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Springfield College – Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Corbett Lang Date: 5/7/19 Time: All Day

School: Dean Campus Holyoke High Lesson #: 1
Facilities: Gymnasium Class Size: Varies Grade: 9th-12th
Unit/Theme: Ultimate Sports Generic Level: Control/Utilization
Equipment: Footballs, 10 cones, scoreboard, Jerseys
Focus of Lesson: Gameplay

Student Performance Objectives :(National #; MA CF #;Task/Activity #)

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P) Throw a football with accuracy to a teammate in a game like scenario.

(C) Explain the importance of spacing and movement when Ultimate Sports.

(A) Encourage all classmates to do their best regardless of skill level.

Teacher Performance Objectives – During the lesson the teacher will:

Bring positive energy to help establish a safe learning environment for the class.
Give feedback on how students can improve the skills and strategies.
Stop the class and have students freeze to notice the importance of spacing

Special Considerations – What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students
in this class?
During Ultimate Football I will have to make sure that there is no other equipment laying around
the gym so that we can use our entire space. Also I will make 3 teams in some classes so the
court doesn’t get to crowded.

Morgan PE – Team Handball Quiz


0-5 Transition: Students will change for gym. Once they
min have changed they will head into the gym and sit at their
attendance teacher’s bench for attendance.

Introduction: Pass out Surveys and have students

complete them. Make sure they understand why they are
5-10 important.

Activity 1: Group Passing

10-15 Students will be in small circles with no more than 5
people and will pass a football around to their partners.

Activity 2: Passing Relay

Students will be in a line spread out down the gym they
15-20 will have to pass the ball from one side to the other and
back. Every student in the line must touch the ball. First
team to finish wins.

Transition: Bring students in and explain our next

activity to them. Also check for understanding by asking
students if they know the rules and have them use either
a thumbs up or thumbs down to let me know where they
said with things.

Activity 3: Ultimate Football

Students will participate in a game of Ultimate football.
20-48 This game has the same rules as ultimate Frisbee but
just uses a football instead.

Did you like today's activities?
End What strategies worked well for you team?
What games would you like to play this week?

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