UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11

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Corporate Plan 2010-11

UK Overview List of UKTI Locations Overseas
UKTI is present in the following overseas locations

Regional Development Agencies

Devolved Administrations
UKTI Office Algeria China Hong Kong Libya Qatar Tanzania
1 London Algiers Beijing & Macao Tripoli Doha Dar es Salaam
2 Glasgow Angola Chongqing Hong Kong Lithuania Romania Thailand
3 Cambridge Luanda Guangzhou Hungary Vilnius Bucharest Bangkok
4 Bovington Argentina Shanghai Budapest 1Luxembourg Russia Trinidad &
5 Larkhill Buenos Aires Colombia Iceland Luxembourg Ekaterinburg Tobago
Australia Bogotá Reykjavik Malaysia Moscow Port of Spain
UKTI International Trade Directors Brisbane Costa Rica India Kuala Lumpur St Petersburg Tunisia
1 London* Melbourne San José Ahmedabad Mexico Saudi Arabia Tunis
3 Cambridge* Perth Croatia Bangalore Guadalajara al-Khobar Turkey
6 Birmingham* Sydney Zagreb Chandigarh Mexico City Jeddah Ankara
7 Bristol† Austria Cuba Chennai Monterrey Riyadh Istanbul
8 Guildford* Vienna Havana Hyderabad Tijuana Serbia Izmir
9 Leeds* Azerbaijan Cyprus Kolkata Villahermosa Belgrade 2UAE

10 Newcastle* Baku Nicosia Mumbai Morocco Singapore Abu Dhabi

11 Nottingham* Bahrain Czech Republic New Delhi Casablanca Singapore Dubai
12 Warrington* Manama Prague Pune Rabat Slovakia Uganda
Bangladesh Denmark Indonesia 1Netherlands Bratislava Kampala
* Co-located with the Regional Development Agencies
Dhaka Copenhagen Jakarta The Hague Slovenia
† Co-located with Government Offices Ukraine
Barbados Dominican Iraq New Zealand Ljubljana Kyiv
Bridgetown Republic Baghdad Auckland South Africa USA
1Belgium Santo Domingo Ireland Nigeria Cape Town Boston
Brussels Ecuador Dublin Abuja Durban Chicago
10 Israel Lagos Johannesburg
Bosnia & Quito Houston
Herzegovina Egypt Tel Aviv Port Harcourt South Korea Los Angeles
Sarajevo Alexandria Italy Norway Seoul Miami
Brazil Cairo Milan Oslo Spain New York
Brasilia Estonia Naples Occupied Barcelona San Francisco
9 Rome
Porto Alegre Tallinn Palestine Bilbao Washington DC
Recife Ethiopia Jamaica Jerusalem Madrid Venezuela
12 Rio de Janeiro Addis Ababa Kingston Oman Caracas
11 São Paulo Finland Japan Muscat Vietnam
Sri Lanka
Brunei Helsinki Osaka Pakistan Hanoi
Bandar Seri Tokyo Islamabad
France Sudan Ho Chi Minh
Begawan Bordeaux Jordan Karachi City
6 Khartoum
3 Bulgaria Lille Amman Lahore Sweden Yemen
Sofia Lyon Kazakhstan Panama Sana’a
7 Canada Paris Astana Panama City
Atyrau Switzerland
1 Calgary Germany Peru Berne
5 8 Montreal Berlin Kenya Lima
Nairobi Geneva 1 Although three
Ottawa Düsseldorf Philippines countries with separate
Toronto Kuwait Syria
Munich Manila Posts, Belgium,
Vancouver Kuwait City Aleppo Netherlands and
4 Ghana Poland Damascus Luxembourg are
Chile Accra Latvia Warsaw
treated as one market;

Santiago Riga Taiwan Benelux.

Greece Portugal Kaohsiung 2 Although one country
Athens Lebanon Lisbon and one market, they
Taipei are provided with
Beirut separate targets.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 1

International Market

UKTI has a global

network of staff in
162 locations, in
96 markets.

These markets cover

in excess of 98% of
global gross
domestic product.

Our global network

consists of 1,300
staff, of whom

1,100 are locally

engaged, the
majority with private
sector experience.

UKTI Presence
UKTI Office

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 2 UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 3


Chief Executive’s Foreword  06

Our Mission, Our Aim and Our Vision  07

Executive Summary 08

Chapter 1 Introduction 10

Chapter 2 Our Targets  11

Chapter 3 Working with UK Business  15

Chapter 4 Our Services and Products  22

Chapter 5 Delivering for UK Business in 2010 27

Chapter 6 Our People 33

Chapter 7 Organisation and Budgets 35

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 5

Chief Executive’s Foreword

2009 was a challenging year. UK high-growth international companies.

Trade & Investment (UKTI) delivered Our targets remain central to all our
crucial business support and services actions. That and our focus on what
throughout this difficult period, which our customers want.
helped companies to grow globally
and to overcome barriers to We face 2010 from a position of
international trade. Despite the strength. We will contribute to the
economic downturn and the reduction efficiency challenges and play our part
in global trade, UKTI has exceeded its in providing greater value for money.
targets for businesses assisted in the Whatever the political developments
year to date. We should be proud of I have every confidence that UKTI
this. But we will need to do even will continue to be seen as one of
better in the year to come. the best organisations of its kind in
the world and as an efficient,
As the UK and global economies customer focused body.
recover, UKTI will continue to play a
key role in UK business success. Our In conclusion, I would like to Sir Andrew Cahn KCMG
work helps UK companies exploit the quote the report of the House of Chief Executive of
benefits of exporting, ensuring they Commons Business, Innovation and UK Trade & Investment
are best placed to make the most of Skills Committee “Exporting out of
the opportunities of globalisation and Recession”. It described UKTI as “a
growth in some markets around the highly adept organisation whose
world. At the same time, we have an services are valued by business. We
important role to play in attracting are once again impressed by the
high quality investment to the UK. dedication and professionalism of the
staff that we met” and added that:
To succeed we have continually to “UKTI is a highly successful
showcase the excellence at the heart government agency which is well
of UK business and the expertise we respected by business. The current
have to offer the world. We must financial situation has put UKTI at
remember that the UK continues to be the heart of government economic
the preferred environment from which policy. If the country is to be
businesses can grow, offering a successful in exporting its way out of
diverse, knowledge-based economy, recession, UKTI will need to continue
with strengths across a wide range of its vital role of bringing together the
sectors and, with one of the most best of both the public and private
open economies in the world, the sectors – and the rest of Government
ideal place for high-quality overseas needs to become more aware of the
investment. opportunities for business in their
own areas of operation.”
Like everyone else, our resources will
be under pressure in the coming year. I agree wholeheartedly, and with that
We will therefore focus on those areas endorsement sounding in our ears, we
most likely to deliver benefits to the must now set to work in delivering for
UK economy, by significantly UK businesses and helping the UK
extending our outreach to UK economy to recover.
exporters and targeting innovative and

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 6 Return to Contents

Our Mission
To deliver maximum value for the UK economy
and for business in an increasingly globalised
and competitive world, and to market the UK
as a springboard for global growth.

Our Aim
To add value to the UK economy by helping
business succeed internationally.

Our Vision
To be the most successful trade and investment
organisation in the world.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 7 Return to Contents

Executive Summary

Going forward we 1. The UKTI Corporate Plan 2010/11

sets out what our targets are for
• Continue to work in partnership:
with the many business specialists
must look for this year, how we intend to deliver we have available, with our sector
them and the resources we have at advisory groups, marketing
opportunities where our disposal. All of which will show strategy boards and our Business
UKTI can help deliver how we plan to deliver our
contribution to two Departmental

growth in the economy Strategic Objectives: • Continue to ensure we are a

client-focused organisation,
and the jobs market. The Department for Business, working with UK business
Innovation and Skills (BIS): through Account Management
Promote the creation and growth of and other services to ensure that
business and a strong enterprise our services and resources are
economy across all regions, suitably aligned.
The Foreign and Commonwealth
Office (FCO): 4. Going forward we must look for
Support the British economy. opportunities where UKTI can help
deliver growth in the economy and
2. UKTI has a vitally important role the jobs market. We need to
to play in helping the UK grow out recognise the opportunities that
of the recession. Exporting can be will exist in the future global
crucial to the survival of companies economy, in particular those that
in difficult times. It can help can deliver a low carbon future.
companies to achieve growth not International efforts to mitigate the
otherwise possible, and can help effects of climate change present
companies utilise capacity fully, an unprecedented opportunity for
reducing dependency on certain the UK to transform its economy
markets, exposing them to new and capitalise on global demand for
ideas, and increasing the low carbon goods and services
commercial lifespan of their arising out of international climate
products. Those companies that can change policy. Through an
capitalise on these opportunities environment of business innovation
will be best placed to grow and and collaboration, the UK is well
help deliver the UK from recession. placed to drive the global shift to a
low carbon future, seizing
3. To maximise these opportunities opportunities across all sectors of
for UK business, UKTI must the international economy.
continue with the work we have
had in place for some years now,

