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Name: _______________________________ Date: __________________

Asthma Word Fill-In

Directions: Use the terms in the word bank to fill in the blanks below.

Word Bank
chest controller inflammation
spirometry symptoms wheezing
rescue medication triggers healthy
human respiratory system medications pollution
puffer chronic asthma

Asthma is a ________________ disease that affects the

_________________. Shortness of breath, _________________, coughing,

and a tight or tickly feeling in the _________________are all symptoms of

_______________. A doctor may do a peak flow test or a ________________

test to make a diagnosis. Dust, dander, _________________, smoke, mould,

and cold air are common asthma _________________. Triggers can cause

constriction and _________________ of the bronchial lining. There is no cure

for asthma, but there are two types of _________________ to help people with

asthma manage their _________________: reliever medication (also known as

_________________) and _________________ medication (also known as

preventer medication). Both types of medicine come in a _________________.

If you have asthma, the best way to stay _________________ is to notice

symptoms, avoid triggers, and use your medications.

© 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Answer Key: Asthma Word Fill-In
Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the human respiratory system.

Shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and a tight or tickly feeling in the

chest are all symptoms of asthma. A doctor may do a peak flow test or a

spirometry test to make a diagnosis. Dust, dander, pollution, smoke, mould,

and cold air are common asthma triggers. Triggers can cause constriction and

inflammation of the bronchial lining. There is no cure for asthma, but there are

two types of medications to help people with asthma manage their symptoms:

reliever medication (also known as rescue medication) and controller

medication (also known as preventer medication). Both types of medicine come

in a puffer. If you have asthma, the best way to stay healthy is to notice

symptoms, avoid triggers, and use your medications.

© 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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