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5 New Anti-Aging Foods

1. Goat's Milk. There are some doctors who believe that humans shouldn't drink COW'S milk at
all. Why? Because it is for cows, not humans. After all we're the only species that drinks another
species' milk. But when it comes to Goat's milk many holistic experts have the opposite opinion.
Goat's milk may indeed be a longevity producing food because of its splendid array of proteins
and other specific immune system nutrients. But in reality Goat's milk has been discussed for
many years. I learned about it from one of my early mentors, Dr. Bernard Jensen. So it has now
come full circle. In addition to wine, this thick delicious vanilla-es que drink is in part
responsible for their "Sardinia Longevity Effect." People on that Italian island live a long time.
Make sure it's organic

2. The combination of a whole wheat tortilla and corn and beans. Corn and beans together supply
a great number of amino acids essentially making this combo a complete protein.

So if you're interested in cutting back on red meat or looking for a great vegetarian source of
protein this old Latino staple is back in the news.

3. Woman on the Island of Okinawa have 1/5 the rate of breast cancer ladies in the US do and
almost a 20% reduction in heart diseases, too.

Why? They eat a little known vegetable named Goya, which is difficult to find in the West and
also have a reasonable amount of tofu in their diet. Now some pretend experts think they know
something they don't and portray soy and tofu as badness. But it isn't. I'm not saying you should
eat 5 pounds of it but tofu in small amounts on a regular basis is associated with better health and

4. How'd you like to live to 90 without dementia? Well if you're in the USA the dementia rate for
a woman of 85 is 50%. Ouch. But if you begin to drink certain herbal teas such as Dandelion that
rate plummets. Why? It has to do with a blood pressure lowering effect as high blood pressure is
associated with both of the major types of dementia: vascular and Alzheimer's. So have a cup of
dandelion tea.

You can also enjoy eating more asparagus for the same effect.

5. Finally there is a simple thing you can do with walnuts: soak them in water and then eat them.
People who do so live 10 years longer. Now these folks are also vegetarians and very spiritual so
it all adds up.

The latest research also reveals something you've read on these pages for as long as you've been
with me: it is crucial for your optimal health and brain longevity to reduce stress with meditation.
This has now arrived in the mainstream and so if you haven't developed a good meditation
practice you are actually not doing everything you can to live long and prosper.

Monday, December 28, 2009

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