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Arduino based Car collision avoidance system by using ultrasonic sensor

The population of our country has been increasing rapidly which indirectly increases the vehicle
density and leads to many road accidents. Due to car collision accident, mortality rate is
increased day to day because of the driver may drive fast beyond the specified speed, drunken
and other similar cases. Therefore our project is dealing to reduce these serious problems by
designing an arduino based automatic vehicle collision avoidance control system by using
Ultrasonic sensor. We are going to design in which cars can automatically braking due to
obstacles when the sensors sense the obstacle. This system increases the safety feature of cars
during navigation to reduce accidents and it has ability to sense object coming to hit the car
during this time activate automatic braking system to accelerate or brake the speed of the vehicle.
Also it has the ability to the system design will prevent such accident it keeps truck of any
vehicles in front, back, left, and right side. It will continuously keep truck of the distance
between the vehicles. When the obstacles come dangerously close, the microcontroller in the
system will activate brakes and it will slow down the vehicle speed and also it can accelerate
when the other vehicles come from the back side at high speed to avoid colliding with a vehicle
or an obstacle in the way. Arduino microcontroller used to control the over all of the system with
in ultrasonic sensor module and push button are used as input device, while LCD, buzzer and
braking mechanism are output of the control unit. Ultrasonic sensors are used to detect the
obstacle in addition to this; manual operation (pedal) and automatic braking system are included
as an option for the driver safety.
Keyword: Arduino microcontroller; LCD display; Ultrasonic sensor; buzzer; push button

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