Dean Basketball Unit Plan

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Basketball Unit Plan

April 2019
Grades 9-12
Holyoke High School Dean Campus
Corbett Lang

Includes: Summary, objectives, Block plan, lesson plans, Do now, test, word wall, info handout
Unit Summary

This Unit Plan focuses on improving students basketball skills. By the end of the
unit all students should understand the rules of basketball and be able to step on a court
and participate in a game of basketball. This unit will help students with their dribbling,
shooting, passing, defense, and basketball IQ. Basketball is a very popular game
played all around the world so it is important that students feel comfortable playing it
because it is a fun activity that helps people stay active and healthy.
The teaching style that will be used for this unit is I will explain certain parts of the
game to students each class, constantly check for understanding, and allow them to
practice and play as much as possible so that they gain as much experience with the
game as they can during the two weeks the unit lasts for.

Unit Goals

By the end of the unit students should be able to:

● Dribble with both hands using the correct skill cues
● Understand the rules of the game and basic strategies
● Shoot the ball using a good form
● Pass the ball using different kinds of passes
● Play defense without fouling

Unit Objectives

Psychomotor Objectives: By the end of the unit, students should be able to…
Demonstrate the ability to dribble with either hand using all the correct skill cues.
Demonstrate the ability to make layups at a consistent rate.
Demonstrate the ability to participate in a competitive basketball game on offense and defense.

Cognitive Objectives: By the end of the unit, students should be able to…
Demonstrate knowledge of the rules of basketball by scoring an 80% or better on a basketball rules quiz.
Explain how to do the different types of passes, correct form for shooting, and the skill cues for dribbling.

Affective Objectives: By the end of the unit, students should be able to…
Demonstrate the ability to work safely with peers and equipment in physical activity settings.
Demonstrate good classroom behavior by encouraging their peers and showing good sportsmanship.
Exhibit safe behavior in a classroom setting by following all rules stated by the teacher.

SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2014). National standards & grade-level
outcomes for k-12 physical education. Reston, VA.: Authors

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Opening: Opening: Opening: Opening: Opening:
Pre-test Fouls Review All Violations Review all
Handout Terms Defense Movement Spacing
Travel/Double Screens

Ball handling: Ball handling: Ball handling: Ball handling: Ball handling:
Figure 8s Figure 8 Ball taps Moving ball taps Football Hikes
Circle waist Behind the back Banana peels Banana peels Figure 8s
Circle legs (While walking) Candy Canes
Circle head
Candy canes

Dribbling: Dribbling: Dribbling: Dribbling: Dribbling:

Stationary left/right/cross Down and back Down and back Down and back
left/right/cross Around each leg Each hand changing direction In and out
Figure 8 Switching hands Crossover
Through legs

Passing: Passing: Passing: Passing: Passing:

Chest, bounce, 2 person side Pass for layup 3 person side Star Passing
overhead, shuffles Pass for jumpshot shuffles

Shooting: Shooting: Shooting: Shooting: Shooting:

BEEF Layup Lines Layup Lines w/ Shooting lines Shooting lines-
Stationary layup Jumpers short corner wings
Moving layup

Contest: Contest: Contest: Contest: Contest:

Layup contest Elbow jump shots Dribble Relay Knockout Short corner

Gameplay: Gameplay: Gameplay: Gameplay: Gameplay:

3v3 4v4 3v3 3v3 4v4

Closure: Closure Closure Closure Closure


Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9

Opening: Opening: Opening: Opening:
Review all Offensive and Review all Post test
Labeling Do now defensive strategies Thorough check for

Ball handling: Ball handling: Ball handling: Ball handling:

Triple threat Pivot stationary Pivoting against Jab Moves
Pump fakes/ball fakes Pivot after dribbling defense
with shadow defense

Dribbling: Dribbling: Dribbling: Dribbling:

Dribbling down and Dribble Knockout Dribbling through cones Dribble moves at cones
back shadow defense down and back with for layups and
moves jumpshots

Passing: Passing: Passing: Passing:

Outlet for layups 3 man weave 3 side shuffles 2 on 1 Ultimate Basketball

Shooting: Shooting: Shooting: Shooting:

Drive and kick shooting Shotgun Shooting Free Throws Knockout

Contest: Contest: Contest: Contest:

Backboard Taps Reaction time challenge Hot shot Figure 8 Relay

Gameplay: Gameplay: Gameplay: Gameplay:

3v3 3v3 4v4 3v3

Closure Closure Closure Closure:

Day 1
Equipment: Basketballs, Hotspots, scoreboard, Cones, Pinnies
Teacher Performance Objectives:
● Give lots of positive, corrective, and specific feedback

● Explain and demo proper dribbling form

● Be assertive and give a very thorough intro/closure
(P) Students will demonstrate 2 of the 3 proper skill cues of dribbling during activity 1 and 2.
(National # S1.H1.L1)
(C) Students will be able to name at least 2 different rules of basketball when asked by the
teacher during the closure of the lesson (National # S1.H2.L1)
(A) Students will show good sportsmanship and follow school rules by respecting their
classmates throughout the entirety of the lesson (National # S4.H2.L1)


Transition: Students will change for gym. Once they
0-4 have changed they will head into the gym and sit at their Intro:
attendance teacher’s bench for attendance.
Introduction: Today we are starting our basketball unit.
Basketball is a fun game that is played all over the world. T
4-7 It was invented at Springfield College by a man named
James Naismith in 1891. Over the next two weeks we are
going to do our best to improve our basketball skills by
playing games and doing drills while also expanding our Activity 1/2/3:
knowledge on the rules of the sport.
2 Rules: Travel, and double dribble S S S S S S
7-11 Ball handling S S S S S S
Students will each have their own ball or work with a
partner and stand on a hotspot and perform:
Figure 8s, circle around the waist, legs, and head.

Stationary dribbling
11-16 Students will work with a partner, one partner will be
dribbling with their head up in place. The other partner will
put a hand up and that is that had that the person should
be dribbling with. After about 30 seconds partners will
switch roles, each person should get 3 turns to dribble.
The way you properly dribble a basketball is:
● Waist level
● Finger pads
● Head up

Passing Activity 4/5:

16-21 Partner passing chest, bounce, overhead and baseball
passes students will start close together and back up as ssssss
they go.
Remember to step with non dominant foot, towards your T
target, on bounce passes the ball should bounce beyond
half way. sssssss


Review Beef (Balance, eyes, elbow, follow through)

21-27 Students will be in lines practicing stationary lay ups then
they will back the lines up and do 1 dribble into a lay up.

Students will compete to see you can make 10 layups the
27-32 fastest. We will then switch sides.

Gameplay 3 on 3
Students will be put in teams of 3, two half court games
will be going on at a time. Each game will be five minutes.
Can someone tell me the skill cues on how to dribble?
What is it called when you walk with the ball?
How about when you pick up your dribble then dribble Closure:
Why is it important that we keep our head up when we
dribble? T

Day 2
Equipment: Basketballs, Cones, Scoreboard, Hotspots, Pinnies
Teacher Performance Objectives:
● Give lots of positive, corrective, and specific feedback
● Explain and demo how to play defense without fouling/different types of defense
● Be assertive and give a very thorough intro/closure
(P) Students will demonstrate the proper form when attempting lay ups. (National # S1.H1.L1)
(C) Students will name the two types of defenses you can play in basketball and explain what a

foul is. (National # S1.H2.L1)

(A) Students will show good sportsmanship and follow school rules by respecting their
classmates throughout the entirety of the lesson (National # S4.H2.L1)


Transition: Students will change for gym. Once they
0-4 have changed they will head into the gym and sit at their
attendance teacher’s bench for attendance.