• Continue to market the unique

selling points of the UK and to
promote the benefits of exporting
and the role we can play in
helping companies to trade

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 8 Return to Contents

5. To succeed in helping the UK
economy we must deliver and
8. It will be important to remember
that delivery of our targets next
To succeed in helping
exceed all our targets, remember year will be set against the context the UK economy we
that quantity without quality is not of ongoing global economic
enough, and could damage our pressures and it will be a challenge must deliver and
reputation. for us to achieve our targets. In
addition, we can expect all
exceed all our targets,
6. Latest independent survey results Government departments to be remember that quantity
show that UKTI assisted 23,700 under increasing resource pressure.
companies to exploit opportunities We must ready ourselves for the without quality is not
in overseas markets over the last 12
months, generating over £3.6
challenges of the future by looking
at creative ways to deliver our
enough, and could
billion of added value to the UK services and new ways to deliver damage our reputation.
economy. Some 90 per cent of our objectives, while continuing to
UKTI’s trade customers are SMEs, use our budget as efficiently as
reflecting the overall population of possible.
exporters in the economy. UKTI also
helped to maintain the UK as a 9. Finally, it is important to
world-class destination for foreign recognise that it is our people who
direct investment (FDI) with deliver our services and who
significant involvement in 600 out achieve our targets. To do this
of 1,744 new investment projects appropriately we need to get the
to the UK in 2008/09. right people with the right skills
into the right posts when we need
7. However, we did not do quite so them. We want them to work
well with our quality and professionally and effectively,
satisfaction targets, where we developing their skills and capability
achieved 76% quality and 75% within an inclusive culture based on
satisfaction against targets of 80% excellent leadership and best
for each. We need to remember management practice. We will
that, in order to deliver real benefits continue to work on putting the
to business and make a real ICE principles (Inspire,
difference to the economy, our Communicate, and Empower) into
services have to be of a high action. We believe our efforts to
quality. That is why we are date have paid off, but we also
introducing the “Improving our recognise that we can do more.
Customer Experience” workshop. It is
important for us all to remember
that our targets reflect the
successful delivery of our services
to satisfied customers.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 9 Return to Contents

Chapter 1

Top Ten Facts about UKTI This plan is principally for all those However, these benefits cannot be
who work for UKTI to help deliver realised in full by the private sector
the organisation’s objectives, alone because of the existence of
No. 1 – UKTI trade supported by a set of more detailed market failures. This is where UKTI
Group Business Plans. can intervene, providing cost-
services generate an effective ways of addressing these
estimated 16:1 benefit- This plan covers the final year of the market failures.
Comprehensive Spending Review
to-cost ratio. In other (CSR) 2007 period: 2010-11. We will 1.4 In the current challenging
amend the plan as necessary as economic climate, it is more
words, every £1 UKTI priorities change or when new important than ever that UKTI help
spends generates objectives emerge. business to make the most of
global opportunities and manage
£16 of benefits for 1.1 UK Trade & Investment is the the risks of doing business
government organisation that helps internationally. Exporting can be
the UK economy. UK-based companies succeed in the crucial to the survival of companies
global economy and assists overseas in difficult times and it can help
2009/10 data companies to bring their high- them to achieve growth not
quality investment to the UK. otherwise possible. It can also allow
companies to:
1.2 We have two parent
departments: the Department for • utilise capacity fully,
Business, Innovation and Skills
(BIS), and the Foreign and • reduce dependency on certain
Commonwealth Office (FCO). We markets,
also work in close partnership with
the Ministry of Defence (MOD), • expose them to new ideas, and
drawing employees and associated
running costs from both parent • increase the commercial lifespan
departments, as well as employees of products.
on loan from the MOD. We also
have our own stream of programme 1.5 UKTI clients consistently cite the
funding. Further detail is available importance of UKTI support in
in Chapter 7. helping them overcome barriers to
new overseas markets. This plan will
1.3 There are clear economic set out the targets we have to
benefits for the UK of increased achieve, how we go about delivering
international trade and investment3. our services, what those services are
and the resources we use.

3 This case was set out in DTI Economics Paper No.18, “International Trade and Investment – the Economic
Rationale for Government Support”, July 2006, available on the BIS website,

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 10 Return to Contents

Chapter 2
Our Targets

UKTI’s 2008/09 – 2010/11

Strategic Objective:
These are, therefore,
2.2 Our targets are detailed below4. very difficult times in
By 2011, deliver measurable Unless otherwise stated,
improvement in the business performance to date figures reflect which UKTI operates
performance of UK Trade &
Investment’s international trade
Financial Year up to January 2010.
and we must
customers, with an emphasis on 2.3 We must consider our remember this when
innovative and R&D-active firms; performance in the context of
increase the contribution of foreign significant reductions in global we consider the
direct investment to knowledge-
intensive economic activity in the
trade and investment; a recent
World Bank forecast is that volumes
challenge of achieving
UK, including R&D; and deliver a of world trade in goods and our CSR Targets.
measurable improvement in the services are expected to have
reputation of the UK in leading dropped 6.1 per cent in 20095, and
overseas markets as the international that global GDP is expected to have
business partner of choice. contracted by 1.7 per cent in 2009.
The United Nations Conference on
2.1 The effective delivery of our Trade and Development estimates
services, and the achievement of all major falls in global investment
our targets, is vital to our success flows in 2009. These are, therefore,
in helping UK businesses and the very difficult times in which UKTI
UK economy to rise out of the operates and we must remember
recession. this when we consider the challenge
of achieving our CSR Targets.

4 UKTI’s Performance Management Framework, providing further details

of our targets, can be found at
5 Figures from the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee (BISCOMM)
report, “Exporting out of recession” published 28 January 2010.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 11 Return to Contents

Title Target Performance to date
Attract high-value Achieve at least 525 involved investment successes 600 inward investment
foreign direct per year, of which: successes in FY 2008/09.
investment to the UK. HV successes confirmed
• At least 125 should be high value. by PIMS are 268 for FY
2008/09. GQ successes
• At least 285 should be good quality. confirmed by PIMS are
139. The sum of HV and
• At least 70 per cent should agree that UKTI or its RDA GQ successes confirmed
delivery partner had significant favourable influence by PIMS is 407 (against
on the decision to locate or expand in the UK or on combined HV and GQ
the scale or scope of the project. targets of 410). Similarly,
72% of clients agreed
• At least 30 or more of the good quality/high value significant favourable
projects should involve additional R&D activity in influence, and 49 of the
the UK. GQ/ HV projects involved
additional R&D.
Improve the performance Help at least 20,000 businesses per year to exploit 23,700 businesses
of UK businesses by overseas opportunities, of which: assisted. Of which
helping them 19,800 innovative.
internationalise. • At least 12,000 should be innovative.
53 per cent business
• At least 50 per cent of all business groups should improvement.
improve their performance as a result of UKTI support.
Grow UK R&D activity Help 1,000 or more businesses increase their UK R&D 2,110 increased R&D
through business activity, including at least 70 foreign direct investment activity.
internationalisation. R&D projects.
Improve UK’s reputation Achieve a measurable improvement in the reputation of No change in 2009
as the international the UK’s business strengths – in particular, in a defined against benchmarking
business partner of choice. set of sectors and in a set of named markets. survey. Final progress
report due in 2010/11.
Boost operational Achieve 80 per cent quality ratings and 80 per cent 76 per cent quality.
performance & satisfaction ratings across both trade and inward
professionalism. investment services. 75 per cent satisfaction.
Increase operational Increase UKTI’s revenue from charging for trade services £4.4 million.
revenue. to £4 million in 2010/11.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 12 Return to Contents

