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Gymnastics Unit Plan

January 2019
Grades K-5
Dryden Elementary School
Corbett Lang

Unit Summary
This Unit Plan focuses on a lot of unfamiliar topics for students. It is designed to introduce
students to a wide variety of experiences and help them gain knowledge of body positions,
tumbles, animal walks and jump roping. The unit will focus on a high level of participation,
development of skills, and enjoyment. This will allow students to become successful in
cooperative learning and achieving goals. This unit will also help improve students
coordination, balance, spatial awareness, and agility. The challenges students will face
throughout this unit will all be worth it in the end when they have t

How to forward roll, log roll, egg roll,
Improve jump rope skills ( Learn 3-5 Tricks)
Learn 3-5 Animal Walks and Body Poses
Practice encouragement, and team bonding
Improve balance, Muscular strength, and agility

Psychomotor Objectives: By the end of the unit, students should be able to…
Demonstrate the ability to perform at least 3 types of animal walks using the correct technique.
Demonstrate the ability to perform 3-5 of Jump Rope Tricks using the correct technique.
Demonstrate the ability to perform multiple kinds of rolls when asked by the teacher.

Cognitive Objectives: By the end of the unit, students should be able to…
Demonstrate knowledge of tumbling by identifying 3 different kinds of rolls during a summative assessment.
Explain how to perform various types of animal walks during an end of class discussion.
Identify the differences between various jump rope tricks and how they are performed.

Affective Objectives: By the end of the unit, students should be able to…
Demonstrate the ability to work safely with peers and equipment in physical activity settings.
Demonstrate good classroom behavior by encourage their peers when performing new skills in gymnastics.
Exhibit safe behavior in a classroom setting by following all rules stated by the teacher.

Unit Overview

Day 1
K-2: Jump Rope Warm-up, Review/Practice Animal walks
3-5: Jump Rope Warm-up, Review/Practice Animal walks
Day 2
K-2: Jump Rope Warm-up, Animal Walks, Balances Body Positions
3-5: Jump Rope Warm-up, Jump Rope Tricks, Animal Walks, Combination of skills
Day 3
K-2: Jump Rope Warm-up, Introduce/Practice Tumbles
3-5: Jump Rope Warm-up, Jump Rope Tricks, Introduce/Practice Tumbles
Day 4
K-2: Jump Rope Warm-up, Practice Tumbles, Jumping gameplay
3-5: Jump Rope Warm-up, Practice Tumbles, Balancing Gameplay
Day 5
K-2: Jump Rope Warm-up, Review Material, Assessment of Skills
3-5: Jump Rope Warm-up, Review Material, Assessment of Skills


NAME: Corbett Lang DATE: TIME: 11:45-12:25

SCHOOL: Dryden LESSON #: 1 FACILITIES: Gymnasium

CLASS SIZE: About 25 GRADE: K-2 UNIT: Gymnastics


EQUIPMENT: 1 jump rope per student, Cones, 30 bean bags

STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (SPO): By the end of the lesson, students should be able to…

P: Demonstrate the ability to do at least 3 different type of animal walks.

C: Demonstrate knowledge of animal walks by being able to explain the differences between the correct form for each

A: Exhibit personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette and showing respect for the equipment by using the
basketballs for its intended use only at all times during the entire lesson.

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: During the lesson the teacher will...

Check for understanding at least 4 times throughout the class period.

Do not speak until all students are paying attention.

Have smooth and quick transitions

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students?

Explain all skill cues very clearly

Give student and teacher demos
Move onto next activities only when students prove they are ready


SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2014). National standards & grade-level outcomes
for k-12 physical education. Reston, VA.:


Students will sit in their groups and listen to instructions for the
1-4 day
Rules/Classroom management techniques:
Start: Whistle/Music turns on/Magic Snap
Stop: Whistle/Music Turns off
Review: This is the start of our gymnastics unit. The goal of this
unit is to help us improve our balance, coordination, agility, and
basic knowledge of gymnastics.

Instant Activity: Jump Rope Warm-up

4-14 Students will each get their own jump rope, find their own
personal space and try to do as many jumps in a row as
possible without messing up. Students who aren’t able to jump
rope will start off by catching toe fish.