Introduction: Review rules/defense Intro:

Rules terminology: Fouls, double dribble, travel, 3
4-8 point line, free throw line, half court line, paint, elbow. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Review types of passes
Ball Handling
Students will work with a partner, one ball per pair. One
person will walk down the court while wrapping the ball
behind their back, on the way back they will do figure 8s Activity 1:
while walking, each person will go twice.
Dribbling T
Students will be dribbling in place they will practice with S S S S S S
12-16 their dominant and non dominant hand, they will do
crossovers, and they will attempt to do figure 8s.

Two lines, students will pass back and forth with a
partner while sliding down the court when they get to the Activity 2:
16-20 otherside they will wait for their classmates and then do
the same thing back. Each time we go down we will sssssss
change the pass that we are doing.
Shooting sssssss
Students will be in two lines near half court one line will
be rebounding the other will dribble in and do lay ups
20-25 using the correct footwork. After they will switch lines.
We will do this from both sides of the court.

Students will be lined up at the elbow at each hoop in
25-30 groups of 3 or 4 and will do a contest first group to make
10 jumpshots wins.

Activity 3: Gameplay 4 on 4
30-48 Students will be put in teams of 4, two half court games
will be going on at a time. Each game will be five
minutes. Closure:
What is it called when you make excessive contact with T
another player?
End What is it called when you take two steps and shot very

close to the hoop?

What strategies helped your team be successful in 3v3?
What do you think your team could have done a better
job of?

Day 3
Equipment: Basketball, pinnies, Cones, Scoreboard, Hotspots
Teacher Performance Objectives:
● Give lots of positive, corrective, and specific feedback
● Explain and demo the 3 types of passes, and when they are used
● Be assertive and give a very thorough intro/closure
(P) Students will demonstrate at least 2 of the 3 different types of passes during Ultimate
basketball. (National # S1.H1.L1)
(C) During closure students will discuss why certain passes are used in different situations
(National # S1.H2.L1)
(A) Uses communication skills and strategies that promote team or group dynamics. (S4.H3.L1)


Transition: Students will change for gym. Once they
0-4 have changed they will head into the gym and sit at their
attendance teacher’s bench for attendance.

Introduction: Intro:
Defense: In basketball teams play two types of defense,
zone which is where each player is responsible for SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
defending a certain area, and man which is each player
4-8 is in charge of guarding a person. T
Review: BEEF, Dribble skill cues, Terms

Ball handling
Students will be standing on hotspots and they will tap
8-12 the ball back and forth to themselves, above their head,
and in front of them. After they do this they will do the Activity 1:
same thing but with the banana peel form.
Students will be 5 lines on the baseline they will dribble T
down and back once with each hand then they will do it
12-16 again switching hands. Each time they go down and
back they will go to the back of their line S S S S S S

Students will be in two lines near half court, they will
16-20 pass back and forth going towards the hoop and end
with a layup after a bounce pass. Students will switch
lines after.

Students will be in the same lines as they were in for the
last activity but this time one line will be rebounding the
20-25 other students will dribble up and take a jump shot from
close range, afterwards students will switch lines.

Students will be in two lines, each line is a team. It’s a
25-30 dribble a relay race so one person will go down and
back at a time.

Gameplay 3 on 3
Students will be put in teams of 3, two half court games
30-48 will be going on at a time. Each game will be five

Did you like today's activities? Closure:
Is there something you wish we did more of? or SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
End something that confused you?
What are the three types of passes we need to know T
how to do for this class?

Day 4
Equipment: Basketballs, Cones, Pinnies, Scoreboard,
Teacher Performance Objectives:
● Give lots of positive, corrective, and specific feedback
● Explain why passing is so important in basketball, also why getting open is so important.
● Explain different ways to get open.
● Be assertive and give a very thorough intro/closure
(P) Students will demonstrate good off ball movement throughout the course of the lesson.
(National # S1.H1.L1)
(C) Students will name two things you can do to help make yourself open for a teammate.
(National # S1.H2.L1)
(A) Uses communication skills and strategies that promote team or group dynamics.(S4.H3.L1)


Transition: Students will change for gym. Once they
0-4 have changed they will head into the gym and sit at their
attendance teacher’s bench for attendance.

