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My decision to apply for master program in Environmental Sciences at the

University of … is driven by my strong desire to comprehend scientific approaches
that are related to conservation, restoration, and management of natural and cultural
landscapes. It emphasises quantitative analysis and explores how science can
identify and resolve environmental problems.
The Master's programme in integrated Environmental Sciences (ES) is
designed for whom intend to specialise in Environmental Conservation and
Restoration Management (ES III), management strategies for nature conservation
as well as dumpsite reclamation and remediation. Based on methodological skills
and systems analysis, the students will be trained for jobs in public authorities,
private agencies, relevant sections in related industries, insurance companies and
others. In addition, the Master's degree entitles the graduates to follow a scientific
career in universities and research institutions.
I have a number of experiences which would help me successfully complete
a master program at Environmental field. I obtained a bachelor of science at the
University of ….. with Physics as my major. Furthermore, I had joined some
fieldworks in environmental geophysics exploration as well. From these experiences
I have gained the necessary basic knowledge to study in Environmental Sciences.
I am very excited to join the incoming class at the University of …. It has
qualified teaching-staffs and the best subjects also offered in Environmental
Sciences. The university itself, possessing several years old traditions and cutting-
edge researches in science and engineering, the field is collaborating closely with
internationally renowned extramural research institutions and has in recent years
become a centre for sciences in Europe. The proximity to strong partners outside
the university as well as the close cooperation with international universities and
industrial partners have made the university as an excellent location with unique
fields of study, applied researches, and outstanding opportunities for supporting
young scholars. I sincerely believe I would be an excellent student in your program,
and I am prepared to work and study hard in order to meet the high standards that
the university is known for.
Finally, after I complete my master program, I will have more advanced
knowledge and skills in Environmental Sciences. It will give me a good chance to
expand my career as a scientist and lecturer at my university. The University of …
has Physics and Geophysics Engineering Departments, and Graduate School of
Disasters that related to Environmental Sciences exploration in which I can apply
my knowledge.

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