Performance Reporting 2.7 PIMS results are our key Top Ten Facts about UKTI
performance measurement tool. The
2.4 The key source of data for outcomes are provided to the
measuring performance is the Executive Board, allowing for No. 2 – Some 90 per
Customer Relationship Management consideration of performance against
(CRM) system, which provides the targets and ensuring that services cent of all UKTI trade
foundation information used within deliver value for money. We also customers are SMEs;
our Performance and Impact publish assessments of performance
Monitoring Survey (PIMS). against our targets twice annually, in two-thirds with fewer
the “Autumn Performance Report”,
2.5 CRM provides UKTI employees covering the period to end of than 50 staff.
worldwide with a single view into September, and then the full year in
customer history, allowing us to share the “Departmental Report and Resource
relevant customer information across Accounts”.
the organisation and avoid
duplication of effort. In this way, 2.8 We need to deliver and exceed
CRM can help us enhance the quality all our targets, in terms of both
and professionalism of the service we quantity and quality. To reiterate
provide to customers. CRM also this message, we will shortly roll
provides the core information used out the “Improving Our Customer
within PIMS and because of this it is Experience” workshop, which was
vital that we record fully and produced in follow-up to the UKTI
accurately all customer interactions, Leadership Conference.
service deliveries and active and
successful inward investment projects.
To underline the importance of this, Our Targets and You
all CRM users are required to meet a
100 per cent accuracy target for 2.9 Our key targets are reflected in
entering customer data onto the individual targets for the English
CRM system within 48 hours. Regions, Overseas Posts and HQ.
Employees now need to focus their
2.6 PIMS is an independent survey attention on hitting each of those to
of our performance, carried out on which they individually contribute.
our behalf by a leading market The following diagram is designed to
research organisation, OMB6. At the help them think about how their
end of each year, the independent personal objectives contribute to the
OMB organisation conducts a PIMS delivery of these targets, then to
telephone survey of inward UKTI’s strategic objectives, and
investment customers and reports thereby the relevant departmental
against the high value, good quality strategic objectives for BIS and the
and R&D measures, as well as FCO.
measuring service quality and
customer satisfaction. Separately,
OMB conduct quarterly PIMS
surveys of UKTI’s trade customers
and measures performance against 6 PIMS Research Reports, providing quarterly assessments of our performance,
our targets. can be found at

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 13 Return to Contents

Departmental Strategic Objectives


Increase innovation, enterprise and the growth of Support the British economy.
business, with a focus on new industrial
opportunities and bringing benefits to all regions.

Ukti Strategic Objective – 2008/09 – 2010/11

Deliver measurable improvement in the business performance of UK Trade & Investment’s international
trade customers, with an emphasis on innovative and R&D-active firms; increase the contribution of
foreign direct investment to knowledge-intensive economic activity in the UK, including R&D; and
deliver a measurable improvement in the reputation of the UK in leading overseas markets as the
international business partner of choice.

UKTI’s Targets

1. Attract 2. Improve the 3. Increase the 4. Improve the

high-value foreign performance of UK quantity of R&D UK’s reputation as
direct investment businesses by activity in the UK the international
to the UK. helping them through business business partner of
internationalise. internationalisation. choice.

5. Improve UKTI’s operational performance:

a: Increase professionalism.
b: Increase charging.

UKTI Corporate Plan

Overseas Posts
Regional Offices
Regional Development Agencies & Devolved Administrations
International Sectors Group Business Group Defence & Marketing Group
Group Security Organisation
IT & Finance Strategy & Human Economics & Olympics – The
Group Resources Group Evaluation Team 2012 Legacy Unit

Personal Objectives

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 14 Return to Contents

Chapter 3
Working with UK Business

It is widely recognised that success

in trade and investment will be key
and excellent customer feedback:
“I have never exhibited at a better
“I have never
to the UK economy’s ability to targeted or better organised show, exhibited at a better
grow out of the recession. with such consistently high quality
Accordingly, it will be more delegates”. targeted or better
important than ever that we build
upon the foundations of UKTI’s • Advanced Engineering Brazil –
organised show, with
successful delivery to business. the attendance of the Brawn GP such consistently high
and Williams F1 Teams helped
3.1 The importance of trade and showcase UK capability in quality delegates.”
investment to the UK’s ability to advanced engineering and
continue to grow out of recession attracted high levels of media
is clear, UKTI must continue to: coverage. Thirty-eight UK
companies and 106 Brazilian
• sell UK strengths abroad and delegates took part in interactive
showcase UK sectoral excellence, panel discussions, company
exhibitions and pre-arranged
• provide great advice and support business meetings. UK delegates
to British exporters – including have forecast that within three
through partnership deals with years, some £5 million of business
key service providers like British will be generated as a result of
Airways and others, and their participation in this event.

• secure valuable investment • UK attendance at the Consumer

projects. Electronics Show in Las Vegas –
ten companies were successful in
3.2 Last year, the importance of a UKTI competition and were
our role was recognised when we offered space at the largest
received a £10 million increase in consumer electronics event in the
funding specifically to support world. Fantastic media coverage
events promoting UK sector included The Sun referring to
expertise in the UK and abroad. The UKTI’s drive to help companies
funds are for a two-year period: £5 internationalise.
million in 2009/10 and £5 million
in 2010/11. In 2009/10, this • Medica 2009 – UKTI had a
funding helped support: substantially increased presence
at the world’s largest healthcare
• Technology World 2009 – we show providing partnering
were able to fund a much larger facilities and low cost exhibition
event this year with over 540 UK space for the UK delegation of
companies meeting 200 overseas over 300 companies. Initial
delegates from more than 50 reports estimate over £14 million
countries. Initial reports estimate of business was done at the event
that over £10 million worth of and customer feedback supported
business was achieved at the UKTI’s enhanced presence.
event with further success
expected in the coming months

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 15 Return to Contents

• Arab Health 2010 – UKTI took a Following a recent successful trade 3.4 All of our success reflects well
different approach at this show, mission to Nottingham, led by both on UKTI’s existing strategy, and it is
which is the second largest the British Ambassador and the therefore right that we continue to:
healthcare show internationally and Mayor of Timisoara, plans are
of increasing importance for UK underway for further trade • Focus on our trade and
companies. UKTI exhibited at a missions, in both directions, which investment targets.
high profile stand in the main will generate opportunities for
concourse providing partnering British business in areas such as • Work to boost the reputation of
facilities, international buyers and environment, water, urban the UK as a springboard for
commercial officers for the 192 UK regeneration and rail. Strong global growth.
companies to meet. Initial reports co-operation throughout by key
indicate over £16 million of stakeholders such as Nottingham • Strive to improve quality and
business done at the event, and a Council, Chamber and University, satisfaction.
very substantial increase in media has enabled us to make a real
coverage of the UK presence in the impact in a targeted and strategic • Continue to promote the business
Middle East. UK companies way. A key outcome of this potential of high-growth markets.
attending the show provided initiative is to develop a plan for a
excellent feedback: “UKTI were programme of exchange between 3.5 We know that UKTI can deliver
instrumental in the success we’ve had Nottingham and Timisoara that will growth in the economy and jobs,
at the show, we used all their services operate as a stand-alone support and has the evidence to back this
and identified a distributor with process once UKTI funding has up. But, if we are to continue
whom we are likely to work”. ceased. doing this we must constantly
aspire to improve the support we
• UKTI East Midlands and the British 3.3 Other successful sectoral events provide.
Embassy, Bucharest, have been included the Corporate Training
building on the partnership Fair in Vienna, which saw the
agreement recently signed by the Education & Skills team and Posts
civic leaders of Nottingham and in central Europe bringing 100
their counterparts in the Romanian delegates to the Corporate Training
city of Timisoara. The two cities are Network Fair. With Sectors Group
of a comparable size and Timisoara selecting UK companies with
faces similar regeneration issues as relevant expertise, Posts best
Nottingham faced in the 1970s matching overseas delegates against
and 1980s. These efforts will allow this expertise, and UK regions
Nottingham businesses, specifically promoting the event to local
SMEs, to help the Romanian city contacts and arranging OMIS,
with its huge regeneration it was a great example of UKTI
programme (and maximise the use delivering as one organisation.
of substantial EU funding).

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 16 Return to Contents

Marketing the UK board, each strategy will build a Top Ten Facts about UKTI
strong high-level partnership
3.6 UKTI will therefore continue to between the public and private
market the UK as a springboard to sector, enabling us to: identify No. 3 – British
global growth, built on three UK strengths, develop and roll out
unique selling points (USPs): strong marketing messages founded companies attribute
on evidence, and focus activity on an additional £3.6
• Business environment: where, together, we can make the
appropriate regulation, strong most difference and add the billion of profit as a
intellectual property protection, greatest value in terms of
flexible workforce. reputation and new business. direct result of
The Financial Services Marketing working with UKTI.
• Excellence in creativity and Strategy was the first to be
innovation: world-class talent, launched in December 2006 and on 2009/10 data
creativity hub, and research and 1 January 2010 became the first to
development. be successfully handed over to a
partner organisation, The City UK.
• Gateway to international Since its launch, it has: developed
connections: taking companies strategies for China, India, the USA,
beyond the UK opportunity and the Gulf, Russia and Islamic
delivering a multiplier effect. Finance; produced clear messages
about the UK’s strengths; enhanced
3.7 We will continue to develop UKTI’s financial services capability
and deliver international marketing in key markets; and strengthened
strategies for each of UKTI’s priority regional delivery networks in the
sectors. Led by a high-level business UK and overseas.