Introduction: Intro:
Back court, Lane violation, inbounding violation.
4-8 In basketball like most sports moving when you don’t SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
have the ball is very important, it helps you get open and
it helps your teammates get open. Your team is much T
harder to guard when everyone is moving. Another way
to help your team get open is to set screens. Explain

Ball handling
Students will form 3-5 lines on one sideline behind the
yellow cones. The first student in each line will have a
ball. They will walk to half court and back doing ball taps
8-12 at head height. They will then pass it to the next person
in line. The next time through students will do walking
ball taps where they continuously move the ball from
their head to their knees. They will then do walking
banana peel ball taps.
Activity 2:
Students will form 5 lines on one sideline behind the sssssss
12-16 yellow cones. The first student in each line will have a
ball. There will be cone laid out in front of them. The first T
student will dribble to half court and back weaving
through the cones. They will be practicing changing sssssss
direction with the basketball. They will then pass it to the
next person in line.
Students will form three lines on the sideline. The line in
the middle will have the balls. The student in the middle
will pass to one of the students on the outside. That
student will pass it back. The middle student will then
pass it the other way. They will do this while moving
down the court. Once they get to the other sideline, they
will wait for the other groups to finish before going back
the other way.
The students will be assigned to one of the three hoops.
At each hoop, the group will split into two lines, with one
20-25 in each short corner. The students will shoot and then Closure:
get their own rebound and pass it to the next person in SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Contest T
Students will play knockout in one or two groups,
25-30 depending on class size.
Students will play 3 on 3. They will play with no dribbles.
This will make cutting, moving, and passing paramount.
There will be two half court games going on at once.

Was playing 3v3 with no dribbling hard?
When your teammate is cutting to the hoop do you
prefer to throw a chest pass or bounce pass? Why?
DId you enjoy today's lesson? What would you change?


Day 5
Equipment: Basketballs, Cones, Hotspots, Scoreboard, Pinnies
Teacher Performance Objectives:
● Give lots of positive, corrective, and specific feedback
● Explain and demo proper shooting form (BEEF)
● Be assertive and give a very thorough intro/closure
(P) Students will demonstrate 3 of the 4 proper skill cues of shooting throughout the lesson.
(National # S1.H1.L1)
(C) Students will name what each letter stands for in BEEF when asked by the teacher
during the closure of the lesson (National # S1.H2.L1)
(A) Students will show good sportsmanship and follow school rules by respecting their
classmates throughout the entirety of the lesson (National # S4.H2.L1)


0-4 Transition: Students will change for gym. Once they


have changed they will head into the gym and sit at their
attendance teacher’s bench for attendance.

Introduction: Intro:
4-8 Review All
Discuss why spacing is so important. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Ball handling T
8-12 Students will stand in place and do figure 8s, candy
canes, and football hikes to get warmed up. If there
aren’t enough balls for everyone to go at once some
students will work in pairs and take turns.

Students will be in 4 lines on the sideline, they will
12-16 dribble down and back each time they get to a free
throw line they will do a dribble move.

Students will be in groups of five. They will pass to each
other in a star formation, as demonstrated before the
16-20 activity. Once they get accustomed to this pattern, I will
add a second ball to each group. I will also have them
practice different types of passes.

Two lines on the wing at each hoop, students will take
mid range jumpers get their own rebound and get back
20-25 in line.

Contest: Short corner shooting contest

Students will be in two lines at one hoop. They will do
25-30 contest to see which line can make 10 shots from the
short corner the fastest.

Gameplay 4 on 4
Students will be put in teams of 4, two half court games
30-48 will be going on at a time. Each game will be five

Closure: Closure:
What does the acronym beef stand for? SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Why should a shooter’s elbow be underneath the ball as
End they are shooting? T
Why is balance so important when shooting?

