Social Media in Ecommerce

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Course Curriculum Pack

This course is aimed at imparting candidates for the SOCIAL MEDIA

in e-commerce and aims at shaping the following key skills amongst
the Students.



 Social Media applications in e-commerce

 Social Media strategy
 Social Media marketing in e-commerce
 Social Media Checklist for Manager
 The Importance of Social Media e-commerce
The Evolving Role of Social Media in E-commerce

As social media and ecommerce become increasingly enmeshed in our

lives, the opportunities for them to interact with and bolster each other are

 considering that the average person spends around an hour and 40

minutes browsing social media every day,
 And the number of internet shoppers in the US will reach 217
million this year.

Back in the old days, a business’s presence would be signified by

advertisements in the paper and a physical storefront. Now, in the digital age,
business reputations live and die by their social media standing.

 Right now, social media is used by brands as a way to advertise,

increase their online presence,
 and deliver high-quality customer service. We can expect those trends
to continue, as some new ones emerge. Let’s take a look at the
growing role of social media in ecommerce.
 Paid advertisements.

With the almost absurd level of customization you can put on a :

 Facebook ad (age, geography, preferences and more) and the detail

with which Facebook can report your results, it’s a no-brainer for
brands to keep using Facebook and other social media advertising.
 It’s also a win for Facebook, which raked in more than $7 billion in

Related: 6 Must-Do's for Effective Social Media Marketing

The most successful brands will be those able to maximize their reach and
effectiveness on paid social media advertising. William Harris, an
ecommerce growth consultant for, says, “I see ecommerce
brands investing a lot more in paid social, and I think that trend will continue

 It’s not enough to simply pay for ads on Google Shopping.

 You’ve got to find a good audience on Facebook ads,
 Instagram ads and more and more,
 on Pinterest and other paid social media accounts. It’s getting easier
to set these up and track the return on advertising, which means more
brands will start doing it.”

Private messaging.
Over the past few years, analysts have noticed an interesting, unexpected
trend. While the use of public social media networks such as Facebook and
Twitter is starting to decline, private messaging services are exploding in

 WhatsApp, Snapchat and Facebook Messenger are all app

juggernauts with colossal engagement numbers running into the
Related: Top 10 Best Chatbot Platform Tools to Build Chatbots for Your

 Where the people go,

 the businesses must follow,
 and brands are edging their way into private messaging
through chatbots. Chatbots, AI personalities that can simulate real
conversations, can answer questions on products, offer
recommendations, and resolve customer complaints.

Consumers are slowly warming to the idea. According to,

 49.4 percent of customers would rather contact a business through a

24/7 messaging service than through the phone.
 Brands would be prescient to start looking into catboat services as a
supplementary channel to reach customers.

Additionally, many private messaging services now offer financial


 Opening up WeChat, chatting with a brand AI representative, and

purchasing a product without closing the app once, is entirely within
the realm of possibility.

In-app purchasing.
The harder it is to buy or access something, the less likely we are to follow

 This explains why ecommerce sites that take a long time to load have
higher bounce rates,
 And online stores with clunky interfaces sell less.
 One can already buy products through Instagram, Pinterest, and
 Once Apple Pay experiences widespread adoption, it’s almost scary to
think about how easy impulse buys will be -- if you see something you
like on social media, one swipe will get it delivered to your door. Brands
should immediately start evaluating how they can sell their products
through social networks, coupling a strong advertising presence with
an easy purchasing process.

Related: Apple Pay May Be the Creative Leap That Outmaneuvers


What's coming?
This year, social media will not only play a big part in ecommerce,

but also in all aspects of our social life,

just as it has been, arguably, for the last several years.

Moreover, several new social network technologies, including powerful

advertising tools, chatbots and in-app purchasing, as well as improved
design, will make ecommerce easier, and bigger, than ever.
These 4 Social Media Strategies Can Take Your E-Commerce Business
To The Next Level

brands that engage with customers via social media gain 20-40%
more revenue per customer relative to companies that do not.
 80% of people prefer watching a live video rather than reading
a blog post.
In the content-riddled world we live in, it’s no secret that standing
out as an e-commerce brand is no easy task.

