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Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions
Question 1. A. champaign B. parachute C. chivalry D. choir
Question 2. A. horses B. produces C. provinces D. houses

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other
three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions

Question 3. A. beneficial B. conservative C. experienced D. responsible

Question 4. A. profile B. promote C. prefer D. regret

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.

Question 5. It is about 125 years for the cedar tree to reach its full height.
Question 6. A great deal many athletes have managed to overcome serious physical
Question 7. The museum was overcrowded yesterday because there are a few of people
coming to talk to the artists of the exhibition.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 8: The show wasn’t very ______ so almost audience left early.
A. fascinating B. bored C. boring D. fascinated
Question 9: At the deep bottom of Atlantic ______.
A. lied the Titanic B. did the Titanic lie
C. lay the Titanic D. had the Titanic lain
Question 10: Everyone in both cars ______ injured in the accident last night, ?
A. was/weren’t they B. were/ weren’t they
C. was/ wasn’t he D. were/ were they 

Question 11: ______anyone wish to access the information on the status of his or her order, the
password should be entered.
A. If B. Should C. Whether D. As though
Question 12: When the Titanic started sinking, the passengers were ______
A. horrifying B. apprehensive C. panic-stricken D. weather-beaten
Question 13: ______, he felt so unhappy and lonely.

A. Despite his wealthy C. Rich as was he
B. Rich as he was D. In spite of his being wealth
Question 14: I can’t ______ this noise any longer. I’m going to write a letter of complaint about this
A. get back to B. take away from C. put up with D. make out of
Question 15: Swimming is a beneficial exercise, ______ aerobic activity and uses a number of music
A. not only because it provides C. because it both provides
B. for provision D. as a result of providing
Question 16: My grandmother is fond of that _______.
A. Italian lovely old vase C. Italian old lovely vase
B. Lovely old Italian vase D. old lovely Italian vase
Question 17: By appearing on the soap powder commercials, she became a ______ name.

A. housekeeper B. housewife C. household D. house

Question 18: By the 15 of this month, they ______ here for exactly two years.
A. will have been worked C. will work
B. will be working D. will have worked
Question 19: ______ a research team is an effective way to prepare for class preparation of social
studies such as history, geography, literature and economics.
A. Forming B. Forms C. Form D. Formed
Question 20: She isn’t going to university next year. She has a change of ______.
A. attitude B. thoughts C. heart D. tune
Question 21: Many elderly people in Western country decided to live in a nursing home. They want to
_____ independent lives.
A. give B. take C. keep D. lead

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 22: The shop assistant was totally bewildered by the customer’s behavior.
A. disgusted B. puzzled C. angry D. upset
Question 23: We have lived there for years and grown fond of the surroundings. That is why we do
not want to leave.
A. loved the surroundings B. planted many trees in the surroundings
C. possessed by the surroundings D. haunted by the surroundings

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of
the following exchanges.
Question 24: Nathan: “Your parents must be proud of your result at school.”
Allison: “______”
A. It’s nice of you to say so. B. Really? They are?
C. I’m afraid I can’t. D. Can you say that again?
Question 25: Chana: “I believe that supermarkets are much better than traditional markets.”

Katie: “______. Each has its own features.”
A. I couldn’t agree with you more B. That’s complete true
C. I disagree with you D. I can’t help thinking the same.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
to each of the following questions.
Question 26: It is necessary to handle the outburst of cholera in Yemen right now.
A. People have to be aware of the outbreak of cholera in Yemen.
B. Yemen’s outburst of cholera can be dealt within a while.
C. The outburst of cholera in Yemen needs handling as soon as possible.
D. The outburst of cholera in Yemen needs handled as soon as possible.
Question 27: This villa is the same width as mine.
A. My villa is as wide as this one.
B. This villa is as wide as me.
C. This villa is not narrower than mine.
D. This villa and me have the same width.
Question 28: This blockbuster didn’t come up to my expectation, so I left the cinema early.
A. Many people raved about this film, but it turned out to be a flop.
B. This blockbuster wasn’t thrilling enough for me to watch to the end.
C. This film was good, but I still didn’t watch it to the end.
D. I found this film overhyped but I went to the cinema to see it.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 29: The snowstorm grounded all the flights. She would not be able to fly home for
A. Despite the big storm, she still went home on Christmas.
B. All the flights were cancelled due to a blizzard; therefore, flying home for Christmas was out of
the question for her.
C. The severe snow storm prevented her from enjoying Christmas.
D. She had to went home by train due to a blizzard.
Question 30: My brother didn’t leave the house key. As a result, I can’t be cooking lunch now.
A. If my brother has left the house key, I could have been cooking lunch now.

