Symbol Symbol Name Meaning/ Example

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Subject: Mathematics

Date: April 9, 2018

Duration: 60 minutes

Focus Question: How do I generate rules from patterns?

Strand: Algebra

Sub- Theme: Algebraic Sentences


or legal issues and implications surrounding the use of technology

and practice online safety and ethical behavior.

Skills: listening, writing, critical thinking, observing, researching, analyzing, use symbols

Materials: balance scale, objects, paper made symbols, interactive chart, Wi-Fi, smart devices,
hand outs

Vocabulary: Inequality, equality, symbol, less, more, greater, equation, between, same

Previous Knowledge: write algebraic sentences for problems, use order of operation to solve
algebraic expressions

Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

 Identify mathematics symbols and their functions

 Use mathematics symbols in number sentences correctly
 Solve problems accurately using the order of operation
 Work cooperatively in groups to complete given tasks


Symbol Symbol Name Meaning/ Example

= Equals sign Equality 5= 2+3
5 is equal to 2+3
≠ Not equals sign Inequality 5≠4
5 is unequal to 4
> Greater than Strictly Inequality 5>4
5 is greater than 4
< Less than Strictly Inequality 4<5
4 is less than 5

Equal Sign- The equals sign or equality sign (=) is a mathematical symbol used to indicate
equality. In an equation, the equals sign is placed between two (or more) expressions that have
the same value.

Unequal Sign- The equals sign or equality sign (≠) is a mathematical symbol used to indicate
equality. In an equation, the equals sign is placed between two (or more) expressions that do
not have the same value.

Greater than sign- The greater-than sign is a mathematical symbol that denotes an inequality
between two values. The widely adopted form of two equal-length strokes connecting in an
acute angle at the right.

Less Than- The sign is a mathematical symbol that denotes an inequality between two values.
In typical mathematical usage, the less-than sign is typically placed between the two values
being compared and signals that the first number is less than the second number.
("Mathematical symbols list (+,-, x, /, =, <,>...)", 2019).

Using order of operations and correct mathematics symbols in number sentences examples:

1. 2(6), 2+2-1= 12 > 3 – 12 is greater than 3

2. 1x10-5, 6+4-5= 5 = 5- 5 is equal to 5

Order of Operation

B.O.M.D.A.S- a mnemonic for arithmetic order of operations.(Mathematics, acronym) brackets,

then order, then multiplication and division, then addition and subtraction.

 Read Objectives

Activities: Pupils will:

 Students will observe a balance scale place at the front of the
classroom. Side A and side B will contain different kinds of objects.
Students will tell what they observe about the scale.

 Students will be engaged by questioning- Which side of the balance

has the greater mass? How are you able to tell? Why does one side
of the balance goes up, while the other goes down. What can we do
to make the scale balanced?

 Students will share their personal experiences they had with equality
and inequality.


 In groups using online or offline sources, students will research the

four mathematical symbols identified and complete the following

Symbol Symbol Name Purpose Example/s

Students may use the following website as a guide:

 Using the information gained from the research, students will

complete an interactive chart given by the teacher with the symbols
they researched on.

 In groups students will be given different scenarios to identify who
got more, less or equal and express their answer using the inequality
or equality symbol to create a number sentence.

 Students will explain how they arrive at the answer.


 Using the order of operation (B.O.M.D.A.S) students will tell whether

or not both equations given are equal or unequal, greater or less.


 Students will play a game of shark attack to see how much they have
learnt from the lesson.



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