Day 6
Equipment: Basketballs, Cones, Hotspots, Scoreboard, Pinnies
Teacher Performance Objectives:
● Give lots of positive, corrective, and specific feedback
● Explain and demo pump fake and triple threat. And why they are important.
● Be assertive and give a very thorough intro/closure
(P) Students will demonstrate 3 of the 4 proper skill cues of shooting throughout the lesson.
(National # S1.H1.L1)
(C) Students will explain what a pump fake is and why it is an important part of basketball.
(National # S1.H2.L1)
(A) Students will show good sportsmanship and follow school rules by respecting their
classmates throughout the entirety of the lesson (National # S4.H2.L1)


0-4 Transition: Students will change for gym. Once they

have changed they will head into the gym and sit at their
attendance teacher’s bench for attendance.

Introduction: Intro:
4-8 Review everything. Hand out Do Now.

Students will all start with a ball. They will practice the
triple threat position. The will spin the ball to themselves, T
8-12 catch it, and then get into an athletic triple threat stance.
Students will then pair up. One student will start as
defender and the other will start with the ball. The
student with the ball will practice pass fake and shot
fakes out of the triple threat position, while the defender
shadows the ball with his hand. After 30 seconds, the
students will switch roles.

Students will work in partners. They will line up on the
sideline. One partner will start as defender, while the
12-16 other will start with the ball. The defender will play
shadow defense as the ball handler dribbles from one
sideline to the other. The offensive player will dribble
three times in one direction before making a change of
direction dribble and going three dribbles in the other
direction. Once they reach the other sideline, they will
switch roles and come back the other way.

One line will start underneath the hoop. One line will
16-20 start on the left sideline about free throw line extended. Activity 1:
The other will start on the right sideline at about half
court. The person under the hoop will throw the ball off sssssss
the backboard to themselves (as if grabbing a rebound)
then outlet to the closer left sideline line. The person at T
half court will then cut to the hoop. The person will the sssssss
ball will hit them with a pass leading them to the hoop.
Halfway through the activity, I will switch which side is
the outlet side and which is the layup side.
The students will be split up amongst the three hoops.At
each hoop there will be two lines. One line will be at the
top of the key, the other line will be in the corner. The
person at the top of the key will drive and ,once they get
to the rim, will pass to the person in the corner who will
shoot. The shooter will get his own rebound and they will
switch lines.
The class will be split up into one or two groups
depending on class size. They will line up on one side of
the free throw line. The first person in line will approach
25-30 the basket and lightly throw the ball off the glass. The
next person has to jump and while in the air tap the ball
off the glass. Once you have tapped the ball, you must
quickly return to the back of the line. The goal is to get
as many successful taps without the ball hitting the
ground. Closure:
Students will play 3 on 3. There will be two half court
30-48 games being played at once. T
What kind of rotation should a jump shot put on a

What part of the shot does the phrase hand in the
cookie jar refer to?
What does BEEF stand for?

Day 7
Equipment: Basketballs, Cones, Hotspots, Scoreboard, Pinnies
Teacher Performance Objectives:
● Give lots of positive, corrective, and specific feedback
● Explain and demo proper dribbling form
● Be assertive and give a very thorough intro/closure
(P) Students will demonstrate an ability to dribble with their head up during dribble knockout.
(National # S1.H1.L1)
(C) Students will name all three of the correct skill cues of dribbling when asked by the teacher
during the closure of the lesson (National # S1.H2.L1)
(A) Students will show good sportsmanship and follow school rules by respecting their
classmates throughout the entirety of the lesson (National # S4.H2.L1)


0-4 Transition: Students will change for gym. Once they

have changed they will head into the gym and sit at their
attendance teacher’s bench for attendance.