Activity 1: Walk around the zoo

14-34 Students will be traveling around the safe harbor walking or
speed walking. The teacher will yell out a certain type of animal
walk and the students will have to do that animal walk for the
next 30 seconds. (Demo/Pinpoint all types of animal walks)

Activity 2: Food Gathering Race

Students will be lined up in their squads. On the other side of
the gym there will be food (bean bags) scattered around the
safe harbor. One student from each squad will go get food
using a certain type of animal walk. They can grab one type of
food at a time and bring it back to their squad. The team with
the most food at the end wins.

34-40 Did you have fun doing today's activities?
Can someone show me how to walk like a crab?
Can someone show me how to hop like a kangaroo?
Can someone show me how to crawl like a bear?
Can someone show me how to walk like an alligator?
Can someone show me how to walk like a gorilla?


NAME: Corbett Lang DATE: TIME: 11:45-12:25

SCHOOL: Dryden LESSON #: 1 FACILITIES: Gymnasium

CLASS SIZE: About 25 GRADE: 3-5 UNIT: Gymnastics


EQUIPMENT: 1 Jump Rope per Student, 30 Bean bags, 1 Noodle

STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (SPO): By the end of the lesson, students should be able to…

P: Demonstrate the ability to perform five different types of animal walks in a game-like scenario.

C: Identify what all five animal walks look like during closure at the end of class.

A: Exhibit personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette and showing respect for the equipment by using the
basketballs for its intended use only at all times during the entire lesson.

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: During the lesson the teacher will...

Check for understanding at least 4 times throughout the class period.

Teach with back to the wall as much as possible.

Have smooth and quick transitions

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students?

Explain all skill cues very clearly

Give student and teacher demos
Move onto next activities only when students prove they are ready


SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2014). National standards & grade-level outcomes
for k-12 physical education. Reston, VA.:


Students will sit in their groups and listen to instructions for the
1-4 day
Rules/Classroom management techniques:
Start: Whistle/Music turns on/Magic Snap
Stop: Whistle/Music Turns off
Review: This is the start of our gymnastics unit. The goal of this
unit is to help us improve our balance, coordination, agility, and
basic knowledge of gymnastics.

Instant Activity: Jump Rope Warm up

4-14 Each student will get their own jump rope. Students will then
travel around the safe harbor while jump roping. The teacher
will introduce three different types of jump rope tricks for
students to try.

Activity 1: Animal Tag

14-34 Students will travel around the safe harbor walking or speed
walking. If a student is tagged by the zookeeper, they will have
to do an animal walk all the way to the stage, touch the stage,
and then return back to the game walking or speed walking. If a
student is tagged multiple times, they cannot do the same type
of animal walk in a row.
(Review all types of animal walks before starting the activity).

Activity 2: Food Gathering Race

Students will be lined up in their squads. On the other side of
the gym there will be food (bean bags) scattered around the
safe harbor. One student from each squad will go get food
using a certain type of animal walk. They can grab one type of
food at a time and bring it back to their squad. The team with
the most food at the end wins.

34-40 Did you have fun doing today's activities?
Can someone show me how to walk like a crab?
Can someone show me how to hop like a kangaroo?
Can someone show me how to crawl like a bear?
Can someone show me how to walk like an alligator?
Can someone show me how to walk like a gorilla?
Can some show me how to do a jump rope trick? (3 people)


NAME: Corbett Lang DATE: TIME: 11:45-12:25

SCHOOL: Dryden LESSON #: 2 FACILITIES: Gymnasium

CLASS SIZE: About 25 GRADE: k-2 UNIT: Gymnastics

FOCUS OF LESSON: Animal Walks, Balances

EQUIPMENT: 1 Jump rope per student, 2 noodles

STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (SPO): By the end of the lesson, students should be able to…

P: Demonstrate the ability to perform 3 types of body poses when asked by the teacher.

C: Identify 3 different body poses when asked by the teacher during closure.

A: Exhibit personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette and showing respect for the equipment by using the
basketballs for its intended use only at all times during the entire lesson.

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: During the lesson the teacher will...

Make sure all instructions are clear and straight to the point to maximize activity time

Do not speak until all students are paying attention.

Have smooth and quick transitions

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students?

