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As of now Meralco is nationally known as a household name and is the largest distributor of
electricity in the Philippines. As time goes by, there are some alternatives that are introduced in the
market, like the solar panels, which is one of the threats Meralco is facing. Years from now, one cannot
guarantee that Meralco will still be acclaimed as the largest distributor of electricity in the nation.

People Needed Activity Resources Schedule (Estimated)

 To investigate and assess just
how feasible to invest or
subsidize in a solar panel
provider (to eliminate and
prepare for future
 Research and
competitors of the company) 1 - 2 years
Researchers development fund
 To conduct field work in areas
 Human resource
around the country to
observe and collect data
about average electrical usage
in a household

 Based on the collected data

done by the researchers, they
will examine the costs of
producing solar panels, how
much would it cost the
consumers, will it be a loss or  Gathered
gain for the company to information and 3 months
slowly produce and provide data
solar power as an option for
the public, etc.
 To handle and provide an
estimate in the financial
aspect of the project
 Plan meetings to pitch
proposal and findings to the
higher-ups or the authorities
involved, and to ask for their
 To track budgets , ensure the
smooth flow of operations,
Project Manager 1 - 3 years
and that the project is
progressing according to the
timeline given
 To troubleshoot issues and
communicate with suppliers
or other people involved in
the project
 To give status reports to
higher-ups and making
changes as necessary
 To strategically plan how to
engage the public and come
up with marketing strategies
to promote the use of solar
Social Marketing energy and its cost efficiency
 Fund for
and  To market to the public and
advertising (mass 3 - 4 months
Communications introduce the possibility of
and social media)
Team switching to solar energy;
emphasize and entice the
selected demographic of the
benefits and advantages of
switching to solar energy
 To carry out the necessary
Rank and File procedures of the company
Staff once the new project is made
known to the public

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