Introduction: Intro:
4-8 Explain different types of defense:
● Zone
● Presses. T

Explain offensive strategies:

● Screens
● Give and Gos
● Backdoor cuts
● Spacing
Ball handling
Students will start with a ball. They will practice Activity 1 and 2:
stationary pivoting with each foot. Once they are doing
8-12 well with that, I will tell them to dribble within the space. sssssss
When I blow the whistle, they have to stop and pivot in
place. T
Each student has a ball. The students will spread out in sssssss
the half court area. The objective is to be the last person
remaining with a live dribble. If your ball gets knocked
12-16 out of bounds, or if you pick up the ball, you are out. As
more students get out, I will reduce the playing area.
Students will form three lines on the sideline. The balls
will start in the middle lane. The students will perform the
3 man weave. The passer will follow his pass and ran
16-20 behind and curl around the person he/she passed to.
The person with the ball will now throw it the other
direction and cut in the same fashion.
There will be two lines of students, one at each elbow.
The first person in the right line will have a ball, while the
second person in the left line will have a ball. The first
20-25 person in the right line will pass to the first person in the
left line who will shoot. He/she will then get their own
rebound and pass it to the second person right line. The
person will the ball at the front of the left line will now
pass to the first person in the right line (who no longer
has a ball) who will shoot.
There will be one line of students at each sideline. In the
middle of the court will be a chair with a ball on it. When
I say go, the person at the front of each line will race to
try to get the ball. The person that gets the ball will try to
25-30 score, while the person who does not will try to defend.
You get one point if you score a basket.
Students will play 3 on 3. There will be two half court Closure:
games being played at once. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
30-48 Closure:
What are some dribble moves that you used during T
dribble knockout?
How can dribble moves be useful in a real game
Why is it important to keep your dribble low and under
control when doing dribble moves?

Day 8
Equipment: Basketballs, Cones, Pinnies, Scoreboard
Teacher Performance Objectives:
● Give lots of positive, corrective, and specific feedback
● Review all material
● Be assertive and give a very thorough intro/closure
(P) Students will demonstrate good spacing and moving without the basketball (National #
(C) Students will discuss what their team needs to improve on and what they did well during
closure. (National # S1.H2.L1)
(A) Students will show good sportsmanship and follow school rules by respecting their
classmates throughout the entirety of the lesson (National # S4.H2.L1)


0-4 Transition: Students will change for gym. Once they

have changed they will head into the gym and sit at their
attendance teacher’s bench for attendance.

Introduction: Intro:
4-8 Review all
● Dribble skill cues SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
● Types of passes
● Rules T
● Names of spots on floor
● Offensive and defensive strategies
● History of basketball Activity 1:
I will do a thorough check for understanding as this
information will be on the post test. sssssss

Ball handling
Students will pair up. One partner will play defense, T
while the other will have the ball. The defender’s goal is
to knock the ball away from the offensive player, without sssssss
8-12 fouling. The offensive player should use his pivoting and
body positions to keep the ball away from the defender.

Students will form 3-5 lines on one sideline behind the
yellow cones. The first student in each line will have a
ball. There will be cone laid out in front of them. The first
student will dribble to half court and back weaving
through the cones. They will be practicing changing Closure:
direction with the basketball. They will then pass it to the SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
next person in line. The students will be asked to
perform different dribble moves when changing direction T
each time they go.
Students will form three lines on the sideline. The line in
the middle will have the balls. The student in the middle
16-20 will pass to one of the students on the outside. That
student will pass it back. The middle student will then
pass it the other way. They will do this while moving
down the court. Once they get to the other sideline, the
two people on the outside will become the offensive and
the middle person become the defender. They will play
out a 2 on 1 coming back the other way. Once they are
done, the next group will go.
Students will split up evenly amongst the three hoops. At
20-25 each hoop, the students will line up around the paint like
they are lining up for a free throw. One student will shoot
two free throws. Then they will rotate clockwise so that
the next person is up to shoot.
25-30 Students will pair up. There will be hotspots spread out,
with the color of the hot spot representing a point total
(green=1, Blue=2, Yellow=3, Red=5). If you hit a shot
when standing on a hotspot, you get as many points as
that hotspot represents. Each team will get two minutes
to score as many points as possible.
Students will play 4 on 4. There will be two half court
30-48 games going on at once, if numbers will allow for it.
What strategies or concepts (ie. spacing, movement) did
you implement well?
What strategies or concepts do you need to improve on?
How might the way you play change in a 5 on 5 full court
scenario, compared to 4 on 4 or 3 on 3? What strategies
End or concepts become more or less important?

