Ortiz - RA - Chapter 1

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The Problem and Its Background

1.1 Introduction

The Philippines has been known as one of the best places for vacation and leisure.

Provided with different wonders of nature, the archipelago have attracted different people

from various nations and localities. It is not just the places that fascinate the tourists, but

also the way how Filipino uses their edifices in accommodating their visitors. Given that

the country is gifted with natural beauty, both local and foreign investors have found ways

in developing these sites into a profitable and user-beneficial areas. Such places does not

only provide the people’s daily necessities, but also the individuals’ need for relaxation.

Some of the best types of the said areas that provide such services that can accommodate

these kinds of needs are resorts and ecological parks.

According to the Tourism Act of 2009 from the DOT, the state shall seek to

recognize sustainable tourism development as integral to the national socio- economic

development efforts to improve the quality of life of the Filipino people, providing the

appropriate attention and support for the growth of this industry. Encourage private sector

participation and agri-tourism for countryside development and preservation of rural life.

This states that the government gives great importance to the possible benefits of

development not just for the local unit but also for the whole country. They can see the

potential for the developments in contributing to the country’s economic status.

There are numbers of resorts existing and developing in the country. This only

shows that the people also give great value to their physical and mental relaxation needs.

A resort with different amenities and services can serve this needs. Some locality

embodies their culture into their developments to further encourage people who wants to

fulfill their leisure needs.

A new setting for relaxation is needed by the people for relief, not just from physical

but also from mental stress. People who are exhausted by the daily routines in their lives

are looking for fresh and different ways in spending quality time whether by themselves or

with their loved ones. Through innovative design approach, the study aims to offer better

ways for leisure and recreation. Many foreign tourists travel to the country because of its

tropic climate, through this aspect development intents to maximize the geographical

advantages including its climatic factors. An organic design approach would be feasible

for the study considering its location and the environment surrounding the vicinity. The

study will also integrate considerations for the locals by providing alternative and

sustainable solutions to their current industry. The Taal volcano and Taal Lake will also

be a key factor in the planning process of the development.

The research study focuses on the proposed lakefront development

located in Talisay, Batangas that will integrate a sustainable and resilient structure, while

considering different factors of planning and other environmental aspects that can affect

the development. The facilities that will be highlighted in the development are

Administration bldg, Resort accommodation building, Pool Areas and the Eco-Park.

1.2 Background of the Study

Most people who live in the rural areas depend on agriculture, others on fishing,

as source of income. Some places were given with the abundance of land to farm and

bodies of water to culture marine life, but only a few were gifted with both the land and

marine resources with added geographical properties. Talisay, Batangas being known as

the The Gateway to Taal Volcano has these astonishing qualities as a site. It can provide

a breathtaking view of the Taal volcano which have been a great asset in attracting local

and foreign tourist. The area also provides vast grasslands with brisk air flowing form its

calm waters.

Talisay is a third-class municipality located in the north-central area of Batangas.

Originally the municipality was just a barrio of Taal, and it had no definite name because

it lack the number of inhabitants. The town was named Talisay because of the Talisay

Tree that was closely linked to the churchyard where people normally went every Sunday.

When the people from Tanauan and Taal discovered the growth of agricultural products,

the area became well populated. In the present time, the municipality is now responsible

for the largest production of seedlings in the country. By providing 80 to 85 percent of

supplies to different areas of the Philippines, Talisay was known as the Seedling Bowl of

the Nation”. The livelihood of the citizens are mostly from proliferation of Tilapia culture

and the growing demands for plant propagation.

Aside from Taal Volcano as is main topographic feature, Talisay is located along

the lakefront and its topography is a longitudinal crossing of many minor ridges and

valleys. This aspect made the site suitable for developments especially resorts, and other

marine-related activities.