B. If my brother had left the house key, I could have been cooking lunch now.

C. If my brother had left the house key, I could be cooking lunch now.
D. If my brother left the house key, I could be cooking lunch now.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 31: He was arrested for his illicit drug trade in the police raid yesterday.
A. legal B. irregular C. elicited D. secret
Question 32: He is over the moon out his examination results.
A. stressed B. very sad C. very happy D. satisfied

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 33 to 37.
Visitors to Prince Edward Island, Canada, delight in the “unspoiled” scenery – the well-kept
farms and peaceful hamlets of the island’s central core and the rougher terrain of the east and west. In
reality, the Island ecosystems are almost entirely artificial.
Islanders have been tampering with the natural environment since the eighteen century and long ago
broke down the Island’s natural forest cover to exploit its timber and clear land for agriculture. By
1900, 80 percent of the forest had been cut down and much of what remained had been destroyed by
disease. Since then, however, some farmland has been abandoned and has returned to forest through
the invasion of opportunist species, notable spruce. Few examples of the original climax forest, which
consisted mostly of broadleaved trees such as maple, birch, and oak, survive today.
Apart from a few stands of native forest, the only authentic habitats on Prince Edward Island
are its sand dunes and salt marshes. The dunes are formed from sand washed ashore by waves and then
dried and blown by the wind to the land beyond the beach. The sand is prevented from spreading
farther by marram grass, a tall, long-rooted species that grows with the dunes and keeps them
remarkably stable. Marram grass acts as a windbreak and allows other plants such as beach pea and
bayberry to take hold. On dunes where marram grass is broken down – for instance, where it is
trampled – the dunes may spread inland and inundate agricultural lands or silt up fishing harbor. The
white dunes of the north coast are the most impressive. There are also white dunes on the east and west
coasts. Only in the south are there red dunes, created when the soft sandstone cliffs crumble into the
sea and subsequently wash ashore as red sand. The dunes were once used as cattle pasture but were
abandoned as the early settlers moved inland.
Salt marshes are the second remaining authentic habitat. These bogs are the result of the
flooding of low coastal areas during unusually high tides. In the intervals between tides, a marsh area
remains and plants take root, notably cord grass, the “marsh hay” used by the early settlers as winter
forage for their livestock. Like the dunes, though, the marshes were soon dismissed as wasteland and
escaped development.
Question 33: On what aspect of Prince Edward Island does the author focus?
A. Its tourist industry
B. Its beaches
C. Its natural habitats
D. Its agriculture
Question 34: The word hamlets in paragraph 1 is closest meaning to_______
A. villages C. rivers
B. forests D. pastures
Question 35: The phrase tampering with in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. preserving C. remembering
B. interfering with D. dealing with
Question 36: Which of the following type of tree is most common in the forests of Prince Edward
Island today?
A. Oak C. Spruce

