Answer: S's Own Answers

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Test Paper

1.Complete the sentences: 20p

1 If he had taken my advice . . .
2 If you ate less . . .
3 We'll send for the doctor if . . .
4 If she practised more . . .
5 If there isn't enough wine in that bottle . . .
6 If you had checked the petrol before we started . . .
7 This clock wouldn't have run down if . . .
8 Try on the blue one if . . .
9 If these gates are locked . . .
10 If we leave before breakfast . . .
Answer: S’s own answers

2.Translate into English: 30p

1.Dacă nu adormea Eugen aşa de târziu,se trezea dis-de-dimineata şi ajungea la muzeu, unde-l
aştepta cineva de două ore.
2.Să fi dansat Eric tot drumul spre casă, părinţii lui s-ar fi speriat şi ar fi trimis după doctor.
3.Dacă ar şti Carolina cu cine vorbeşte,s-ar grăbi.
4.Benjamin ar urca muntele acela, dacă regizorul i-ar fi oferit o sumă mare de bani.
5.Dacă Cecil nu s-ar fi grăbit, pierdea avionul spre China şi ar fi rămas aici.

1. If Eugene hadn’t fallen asleep so late, he would have woken up early in the morning and (would have)
arrived/got/reached the museum, where smb had been waiting for him for 2 hours .
2.Had Eric danced all the way home, his parents would have got scared and (would have) sent for the
3.If Caroline knew who she was talking with, she would hurry.
4.Benjamin would climb that mountain, if the director had offered him a large amount /sum of money.
5.If Cecil hadn’t hurried, he would have missed the plane for China and (would have) remained here

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 10p
1. If it rains, we _______ (take) a bus. (will) take
2. If I _______ (be) you, I would see a doctor right away. were
3. If I had time, I _______ (learn) swimming. would learn
4. If Don had called earlier, we _______ (wait) for him. would have waited
5. If I see her, I _______ (tell) her. (will) tell
6. If everyone cooperates, the event _______ (be) a huge success. will be/is
7. If you try our auto glass repair service, you _______ (never use) another. will never use
8. If the weather were warmer, we _______ (love) to stay longer. would love
9. If you had been there, you _______ (feel) the same way. would have felt
10. If she knew the right people, she _______ (be) famous. would be

4.Translate into Romanian: 30p

1. The mouse would have been staying under the bed yesterday unless the cat had promised to
take care of it.
2. The squirrel would have been eating nuts unless it had been afraid you might hear it.
3. Mary would have been sleeping all night if the chicken had not woken her up.
4. Their great-grandmother would look younger if she did not wear glasses.
5. Your mother-in-law would help you more if you invited her to your house more often.
Name…………………………………. 9A/13-02-2014

1.Soarecele ar fi stat sub pat toata ziua ieri daca pisica nu i-ar fi promis ca va avea grija de el
2.Veverita ar fi mincat alune daca nu i-ar fi fost teama ca o auzi.
3. Mary ar fi dormit toata noaptea daca nu ar fi trezit-o puiul.
4. Strabunica lor ar arata mai tinara daca n-ar purta ochelari.
5. Soacra ta te-ar ajuta mai mult daca ai invita-o pe la tine mai des.

Test Paper

1.Complete the sentences: 20p

1. If the river rises any higher . . .

2. Her life might have been saved if . . .
3. If the volcano starts erupting ...
4. The grass would look better if . . .
5. Unless it is a nice day . . .
6. If you don't put enough stamps on a letter, the person who gets it . . .
7. He would lend it to you if . . .
8. Unless this hotel gets another cook . . .
9. If the storm becomes worse . . .
10. If your uncle sees you . . .

Answer: S’s own answers

2. Translate into English: 30p

1.Dacă Clarence nu ar fi intrat in casa cu puşca în mână, oaspeţii nu s-ar fi speriat.

2.Să fi sărit Ema în picioare când a intrat el în cameră, el ar fi fost foarte surprins.
3.Dacă se ascundea Eva în dulap, fotograful nu o fotografia şi n-ar fi acum pe prima pagină a ziarelor
4.Să fi intrat Fanny cu forţa în camera surorii ei, găsea camera goală, fiindcă sora ei fugise cu un marinar.
5. Ferdinand n-ar refuza să meargă la şcoală, dacă profesorul nu ar fi tipat la el.

