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Creative Thinking

Question 1 of 12
When have you had to think outside of the box to solve a problem?
In my current position we saw a decrease in clients due to a local economic
downturn. I recommended to our head office that we begin to generate business
outside of our region for the first time in many years. They agreed, and the idea
turned things around for us that fiscal year.
I have worked with teams to think outside of the box to solve problems and have
also been on teams that thought too far outside the box, and forgot to look in the
box first. As a rule of thumb, I always assess the resources in the box first. If they
do not meet the needs of a project, I resort to think outside the box. Recently we
needed a mentorship program and decided to encourage aspiring leaders to take
part in it. This benefited those being mentored and gave aspiring leaders some
experience leading others.
I once had to deal with a space issue in our warehouse. We arranged and re-
arranged several times and could not make it work. I literally thought outside the
box and rented some outside pod storage until we were back to normal.
Talk to the interviewer about a time that you have problem solved in a creative way.
Were you happy with the outcome? For example: "In my current position we saw
a decrease in clients due to a local economic downturn. I recommended to our head
office that we begin to generate business outside of our region for the first time in
many years. They agreed, and the idea turned things around for us that fiscal year."
The interviewer would like to know when you have had to creatively problem solve.
Question 2 of 12
How often do you discuss work with your colleagues in order to think
up new systems and styles of working?
I have a policy with my team that if they have an innovative and helpful idea they
can bring it to me at any time. If their idea or system is something that I think could
work, we then create a plan together to present it to our head office. This policy has
generated some really strong ideas in our office over the past 3 years including a
work-share program and some health and safety initiatives.
I think it is important to discuss work with colleagues in a collaborative nature to
encourage all types of ideas to come forth. Often times, when people put their
heads together, they will create something better than something one individual
could have done alone.
I communicate with my coworkers, subordinates, and supervisor daily. We many
not always think up new ideas, but we often discuss "what-if" scenarios.
Do you use your creative mind with your colleagues in order to discuss ideas and
systems in the workplace? Talk to the interviewer about how you have used creative
thinking in the workplace. For example: "I have a policy with my team that if they
have an innovative and helpful idea they can bring it to me at any time. If their idea
or system is something that I think could work, we then create a plan together to
present it to our head office. This policy has generated some really strong ideas in
our office over the past 3 years including a work-share program and some health
and safety initiatives."
The interviewer would like to know if you discuss creative ideas with your
Question 3 of 12
How do you like to encourage ideas in others?
I like to encourage other people to be creative in their thinking and present ideas
to the company, no matter how off the wall they may seem. Some of our most
successful employees are ones who are confident in their ability to bring forward
their unique ideas. I encourage participation through an open door policy and
strong praise for those who show initiative.
I encourage people to tap into the best parts of themselves. It helps to ask probing
questions to get them to generate ideas on their own. If you paint a long term vision
for where you want to go towards, you will be surprised at the creative solutions
your team will come up with to get you there.
I try to leave crumbs of ideas around and see who sweeps them up. It is a great way
to spark conversations and get people thinking.
Encouragement to others is a great skill to possess. Talk to the interviewer about
your ability to encourage creative ideas in your team members. For example: "I like
to encourage other people to be creative in their thinking and present ideas to the
company, no matter how off the wall they may seem. Some of our most successful
employees are ones who are confident in their ability to bring forward their unique
ideas. I encourage participation through an open door policy and strong praise for
those who show initiative."
The interviewer would like to know how you have encouraged others to think
Question 4 of 12
Tell me about a project you worked on where a conventional approach
was not suitable.
In 2009 our economy suffered and a lot of businesses were struggling to keep their
doors open. At that time, a conventional approach was to take out additional ads
on the radio or TV. Social media was just starting to become a major advertising
outlet - and it was free. I launched a social media campaign that was very
successful. We were able to generate new and repeat business while coming in
under our advertising budget.
I recently worked on a project that was ahead of its time and federal guidelines. If
you want to achieve something you never have before, you have to do something
you have never done. We took an unconventional approach to federal research and
licensing technology through the Office of Technology Transfer in a way not been
done before. It was a necessary step to achieve the bigger picture.
I was on a team to alter our processes to meet our customer's environmental
impact challenge.
How have you implemented creativity in the workplace when a conventional
approach was not suitable? Display for the hiring manager how you are able to
think outside of the box when necessary. For example: "In 2009 our economy
suffered and a lot of businesses were struggling to keep their doors open. At that
time, a conventional approach was to take out additional ads on the radio or TV.
