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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in EDLE & CUIN

Name:______SUMEYYE UNAL_________ Date: _________10.03.2019_____________

Instructional Project 3


This is a research assignment. Use your textbook, web articles, and NAU library to conduct research
when writing this paper.

Use APA style references and in-text- citations. You need to use at least 3 different resources
besides Castronova (2002), and Moore (2015).


Download and read the following article:

 Castronova, J. A. (2002). Discovery learning for the 21st century: What is it and how
does it compare to traditional learning in effectiveness in the 21st century. Action
Research Exchange, 1(1), 1-12. Retrived from
 After reading this article and conducting additional research, answer to the following

What is discovery learning?

 Discovery Learning is a learning method that encourages students to ask questions and formulate their own
tentative answers, and to deduce general principles from practical examples or experiences.
 - Discovery Learning is a learning situation in which the principal content of what is to be learned is not given but
must be independently discovered by the student.
 - Discovery learning can be defined simply as a learning situation in which the principal content of what is to be
learned is not given, but must be independently discovered by the learner, making the student an active
participant in his learning.
How does this form of teaching compare to traditional, teacher-centered instruction?
Discovery learning approach on the basis that students are more likely to remember concepts and principles when
they discover them on their own. However, in teacher-centered method teacher shapes the way of the education,
furthermore the teacher even decides what to be taught. In this case students are quite limited to express themselves
and also to discover new things.
What educational theories support the discovery learning model?

 Activity Theory (artifact-mediated and object-oriented action)

 Concept Mapping (Joseph Novak)
 Component Display Theory (Dave Merrill)
 Cognitive Flexibility Theory (Rand Spiro)
 Conversation Theory (Gordon Pask)
 Schema Theory

What is the most important thing you discovered about discovery learning?
Actually, according to me the most important part of the discovery learning is the student’s side. In
this learning student is free to use all his/her abilities and emotions. There is no boundary that limits
the learning action.

How can you apply this method to your future classroom?

We can only apply this method by reducing the number of students in each class. This is the main
role in succeeding the discovery method. Otherwise it’s quite difficult to maintain the harmony during
lesson hours, unfortunately we have to end up with classic methods.


 Select one of the following chapters to conduct research: Chapter 2, 3, 5 or 12. Review
the chapter and respond to related questions for that chapter by conducting your own

Chapter 2- Teaching Diverse Students

1. Teaching all students. Remember that a teacher’s job is to teach all students and assume an
attitude that all students can learn. Research techniques and strategies that can be used to
accomplish this task. Sources of information include the library, the Internet, current journals, and
recent books.

2. Intelligence profile. Evaluate your own intelligence profile according to Gardner. In what frames
of mind (intelligence areas) do you come out strongest?

Chapter 3- Managing Classroom Environment

1. Discipline approaches. Analyze the three approaches to classroom management.
Which approach, if any, do you prefer? Can you put together parts of the different
approaches and come up with an eclectic approach that you think would work for you?
Can you identify some basic concepts that appear to be true of all three approaches?
Answer: there are 3 main approaches to classroom management. These are; self-
discipline approach, instructional approach and desist approach. Among these three
approaches I prefer the “instructional approach”
Actually, there are some parts from other two approaches that can be adapted, such as
being firm and tolerating sometimes. As an ideal teacher we have to modify ourselves
depending on the situation, student’s mood and topic. Ethical rules should also be
protected while modifying the attitude toward students.
For example, late homework submission or failing to submit shouldn’t be tolerated.
Self- discipline approach works here very well. Another example is that when we have
a fighting case in classroom, instead of giving punishment or sending them to
disciplinary committee, if we listen to them then advise works better than a punishment.
So as a teacher who uses “instructional Approach” we can make an advantage out of
this kind of case. lastly, imagine a lesson, everything’s done 5-6 minutes earlier. A
teacher who uses “desist approach” would probably leave students on their own.
However, it’s not preferable for me but still not that bad before students.

2. Causes of misbehavior. Think back over the classes you have attended in which
there have been disciplinary incidents. List the possible causes for any such
misbehavior. How might knowledge of the causes of these incidents influence a
teacher’s actions? Some behavior problems are teacher created and some are student
centered. Can you think of examples?
Answer; I don’t think I’ve entered such classes, I mean I didn’t witness. But I think
some causes can be lined up as follow;
 Problematic students,
 Lack of discipline within students
 Lack of communication within students and the teacher
When we know that these might be the causes for any disciplinary issue, of course we
would be cautious against possible negative behavioral actions.
The possible causes I mentioned above can be classified as;
 Teacher centered
 Student centered
Example for teacher centered misbehavior; if a teacher is not prepared for the lesson s/he would be
stressed and nervous. This will lead to communication problem, the teacher will be shouting and
getting angry easily and without listening the student. Then s/he will end up with punishing the
Example for student centered misbehavior; when a student has behavioral disorder, emotional
impairment or any disrespectfulness that’s caused by any other outer reason, the student cannot
control him/herself, no matter how the teacher approaches, the student will insist on showing that

Chapter 5- Using Classroom Technology

1. How does technology enhance the teacher’s ability to plan instruction? Use one of the available
search engines to explore the web for technological tools such as lesson planning software,
worksheets and puzzle tools, poster and bulletin board production tools, and time management tools
that will assist you in planning. Share your findings with your class.

2. Technology offers tools that can help students learn. To what technology should students have
access? Do you have any educational concerns about the use of these technologies in schools? If
so, what are they? If not, why not?

Chapter 12- Teaching Effective Thinking Strategies

1. Teaching methods. What teaching methods and procedures can be used to improve
students’ critical thinking abilities? Creative thinking abilities?
2. Thinking. What type of thinking is emphasized in most schools? Is critical thinking rewarded?
Creative thinking? Is school success based on students’ ability to think critically? Creatively?
3. The environment. What type of classroom environment would be conducive to developing critical
thinking? Creative thinking? What problems can you foresee in establishing this environment?

 Cite at least 5 References in APA.
 You need to use at least 3 different resources besides Castronova (2002), and Moore
 You may use for citing your sources
in APA style.

 Stanford university (n.d.) Retrieved from
 Innovative Learning (n.d.) Retrieved from
 University of Connecticut (n.d.) Retrieved from

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