Explain all skill cues very clearly

Give student and teacher demos
Move onto next activities only when students prove they are ready


SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2014). National standards & grade-level outcomes
for k-12 physical education. Reston, VA.:


Students will sit in their groups and listen to instructions for the
1-4 day
Rules/Classroom management techniques:
Start: Whistle/Music turns on/Magic Snap
Stop: Whistle/Music Turns off
Review: Airplane, Tree, Table

Instant Activity: Jump Rope Warm up

4-14 Students will each get their own jump rope, find their own
personal space and try to do as many jumps in a row as
possible without messing up. Students who aren’t able to jump
rope will start off by catching toe fish.

Activity 1: Simon Says (Body Poses/Animal Walks)

14-34 Students will spread out around the safe harbor. After
explaining the rules, the teacher will say “simon says” and then
a pose or animal walk previously described to the students. The
students will perform the pose or walk said. If a student does
the wrong pose or walk they will be out. And will stand outside
the safe harbor and practice jump roping.

Activity 2: Animal Tag

Students will travel around the safe harbor walking or speed
walking. If a student is tagged by the zookeeper, they will have
to do an animal walk all the way to the stage, touch the stage,
and then return back to the game walking or speed walking. If a
student is tagged multiple times, they cannot do the same type
of animal walk in a row.

34-40 Did you have fun doing today's activities?
What are the different types of body poses?
What are the different types of animal walks?


NAME: Corbett Lang DATE: TIME: 11:45-12:25

SCHOOL: Dryden LESSON #: 2 FACILITIES: Gymnasium

CLASS SIZE: About 25 GRADE: 3-5 UNIT: Gymnastics

FOCUS OF LESSON: Animal walks, Jump Rope Tricks

EQUIPMENT: 1 Jump Rope per Student, 15 Hula Hoops, 10 Cones

STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (SPO): By the end of the lesson, students should be able to…

P: Demonstrate at least 2 jump ropes tricks that they feel comfortable performing during closure.

C: Explain how to do certain animal walks and what skills are required to do them when asked by the teacher.

A: Exhibit personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette and showing respect for the equipment by using the
basketballs for its intended use only at all times during the entire lesson.

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: During the lesson the teacher will...

Pinpoint at least 3 students who are doing the activities correctly

Do not speak until all students are paying attention.

Have smooth and quick transitions

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students?

Explain all skill cues very clearly

Give student and teacher demos
Move onto next activities only when students prove they are ready


SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2014). National standards & grade-level outcomes
for k-12 physical education. Reston, VA.:


Students will sit in their groups and listen to instructions for the
1-4 day
Rules/Classroom management techniques:
Start: Whistle/Music turns on/Magic Snap
Stop: Whistle/Music Turns off
Review: Animal Walks and Jump Rope Tricks

Instant Activity: Synchronized Jumping

4-14 Each student will get their own jump rope. Students will then
partner up and take turns mirroring their partners jumping
pattern or tricks. After about a minute students will switch roles.
After this students will find new partners and do the same thing.

Activity 1: Station work

14-34 For this activity their will be 6 stations set up all around the
gymnasium. Three of the stations will have jump ropes and and
task cards with tricks that students can practice learning. One
station will have body poses and how to do them. Another will
have cones set up for students to practice doing animals walks
through them, and another will have cones set up for students
to either walk or jog around.

Activity 2: Musical Hoops

Students will be spread out around the outside of the safe
harbor with their jump rope. While the music is going on
students will just be jump roping in place. Inside of the safe
harbor their will be hula hoops spread out. When the music
turns off the teacher will yell out a certain type of animal.
Students will then perform that animals walk and try to get
inside of a hoop as quickly as possible. There can only be one
student per hoop. Each time a student makes it to a hoop that is
a point. Students will keep track of their own scores.

34-40 Did you have fun doing today's activities?
What are the five types of animal walks we have learned?
Demo how to do a jump rope trick.


NAME: Corbett Lang DATE: TIME: 11:45-12:25

SCHOOL: Dryden LESSON #: 3 FACILITIES: Gymnasium

CLASS SIZE: About 25 GRADE: k-2 UNIT: Gymnastics


EQUIPMENT: 5 mats, 5 wedges, 25 jump ropes

STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (SPO): By the end of the lesson, students should be able to…

P: Demonstrate a log roll using proper form (lie on back, legs fully extended, arms extended overhead, maintain
straight pathway) three of the four times he/she is observed.

C: Identify the skill cues of a log roll during a classwide closing discussion.

