Montgomery County, Maryland Promotes Urban Inequality Why I Don't Trust Maryland Judicial System As A Sexual Assault Victim (VAWA Act in Multi-Family Housing)

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As an African American sexual assault victim, there is no representation or support

for us, therefore, to silence my voice "Black woman life does matter". I experience
more racism and sexism within the “system of justice" more than any other racial
group in mainstream society. Due to historically truth, how can I trust a system that
was created to maliciously and negatively stereotype me while offering limited
protection and social support? I was sexually assaulted in Montgomery County,
Maryland while disabled during Labor Day weekend in 2016. I have the inability to
walk long distance due to pulmonary disease, chronic pain syndrome, and other
diagnoses that affects my mobility. I experience over 12 surgical procedures that
year; I became weak and fatigue all the time and he took advantage of me. I went to
my doctors, therapist and the crises center, I didn't call the police because most of the
police are white males or males, I couldn't see myself explaining what happen to me
to another male. In addition, when I moved to Montgomery County, Maryland I soon
discovered how police, agencies & the judicial system works and use coercion to
silence voices to enforce compliance while laws of protections benefit other racial

The Montgomery County justice system is unequal- The jury selection is the unequal
majority of white or nonblack for black cases who is the defendant, some of them
don't' communicate with black people. "This isn't a jury among my peers"! Peers
should know me and my culture. This is just an opportunity for malicious stereotypes
and negative stigma to being used in the matter of justice against black sexual assault
victims. A black woman stereotype is loud, angry or mad, so on... this stigma came
from an evil place- the fouls of the earth- the underground; the antithesis (opposite of
good). We can also acknowledge that this evil stigma is historic created during evil
times, slavery (white supremacy). As black women could be rape before and after
slavery; to satisfy the white man. Ida B. Wells talked on how rape was used as a
weapon of terror against black women as a form of lynching.

Our former first lady Michelle Obama experience the negative stigma "angry black
woman" such evilness as her image was negatively posted on the New Yorker
sporting an Afro, with a gun, on its cover. Michelle speaks about going high as the
person who fears her existence goes low, her actions aren't just to be angry, as she
doesn't deny the feeling does exist, she tries to separate the anger from the point.
Michelle Obama says the fear exposes the deep-seated fear that is pervading
American Society. As I witness her experience, that brings a great understanding that
one of the enemy's aim is to obliterate as an African American woman.
The Montgomery County Judges are majority white or male; the minority is
politically pressured to conform to the majority regardless of the law, therefore,
justice is depending upon the majority. One day I was driving over the line which is
one point, I got stopped by the police. I was in fear because he went to the passenger
side back and bend holding his pistol roster, I put my hands on the steering wheel
frozen. My heart went to my stomach thinking am I going to make it home. I decided
to go to court not to fight the one point ticket but to tell my story. It took a turn to the
worst, the Judge asks me do I believe the District court is racist. I turned around and
saw one side of the court white officers and the other side full of minorities with
tickets (one white man and woman). I said to the Judge look around, I didn't want to
fabricate under oath. I knew that was a form of harassment so I went to Circuit court
with the same issue but I suddenly became ill that day, the officer helped me stand as
my friend had to speak on my behalf. Judge Debelious treated me inhumane as I tried
to address the cop’s actions that brought fear to me as a black driver.

Montgomery County, Maryland Councilmembers- I had shared with the

councilmembers about my rape and a separate experience on 2/27/2017 when I was
stalked by male with a gray hood holding a device. I called the police and the officer
told me that he only date African American women, I don’t' understand why is that is
important, but I was confounded in fear. The cop negatively wrote in his report that I
was unstable, but I am a sexual assault victim. He tried to use the negative stereotype
me with the usual stigma "angry black woman" on the police report but the body cam
demonstrates differently; that I was calm even his supervisor wrote me, "he spoke to
the officer how he negatively treated me". On the police report, the officer had many
inconsistencies and fabrication describing the stalker as white- he was Hispanic- the
stalker had on black- he had on gray- he stated negative about my behavior- he
fabricated (body cam and his supervisor caught him) and then he wrote that the Elms
Property manager said I send her harassing emails but she responded by email and
denied it. This action is a violation of the lease, she offered me a lease the following

Only one councilmember responded, and it wasn't a woman however a male who just
made into an office. I was stunned the only woman; Councilmember Navarro didn't
reach out maybe because I am not Hispanic? There is no African American woman
council representative which demonstrates the disparity in this county. The negative
stigma and stereotype of my story may not be important to the rest of them because
they may believe I am violent? It's my fault or I done something wrong? Sexual
assault should come from another racial group? They are not the concern of a black
woman sexual assault victim in this county or police mistreatment. Maybe they are
just concern about black men as primary victims of police mistreatment- gender bias?
The Montgomery County General Assembly Member- When I was raped in
Gaithersburg, Maryland I contacted the senator in my district Cheryl Kargan, she
never responded back to me. I read in the Baltimore Sun as they were trying to start a
board for sexual harassment for the State, she told her story of sexual harassment. I
just find her to be hypercritical to talk about her story however don't respond to her
own constituents who had been raped in her district. She reaches out to me for a vote,
I did not vote for her she did return back in the office but not with my vote. I moved
from her district, too.

Maryland Civil Rights agencies do not advocate for civil rights, it's just a facade, a
photo-op and an illusion deceptive to the public. It's political for February to keep
MLK alive when it is dead, and his dream is oppressed by these agencies. These
agencies are corrupted using tax dollars and abusing complainants and destroying
evidence to maintain the oppression of civil rights, especially against blacks. These
agencies would hire blacks to oppress blacks’ complainants- to distort the truth and
destroy evidence to protect other racial groups from discrimination complaints.
Promoting white supremacy principles of division and segregation within the State but
to make it look good by hiring blacks to execute this propaganda. "Blacks are not just
killing blacks in the streets", we are doing this to each other in agencies, businesses
and in government. I was raped by a black man...

As one woman put it, "Racism and sexism are not connected"; they help define each
other." And the key is to transcend the limits of a politics rooted in mainstream myths
and attitudes". If African Americans ever want to cash that promissory note for the
payment of full citizenship that Dr. King famously said was returned for sufficient
funds, we must stop acting as if it was written only to the "other" man of the house.
Those engaged in the ongoing quest for freedom and justice must think about and
practice politics in other words of, "as if black women life matters" too, by feminist
scholar, Wendy Smooth.

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