Day 9
Equipment: Basketballs, Cones, Pinnies, Scoreboard
Teacher Performance Objectives:
● Give lots of positive, corrective, and specific feedback
● Review all material answer any questions students may have prior to the test
● Be assertive and give a very thorough intro/closure
(P) Students will demonstrate proper shooting and dribbling techniques during gameplay.
(National # S1.H1.L1)
(C) Students will complete a post test at the end of the class to see how much information they
retained from the unit. (National # S1.H2.L1)
(A) Students will show good sportsmanship and follow school rules by respecting their
classmates throughout the entirety of the lesson (National # S4.H2.L1)
Transition: Students will change for gym. Once they
0-4 have changed they will head into the gym and sit at their
attendance teacher’s bench for attendance.

Introduction: Intro:
Hand out post test.
Students will each have a ball. They will spread out
along the baseline. They will practice different jab moves T
that I demonstrate.
The students will form two lines on the baseline, about
three feet to either side of the lane lines. There will be
four cones spread out down the court in front of each Activity 1:
line. The student will dribble up the court and make a
dribble move at each cone. He/she will then pull up for a sssssss
jump shot from about 15 feet. The student will then grab
their rebound and dribble the ball on the outside before T

12-16 passing it to the next person in line. Once the first

person in line gets to half court, the second person may sssssss
This game is played like Ultimate Frisbee with students
having to bounce or chest pass the ball into the
16-20 opposing ‘end zone. No steps are allowed when a player
is holding the ball. With some classes their might be
three teams because no team should ever have more Closure:
than 7 people. The defense takes over posession if they SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
intercept a pass, or if a pass is dropped or bounces
more than once. T
Students will play knockout in one or two groups,
20-25 depending on class size.
Students will be in two lines, each line is a team. It’s a
figure 8 relay race so one person will go down and back
at a time. They will be doing the no-dribble figure 8s that
25-30 they practiced, while moving. The first person to have
every team finishes wins.
Students will play 3 on 3. There will be two half court
30-48 games going on at once.
What did the winning team do well that we could learn
How can spacing impact your team’s offense?
What are some things your team could have done

Basketball Do Now Name:

Label the basketball court.

1. Sideline,
3 half court line,
4 free throw line,
5. 3 point line,
6. key/paint.

Basketball Test Name:

1. How many players are on the court for each team in a real game?

A. 8 B. 5 C. 6 D. 4

2. The person who invented basketball was?

a.Lebron James B: Michael Jordan C. James Naismith D. Dan Marino

3. Where was basketball invented?

A. Chicago B. Hartford C.Springfield D. Miami


4. How does a basketball game start?

A. Jump ball B. Coin Flip C. Home team gets ball

5. What does NBA stand for? ________________________________

6-10 Match these words to their correct sentence:

Travel, Double Dribble, Foul, Box out, Screen

____________ When you get use your body to prevent another player from getting a rebound.

____________ When you make excessive contact with a player on the other team.

____________ When you pick up your dribble and then dribble again afterwards.

____________ Standing still in front of a defender to help your teammate get open.

____________ When you switch your pivot foot, or take more than 3 steps.

11. What does BEEF stand for?

12. What are two types of defenses you can play in basketball?

13. What is the corner of the free throw line called?

14. Name 3 types of dribble moves.


15. If you are standing on the 3 point line when you shoot how many points is it worth?

16. What are 3 types of passes in basketball?

17-20 Write a T next to sentences that are true and an F next to sentences that are false.

17. A player can take 3 steps without dribbling.

18. The center is usually the shortest player on the team.

19. When basketball was first invented they used peach baskets as the hoops.

20. In mens and womens basketball they use the same size ball.

A turnover occurs when a team loses possession of the ball to the opposing team
before a player takes a shot at their team's basket.

Triple threat
A way of holding the basketball where you are a threat to pass, dribble, or

The curved arc on the basketball court.