A: Exhibit personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette and showing respect for the equipment by using the
jump ropes for its intended use only at all times during the entire lesson.

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: During the lesson the teacher will...

Check for understanding at least 4 times throughout the class period.

Do not speak until all students are paying attention.

Have smooth and quick transitions

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students?

Explain all skill cues very clearly

Give student and teacher demos
Move onto next activities only when students prove they are ready


SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2014). National standards & grade-level outcomes
for k-12 physical education. Reston, VA.:


Students will sit in their groups and listen to instructions for the
1-4 day
Rules/Classroom management techniques:
Start: Whistle/Music turns on/Magic Snap
Stop: Whistle/Music Turns off
Review: Tumbling

Instant Activity: Jump Rope Warm up

4-14 The students are going to each grab a jump rope and find their
designated area of the gym. The students will practice double
unders, which I will explain and demonstrate.

Activity 1: Tumbling Practice

14-34 I will demonstrate and explain the three types of rolls (log roll,
forward roll, egg roll) The students will split up into groups of 5
and find a gymnastics mat. At each mat, the students will
practice the roll that they are assigned. There will be visuals at
each station to assist the students. After 3-4 minutes, the
students will rotate stations. There will a wedge at each station
to help students that are struggling to complete the roll. I will
also be moving from station to station giving corrective

34-40 Did you have fun doing today's activities?
What are the skill cues for a forward rolls?
Why are these skill cues important?


NAME: Corbett Lang DATE: TIME: 11:45-12:25

SCHOOL: Dryden LESSON #: 3 FACILITIES: Gymnasium

CLASS SIZE: About 25 GRADE: 3-5 UNIT: Gymnastics


EQUIPMENT: Mats, Visuals, cones, wedges, 1 Jump rope per student

STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (SPO): By the end of the lesson, students should be able to…

P: Demonstrate a log roll using proper form (lie on back, legs fully extended, arms extended overhead, maintain
straight pathway) three of the four times he/she is observed.

C: Identify the skill cues of a backward roll during a classwide closing discussion.

A: Exhibit personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette and showing respect for the equipment by using the
basketballs for its intended use only at all times during the entire lesson.

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: During the lesson the teacher will...

Check for understanding at least 4 times throughout the class period.

Do not speak until all students are paying attention.

Teach with back to the wall as much as possible.

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students?

Explain all skill cues very clearly

Give student and teacher demos
Move onto next activities only when students prove they are ready


SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2014). National standards & grade-level outcomes
for k-12 physical education. Reston, VA.:


Students will sit in their groups and listen to instructions for the
1-4 day
Rules/Classroom management techniques:
Start: Whistle/Music turns on/Magic Snap
Stop: Whistle/Music Turns off
Review: Tumbling

Instant Activity: Jump Rope Warm up

4-14 Students will each grab a jump rope. They will practice
crossovers with the jump rope, which I will explain and
demonstrate at the beginning of class.

Activity 1: Tumbling Practice

14-34 I will demonstrate and explain the three types of rolls (log roll,
forward roll, egg roll) The students will split up into groups of 5
and find a gymnastics mat. At each mat, the students will
practice the roll that they are assigned. There will be visuals at
each station to assist the students. After 3-4 minutes, the
students will rotate stations. There will a wedge at each station
to help students that are struggling to complete the roll. I will
also be moving from station to station giving corrective

Activity 2: Tumbling and Animal Walk Obstacle Course

Students will go through an obstacle course. They will have to
perform different rolls at each of the obstacles. There will be
signs at each of the obstacles (wedges, mats, elevated
noodles) that will remind them of the move they are supposed
to execute. I will explain and demonstrate the activity before
they begin. At the end of class, I will time the students on how
quickly they can all make it through the obstacle course.

34-40 Did you have fun doing today's activities?
What are the skill cues for a backwards roll?
Why are these skill cues important?


NAME: Corbett Lang DATE: TIME: 11:45-12:25

SCHOOL: Dryden LESSON #: 4 FACILITIES: Gymnasium

CLASS SIZE: About 25 GRADE: k-2 UNIT: Gymnastics

FOCUS OF LESSON: Tumbling/Jumping gameplay

EQUIPMENT: 5 mats, 5 wedges, 20 cones, 40 hotspots, 1 jump rope per student

STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (SPO): By the end of the lesson, students should be able to…

P: Demonstrate jumping with proper form (bend knees and hips, swing arms, push off the balls of the feet) at least 3 of
4 times observed by the teacher.