Despite the difficulty, there are a handful of proven tactics to

help you cut through the noise across the crowded online
marketplace. One of those methods is fully embracing social

In fact, according to Constant Contact, brands that engage with customers

via social media gain 20-40% more revenue per customer relative to
companies that do not .

 From Facebook advertising to leveraging live video to partnering with

Instagram influencers,
 the benefit your store will gain from social media is undeniable, but the
problem lies in knowing where to start.

Let’s look at four effective social media strategies your business can utilize
to take your online store to the next level.
Maximize Your Impact with The Facebook Pixel
When it comes to the world of digital marketing,
 there are few “hacks” more effective than retargeting.
 Defined, retargeting is simply placing ads and other media in
front of individuals who have taken action within your sales funnel
in the past. This content typically encourages them to finalize
their purchase, subscribe to your newsletter, or other call-to-
actions to take them further down the funnel.

According to SalesForce, in the noisy age we live in, it takes anywhere from
six to eight touch-points to create a legitimate sales lead.

 With data points such as these, it’s hard to deny the power of
retargeting, and the single greatest opportunity to conduct retargeting
is with Facebook’s tracking pixel.
 Whether you wish to re-engage a visitor who scrolled down your entire
home page, one who clicked through but quickly exited the site or
something else entirely, the Facebook Pixel makes it possible.
 On top of that, from Shopify to Magento or other third party solutions,
the Facebook Pixel is compatible with just about every e-commerce

“To ensure you capture relevant data at all major stages

of your online sales funnel, it’s important to know which segment
or content caused a visitor to purchase your product or elect not to,” says
Lance Essihos, a social media marketer who has had success building online
businesses on the back of great content and helpful affiliate products.
To get started with the Facebook Pixel for your e-commerce store, Essihos
recommends adding the following custom conversions to your website once
the pixel is successfully installed:

 View Content
 Add to Cart
 Initiate Checkout
 Complete Purchase

As a result, you’ll be able to segment these groups into custom audiences,

making for effortless retargeting.

“Specifically, the custom audiences that are most advantageous to,

 zero in on are your site visitors,

 email subscribers, those who have added your products to their
shopping cart but have yet to purchase,
 those who have completed a purchase,
 And those who purchase from you on an ongoing basis.

All of these touch-points represent crucial phases of the sales funnel, making
it important to treat each of these audiences differently as opposed to
speaking to them all in the same way. In e-commerce,

personalization is key to long-term

• its

Plain and simple.

• Thats the power of social media interms of

personalization and customization.
Leverage Live Video

Over the past few years, live video has become an indispensable social
media strategy for e-commerce businesses because viewers thrive on the
immediacy and engagement that live video creates.

 In fact, 80% of people prefer watching a live video rather than

reading a blog post ,
 and 82% of people would choose live video over any other type of
social post according to sources. These types of metrics cannot be
ignored by e-commerce businesses looking to increase their bottom

Maybe your customers are on Facebook, or maybe Snapchat has been

successful for you. Wherever you’re reaching customers on social, there’s
an opportunity to be connecting with them via :

 live video. Facebook,

 Instagram, YouTube
 and Twitter all offer the ability to stream live.

For instance, if you’re ane-commerce fashion company ,

what better way to create hype around new styles than a live unveiling of
your newest designs?

 Or maybe you’re launching a new line of dog treats for your online pet
 What pet lover wouldn’t want to see adorable puppies chowing down
on your latest flavors?
 There are endless ways to connect using live streaming video and it’s
a worthwhile strategy.
 According to Agorapulse, users watch live videos on Facebook three
times longer than pre-recorded videos and live videos get ten times
more engagement in the comments section.

As a final tip, remember to be authentic. Live videos have been successful

because they present an unscripted look into your brand. This content gives
customers the chance to relate to you and your brand further when you
showcase the human qualities that make your brand unique.

