UML - Deployment Diagrams

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UML - Deployment Diagrams

Deployment diagrams are used to visualize the topology of the physical

components of a system, where the software components are deployed.

Deployment diagrams are used to describe the static deployment view

of a system. Deployment diagrams consist of nodes and their

Purpose of Deployment Diagrams

The term Deployment itself describes the purpose of the diagram.

Deployment diagrams are used for describing the hardware
components, where software components are deployed. Component
diagrams and deployment diagrams are closely related.

Component diagrams are used to describe the components and

deployment diagrams shows how they are deployed in hardware.

UML is mainly designed to focus on the software artifacts of a system.

However, these two diagrams are special diagrams used to focus on
software and hardware components.

Most of the UML diagrams are used to handle logical components but
deployment diagrams are made to focus on the hardware topology of a
system. Deployment diagrams are used by the system engineers.

Tomado de

 Identifique la idea principal del texto.

The mean idea is the development of the diagrm and what is the mean propouse of
its, show the use and useful about that. Besides the componentes about the

 Elabore una lista del vocabulario desconocido.

However :
 Busque el significado en el diccionario y preste especial atención a la
pronunciación y el significado en el contexto.
 However : Sin embargo.
 Engineers: Ingenieros.
 Nodes: Nodos
 Topology: Topologya.
 Focus: Atencion.
 Static: Estatico.
Los significados de las palabras fueron encontrados de Wordreference por lo que
al momento de encontrar el significado, también se escuchó como se pronuncia
cada palabra en inglés.

 Trate de entender el texto sin traducir palabra por palabra.

Es una tarea de práctica donde se debe intentar asociar palabras con
características, lo cual es algo complejo porque ya se comienza a pensar en
ingles. Al hacer el intento es posible entender y comprender el texto sin mayor
dificult ad.

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