C: Identify the skill cues of jumping (bend knees and hips, swing arms, push off the balls of the feet) in classwide
closing discussion.

A: Exhibit personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette and showing respect for the equipment by using the
basketballs for its intended use only at all times during the entire lesson.

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: During the lesson the teacher will...

Check for understanding at least 4 times throughout the class period.

Do not speak until all students are paying attention.

Have smooth and quick transitions

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students?

Explain all skill cues very clearly

Give student and teacher demos
Move onto next activities only when students prove they are ready


SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2014). National standards & grade-level outcomes
for k-12 physical education. Reston, VA.:

Students will sit in their groups and listen to instructions for the
1-4 day
Rules/Classroom management techniques:
Start: Whistle/Music turns on/Magic Snap
Stop: Whistle/Music Turns off
Review: Tumbling and Jumping

Instant Activity: Jump Rope Warm Up

4-14 Students will each grab a jump rope. They will practice jumping
rope on one foot. If this is too difficult, the students can practice
jumping rope normally or work on double unders.

Activity 1: Tumbling Practice

14-34 I will demonstrate and explain the three types of rolls (log roll,
forward roll, egg roll) The students will split up into groups of 5
and find a gymnastics mat. At each mat, the students will
practice the roll that they are assigned. There will be visuals at
each station to assist the students. After 3-4 minutes, the
students will rotate stations. There will a wedge at each station
to help students that are struggling to complete the roll. I will
also be moving from station to station giving corrective

Activity 2: Log Race

The students will break up into their groups and form single file
lines behind the baseline. They will do a log race. The student
at the front of the line will roll to the three point line extended
(Mark by cones) and back. The next person in line can go once
the first roller slaps their hand. The first team to have all
members finish rolling and sit criss-cross wins.

Activity 3: River Race

Students will have to cross the “river” which is the gym floor.
They will line up and one by one try to go from one side of the
gym to the other without touching the gym floor. They will jump
on the hotspots. I will time them on their first try and they will be
challenged to beat it on the second time through the activity.

34-40 Did you have fun doing today's activities?
What are the skill cues for log rolling?
Can you show me a forward roll? A side roll?
Show me the proper way to jump?
What are the skill cues of jumping?


NAME: Corbett Lang DATE: TIME: 11:45-12:25

SCHOOL: Dryden LESSON #: 4 FACILITIES: Gymnasium

CLASS SIZE: About 25 GRADE: 3-5 UNIT: Gymnastics

FOCUS OF LESSON: Tumbling/Balance gameplay

EQUIPMENT: 1 Jump Rope per student, 30 hotspots, 5 mats, 20 cones

STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (SPO): By the end of the lesson, students should be able to…

P: Demonstrate how to tumble using the correct form during Activity 1.

C: Identify the three types of body poses that we have learned/practiced in class.

A: Exhibit personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette and showing respect for the equipment by using the
basketballs for its intended use only at all times during the entire lesson.

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: During the lesson the teacher will...

Check for understanding at least 4 times throughout the class period.

Do not speak until all students are paying attention.

Have smooth and quick transitions

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students?

Explain all skill cues very clearly

Give student and teacher demos
Move onto next activities only when students prove they are ready


SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2014). National standards & grade-level outcomes
for k-12 physical education. Reston, VA.:


Students will sit in their groups and listen to instructions for the
1-4 day
Rules/Classroom management techniques:
Start: Whistle/Music turns on/Magic Snap
Stop: Whistle/Music Turns off
Review: Tumbling and Body Poses

Instant Activity: Jump Rope Warm up

4-14 Students will get into groups of three and practice double dutch.
One student will be the jumper and the other two will spin the
ropes. After three minutes the students will rotate roles.

Activity 1: Obstacle Course

14-34 The students will go through the obstacle course that they did
last time. I will time them again. Their goal is to beat their time
from last class.

Activity 2: Freeze Tag

Three students will be taggers. Each one will be assigned a
pose. If you get tagged, you must get into the pose that the
taggers was assigned (tree, airplane, table). The frozen student
must remain in the pose for as many seconds as their age (five
year olds stay in the pose for a count of five seconds).