Giving focus to tourism, the Provincial Government of Batangas held a Provincial

Development Council last August 30, 2018. This meeting centered on the Proposed Taal

Tourism Belt plan that aims to build tourism areas around the Taal Lake. The proposed

development expects to support the surrounding areas including Alitagtag, Cuenca,

Mataas na Kahoy, Balete, Talisay, Laurel, Agoncillo, San Nicolas, Lipa City, Sta. Teresita

at Tanauan City. The project intends to construct a circumferential road around the Taal

Lake to provide easier vehicular access around the tourist areas located in the different

municipalities. Construction of Ferry Ports is a part of the venture that will offer alternative

mode of transportation for the locals and tourists. A Tagaytay-Lakeside cable car is also

proposed to provide a faster connection while showcasing the stunning view from

Tagaytay City to Taal Lake. Furthermore, the project expects that along with the proposal

is the arising of themed museums, restaurants and other commercial spaces alongside

the circumferential road will help boost the economy of their respective areas.

Talisay will be conceived not just for its production of marine life but also as one of

the best tourist spots in the Southern province. Life in the province will be enhanced for

the reason that these proposed developments along with the study will satisfy both the

tourism and economic needs of the Province of Batangas.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The problems for this study included five major problems and three minor problems

which were structured to further offer insights to the major problem.

1.3.1 Major Problems What it is the most applicable building and amenity orientation to

maximize the topographical asset of the site? How can the development affect the existing structure and

environment in the vicinity? What is the suitable arrangement of facilities to ensure proper user

and employee circulation? What is the appropriate architectural approach in supporting

Talisay’s different industry?

1.3.2 Minor Problems The municipality of Talisay has a few number of other resorts, what

can the proposed development offer that the other competitions

have not? How can the project give aid to the issues or problems that the area

is currently facing? How can the study ensure the efficiency of the municipality’s source

of utility/ energy, and what is the suitable alternative?

1.4 Significance of the Study

Through this study, the proposed lakefront development will boost and improve the

municipality of Talisay. It will also benefit the following:

To the community members of Talisay, the proposed development will help provide

alternative livelihood for its locals. The LGU’s citizens will be offered with better job

opportunities that can kindle their chances for a better life. The study will use strategic

approaches that will also consider the environmental factors that can and will be affected

by the development.

To the local government of Talisay, the study can encourage both local and foreign

investors that can be a key factor to the municipality’s economic growth. The development

will invite tourists, from different parts the Philippines and other countries, which shall

provide supplementary income for the locality.

To the future users of the proposed lakefront development, the study will provide

a new setting for leisure and livelihood. The development will integrate first-hand

experiences that will accommodate both their vacation needs and desires.

To the future researchers may use the data and information for their related

studies. This study will contribute to share important details pertaining to mixed-use

developments and application to the design proper. This study can be a tool for

researchers to improve the municipality of Talisay.

1.5 Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are sectioned into two parts such as the project

objectives and the design objectives. This matter is presented for readers to perceive why

the study is conducted.

1.5.1 Project Objectives

The aim of the work construed in this paper is to establish a beneficial lakefront

development that will not only attain economic and dynamic structures as well as the

improvement of the surrounding area and the people around the vicinity. The study

objectives include: To promote the current and potential tourist destinations in the municipality. To improve the locality’s growing plant propagation industry. To provide job opportunities to the citizens of Talisay, Batangas. To give the local government additional source of revenue and instigate

economic growth. To offer a different perspective in the municipality’s tourism approach.

1.5.2 Design Objectives

The study is intended to provide an advanced approach in implementing design

applications that will result to an efficient lakefront development. The following objectives

include provident considerations and goals to be accomplished:

6|Page To embody the culture of Talisay in the design approach. To develop the use of the geographic advantage. To provide sustainable alternatives that can be used in their industry. To allocate building positions that will ensure efficient work flow. To provide efficient accessibility and mobility path for the transport.

components. To consider environmental factors and the site proximity. To integrate climatic factors and available resources in the design proper

1.6 Theoretical Framework

“Life is architecture and architecture is the mirror of life”

-I.M. Pei

“Architecture can’t force people to connect, it can only plan the crossing points,

remove barriers, and make the meeting places useful and attractive”

-Dennise Scott Brown

Architecture can direct how people will live and how they will interact. It indicates

that through architecture, one can see the meaning of humanity. The people should give

importance to buildings not just for its design but for the promise of a better life. The culture

and ideas embraced in how a structure is built can show how a person gives importance

to who they are and to whom the structure is built for.

