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I/ Business sales in Asia-Paciffic

 Revenue of AC Camera
Year 6 Year 7 Comparison Y7/Y6
Absolute Relative
Comparison Comparison
Projected Demands 210,2 254,5 44,3 121%
Actual Demands 198.4 242,7 44,3 122%

Comment: The projected demands in year 7 grow up to 21% than year 6

The Actual demands in year 7 grow up to 22% than year 6
 Revenue of UAV Drones
Năm 6 Năm 7 Comparison Y7/Y6
Absolute Relative
Comparison Comparison
Projected Demands 32,8 32 -0,8 97%
Actual Demands 26.9 34 7,1 126%

Comment: The projected demands in year 7 down to 3% than year 6

The Actual demands in year 7 grow to 26% than year 6

II/ Segment market in Asia-Paciffic in year 7

Year 6 Years 7 Y6/Y7

Absolute Relative
Comparison Comparison
Revenue 64,480 78,878 14,398 122%

Cost 41,261 48,144 6,883 117%

Other Cost 15,085 20,051 4,966 133%
Profit 8,134 10,683 2,549 131%
1. AC Camera
- In terms of revenue, the cost of year 7 increases compared to year 6 (because
of the use of high quality books and high prices). Discrepancy in revenue,
cost is 22% and 17% compared to year 6
- There is no shortage of products and sales.
- Market share of 2 years is relatively equal with no difference.
- There is an increase in the chain of stores, retail sites and local stores
between 2 years
- There is no change in the discount contract
- The warranty period of year 7 reduced to 180 days different from year 6 is
360 days
2. UAV Drones
a. Online sales
Year 6 Year 7 Y6/Y7

Absolute Relative
Comparison Comparison
Revenue 26,325 42,720 16,395 162%

Cost 22,296 31,015 8,719 139%

Other Cost 4,461 8,114 3,653 181%
Profit -432 3,591 4,023 831%

- Revenue and cost of online sales of year 7 increased significantly compared to

year 6, although no website was opened more but because of policies to increase
the quality of price increases, revenue and expenses in year 7 increased specifically
62% and 39% respectively
- In the year 7, no loss of sales in online sales, profits increased significantly
compared to the previous year increased by 731% over the previous year.
b. 3-rd Party Online Retailers

Year 6 Year 7 Y6/Y7

Absolute Relative
Comparison Comparison
Revenue 38,817 53,712 14,895 137,7%
Cost 30,755 39,499 8,744 136,2%
Other Cost 9,741 10,254 513 105%
Profit -1,679 3,959 5,638 235%

-Similar to online sales, retailers' revenue in year 7 was about 22% higher,
relatively unchanged compared to year 6.
- Profits increased significantly over the previous year by an increase of $ 1,615
million compared to year 6
- The number of retailers decreased slightly
c. All UAV Drones Operations

Year 6 Year 7 Y6/Y7

Absolute Relative
Comparison Comparison
Revenue 8,492 10,395 1,903 122%

Cost 8,459 8,484 25 100%

Other Cost 1,280 1543 263 120%
Profit -1,247 368 1,615 29,5%

In general, the revenue structure and cost of trading UAV Drones in year 7 is
higher than in year 6. In year 6, because of high quality policy, high price should
be loss but in year 7 when it is stable With some modifications, profit has
increased significantly (+ 235% y7 / y6). Two years have sold out the product has
produced. The market share of UAV Drones sales has also increased by 2.2%
compared to year 6. There is a change in the warranty period (from 360 days to
180 days from purchase)
III/ Competitive Analysis in Asia-Paciffic
AC Camera in Asia-Paciffic Average
Price (average
wholesale $ per
unit) 330 244 249 210 325 180 256
P/Q Rating (stars) 4.8 5 4.4 3.5 5.1 3.3 4.4
Numbers of
Models 2 3 3 3 4 2 2.8
Brand Reputation
(prior-year image) 73 76 75 75 75 69 74
Chains 24 26 33 24 32 20 27
Retailers 48 51 65 48 66 42 53
Retailers 2000 2150 2714 2000 2710 1600 2194
Retailer Support
($ per unit) 7.25 6.42 9.49 5.29 12.36 7.17 8
Budget ($000s) 1800 1100 1000 1500 2900 2000 1717
Website Product
Displays ($000s) 1000 1000 900 1120 1500 1000 1087
Weeks 16 10 14 4 16 4 10.7
Sales Promotions
Discount (%) 0.15 0.15 0.2 0.15 0.25 0.2 0.183
Warranty Period
(days) 360 90 60 120 180 120 155
ACC Unit
Demand 165.5 249.3 210.7 226.8 242.7 279 229
ACC Camera
Units Sold 165.5 249.3 210.7 226.8 242.7 279 229
Market Share (%) 0.12042 0.18143 0.15338 0.1651 0.17662 0.20307 0.167

With the company's strategy, the AC Camera is priced at the highest price in
competing countries at $ 325 (unchanged compared to year 6). However the high
price of the product is an outstanding feature added to the product (P / Q 5.1 is
significantly higher than the market average) and strong promotion (sales
promotion 16 week, 25% discount) like last year the company sold 242.7 products.
The market share is higher than the average of the competitive market and higher
than last year the company has won a relatively high market share for themselves.
Price (average direct-sale $ per unit) 1920 1209 1399 1440 1600 1600 1528
Discount to Online Retailers (%) 10 10 15 18 11 20 14
P/Q Rating (stars) 5.7 5.1 4.7 4.5 5.4 5 5.1
Number of Models 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Brand Reputation (prior-year image) 73 76 75 75 75 69 74
Online Retailers 20 24 30 27 22 23 24
Website Product Displays ($000s) 1500 600 900 1100 1600 2000 1283
Search Engine Advertising ($000s) 1200 1000 1400 1200 2600 2500 1650
Retailer Support ($ per unit) 75 62.5 110.09 47.62 123.29 78.74 82.87
Warranty Period 360 90 60 90 180 360 190
Direct (company website) 20.6 40.1 24.2 23.2 26.7 23 26.3
3rd-party Retailers 8 4.8 10.9 8.4 7.3 12.7 8.7
Total Demand 28.6 44.9 35.1 31.6 34 35.7 35
Gained/Lost (due to stockouts)
Uav Drone Units Sold (000s) 28.6 44.9 35.1 31.6 34 35.7 35
Market Share (%) 0.13614 0.21392 0.16731 0.15041 0.16207 0.17015 0.167

Also with the company's strategy, the price of the product is relatively high of $
1,600. However, along with the high price of the product are outstanding features
added to the product (P / Q of 5.4 is significantly higher than the market average).
The company's market share was higher than last year but it was only equal to the
average of the market, it can be said that the company has gained some market
share in its hands

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