1. If Clarence hadn’t entered the house with the gun in his hand, the guests wouldn’t have got scared.
2.Had Ema sprung when he entered the room, he would have been very surprised.
3.If Eve had hidden in the closet/wardrobe, the photographer wouldn’t have taken a picture of her and she
wouldn’t be on the front page of the newspapers now
4.Had Fanny entered by force in her sister’s room, she would have found it empty, because her sister had
fled/eloped/run away with a sailor.
5.Ferdinand wouldn’t refuse to go to school if the teacher hadn’t shouted at him.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 10p

1. If this _______ (be) gold, we would not be poor. were

2. If you go, I _______ (follow). will follow
3. If I had known, I _______ (write) to you. would have written
Name…………………………………. 9A/13-02-2014

4. If something happens, everyone _______ (blame) me. will blame/blames

5. If he had been greedy, he _______ (be) in deep trouble. would have been
6. If he _______ (be) here, things would be different. were
7. If one gives him an inch, he _______ (take) a mile. will take/takes
8. If he left home, his mother _______ (be) heartbroken. would be
9. If he had had good sense, he _______ (quit) his job. would have quit/quitted
10. If I have the means, I _______ (help) you. (will) help

Translate into Romanian: 30p

1. How would the camel have crossed the desert if it had not been for the Arab?
2. The kangaroo would have been eating all day yesterday if it had had enough food.
3. The antelope would have been running all night if the lion had not got tired of chasing it.
4. Her step-mother would behave more kindly if she did not work so hard.
5. Our great-grandfather would leave for Africa if you asked him to bring you bananas.

1. Cum ar fi traversat camila desertul daca nu ar fi fost arabul?
2.Cangurul ar fi minat ieri toata ziua daca ar fi avut destula hrana/mincare
3.Antilopa ar fi fugit toata noaptea daca leul nu ar fi obosit sa o vaneze.
4.Mama ei vitrega s-ar purta mai frumos daca nu ar munci atat de mult.
5.Strabunicul nostru ar pleca in Africa daca l-ai ruga sa-ti aduca banane

Test Paper

1.Complete the sentences: 20p

1. If you tried to climb it without a guide . . .

2. If you didn't shake the camera so much, your photographs . . .
3. I'd have brought my coat . . .
4. If you don't like the picture . . .
5. He would have given her diamonds if . . .
6. If you had asked his permission . . .
7. If the fire had been noticed earlier . . .
8. If you had any sense . . .
9. You would have been angry if . . .
10. If he had put the flowers into water at once . . .
Answer: S’s own answers

2. Translate into English: 30p

1.Gerald s-ar juca acum în zăpadă, dacă nu-i interziceau părinţii lui să iasă din casă.
2.Godfrey ar fi fost acum la uşă , dacă l-ai fi chemat.
3.De l-aş vedea pe David zburand la celălalt capăt al camerei, aş crede că e o fantomă şi aş ieşi din
4.Carol ar fi intrat la cârciumă, dacă ar fi început să plouă şi n-ar fi avut umbrelă.
5.Angela nu înţelegea că nu-şi va trece examenul, dacă nu va lucra foarte serios.
Name…………………………………. 9A/13-02-2014

1.Gerald would play/would be playing in the snow nowif his parents hadn’t forbidden him to leave the
2Godfrey would have been to the door now if you had called him.
3. Should I see David floating/flying in the air at the other end of the room, I would think it was a ghost
and hurry out of the house.
4. Carol would have entered the pub if it had started to rain and she hadn’t had an umbrella.
5. Angela did not understand that she would not pass her exam if she did not work very hard,

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets . 10p

1. If you had a time machine, what _______ you do? would you do
2. She _______ (be) better off if he had not married her. would have been
3. If you had not given me a chance, I _______ (not have) this wonderful job. wouldn’t have had
4. If it _______ (not rain), we would have won the bet. hadn’t rained
5. If I _______ (be) old, I would retire. were
6. If he _______ (ask) her, she would have said no. had asked
7. If it snowed, we _______ (be stranded). would be
8. If he _______ (know), he would not have eaten it. had known
9. If he had known this, he _______ (be) very sad. would have been
10. If something _______ (be) wrong, I would have called my boss immediately. had been

Translate into Romanian: 30p

1. Her step-mother would behave more kindly if she did not work so hard.
2. Our great-grandfather would leave for Africa if you asked him to bring you bananas.
3. The penguin would have frozen if the winter had been too hard.
4. Why would the giraffe have travelled such a long way if not to find food?
5. What would the dog have done if it had not been for the fisherman who fed it?

1. Mama ei vitrega s-ar purta mai frumos daca n-ar munci atat de mult.
2.Strabunicul nostru ar pleca in Africa daca l-ai ruga sa-ti aduca banane
3.Pinguinul ar fi degerat/inghetat daca iarna ar fi fost prea grea
4.De ce ar fi calatorit girafa atat de mult daca nu sa gaseasca hrana?
5.Ce ar fi facut cainele daca nu ar fi fost pescarul sa-l hraneasca?

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