Social media was just starting to become a major advertising outlet - and it was
free. I launched a social media campaign that was very successful. We were able to
generate new and repeat business while coming in under our advertising budget."
The interviewer would like to know about a particular project you have worked on
where your creativity was required.
Question 5 of 12
What ideas have you created in the last year that benefited your current
or former employer?
This past year I have benefited my current employer through my creation of a new
sales training program for our sales trainees. It simplified the process and made it
much easier to teach our new staff.
I'm a creator by nature and constantly thinking up new ways to benefit the
organization and improve processes. Mostly recently, I saw a gap in the new hire
training and created a practice to teach new team members the information they
need to be equipped and successful on the job. We continue to build upon it with
training materials and incorporation of top talent into the program as mentors.
I naturally ask questions. It helps me learn, and it is not intended to be an insult to
the person I am asking. However, often during my questions, I and/or my trainer
will run across areas that could be improved, just based on the question that I
Talk to the interviewer about a recent time when you have benefited your employer
through your creative thinking. For example: "This past year I have benefited my
current employer through my creation of a new sales training program for our sales
trainees. It simplified the process and made it much easier to teach our new staff."
The interviewer would like to know if your creativity has benefited your employer
Question 6 of 12
Would you consider yourself a creative person?
I do consider myself to be a creative individual. One example of this would be the
telephone sales scripts that I crafted for our inside sales team. They were lively and
effective, and sales increased by 23% in the first 90 days of implementation.
I am someone who alternates back and forth with the right/left brain but I will
always consider myself a very creative person. I admire creativity and
unconventional thinking in business and arts.
Having been a musician all my life, I do believe that I am a creative person.
Talk to the interviewer about any interest that you have in creativity and how you
have implemented that desire in the workplace. Even if you do not consider
yourself to be a 'creative person', there is a large change that you have made
creative minded decisions in your career. For example: "I do consider myself to be
a creative individual. One example of this would be the telephone sales scripts that
I crafted for our inside sales team. They were lively and effective, and sales
increased by 23% in the first 90 days of implementation."
The interviewer would like to know if you are creative by nature.
Question 7 of 12
When have you created a new product or service?
In my previous role I was fortunate enough to introduce my company to the idea
of a gold level service where, in addition to our general customer service, we added
on additional options. Our customer base responded very positively and we kept
the program running for a few years.
As an avid nature lover and lover of cooking, I was tired of carrying all of my
cooking tools and equipment in and out of camping sites. I created a Camping
Kitchen Kit to hold cooking and serving for up to six people. It is an easy to carry
bag that makes life much easier!
A lot of my neighbors have pets. I started a neighborhood dog walking, sitting, and
vacation service in high school. It was really useful in the summer. I made some
money and helped my neighbors enjoy their vacations. Plus, I love animals.
Using your creative mind, have you ever introduced an employer to a new product
or service opportunity? Talk to the interviewer about a time when you have created
a new product or service. For example: "In my previous role I was fortunate enough
to introduce my company to the idea of a gold level service where, in addition to
our general customer service, we added on additional options. Our customer base
responded very positively and we kept the program running for a few years."
The interviewer would like to know if you have created a new service or product
during your career.
Question 8 of 12
Outside of work, what type of creative activities do you like to pursue?
Outside of work I like to attend dance classes and I also attend the odd paint and
sip wine nights at a local wine shop. I also enjoy reading as a way of nurturing my
creative side.
Outside of work I love to explore my creative side. I practice photography for fun
and do arts (painting, sculpture, etc.) with friends. As an avid reader, I also explore
writing. Cooking is also an art for me and I try to incorporate creativity into the fun
meals I prepare for family and friends.
I play the violin in a community orchestra and teach private lessons to local kids.
A true creative minded person will have outside activities aside from what's
happening in the workplace. Tell the interviewer about the variety of ways in which
you express your creativity. For example: "Outside of work I like to attend dance
classes and I also attend the odd paint and sip wine nights at a local wine shop. I
also enjoy reading as a way of nurturing my creative side."
The interviewer would like to know how you express your creativity outside of
Question 9 of 12
Tell me about a time when you created a unique idea or solution, and it
was rejected by your colleagues. How were you able to bounce back?
A couple of years ago I made a recommendation for scheduling that would have
included some split shifts. The result was less overtime and reduced expenses for
the company. My colleagues were unhappy with the idea of split shifts. I was able
to see their perspective which made it much easier to bounce back from the
rejection. My overall attitude is, you win some - you lose some!