UK Marketing Strategy Sectors and their Chairman

Financial Services Robert Gray, HSBC Holdings plc

Creative Industries Sir John Sorrell, The Sorrell Foundation


Life Sciences Chris Brinsmead, AstraZeneca plc

Advanced Engineering Acting Chairman - Mark Ridgway, Group Rhodes

Energy Samir Brikho, AMEC plc

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 17 Return to Contents

UKTI will continue 3.8 UK Low Carbon International
Marketing Strategy. Launched in
agencies (RDAs), the trade promotion
and inward investment organisations
to work in March 2009 to position the UK as a in the devolved administrations (DAs),
global hub for low carbon solutions, trade associations, and private sector
partnership with where UK businesses are designing, organisations active in the field of
other Government producing, marketing and deploying
the goods and services that will
business development.

departments and shape a low carbon world. The UK 3.11 Our Science and Innovation
Low Carbon International Marketing Team is the fulcrum in UKTI for
UK business to Strategy, championed by Professor partnerships within the UK’s
ensure that our Julia King as the UK Low Carbon
Ambassador, makes clear, low
innovation network. It promotes to
UKTI colleagues knowledge of and
customers receive carbon is everybody’s business, and collaboration with the UK Science
it is therefore an international and Innovation community - e.g. The
services tailored opportunity for our customers Technology Strategy Board,
across the UKTI network. A low Knowledge Transfer Networks,
to their individual carbon marque launched in March Research Councils, Universities and
requirements, 2010 will promote the UK’s low innovation multipliers. The Science
carbon capability, and during 2010 and Innovation Team also promote
irrespective of where country strategies will be developed UKTI’s role and capabilities to the UK
for priority markets.
they are based. Science and Innovation community.

3.9 UK Security Sector Marketing 3.12 In addition, the UKTI Defence

Strategy. New for 2010 will be the & Security Organisation (UKTI DSO)
UKTI-funded, but industry-led, will continue to help UK defence and
marketing strategy for the UK security companies to succeed
Security Sector, launched in March internationally, working closely with
2010. UKTI will be encouraging its the MOD and armed forces drawing
use by companies across the sector. on wider Government support where
The strategy aims to help the necessary. UKTI DSO will work with
security industry to market itself industry and overseas governments to
internationally with a set of ensure that UK equipment, products
compelling messages for use with and services are promoted in the best
potential overseas customers. possible way and that overseas
customers’ requirements are met and
supported by industry throughout the
Working in Partnership life of the equipment. UKTI DSO are
also working on delivering the
3.10 UKTI will continue to work in exportability programme, working
partnership with other Government with the MOD, industry and other
departments and UK business to partners, to make the case for
ensure that our customers receive improving up front consideration of
services tailored to their individual “exportability” in the MOD
requirements, irrespective of where acquisition process. If successful, this
they are based. We work with a will improve the chances of down
variety of partners, including the nine stream success delivering financial
English regional development and industrial benefits to the UK.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 18 Return to Contents

3.13 UKTI also works very closely Client-focused Organisation Top Ten Facts about UKTI
with business representatives across
a number of forums. For example, 3.16 UKTI continues to be a client-
Sector Advisory Groups (SAG) play a focused organisation, responding to No. 4 – Between 1999
vital role in the business planning the needs and concerns of our
process, advising sector teams on customers thereby ensuring our and 2009 investment
the markets and activities that will efforts and resources are applied from foreign
make the biggest difference to where they can add most value: in
business. A leading industrialist or knowledge-driven, high-value companies created or
business specialist leads each SAG sectors, which bring the greatest
and members are drawn from major return to the UK economy, and in safeguarded over
companies, SMEs with a strong markets with high-growth potential. 800,000 jobs in the UK.
international focus, and inward In particular we will be focusing in
investors. The SAGs operate at the 2010 on those companies with the On average, over 30
granularity at which they can add most opportunity to drive growth in
most value. This can involve the economy. These are the high companies per week
advising teams at a sector or
sub-sector level.
growth and innovative firms who
need trade in overseas markets to
invest in the UK.
drive their growth.
3.14 Finally, as part of our work to
leverage business partnerships, we 3.17 As a client-focused
are developing a network, Catalyst organisation it is important that we
UK. This will bring together maximise every opportunity to
business people, academics and ensure the information businesses
others who have a strong affinity require is available to them when
for Britain and who are willing to they need it. One way we will be
speak positively and regularly about doing this is by making better use
the strengths the UK has to offer of web-based solutions. E-delivery
through the supply chain or as a will make it easier for clients to
location for inward investment and self-serve, accessing information
to provide insights and guidance to and signing up for events.
other businesses.
3.18 We continue to recognise the
3.15 Our partnerships with UK importance of client account
business are vital to the way we do management for our key clients and
our business. Be it through our we have a number of schemes that
Marketing Strategies Board or our allow us to develop and nurture
Sector Advisory Groups, our Business relationships with individual
Ambassadors or our Sector companies, ensuring they can benefit
Specialists, we take every from UKTI support. These schemes
opportunity to utilise the knowledge address the following audiences:
and business experience of those
who understand business from the • Top FTSE 100 companies.
inside and who can help ensure we
continue to deliver for business. • Defence & Security Key Accounts
– this is being expanded in 2010

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 19 Return to Contents

As a client-focused to include more defence and
security companies.
super Relationship Management
programme, R&D programme, BIS
organisation it is and regional interests.
• Defence & Security Small Business
important that we Charter – this is being refreshed
maximise every and re-launched for 2010. The Business Ambassador
opportunity to ensure • Overseas-owned R&D-intensive
companies with a view to 3.19 This group of business and
the information attracting further R&D activity to academic leaders remain at the
businesses require is the UK. forefront of the government’s
efforts to promote UK business
available to them • Experienced exporters on our excellence internationally and make
Gateway to Global Growth the UK the business partner of
when they need it. programme. choice for overseas customers and
inward investors. After a successful
• The UK’s most important foreign first year, undertaking over 70
investors. events in more than 20 countries,
the Business Ambassadors will be
• Innovative existing and potential fully engaged throughout 2010
inward investors with the greatest with a programme of events
potential for growth. designed to enhance, build and
protect the reputation of UK
• Companies that we can help to business. In December 2009 and
secure business from global fiscal February 2010 a further seven
stimulus packages and through Business Ambassadors were added
global value chain opportunities. to the network, which has increased
the volume of events that the
• New and inexperienced exporters Business Ambassadors can
who can benefit from our undertake and widened our
Passport to Export programme. coverage in the creative, life
sciences, low carbon, energy and
• Innovative and R&D-intensive ICT sectors. There are now 25
SMEs seeking to grow through Business Ambassadors and during
entering new markets. the coming year they will be
undertaking a variety of
• Overseas-based entrepreneurs international and domestic trade
with innovative technology. activities, primarily built around
their own business travel, but also
• An intensive Relationship including dedicated major trade
Management programme for at events on behalf of UKTI. All of
least 200 existing inward this work will be undertaken in
investors in the UK with the best conjunction with our network of
opportunity for future growth, overseas Posts and our UKTI sector
using virtual team management and marketing experts.
principles and integrated with the
National Economic Council’s

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 20 Return to Contents

UKTI Business Ambassadors 2010
UKTI Business
Marcus Agius Chairman, Barclays Bank
Ambassadors remain
Sir Victor Blank Former Chairman, Lloyds Banking Group
Sir John Bond Chairman, Vodafone
at the forefront of the
Sir Roger Bone President, Boeing UK government’s efforts
Samir Brikho Chief Executive, AMEC to promote UK
Chris Brinsmead Chairman, AstraZeneca Pharma UK, business excellence
President ABPI
Lord John Browne President, Royal Academy of Engineering and
internationally and
Managing Director, Riverstone Holdings make the UK the
Sir Terence Conran Chairman, Conran Holdings business partner of
Lord Ara Darzi Professor of Surgery, Imperial College London
choice for overseas
Gerry Grimstone Chairman, Standard Life & Candover
Investments customers and inward
Dr Chris Gibson-Smith Chairman, London Stock Exchange and investors.
British Land
Professor Malcolm Grant, CBE President and Provost, University College
Sir Philip Hampton Chairman, RBS Group
Dr John Hood Former Vice-Chancellor, University of Oxford
Larry Hirst, CBE Chairman IBM, Europe, Middle East & Africa
Digby, Lord Jones Chairman, International Business Advisory
of Birmingham Board, HSBC; Chairman Triumph Motorcycles
Lady Barbara Thomas Judge Chairman, UKAEA
Professor Julia King, CBE Vice-Chancellor, Aston University
Dr Anna Mann Senior Partner, MWM Consulting
Dick Olver Chairman, BAE Systems
Professor Alison Richard Vice-Chancellor, University of Cambridge
Lord Richard Rogers Chairman, Rogers Stirk Harbour & Partners
Paul Skinner Chair of Infrastructure UK and formerly
Group Managing Director of Royal Dutch
Shell and Chairman of Rio Tinto
Sir Kevin Smith, CBE CEO, GKN
Sir John Sorrell, CBE Chairman London Design Festival, Co-Chair,
The Sorrell Foundation