34-40 Did you have fun doing today's activities?
What are the skill cues for forward roll?
Show me tree pose.
SHow me airplane pose.
Show me table pose.


NAME: Corbett Lang DATE: TIME: 11:45-12:25

SCHOOL: Dryden LESSON #: 5 FACILITIES: Gymnasium

CLASS SIZE: About 25 GRADE: k-2 UNIT: Gymnastics


EQUIPMENT: 1 Jump rope per student, 5 mats

STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (SPO): By the end of the lesson, students should be able to…

P: Demonstrate the ability to perform body poses, tumbles, animal walks, and jump rope when asked by the teacher.

C: Discuss the all material covered in the unit with the teacher during closure.

A: Exhibit personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette and showing respect for the equipment by using the
basketballs for its intended use only at all times during the entire lesson.

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: During the lesson the teacher will...

Check for understanding at least 4 times throughout the class period.

Do not speak until all students are paying attention.

Have smooth and quick transitions

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students?

Explain all skill cues very clearly

Give student and teacher demos
Move onto next activities only when students prove they are ready


SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2014). National standards & grade-level outcomes
for k-12 physical education. Reston, VA.:


Students will sit in their groups and listen to instructions for the
1-4 day
Rules/Classroom management techniques:
Start: Whistle/Music turns on/Magic Snap
Stop: Whistle/Music Turns off
Review: All Material covered in the unit

Instant Activity: Jump Rope Warm up

4-14 Students will get their own jump rope and will practice in their
own personal space inside of the safe harbor

Activity 1: Body Pose Freeze Tag

14-34 Students will travel around the safe harbor speed walking. Each
round when students are tagged they will have a different body
pose that they must perform while they are frozen.

Activity 2: Walk around the Zoo

Students will take turns doing different animal walks that we
have covered throughout the unit.

Activity 3: Tumbles
Students will take turns on the mat performing various tumbles
that we have learned throughout the unit.

34-40 Did you have fun doing this unit?
Review all material.


NAME: Corbett Lang DATE: TIME: 11:45-12:25

SCHOOL: Dryden LESSON #: 5 FACILITIES: Gymnasium

CLASS SIZE: About 25 GRADE: 3-5 UNIT: Gymnastics


EQUIPMENT: 1 Jump rope per student, 1 assessment per student, 5 mats

STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (SPO): By the end of the lesson, students should be able to…

P: Demonstrate gymnastics skills by performing various parts of the unit when asked upon by the teacher.

C: Demonstrate knowledge of the gymnastics unit by filling out the assessment during the end of class.

A: Exhibit personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette and showing respect for the equipment by using the
basketballs for its intended use only at all times during the entire lesson.

TEACHER PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: During the lesson the teacher will...

Check for understanding at least 4 times throughout the class period.

Do not speak until all students are paying attention.

Have smooth and quick transitions

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: What are the safety concerns? What is unique about the students?

Explain all skill cues very clearly

Give student and teacher demos
Move onto next activities only when students prove they are ready


SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2014). National standards & grade-level outcomes
for k-12 physical education. Reston, VA.:


Students will sit in their groups and listen to instructions for the
1-4 day
Rules/Classroom management techniques:
Start: Whistle/Music turns on/Magic Snap
Stop: Whistle/Music Turns off
Review: All Material covered in the unit

Instant Activity: Jump Rope Warm up

4-14 Students will get their own jump rope and will practice in their
own personal space inside of the safe harbor

Activity 1: Group Routine

14-34 In their groups the students will develop a routine. This routine
must include 6 rolls (all four different types of rolls that we
practiced) and two of their favorite dance moves. If students feel
comfortable they can perform their group routine in front of the
class during closure.

Activity 2: Assessing
Students will be asked by the teacher to perform either a
specific animal walk, body pose, or roll.

28-40 Students will be given the end of the unit test. Each student will
fill out their own. After they are done we will review all material
and talk about what they liked and didn’t like about the unit.

Summative Assessment
Name 3 different kinds of tumbles/rolls.
1. _______________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________

Match the Words to the Picture: Crab Walk, Bear Crawl, Kangaroo Jump




Reflection: What parts of this unit did you like? What parts of this unit do you wish were done

Did this unit help you improve your jump roping skills?

Did this help you improve your tumbling?

What body poses did you learn during this unit?

Do you feel more comfortable performing jump rope tricks now that we have completed this unit?

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