Split Test Your Way To The Top

Without consistently split testing your online ads, you will always run the risk
of leaving money on the table, and with the technology available to us today,
there’s simply no excuse not to be A/B testing ad performance.

 On Facebook alone, users are able to split test based on everything

from the country one lives in to their relationship status to their age and
 Take advantage of this data by testing to see who your brand
resonates most with.

The key to effective split-testing though, as Essihos explains,

 DON’T FORGET: is to never try everything all at once.

 Instead, similar to science experiments, isolate the variables to be
certain of which preferences are resulting in the desired outcome.
 He also recommends running your ads for three to fourteen days for
the sake of statistical significance.
 You will then be able to apply the insights gained to revise your ad
copy, creative and more.

Whether you decide to utilize a platform like AdEspresso, Optimizely or

Adobe Target, the important thing is to remain consistent in your testing and
relentless in your pursuit for customer data.

Integrate Social Proofing

Believe it or not, it has been reported that 92 percent of

consumers are more likely to trust recommendations from individuals they
don’t personally know over brand recommendations.

As a result, consumers today are looking to their peers,

 influencers and
 customer reviews to help them make a decision, so social proofing is
more important than ever. While influencer marketing is one of the
fastest growing methods for gaining customers, it can also be an
expensive endeavor if you only focus on major influencers.

If you’re considering using influencers as a form of social proofing, focus on

micro-influencers as opposed to macro-influencers.

 Today, consumers are gravitating toward influencer content that is

authentic and believable.
 This is great news for your bottom line because you can partner with
real brand advocates who truly love your product, even if it’s niche.
 In return, the influencer’s audience will trust their recommendation. If
you already have people online advocating for your product, reach out
to them and propose a partnership.

User generated content is another effective way to grow your business, as it

engages your customers and lets them shine using your stage as a platform.

Encourage users to tag you in their product photos for a chance to be

featured on your page or run a contest for the best live video that shows
customers opening their product packages.

Establishing yourself as a viable force in the world of e-commerce can be a

daunting task, but with a clear strategy and the right tools to track data, you
can tap into the 3.1 billion consumers using social media across
the globe.
13 Infographics to Improve Your Social Media Marketing in e-commerce

1. It’s All About the Images

It’s all about the images. (Source: MDG Advertising)

The use of images can help increase engagement on social media and in
other forms of marketing as well. This infographic shows how images affect
social media, local search, articles, press materials, and ecommerce.

Not all businesses lend themselves easily to images, however. If your

product or service is hard to describe, consider using staff photos, work
environment or field pictures, or animated video solutions instead.

2. The 2015 Social Network Image and Video Size Guide

Image and video size guidelines to 10 social media sites. (Source:

Each social network has unique sizes for the best image display. What
looks good on one may not on another? This photograph-filled infographic
will help your business look its best on the following networks:



Google Plus,






and Snapchat.. More.

3. Sensible Social Media Checklist for Business

Customizable social media strategy and action plan checklist.(Source: The

Whole Brain Group)
Having a strategy and plan of action can make social media
marketing more efficient. This checklist starts by having you define your
target audience and list the challenges they face so that you can create
relevant, engaging content.
It then offers a customized approach to creating content for blog posts,
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest, YouTube, and Slide

4. A Complete Checklist for Social Media Managers

Checklist for social media managers

Getting into a routine makes social media marketing easier and
increases engagement. This infographic breaks tasks down into daily,
weekly, monthly, and quarterly duties.

 Also included are the number of times you should post to different

 ways to reach out to others,

 how to review your work,

 monitor social networks,

 and respond to messages and mentions.

5. How to Create Perfect Posts on Social Platforms

Tips to create the perfect posts on ten social platforms. (Source:


Creating a social media post that interests and engages your targeted
consumers is a primary goal of social media marketing campaigns. Learn
what makes a successful post on blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest,
Google Plus, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other social networks, and how to
tailor your message for the most visibility.

6. How to Get Your Blog Post Shared 1000 Times

Blog post promotion infographic. (Source: Razor Social and Canva)

Writing a blog post is just the first step in providing relevant information to
your target audience.