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 21 Return to Contents

Chapter 4
Our Services and Products

“UKTI… helped us to Although UKTI helps companies of

all sizes, economic research
4.2 The UKTI Enquiry Service
based in Glasgow provides a
better understand suggests that, for both UK firms valuable point of contact for
and inward investors, the focus customers enquiring about UKTI
target markets, to should be on innovative and services. They handled more than
showcase our high-growth firms. This group is
particularly important to the UK
35,000 enquiries in 2008/09,
directing prospective customers to
products and develop economy’s ability to grow out of the appropriate UKTI group,
the recession. according to their needs.
sales literature, as
well as providing 4.1 We know from our research
and evaluation that our support is How Do We Do It?
timely financial best focused on:
4.3 In such challenging times, it is
support.” • strengthening the social networks more important than ever that UKTI
that underpin international trade provide businesses with the tools
Dave Donoghue and investment flows, so helping they need to make the most of
Export Sales Manager, individual businesses to gain opportunities for international trade
Vectair Systems access to key contact networks by and overseas expansion. What’s
acting as a trusted intermediary, more, it is essential that the UK
maintains its reputation as an
“I’m especially keen to • building and strengthening the attractive environment in which to
capability of innovative and high-
work with UKTI to growth businesses to maximise
invest and grow a business and
UKTI continues to explore new ways
explore opportunities their chances of succeeding in of marketing the UK’s unique selling
international markets, points to potential foreign investors.
in Europe, using the After they make the decision to
• providing access to information invest in the UK, UKTI also provides
Overseas Market and advice that the private sector these investors with the support and
Introduction Service alone would not or could not
provide, both to inward investors
expertise they need to develop their
UK-based business further.
(OMIS) to gain a and to UK businesses seeking to
exploit opportunities overseas, and
footing and establish
valuable contacts.” • facilitating co-operation among
businesses, enabling them to
Sharon Wright work together to overcome
Talpa Products barriers and develop international
trade and investment
opportunities in areas such as
international co-operation on
R&D, or showcasing UK
capabilities in high-growth
markets overseas.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 22 Return to Contents

4.4 In order to provide this 4.8 Export Marketing Research Top Ten Facts about UKTI
comprehensive support, we organise Scheme. Free advice and financial
our product and service portfolio help to businesses for in-house
under three headings: research projects or purchasing No. 5 – 2,110 UK
published market research.
• Developing International Trade businesses increased
Potential. 4.9 Gateway to Global Growth. their R&D activity
Package incorporates public and
• Accessing International Markets. private sector expertise and skills because of UKTI
development to help experienced
• Attracting foreign direct exporters diversify into new support.
investment. overseas markets. Offers tailored
strategic support. Q3 2009/10 data

Developing International 4.10 International Trade Adviser.

Trade Potential ITAs provide advice and guidance Top Ten Facts about UKTI
to help companies access UKTI
4.5 We know that businesses often services to enable them to develop
find it tough to get started in their export potential. ITAs will also No. 6 – 23,700
international trade. Our solutions
for Developing International Trade
help companies to take full
advantage of overseas business
businesses improved
Potential assist new and opportunities. their business
experienced exporters with training,
planning and support to help them performance as a
Accessing International
prepare to succeed overseas.
Markets direct result of UKTI’s
4.6 Passport to Export. assistance.
International Trade Advisers (ITAs) 4.11 Once the initial work is
review a company’s readiness for complete, UKTI assists new and Q3 2009/10 Data
international business and build experienced exporters with
international trade capacity. Match information, help and advice on
funding of up to £1,500 is available entering overseas markets. To be a
for activities in the agreed action successful exporter they need to
plan. travel to their target markets and
build robust commercial
4.7 Export Communications relationships with their clients and
Review. In-depth advice on partners. This is not always easy,
language and cultural issues to help but UKTI can help them with
businesses develop an effective practical assistance before departure
communications strategy. Delivered and ongoing help while they are
by The British Chambers of there through British embassies,
Commerce (BCC). high commissions and consulates.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 23 Return to Contents

“We were very 4.12 Overseas Market Introduction
Service (OMIS). OMIS is an online
4.16 Access to major buyers,
governments and supply chains in
grateful for the workflow system allowing UK overseas markets. Inward Missions
businesses to commission chargeable to the UK cover a range of sector-
financial support we bespoke research, and obtain advice, focused activities that bring
received to exhibit in contacts and other forms of
assistance from trade officers in
overseas buyers from one or more
markets to an event, or series of
Geneva and the overseas Posts. events, to which UK companies are
also invited. We also arrange UK
workshop was very 4.13 Tradeshow Access Programme sector events giving companies
useful. I met the head (TAP). TAP provides grant support
for eligible companies, new and less-
access to sector networks,
information on markets,
of purchasing at CERN experienced exporters, to exhibit opportunities and UKTI services.
overseas and additional funding for
at this event and we Accredited Trade Organisations to 4.17 Market Visit Support (MVS).
showcase the UK at key events. In MVS provides guidance and financial
had a detailed 2009/10 TAP supported more than support that assists SMEs to visit
discussion about their 4,000 SMEs at around 420 trade overseas markets, accessing key
fairs, the biggest UK groups being contacts and networks. It is aimed at
requirements and our those at Paris Fashion Week and the SMEs who are new exporters, or are
Nuremburg Toy Fair. new to the high-growth markets
products.” outlined in the UKTI strategy.
4.14 Fiscal Stimulus Initiative
Stuart Morgan (FSI). Assistance to UK based 4.18 Alerts to the latest and best
Managing Director, Genvolt companies to capitalise on business opportunities. Our
opportunities arising from major employees overseas in British
overseas spending programmes. embassies, high commissions and
consulates, are always looking for
4.15 Opportunities to participate business opportunities for UK
in sector-based trade missions companies. Over 400 opportunities
and seminars. Activity designed to per month are made available to
showcase UK expertise and help UK business customers registered
companies gain access to key on our website.
contacts and networks, either for
individual firms or groups,
including through overseas
seminars, ”meet the buyer” events
and trade missions.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 24 Return to Contents

Attracting High Value FDI 4.20 Investment Policy. UKTI
provides companies with a ”voice in
“When we interacted
4.19 UKTI is the national government” as one of its key with people from UK
investment promotion agency that objectives outlined in its five-year
leads on attracting high value strategy. The Investment Policy Trade & Investment
investment to the UK. We target
new and existing investors with the
Section (IPS) – in Business Group –
leads on crosscutting issues
we were able to talk in
greatest potential to deliver high affecting inward investors – and the same terms
value investment projects into the British companies trading overseas.
UK e.g. projects that involve It is resourced to cover tax, skills, because they
additional R&D activity. We are
client-focused and provide value to
planning, transport and migration –
utilising the professional support of
understand our
investing businesses at all stages of three specialists. It has annual language. I look
their growth cycle. We offer sectoral targets for policies influenced. It
advice utilising the professional supports the investor development forward to continuing
work of the Directorate for
support of private sector specialists
and relationship manage our Investment and provides leadership to work with them in
highest value strategically in managing the UK’s investor the future.”
important companies. We have development network, working with
annual targets for delivering both the RDAs and devolved Jordi Rias, General Manager
quality, 125 high value projects, administrations. IPS represents UKTI Microsoft Search Technology Centre
and quantity, 525 investment on the National Investor (Europe).
projects. We deliver our support in Development Forum – developing
partnership with England’s nine shared policy and promulgating
RDAs, and the development best practice. IPS is responsible for
agencies of the Devolved delivering the investor development
Administrations in Scotland, Wales, commitment in DTI’s 2008
and Northern Ireland. The world’s Manufacturing strategy. It provides
most strategically important the co-secretariat for the new BIS/
outward investors continue to UKTI Joint Advisory Group – the
invest in the UK, demonstrating successor to “Business Relations
that the UK retains its world Investment & Trade” (BRIT). IPS
leading reputation for being the also proactively manages the UK
long-term destination of choice for Advisory Network.
inward investment in Europe.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 25 Return to Contents

Top Ten Facts about UKTI 4.21 Investor Development. UKTI 4.23 R&D Programme,
is leading work across Government incorporating the R&D
to strengthen relationships with key Partnerships. The R&D Programme
No. 7 – Approximately international investors. Lead officials aims to promote the benefits of
have been appointed to lead undertaking research and
67 per cent of UKTI’s relationships with the UK’s most development (R&D) in the UK to a
clients report important foreign investors, and targeted group of overseas-owned
sponsorship departments have been companies. We do this by
significant benefits to challenged to build a more strategic establishing their R&D ambitions,
dialogue with other companies with identifying the UK companies and
productivity and a significant potential to invest in research organisations that can best
competitiveness the UK. Our goal is to ensure that enable them to meet these
ambitions and facilitating
we give potential investors a
because of UKTI’s coherent and effective investment engagements. A feature that we
support service which facilitates believe is unique is the work done
support. their investment in the UK by through the Partnerships aspect to
joining up the dialogue they will help overseas organisations to find
have with different government academic or commercial partners in
departments and agencies as their the UK. It offers guidance to help
Top Ten Facts about UKTI investment plans develop. clients form international business
relationships, supporting the
No. 8 – In 2008/09 4.22 Global Entrepreneurs development of R&D collaborations
Programme (GEP). The GEP Team in the UK overall. The Programme
UKTI, through its consists of highly successful also monitors and feeds back on
significant entrepreneurs, known as
“dealmakers”, who are able to
issues affecting investment in UK
involvement in 600 leverage their expertise, networks
and reputation to encourage global
new investment entrepreneurs to use the UK as a
projects, helped to base for global growth.