1.7 Conceptual Framework

Problems Encountered: Principles of Organic

Major Problems: Architecture:
1. Building Orientation 1. Site and its surroundings
2. Effects on existing 2. Energy Efficiency
environment 3. Water Efficiency
3. User and employee 4. Material Efficiency
circulation 5. Indoor Air Quality
4. Appropriate
architectural approach

Minor Problems:

1. Similar existing
Design Concept: Proposed Lakefront
2. Project’s aid to local  Typography Resort and
issues  Form & Volume Ecological Park in
3. Alternative Utilities  Physical Features Talisay, Batangas
 Materials
 Structure and
Input Process Output

Figure 1.0 Conceptual Paradigm

The study envisions a globally-competitive development that will integrate

a balance between technological advancement and the environment. The project will

unveil a lakefront development that will seamlessly harmonize the structures and

amenities with its natural surroundings. The venture will also establish an ecological park

that will promote an interaction between man and nature. The proposed development will

not only cater the locality’s needs but also provide optimal comfort and satisfaction for its


1.8 Scope and Limitation

The study focuses on the proposed lakefront development which includes physical,

environmental, social and economic aspect of the project.

The study comprises the following:

1. Architectural Planning and Design

2. Site Planning

3. Economic Feasibility Study of Development

4. Project Cost and Return of Investment

The scopes of the development of the project are the following:

1. Administration and accommodation building

2. Pool areas

3. Eco-park with recreational areas


The proponent focused his study on the architectural aspects, but utilized vital facts

so that it supported the concept or as required. This study was limited on details regarding

engineering works such as detailed mechanical, electrical, structural, seismic analysis on

the reaction of the structure to earthquake, plumbing, sanitary designs, and specifications

writing of materials used unless supporting details were provided to support the design


1.9 Definition of Terms

The findings of this study were applied in a practical manner as a guide for

designing the proposed lakefront development. Prior to a review of the literature relevant

to the research and design project, definitions are provided for several key terms that are

used throughout this thesis.

The following terms are conceptually or operationally defined to enhance the

understanding of the readers of this study.

Agri-tourism It defined most broadly, involves any agriculturally based operation or

activity that brings visitors to a farm or ranch.

Amenities A desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place.

Architectural Innovation It refers to innovation in the architecture of a product that

modifies or changes the way different component of the systems interact or link

with each other. The different components of the system may also be modified

within the new architecture however, the key technologies at the component level

remain unchanged.

Circulation An orderly movement through a circuit/ A passage or transmission from

person to person or place to place.

Climatic Factors This include rainfall and water, light, temperature, relative humidity, air

and wind.

Eco-park Ecological parks replace daily exposure to nature with a “tailor made” setting

where urbanized people can see first-hand how wildlife, plants and wetlands are

co-dependent in Nature for survival.

Edifices A building, especially a large, imposing one

Energy Efficiency It is the goal to reduce the amount of energy required to provide

product and services.

Indoor Air Quality It refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures,

especially as it relates to health and comfort of building occupants.

Inhabitants A person or animal that lives in or occupies a place

Material Efficiency It is a description which expresses the degree in which raw materials

are consumed, incorporated, or wasted, as compared to previous measures in

construction projects or physical process.

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Organic Architecture A philosophy of architecture which promotes harmony between

human habitation and the natural world.

Orientation The determination of the relative position of something or someone

Proximity Nearness in space, time or relationship

Resilient Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions

Setting The manner, position, or direction in which something is set

Site The spatial location of an actual or planned structures or set of structures

Sustainable Design It is designing without compromising the resources for future users

Utilities It refers to the set of services provided by these organizations consumed by the

public: electricity, water, sewage, telephone, natural gas, coal and transportation

1.10 Acronyms

CLUDP – Comprehensive Land Use Development Plan

DENR – Department of Environment and Natural Resources

DOT – Department of Tourism

DTI – Department of Trade and Industry

LGU – Local Government Unit

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