I am always creating unique solutions or ideas in the workplace. Last year we
launched an employee satisfaction survey. After reading the results, it was clear to
me the work that needed to take place. We needed to better train our associates
and better equip our leaders with best practices to ensure their team's success. I
suggested implementing them right away. The ideas were rejected because the
leadership team wanted to keep things simple. It ended up, overtime, all of the
ideas were implemented. It was a learning experience for me on how to better gain
buy in from my peers before introducing new ideas.
I once suggested a 'suggestion box' when we were faced with high turnover and
employee morale issues. My suggestion was rejected because management thought
it would just turn into a complaint box. I was disappointed, but I did not let that
deter me from continuing in my pursuit to help find a solution.
Putting yourself out there with new ideas can be intimidating and we all want to be
accepted. Talk to the interviewer about how you would handle the feelings that
come with having your idea rejected. For example: "A couple of years ago I made a
recommendation for scheduling that would have included some split shifts. The
result was less overtime and reduced expenses for the company. My colleagues
were unhappy with the idea of split shifts. I was able to see their perspective which
made it much easier to bounce back from the rejection. My overall attitude is, you
win some - you lose some!"
The interviewer would like to know how you handle rejection when you present a
solution at work.
Question 10 of 12
When have you taken an existing process and used your own creativity
to make it better?
Last month my supervisor asked me to take our existing sales training package and
improve it. My goal was to make the system more engaging for new recruits. Once
we implemented my ideas, we increased our new trainee retention rate by 16%. I
was quite proud of what my creativity could do!
There are so many great business practices out there that there is not always a need
to reinvent the wheel. I took a "touch base" practice we used to get a pulse of the
team and customized it for a field baed corporate sales group to build better
relationships with them. It has been effective and fun!
I do not go into a position looking to make changes for the sake of change, but I do
monitor processes and look for ways to improve efficiency and/or reduce costs.
Are you given the creative freedom to improve existing processes? Talk to the
interviewer about your ability to take an existing process and improve it in a
creative way. For example: "Last month my supervisor asked me to take our
existing sales training package and improve it. My goal was to make the system
more engaging for new recruits. Once we implemented my ideas, we increased our
new trainee retention rate by 16%. I was quite proud of what my creativity could
The interviewer would like to know how you have expressed your creativity when
it comes to processes in the workplace.
Question 11 of 12
What is the most creative or innovative project you have worked on?
My previous employer wanted to think of ways to generate more attention online
and gather a stronger following and more brand recognition. I started an e-
newsletter that, after just 6 months, had over 30,000 subscribers. It was a great
I recently worked on a team to create an intranet for a global powerhouse
organization. We sought to find gaps in communications across the organization
and bridge those gaps through the new intranet tool. We were able to shape the
structure and make it our own as we saw necessary to fit the needs of the business.
I once worked on a team to reduce our environmental footprint. It was a lot of fun
and we were working to preserve our environment as well.
Have you been given the opportunity to be creative or innovative on a work related
project? Talk to the interviewer about a time when you have brought a creative
mind to the workplace. For example: "My previous employer wanted to think of
ways to generate more attention online and gather a stronger following and more
brand recognition. I started an e-newsletter that, after just 6 months, had over
30,000 subscribers. It was a great success."
The interviewer would like to know more about your creative projects in the
Question 12 of 12
When have you used an inventive method to stretch company
resources beyond the normal level?
I have recently implemented a schedule that allows for ride-sharing rewards which
has cut down on our company's fuel expense by $9000 per month. I am quite
proud of this initiative because it is not only financially responsible but also
environmentally friendly.
This is a practice I often utilize to maximize company resources and optimize value
to the clients. I recycle a lot of company materials to make the most of our
resources. I also do this with people in terms of cross training and sharing
understanding across departments.
I organized a new measurement tool for cutting material more accurately the first
time. Prior to it, we were leaving a lot of "extra" material on the first cut and
trimming it later. This caused a lot of scrap.
If you have an expense account or resource allowance it is very respectful to the
company to be as thoughtful with that allowance as possible. Talk to the
interviewer about a time when you have been able to stretch company resources.
For example: "I have recently implemented a schedule that allows for ride-sharing
rewards which has cut down on our company's fuel expense by $9000 per month.
I am quite proud of this initiative because it is not only financially responsible but
also environmentally friendly."
The interviewer would like to know about a time when you were frugal with
company resources.

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