create over 10,000

new jobs and
safeguard over 18,000.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 26 Return to Contents

Chapter 5
Delivering for UK Business in 2010

Marketing the UK 5.3 We will also be making use of Top Ten Facts about UKTI
a wide variety of online channels to
5.1 To mitigate the impact of build relationships with our customers
the recession on the UK’s global and extend our reach, making use No. 9 – UKTI provides
reputation, UKTI has focused on of existing and emerging social
a number of strategic activities to media channels to communicate with trade development
enhance our economic standing stakeholders and business clients, and services in 96 markets,
overseas. This work will continue in exploring partnerships with third-
2010, including our participation party digital service providers. 162 locations, covering
in the FCO-led cross-Whitehall
initiative to promote the UK 5.4 Building on the excellent just in excess of 98
economy internationally. Targeting reception received throughout 2009,
UKTI will be looking to continue to
per cent of global
key business decision-makers in
the UK and overseas, we will look use the film exhibition “Love & Gross Domestic
to replicate our partnerships with Money - 50 Years of Creative
internationally respected research Britain” to promote the UK’s Product (GDP).
bodies (such as the Economist remarkable breadth of creativity.
Intelligence Unit) and major Produced by the Creative Industries 2009/10 Data
stakeholders (such as the Institute team using the new money made
of Directors and the CBI) to available to promote our key
undertake bespoke research into sectors, the film has been used over
specific themes that will help us 50 times in 20 different markets,
tailor our support in a meaningful and we will be looking to build on
way. We will also continue to this further in 2010 and to 2012.
showcase successful case studies
of exporters that enhance the 5.5 In the coming year, UKTI will
reputation of UK PLC. conduct a one-off piece of media
analysis to assess the most effective
5.2 In order to provide improved channels to utilise to communicate
access to information for UK with exporting customers. This will
business; making our advice and ensure our services are better
knowledge more readily available, we targeted and our reach extended,
are developing a new UKTI Public enabling more businesses to benefit
Web Presence. Among other things, from the UKTI support on offer.
this will bring all our websites
together in one area, making it easy
for customers and other stakeholders
to find relevant information and get
in touch with UKTI.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 27 Return to Contents

UKTI has a presence in UKTI Around the World Council, we will develop UKTI’s
footprint into second tier cities.
96 markets across the 5.6 UKTI has a presence in 96
markets across the globe and we • The Asia Task Force will work to
globe and we will work will work hard in each of those raise awareness among UK
hard in each of those markets to ensure the very best
opportunities are available to help
businesses of the benefits of doing
business with Asian high growth
markets to ensure the UK growth and to deliver for markets. As part of this, over the
business. Some of the specific work next year we will host a series of
very best opportunities we will be focussing on in 2010 is: events around the UK on behalf of
are available to help • The UKTI teams will continue to
the Asia Task Force. These will
bring together UK business leaders
UK growth. capitalise on the 2012 Olympic and our experts from Asia to help
Games to ensure that we gain more UK businesses succeed in
maximum advantage for the UK’s these markets.
FDI proposition. Additionally, to
support those UK companies that • We will continue to focus on the
win Games contracts to expand other bilateral intergovernmental
globally. fora, for example, the Joint
Economic and Trade Committees
• In the US, we will continue to for Brazil and Turkey and the
build the profile of the UK’s Inter Governmental Steering
capability in infrastructure Committee for Russia, as means
development and Public Private of improving relationships and
Partnerships (PPPs), where we see improving trade access, etc.
manifest opportunity for UK
companies. • Finally, we will be looking to
ensure that we have our resources
• Through our work with the UK in the right places overseas
India Business Council and with particularly in the light of
the China Britain Business changing opportunities.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 28 Return to Contents

5.7 Building on the success of the
Global Investment conference in
the region. Over 200 companies
participated in the last event,
Building on the
February, UKTI will deliver activity to held in Dubai in November 2008. success of the Global
boost the UK’s economic reputation
within the international business • The UK continues to work to Investment conference
community. We plan to run the
Go-UK initiative: focusing on
achieve peace and stability in
Iraq. UKTI plays its part in these
in February, UKTI will
existing and potential high value efforts by seeking to strengthen deliver activity to boost
inward investors and overseas buyers, trade and investment ties
and specifically geared to generate between the two nations. the UK’s economic
business leads, this initiative is set to
go live in six pilot markets (France,
Working with the Middle East
Association, Iraq’s National
reputation within the
Germany, India, China, USA and Investment Commission and the international business
UAE) from June 2010. Kurdistan Regional Government,
we are organising major business community
5.8 In addition, we will provide conferences in the UK on Iraq in
support to numerous events aimed June and October 2010. The first
at promoting UK expertise and “Invest Iraq” conference, held in
innovation, in response to the the UK in April 2009, attracted
demands of particular markets. an audience of over 600.
Some examples are:
• Greater political and economic
• UKTI will hold its third “British in stability in a number of African
the Region” event in Abu Dhabi in markets along with oil discoveries
November 2010 – giving UK and significant infrastructure
companies based in the UAE a developments, mean that many
window on opportunities across British firms are finding new
the whole of the Middle East business opportunities in Africa.
through a programme of meetings A major event to highlight the
and seminars involving UKTI opportunities available is planned
Heads of Trade & Investment from in London for May 2010.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 29 Return to Contents

UKTI in the English Regions • The South West will use “forensic
UKTI, through the 2012 marketing” to uncover the most
5.9 The regional network, working innovative and growth oriented
Olympic Legacy Unit as the international trade arm of the businesses to ensure these new
[OLU], is involved in a RDAs, and with its many external
partners (Universities, Chambers of
clients supercharge their
international trade, supported by
number of programmes Commerce, major banks, Institute of programmes such as the Gateway
Directors, Confederation of British programme and through events
to maximise the impact Industry, EEF; the manufacturers’ such as the annual Explore
of the London 2012 organisation, the Institute of Export,
and others) and through its close
Export event in June 2010.

games on UK business linkages with UKTI HQ Groups, will • The South East will double the
interact with over 20,000 businesses number of high-growth
and the UK economy. this year, and deliver significant companies helped to
support to 8,000 of those. It will internationalise, working with the
provide in-depth relationship South East England Development
management to 3,000 companies Agency’s new Innovation and
and play a key role in ensuring UKTI Growth teams and their new
delivers its £4 million revenue target. Sectors teams to identify growth
Below are some examples of the companies to target in the region.
regional network’s activity:

The 2012 Olympics Legacy

UKTI, through the 2012 Olympic Legacy Unit [OLU], is involved in a
number of programmes to maximise the impact of the London 2012
games on UK business and the UK economy. We play a major role in
Compete For – the procurement mechanism for the 2012 Olympics, where
Games-related contracts are advertised and interested UK and overseas
companies can profile themselves. Overseas companies that register on
Compete For, will be approached to discuss their interest in investing in
the UK or forming a partnership with a British firm. Details of these
companies are forwarded to the relevant Post, who contact them to
discuss future opportunities. With billions of pounds worth of contracts
available at major international sporting events over the next few years,
UKTI is determined that UK companies are able to take advantage of
these opportunities. One of the main ways that we are doing this is
through the host2host programme; an agreement enabling the UK to talk
to its overseas counterparts on a government-to-government basis about
the kinds of event-related contracts on offer and to introduce UK
companies to relevant contacts. The OLU, along with Sectors Group, is
also working on a programme of business activity for the 2010 World
Cup, as well as promoting England’s bid to host the 2018 World Cup. In
addition, through a series of inward visits, we will showcase how UK
expertise has delivered the London 2012 Olympic Park.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 30 Return to Contents