An acronym to help players remember proper shooting form. (Balance, eyes,
elbows, follow through)

Fast break
When a team goes down the court very quickly to try to score before the
defense sets up.

When a player makes illegal body contact with another player.

When a player on one team stands in the way of an opposing player to help
their teammate get open.

Box out
Getting in front of a player on the opposing team to help get yourself in a
better position to grab a rebound.

Buzzer beater
When a player shoots the ball and it goes in as time runs out.


o Dr. James Naismith is known worldwide as the inventor of basketball.

O At YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA in 1891, the sport of basketball was born.
o The first game was played with a soccer ball and two peach baskets used as goals.
o Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five active players each try to score points against one
another by propelling a ball through a 10 feet high hoop under organized rules.
o Shooting the ball through the basket scores points, the team with more points at the end of the game wins.
o The ball can be advanced on the court by dribbling it or passing it between teammates.
o Disruptive physical contact is not permitted and there are restrictions on how the ball can be handled.
o The game is either played in four 8-minute quarters (high school), two 20-minutes halves (college), or four
12- minute quarters (professional).
o The game is initiated in the jump circle with a jump ball. A jump ball is when the referee throws the ball in
the air between the two opposing players. The two players attempt to tip the ball to another teammate.
o Baskets made within the 3-point line are worth 2 points.
o Baskets made beyond the 3-point line are worth 3 points.
o Basket made from the free throw line given because of a foul are worth 1 point.
o A foul is when a player breaks a rule of basketball while making physical contact with another player.
o If the player was fouled in the act of shooting, this results in the player taking free throw shots. The player
is awarded 1 shot if the basket was made during the foul, 2 shots if the basket was not made and was taken within
the 3-point line, and 3 shots if the basket was not made and the shot was taken from beyond the 3-point line.
o Players who are fouled not in the act of shooting typically receive the ball out of bounds at a location on the
court closest to the infraction.
o The most common fouls can be found in the “Key Terms” section of this handout
Although the rules do not specify any positions whatsoever, they have evolved as part of basketball. The following
are the basic 5 positions:
o Two Guards Two Forwards One Center

The most common shot used is the jump shot.
o The jump shot is taken while in mid-air, near the top of the jump.
o This provides much greater power and range, and it also allows the player to elevate over the defender.
o Failure to release the ball before returning the feet to the ground is a traveling violation.
Another common shot is called the layup.
o This shot requires the player to be in motion toward the basket, and to "lay" the ball "up" and into the
basket, typically off the backboard.
The chest pass - The ball is passed directly from the passer's chest to the receiver's chest.
The bounce pass -Here, the passer bounces the ball crisply about two-thirds of the way from his own chest to the
receiver. The ball strikes the court and bounces up toward the receiver.
The overhead pass - is used to pass the ball over a defender. The ball is released while over the passer's head.
Key Terms
Traveling – A violation in which the ball-handler moves both feet to a different spot on the floor without dribbling.
Double Dribble – A violation in which the ball-handler dribbles with both hands or when the ball-handler dribbles,
picks up the dribble (stops dribbling) then dribbles again.
Carrying - A violation in which the player's hand is underneath the ball while dribbling.

Back Court - A violation that occurs when a team has established ball control in the front half court, then returns the
ball to the backcourt.
Charging – A foul where the ball-handler contacts a player whom has already established position on the court.
Reaching – A foul in which a defender contacts the ball-handler while reaching-in an attempt to steal the ball.
Key – The area on the court that is located under the basket and in front of the free throw line
Pivot – When a player establishes one foot as the pivot foot; that foot must remain touching the floor until a ball
handler who has stopped dribbling is ready to pass or shoot.
Back Board – The rectangular structure, 6' x 3 1/2', to which the basket is attached.
Rebound – when a player grabs a ball that is coming off the rim or backboard after a shot attempt.
Zone Defense – a defense where each defender is responsible for an area of the court and must guard any player who
enters that area Player-to-Player Defense
(Man to Man) - The defensive style where each defensive player is responsible for guarding one opponent.

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