B. Birch D. Maple
Question 37: According to the passage, what effect does the destruction of marram grass have?
A. It permits the sand dunes to cover farmland
B. It creates better conditions for fishing
C. It allows seawater to flood agricultural land
D. It lets the sand wash into the sea
Question 38: In which of these paragraphs does the author discuss the destruction of an ecosystem?
A. The first C. The third
B. The second D. The fourth
Question 39: What conclusion can be drawn from the passage about both the sand dunes and salt
marshes of Prince Edward Island?
A. They have never been used.
B. They were once used but have long since been abandoned.
C. They have been used continuously since the island was first settled.
D. They were long unused but have recently been exploited.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions from 40 to 45.
Lichens may grow on the bark of a tree in a steaming tropical rain forest, on the bricks of big-city
buildings on rocks in hot springs, on wind-swept mountaintops, and in the driest desserts. In the Arctic,
they provide the principal food for caribou, and they are one of the few plants that grow in Antarctica.
They are pioneers, appearing in barren rocky areas and starting the formation of soil in which mosses,
then ferns, and then other plants can take root.
Lichens are a partnership of two plans – fungi and algae. The lichen body is made up of a
network of fungal strands. In the upper layers of these grow groups of algae. The two organisms live
together to the benefit of both, a relationship known as symbiosis. The fungi provide support, absorb
water, and shelter the tender algae from direct sunlight. The algae carry on photosynthesis and provide
the fungi with food. The algae can live independently and are recognizable as a species that grows
alone. The fungi, on the other hand, cannot live apart from their partners. They can be placed in known
classes of fungi but are unlike any species that live independently.
So definite are the form, color, and characteristics of these double organisms that for hundreds of
years, they were classified as one. More than 15,000 “species” were named. If these organisms are
classified as separate species, it is difficult to fit them into the existing system of classification. But if
they are classified separately, these species of fungi seem rather strange. Lichens are a splendid
example of the difficulties faced by taxonomists in classifying species.
Question 40: What does the author imply about lichens in the first paragraph?
A. They require a lot of moisture to live.
B. They primarily live in cold places.
C. They have been used continuously since the island was first settled.
D. They have adapted to a wide variety of environments.
Question 41: Why does the author call lichens pioneers ?
A. Because they developed so early in the history of the planet

B. Because of their primitive structure.
C. Because they prepare soil for other plants.
D. Because they were the first plants to live in Antarctica.
Question 42. Which of the following is an example of symbiosis as it is described in the second
A. Certain types of tall grass conceal tigers because of the tigers’ striped markings
B. Fish called remoras attach themselves to sharks and eat the scraps of the sharks’ meals
C. Mistletoe, a type of shrub, grows on trees and harms them by extracting water and nutrients.
D. Protozoa in the intestines of termites digest the cellulose that the termites eat, and their waste
products nourish the termites.
Question 43: Which of the following can be inferred about the effect of direct sunlight on lichens?
A. It damages the algae.
B. It helps the fungi absorb water.
C. It is required for the algae to carry on photosynthesis.
D. It destroys the fungi.
Question 44: Why does the author say that “these species of fungi seem rather strange”
A. They are larger than typical fungi
B. Unlike other fungi, hey can produce their own food.
C. They exist only as partners of algae.
D. They do not fit into any known class of fungi.
Question 45: Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Because of their characteristics as double organisms, it is difficult to classify lichens.
B. Over 15,000 varieties of lichens have been identified.
C. Double organisms should always be classified as separate species.
D. Taxonomists always find it difficult to classify new species of plants.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks

The conker is a chestnut, the hard brown fruit of the chestnut tree. There are two types of
chestnut: the sweet chestnut which you can eat. In winter, they are sold, roasted, from barrows in the
street. And then (46)................... is the horse chestnut, which cannot be eaten. It is the horse chestnut,
or conker, which grows commonly in England. The conker does, however, (47)................... one useful
purpose. It is collected in autumn by every small boy in England. He dries it, (48)................... a hole in
it, and puts it on the end of a piece of string. He is then ready to challenge another small boy to play
conkers. One of the boys holds his conker, at the end of his string, while the other boy strikes it by
bringing his conker down upon it as (49)................... as he can. Then the positions are reversed. The
victor is the boy who smashes the other's conker to (50) ...................

Question 46: A. it B. here C. that D. there
Question 47: A. serve B. make C. offer D. give
Question 48: A. screws B. digs C. grinds D. bores
Question 49: A. tough B. hard C. strong D. heavy
Question 50: A. scraps B. lumps C. parts D. piece

Key đề thi thử số 1

Question 1 D Question 2 D Question 3 A Question 4 A Question 5 A

Question 6 A Question 7 B Question 8 A Question 9 C Question 10 A

Question 11 B Question 12 C Question 13 B Question 14 C Question 15 B

Question 16 C Question 17 C Question 18 D Question 19 A Question 20 C

Question 21 D Question 22 B Question 23 A Question 24 A Question 25 C

Question 26 C Question 27 A Question 28 A Question 29 B Question 30 C

Question 31 A Question 32 B Question 33 C Question 34 A Question 35 B

Question 36 C Question 37 A Question 38 B Question 39 B Question 40 D

Question 41 C Question 42 D Question 43 A Question 44 C Question 45 A

Question 46 D Question 47 A Question 48 C Question 49 B Question 50 D

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