1 e Sbmitted DBX Mini Esy 4 Who Are

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Feedback for Mini Essay 4

Submission Feedback

Irene, this is beautiful. This reads as poetry. I love the revelations about yourself here.


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Irene Mendozza

Prof. Mandy Geddes


Mini Essay 4 - Who are you, really?

April 19, 2019

Who are you, really?


Since very little, I grew up close to my cousins and despite the fact, that I was living in

different countries and had different lives, we stayed always very close.

I remember one of our projects as little girls, which was growing tomatoes and money,

yes money, we used to put coins in the ground to make a money tree, in Tere, my cousin's

garden, I still can smell that garden, and Rosi's house where my aunt's walking closet smelled of

delicious perfumes and beautiful cloth.

Life passed, and I went back to my country again. At the time we were adolescents, yet we

could see the cultural differences on us. I had been living in Europe, and I was very different from

them. But for me, inside of me, I was the same little girl as always. They perceived me totally

One day, many years after, I arrived again. We came across remembrances of our

adolescence, and they began to talk and laugh about a person I didn't know, but it was about me.

The conversation was around a girl who was outgoing, daring and the most "popular"

around. She used the shortest minis in the city and had a boyfriend, about who she would talk

openly about him to everybody, with no fear. At the time, in my country, my cousins had to go

out with chaperons, but not me, because of my upbringing.

I asked them, very worried about, what had they perceived. They told me how much they

felt envy and jealous of me because I was doing what I wanted.

Nothing could be farther from the truth of how I really was. I was a shy and self-centered

girl, who learned, at a very early age to be careful with herself.

I like this side of me that makes people think I am auto-sufficient in all senses and strong

although some times, is tiring to maintain such profile.

Today, I am a grandmother, and I continue being very careful with myself.

I only have one, ME.

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