• The East will embed the smooth example where we are taking UKTI will deliver a
transition of delivery partners and advantage of this opportunity to
build on the potential of the new promote UK capability is in the package of major
integrated service delivery running of the major UK Advanced trade and investment
structure to drive up international Engineering 2010: China showcase
business performance for the in Shanghai in mid-June. Separately, events in the UK and
region. Yorkshire & the Humber The North West will exploit the
will introduce rigorous opportunity of the Liverpool Pavilion at carefully targeted
segmentation of clients to drive at the Shanghai Expo to highlight
business opportunities in China
global fairs overseas,
up quality of delivery and
maximise return on investment. through a programme of missions co-ordinated and
and support packages for individual
• The East Midlands will leverage company visits. marketed to change
the connection between
Loughborough and the Japanese Farnborough International Airshow.
perceptions of the
Olympic team, through a series of Farnborough takes place from the UK’s capacity in key
activities focusing on the business 19-25 July 2010 and is recognised
opportunities offered by the as one of the world’s leading UK sectors.
Japanese market. airshows and is organised by
Farnborough International Ltd (FIL),
a subsidiary company of the UK’s
Major Events aerospace and defence trade
association, A|D|S. Working closely
5.10 UKTI will deliver a package of with FIL and colleagues in the
major trade and investment events Advanced Engineering sector, UKTI
in the UK and at carefully targeted DSO aims to promote UK defence
global fairs overseas, co-ordinated industry capabilities to potential
and marketed to change perceptions overseas government customers. By
of the UK’s capacity in key UK developing and managing
sectors. Some examples of the comprehensive programmes of stand
major events we will be engaged in calls and bilateral meetings, UKTI
and supporting are as follows: DSO maximises the exposure of
high-level visitors to those defence
Shanghai Expo. We are providing capabilities and signals HMG’s
extensive support to the Shanghai sustained support for defence and
Expo (April to October 2010), a security exports. Alongside this, the
major opportunity for UK companies Advanced Engineering team will be
to showcase their expertise, make delivering a range of activities for
business connections in this lucrative UK companies from their major
yet challenging market and establish presence in the heart of the UK area
business leads and partnerships. One of the show.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 31 Return to Contents

These events will Home Office Scientific
Development Branch Security
Ecobuild – a major UK conference
and exhibition focusing on low
allow UKTI to build on Exhibition (HOSDB). As it did in carbon construction; Sustainability
March 2010, UKTI DSO plans to Live – the key environment and
the foundations of the work with the Home Office and the water industry event, taking place
UK Marketing A|D|S trade association to deliver
the annual Security Exhibition in
at the NEC;
South-by-South West – supporting
Strategies helping March 2011. Using money from the networking and marketing for a UK
increased funding we received in business delegation of over 500 to
more UK businesses 2009, UKTI DSO aims once again the US; BETT – the leading
achieve international to bring a large number of overseas
government security officials to the
educational ICT event; All Energy –
the major UK tradeshow in the
successes. exhibition, which will showcase the renewables sector; The World Islamic
best of British security equipment. Banking Conference in Bahrain, and
Medica, the world’s largest
5.11 There will, of course, be many exhibition for the medical
other events where we will be technology industry.
looking to help business maximise
their potential, including: 5.12 These events will allow UKTI
UK Technology – a large scale meet to build on the foundations of the
the buyer event that will build on UK Marketing Strategies helping
the success of Technology World more UK businesses achieve
09, Emerging Technology and international successes or persuade
Nanoforum; more investors to choose the UK as
an investment destination.

Advanced Manufacturing
Advanced Manufacturing is at the heart of Britain’s knowledge
economy. Investments in plastic electronics, the nuclear supply chain,
aerospace and silicon design are an important step in helping ensure
that the UK is equipped to compete and win in the global economy.
UKTI is playing an important part in realising this vision through its
support to business in helping showcase the strengths of UK
manufacturing and engineering around the world. Further
demonstration of the commitment to advanced manufacturing came
with the launch of a national composites strategy in November 2009.
Composite materials are increasingly used to provide lightweight, low-
carbon engineering solutions for many vital sectors of the UK
economy. UKTI, working closely with the Department for Business,
Innovation and Skills, is leading a review of the UK composites supply
chain and capability. This comprehensive report will help give the UK
a competitive advantage as no other country has such an
understanding of its national composites capability.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 32 Return to Contents

Chapter 6
Our People

Our people – with their The UKTI DSO is an integral part of Top Ten Facts about UKTI
commitment to the customer and UKTI. The majority of the civil
their professionalism – are key to servants in the organisation
meeting the challenges set out in transferred from the Ministry of No. 10 – 94 per cent of
this Plan. We want to ensure that Defence alongside a cohort of
they continue to provide excellent serving military employees as well employees responding
service to their customers, work as a number of MOD civil servants to surveys across the
together effectively across the on loan to BIS.
global network, and have the network felt that
support, context and learning In addition, we also make
programmes they need to do this to significant use of business UKTI’s work is
a high standard. specialists whose expert knowledge
is utilised across UKTI. These
valuable and makes a
include Research & Development real contribution to the
The people who work in UKTI specialists, Sector champions, Fiscal
Stimulus specialists, Secondees from UK economy.
6.1 Our people come from a wider industry, and many more. All of
range of backgrounds than is usual whom bring their knowledge and 2009 UKTI Pulse Survey
in the public sector. experience of business to UKTI.

In the overseas network, which 6.2 To achieve everything set out

covers some 96 markets, most are in this plan we need to co-ordinate
from the FCO, with a high all the people resources across the
proportion being local employees. organisation, making use of the
Local employees provide UK business professional expertise, good
people with expert knowledge of practice, ideas and enthusiasm that
their country, its languages, its exist in every part of UKTI. The aim
business culture and contacts. of UKTI’s people policies and
practices is to ensure that the
In the UK, our people in London people policies, practices and
and Glasgow are mainly drawn from guidance of both parent
BIS; in the nine English regions, the departments work smoothly within
people in UKTI’s regional teams are UKTI, supporting the people
drawn from BIS and the Government working for us to deliver business
Office network. They engage with objectives and targets. They also
private sector delivery partners that need to support organisational
employ some 300 people, mainly change wherever it may be required.
ITAs, to deliver UKTI services to
companies. Our ITAs have a lot of
international trade expertise and
help UK companies and business
people in their regions to
internationalise and export.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 33 Return to Contents

Excellent Leadership and The organisation’s corporate 6.8 UKTI draws directly upon the
Management learning programme includes diversity strategies of parent
induction training for people new departments BIS and the FCO, and
6.3 We have two programmes to to UKTI, as well as: we are able to draw on the
help us do this – The “ICE” principles expertise of both their equality and
of leadership (Inspire; Communicate • business systems training, diversity units whenever we need
and Empower) and the “Management to. We also have our own statement
Excellence” programme, which • investor development – in-depth covering diversity principles.
focuses on developing high engagement with key investors,
performing teams. Both programmes
aim to spread and share best • client relationship management, Sustainable Development
leadership and management practice
across the network. • communicating with confidence 6.9 UKTI’s offices and employees
master classes, and take part in the sustainability
6.4 Investors in People (IIP) is a key initiatives of our parent
business tool for UKTI in gauging • Open University modules on departments, such as improving
how well it is doing in the marketing X & Y. energy efficiency, facilitating
management and development of recycling, and using double-sided
its employees. UKTI currently holds 6.6 In early 2010 we are mapping printers. We also make use of
Investors in People Bronze status the skills required by people in the initiatives specifically aimed at a
and is aiming for Gold by 2012. We global network to help us develop globally diverse organisation – such
will press forward with those things learning programmes that meet as reducing travel costs and CO2
we are doing well and work even changing needs. emissions by greater use of tele-
harder in those areas where further and video-conferencing, and by
improvement is required. Our IIP encouraging home and flexible
programme will continue Diversity working.
throughout 2010/11, and beyond,
through a mix of rolling review and 6.7 We believe that everyone
group mini-assessments across the working in and with UKTI should
network. be treated with openness, honesty
and respect. We will not tolerate
6.5 Learning and Development is unfair treatment or discrimination.
key within the organisation, We aim to be an organisation that
ensuring that teams and individuals people are proud to be part of and
gain and develop the skills and to which they can contribute fully.
knowledge they need to ensure We want to ensure that diversity is
high quality delivery. fully embedded into all aspects of
UKTI’s relationships, work and
systems and that we have a
workforce that reflects the diverse
community we serve.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 34 Return to Contents

Chapter 7
Organisation and Budgets

The following pages provide some 7.2 There will continue to be

detail of the resources we have and
how we use them to deliver for UK
significant pressures on the FCO
ring fenced budgets, and we will
business. need to manage these pressures Case Study
corporately in order to deliver our
Treasury efficiency targets. But all With the pressures on public
UKTI Funding departments will face increased spending likely to become
resource pressures over the coming greater, it is important that we
7.1 There are three main elements years and we in UKTI will need to all work to deliver efficiencies
of UKTI funding broken down as step-up and respond accordingly. at every opportunity. One
follows: UKTI Programme, BIS Admin We can do this by continuing to example of the benefits that
(including a non-devolved element deliver our services and achieve our such efforts can deliver is the
for overhead costs) and FCO targets while thinking innovatively recent saving achieved
Resource (split between “devolved” and using our resources efficiently. through extensive commercial
– covering, among other things, the The message is we all need to do discussions/negotiations with
cost of UK-based employees, more with less. UKTI’s IT providers and
training and IT, and “non-devolved” changes to IT contracts. These
– covering the cost of locally savings are in excess of £3
engaged employees, overheads, etc). million per annum, equating
to a reduction of some 40 per
cent in annual running costs.

