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B1 Level 1 : Learning activity 3 : Stage 4

Apprentice’s name
B1.L1.Learning Guide 3

Learning outcome:
Establishing the execution plan for the project activities, based on the communicative and
technical requirements

Assessment criteria:
1. Establishes the flow of activities based on the corresponding grammatical structures and
the required tools.
2. Agrees on the work plan in a way that the resources and the allotted time are enough to
complete each activity.
3. Participates in discussions related to the establishing of the work plan and the
appropriate communicative functions and the required manners.

Create a flow chart to organize the execution steps of your project. Then, upload it to the
evidences folder.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

B1 Level 1 : Learning activity 3 : Stage 4

# Item A D Comments
1 The flow chart defines the activities flow.
The flow chart shows the plan to carry
2 out the project.
The flow chart allows foreseeing possible
3 problems with the process.
The flow chart shows a clear projection
4 of the project.
The apprentice carries out the task
following the instructions in the learning
5 guide providing a product that fulfills the
course and level expectations.
Dear apprentice, you have succesfully achieved
the proposed evidence. We cordially invite you to
Approval feedback continue working hard to fulfill the aims of your
learning process.
Dear apprentice, you have not achieved the
proposed evidence. We cordially invite you to
Improvement feedback review the learning materials in order to fulfill the
aims of your learning process.

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

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