approach? 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

132. 5 132 Define echelon form of a matrix. 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

133. 5 133 Define the augmented matrix. 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

134. 5 134 Define the rank of a matrix. 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

135. 5 135 Explain matrix methods for linear equations with examples. 5 2 Chalk &Talk 5

136. 5 136 Explain in Cramer’s method to solve the linear system of equations with 5 2 Chalk &Talk 10

137. 5 137 Solve the following systems for y using Cramer’s method with matlab 5 3 Chalk &Talk 10

COURSE PLAN Page 9of 10
Mode of Delivery/ Mark
Topic Learning Outcomes/ Question Bank/ MCQ/ Lab Experiments/ Tutorial Task
TLO. Unit Question Delivery Strategy/ s per
Labels to the right indicate: CO=Course Outcome, BL=BLOOMS level. CO BL
No: No: No (Activity)/ Q
On completion of the Lecture/ Tutorial/ Lab on a topic, students must be able to:
Instructions/ TLM
138. 5 138 Define determined system. 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

139. 5 139 Write a MATLAB code to find a unique solution for the following set. 5 3 Chalk &Talk 10


140. 5 140 Define homogeneous system of equations. 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

141. 5 141 Define a homogeneous function. 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

142. 5 142 Can an underdetermined system of equations have a unique solution? 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

143. 5 143 Define an underdetermined system. 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

5 144 Explain in detail about undetermined systems. 5 2 Chalk &Talk 10

144. 5 145 Define an over determined system. 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

145. 5 146 Can a system be over determined and consistent? 5 1 Chalk &Talk 2

146. 5 147 Explain over determined systems. 5 2 Chalk &Talk 5

147. 5 148 Find the solution using MATLAB for the given over determined set for 5 3 Chalk &Talk 5
two cases C=9, c=10


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