Budget by Funding Stream (£m)

UKTI Programme

BIS Admin

BIS Non-devolved

FCO Devolved

FCO Non-devolved

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 35 Return to Contents

Our people are drawn UKTI’s People line delivery posts, the remainder are
in corporate support functions. Our
from a variety of 7.3 We have some 2,325 people people are drawn from a variety of
working for UKTI of which broadly sources, including Government
sources, including 1,300 are overseas located in 96 Departments, the private sector, the
Government markets. 625 are in UK HQ posts
(approximately 544 in London, 47 in
Government Office network, and
many are locally employed overseas.
Departments, the Glasgow, 30 in Larkhill/Bovington, This is a reflection of the incredible
and four in Cambridge), while some diversity and location of our work.
private sector, the 400 are based in the nine English A breakdown of our staffing by
Government Office regions. Of the 625 employees in HQ
posts, some 90 per cent are in front
location is as follows:

network, and many are

locally employed
overseas. This is a
reflection of the
incredible diversity and
location of our work.

UKTI’s People by Location



UK Regions


Larkhill & Bovington


0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1.400

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 36 Return to Contents

Where the money
comes from…
UKTI £98m
BIS £49m
FCO £166m

Where the money

is spent…
Trade £238m
Investment £75m

What we deliver…
600 inward investment decisions
10,000 new jobs created by investment
18,000 jobs safeguarded by investment

23,700 business assists
£3.6bn value to UK economy

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 37 Return to Contents

Group Responsibilities and Resources

Brian Shaw Business Group (BG) 2010/11

Managing Director Business Group Resources (£m)
BG’s primary role is to develop and UKTI Programme 34.5
nurture relationships with individual Capital 0.0
companies to ensure they can benefit RDA Grant 16.0
from UKTI support. We do this by
BIS Admin 7.4
tailoring UKTI’s expert services to the
needs of individual businesses to FCO Resource 1.0
maximise their international success. Total Budget 58.9
Our nine international trade teams in Staff
the English regions are the first point London 115
of contact for many of our clients,
Regional 400
while our inward investment teams
overseas and our HQ Investment Targets
Projects team help overseas FDI Targets 525
companies to bring their high-quality of which High Value 125
investment to the UK. of which Good Quality 285
of which RDA Priority 115
Increased R&D Activity 1,000
Businesses Assisted 8,000
Operational Revenue (£m) 4.0

Michael Ward Sectors Group (SG) 2010/11

Acting Managing Director Sectors Resources (£m)
Group UKTI Programme 23.7
Sectors Group markets UK excellence Capital 0.0
in key sectors and helps UK BIS Admin 6.7
companies internationalise by
FCO Resource 2.5
opening up new markets around the
world. We focus on the sectors where Total Budget 32.9
we can add most value and on the Staff
markets where the potential for London 86
growth is highest – working in Glasgow 47
partnership with UKTI’s global and
Cambridge 4
regional networks to ensure that
customers have access to the right Targets
people and the right information. Increased R&D Activity 1,000
Businesses Assisted 11,000

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 38 Return to Contents

Richard Paniguian UKTI Defence & Security 2010/11
Managing Director Organisation (UKTI DSO) (£m)
UKTI Defence & Security Resources
Organisation UKTI Programme 3.1
UKTI DSO helps the UK defence Capital 0.0
and security sectors succeed BIS Admin 9.9
internationally. With the continued
FCO Resource 0.0
support of the MOD, UKTI DSO
delivers the essential government- Total Budget 13.0
to-government dimension to Staff
company-led marketing campaigns London 126
in pursuit of maintaining the UK’s Larkhill/Bovington 32
strong position in the global
defence export market. Targets
Businesses Assisted 1,000
Operational Revenue (£m) 1.1

Susan Haird International Group (IG) 2010/11

Deputy Chief Executive UKTI, Resources (£m)
Head of International Group, UKTI Programme 4.3
Strategy and Human Resources
Capital 0.0
Group, Economics and Evaluation
Team, Olympics Legacy Unit BIS Admin 4.2
FCO Resource 0.5
IG manages UKTI’s extensive overseas
network. It co-ordinates action on Total Budget 9.0
the development and implementation Staff
of new strategies and structures in London 93
Posts overseas to take account of Overseas 1,300
changes and new priorities in the
business environment. IG delivers its Targets
targets in partnership with the Businesses Assisted 22,000
overseas network. It also leads on
high-level interventions, including
market access campaigns.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 39 Return to Contents

SHRG provides strategic direction, Strategy and Human 2010/11
performance management and Resources Group (SHRG) (£m)
reputation management for UKTI, Resources
working closely with the Executive UKTI Programme 0.3
Team and Executive Board and in
Capital 0.0
partnership with other Groups. It
delivers the organisation’s Human BIS Admin 3.1
Resources, Internal Communications FCO Resource 0.9
and Board Secretariat functions, Total Budget 4.3
and it leads the delivery of change Staff
across UKTI. London 32

UKTI is playing a key role in Olympics Legacy Unit 2010/11

delivering the business and economic Resources (£m)
benefits of the Government’s Olympic UKTI Programme 0.3
Legacy objectives: “to maximise the
Capital 0.0
wider economic benefits of the
Games across the UK, including those BIS Admin 0.2
for tourism and business promotion” FCO Resource 0.1
and “to promote positive images of Total Budget 0.6
the UK to international audiences”. Staff
We are developing a series of London 3
programmes to maximise the impact
Overseas 1
of the London 2012 Games on British
business and the UK economy, and to
Image courtesy of the Olympic Delivery Authority
demonstrate to potential inward
investors that the UK is the place with
which and in which to do business.

EET contributes to the top-level Economics and 2010/11

targets by providing robust Evaluation Team (EET) (£m)
measurement of performance Resources
against them; by drawing out UKTI Programme 0.7
insights to help managers and
Capital 0.0
delivery teams understand the drivers
underpinning the results; and by BIS Admin 0.4
providing the economic evidence FCO Resource 0.0
and analysis which is needed by the Total Budget 1.1
Executive Team and Board, Groups Staff
and employees to inform strategic London 4
planning, resource allocation, and
guide performance improvement.

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 40 Return to Contents

Caoimhe Buckley Marketing Group (MG) 2010/11
Managing Director Resources (£m)
Marketing Group UKTI Programme 9.3
Marketing Group provides highly Capital 0.4
cost-effective marketing services to BIS Admin 3.6
support the delivery of UK Trade &
FCO Resource 0.1
Investment’s five-year Strategy. We
add value to the work of teams Total Budget 13.4
across UKTI through our expertise Staff
in strategy development, market London 36
and client analysis, proposition
building, and delivery and
evaluation of communications Operational Revenue (£m) 0.1
across the marketing mix.

Curtis Juman IT and Finance Group 2010/11

Director of Finance & IT (ITFG) Resources (£m)
The IT team provide our ICT and UKTI Programme 1.6
information management Capital 2.7
infrastructure. This includes Unallocated 1.1
significant business output-related
BIS Admin 5.6
systems: CRM, OMIS and hosting
for the UKTI website. The Central FCO Resource
Finance Team contributes to the IT 0.4
top-level targets by securing and Devolved budget (Pay) 11.4
allocating the resources UKTI needs Total Budget 24.8
to achieve the successful delivery of
our objectives.
London 48

UKTI Corporate Plan 2010-11 Page 41 Return to Contents

A range of UK Government support is available from a portfolio of initiatives
called Solutions for Business (SfB). The “solutions” are available to
qualifying businesses, and cover everything from investment and grants
through to specialist advice, collaborations and partnerships.
UK Trade & Investment is the government organisation that helps UK-based
companies succeed in the global economy, and is responsible for the
delivery of the two SfB products, “Developing Your International Trade
Potential” and “Accessing International Markets”.
We also help overseas companies bring their high-quality investment to the
UK’s dynamic economy – acknowledged as Europe’s best place from which
to succeed in global business.
UK Trade & Investment offers expertise and contacts through its extensive
network of specialists in the UK, and in British embassies and other
diplomatic offices around the world. We provide companies with the tools
they require to be competitive on the world stage.
For further information please visit
or telephone +44 (0)20 7215 8000.

Whereas every effort has been made to ensure that the information given in this document is
accurate, neither UK Trade & Investment nor its parent Departments (the Department for Business,
Innovation and Skills, and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office) accept liability for any errors,
omissions or misleading statements, and no warranty is given or responsibility accepted as to the 50%
standing of any individual, firm, company or other organisation mentioned.

The paper in this document is made from 50 per cent recycled fibre and is sourced from sustainable
and well-managed forests. The inks are vegetable oil based and contain resins from plants/trees.

URN 10/852
March 2010

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