 You also have to get people to read and share it.

 This infographic presents numerous ways of increasing your blog’s

reach that includes advice on writing titles, optimization, creating
Pinterest-friendly images, and sharing and re-sharing of content.

7. 4 Steps to Create Twitter Cards

How to use Twitter Cards infographic. (Source: SurePayroll)

This infographic covers the four steps involved in creating Twitter

Cards and the benefits reaped from doing so. It lists the different types of
cards and outlines steps for making tweets more engaging using them.
It also features tips on choosing the card type, adding meta tags, card
validation, and measuring results. Without leaving Twitter,

 and by using Twitter Cards,

 followers can download an app,

 visit a landing page, sign up for a newsletter, or use a coupon.

8. How to Rule Pinterest for Ages

Pinterest infographic – facts, tips, strategies. (Source: Gryffin and
Emerchant Broker)

Do you need a better understanding of Pinterest? This comprehensive

Pinterest infographic gives business owners useful statistics, conversion
facts, set-up and board creation tips, and strategic actions to form a plan of
9. The Perfect Instagram Profile Page

The perfect Instagram profile page. (Source:

Featured in the informative article “9 Instagram Growth Hacks for Your

Local Business,” this infographic helps companies create a complete
Instagram profile. Included are posting tips, such as adding URLs to
captions, using geotags on photos and offers, and creating engaging
captions that have the right conversational tone.
10. Hashing Out the Almighty Hashtag

Understand hashtags and how to use them effectively. (Source:

SurePayroll and Ghergich & Co.)

Hello # Hashtags.

# Hashtags are still a mystery to many business owners. Those that use
them see an increased engagement rate. This infographic explains what
hashtags are,

 why they are useful,

 the protocols for their use,

 and tips for conducting a successful hashtag campaign.

11. 33 LinkedIn Tips in 140 Characters or Less

Tips to capitalize on LinkedIn. (Source: Ethos3)

The 33 tips contained in this infographic will help you use LinkedIn to
its fullest potential. Businesses can improve their profile and engagement
rate with tips, such as transforming your website’s generic link into a call to
action, using @mentions when posting, and incorporating visuals.
12. 13 Tips for LinkedIn SEO in 5 Minutes or Less

Boost your LinkedIn profile visibility. (Source: Inbound Marketing Agents)

Learn how to optimize your LinkedIn profile for higher exposure and

 The infographic contains tips on adding keyword-optimized job titles,

group membership maximization,

 and the collection of endorsements and recommendations.

13. Top 8 Social Media Etiquette for Business

Social media etiquette for business. (Source: CJD Digital Marketing)

Respecting etiquette is an integral aspect of social media marketing.

 As in most social situations, it involves give and take.

 Tips include: listen to your audience and acknowledge them, don’t

badmouth the competition, respond to messages and comments, and
“it’s the quality, not quantity” of followers that matter.
 On a monthly basis, more than 450 million people visit Facebook’s
various 'Buy, Swap and Sell' groups.
 This popularity led to the introduction of Facebook
Marketplace where all these transactions now take place.
 Around 87% of e-commerce customers have stated that social
media now plays an important role in helping them make a
shopping decision.

Between 2011 and 2016 social commerce has generated

more than $78 billion. This number is on a constant rise, and has
made social commerce one of the most important features of online
shopping, as opposed to treating it like an extra.

There are buy buttons on Pinterest and YouTube, shoppable Instagram

feeds and you can even shop directly via Twitter. It’s of utmost
importance that all of these e-commerce sites understand the
importance of taking advantage of social media platforms and their user

To provide more insight into this growth, has put together
this infographic which covers the timelines of social commerce, and
provides a range of useful data on the trend's development.

Take a look at the full infographic below for more information.

Social Networks and e-Commerce

On a monthly basis, more than 450 million people visit Facebook’s various
'Buy, Swap and Sell' groups. This popularity led to the introduction of
Facebook Marketplace where all these transactions now take place.

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