Automated Greenhouse With Arduino: Functions

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The project that I present to you is a fully automated greenhouse created by our dear
friend Letterio Bavastrelli who is watering herself, which controls temperature and
humidity, with an LCD display in which to read the data.
For those unfamiliar with the YouTube Reshitoze channel of Letterio Bavastrelli, I invite you
to take a look at it and leave a big thumbs up to the video.
Link to video: Link to the
channel Reshitoze :

The main objective is to minimize human intervention and create a system that is self-
managed, by monitoring the data that we take from the plant.
Arduino Mega 2560 is the brain of the project and several sensors have been used including:

 A Hygrometer : it will be used to detect soil moisture

 A DHT11 : sensor for detecting temperature and humidity in the greenhouse

 A water level sensor : placed in the tank, it will tell you when to add it.

 A photoresistor : it will control the solar brightness.

Output management is controlled by a 4 relay module that will be used to activate some useful
and necessary tools to make the plant live, such as a yellow LED light bulb to illuminate it when
it is in the evening and a fan for air recirculation if it should be excessively hot> (40 °).
Finally, always managed by Arduino, we find a buzzer and a red led that will activate if the water
level is low, warning the user to refill the tank, and a 20 × 04 LCD display (4 rows and 20
columns ) where the data managed by the Arduino Mega will appear.
Automated Greenhouse with Arduino

Components used:
Arduino Mega 2560
Water level sensor
LCD 20x04 I2C
4 relay module
DHT-11 sensor
1 Photoresistance
2 10KΩ resistors
1 220 Resistance Ω
1 Led Diode
1 5V 3A power supply
Electrical panel box
Polycarbonate greenhouse
Connecting cables

Circuit scheme:
Before completing the sketch you need to load libraries on Arduino IDE software by clicking
on: Sketch >> >> add #include library library from .ZIP file.
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