Applied Mathematics Syllabus

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Faculty of Engineering

Specialization: Applied Science

Course Name: Applied Mathematics


Number of Credits: 4

Level: 3

Learning Objectives
The student will be able to:
1. Determine continuity, differentiability and analyticity of a function and find the harmonic
2. Use Cauchy’s residue theorem, Cauchy’s integral theorem and Cauchy’s integral formula to evaluate
contour integrals.
3. Discuss bilinear transformation.
4. Apply Fourier transform to solve boundary value problems such as heat equation, wave equation
and Laplace equation.
5. Apply Z-transform to solve difference equations.
6. Use numerical methods to solve algebraic and transcendental equations.
7. Apply interpolation formulae such as Newton’s forward, backward and Lagrange’s formulae to
predict the value of any intermediate term.
8. Evaluate integration by Trapezoidal, Simpson’s 1/3 rd and 3/8 th rules.
9. Determine numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations.
10. Describe measures of central tendency mean, median, mode with their advantages and
11. Calculate measures of dispersions and compare two series using coefficient of variation.
12. Calculate coefficient of correlation for ungrouped and grouped data.
13. Discuss lines of regression and estimate the values of dependent variables.
14. Construct a probability distribution for a random variable and a continuous variable.
15. Compute probabilities using probability distributions such as Binomial, Poisson and Normal
16. Apply mathematical techniques to solve the engineering problems on LRC circuit, heat conduction,
vibrations in string.
17. Apply Fourier transform to solve boundary value problems such as heat equation, wave equation
and Laplace equation.

1. Class room teaching
2. Assignments
3. Tutorials
Course outline

Sl. No. Topic Hours

Functions of a complex variable
Definition of a function of a complex variable, elementary functions, limits and
1 continuity, differentiability and analyticity, Cauchy Riemann equations, Laplace
9/5 equation and harmonic functions. Line integrals. Contour integration, Cauchy’s
Integral theorem and Cauchy’s integral formulae. Taylor’s and Laurent’s series – 10
statement, residues, Cauchy’s residue theorem. Bilinear transformations.
Fourier Transforms: Definition, Fourier integral representation, Fourier sine
and cosine transforms. Properties of Fourier transforms (without proof).
Inverse Fourier transforms and simple applications of Fourier transforms.
Z-transform: Introduction to Z- transforms and Z - transform of standard 8
functions. Inverse Z- transforms. Solution of difference equations using Z –
Numerical methods
Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equations: Bisection, False
position and Newton - Raphson methods. Finite differences; definition and
3 simple properties. Definition of interpolation and extrapolation, Newton’s 8
9/5 interpolation formulae, Lagrange’s interpolation formula for unequal intervals.
Numerical differentiation and integration; Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rd
and 3/8th rule. Numerical solution to ordinary differential equations; Euler’s
modified method and Runge- Kutta method.
Statistical methods
Measures of central tendency; Mean, Median and Mode. Measures of Dispersion;
mean deviation, standard deviation, variance and coefficient of variation, 7
comparison of two series. Bi-variate analysis; Correlation, Lines of Regression,
Rank of correlation.
Probability and distributions
Introduction, addition and multiplication theorems on probability. Baye’s
5 Theorem. Discrete probability distribution; Binomial distribution, Poisson’s 7
distribution. Continuous probability distribution; Normal distribution.
Applications of linear and partial differential equations
Applications related to L-C, L-R-C circuits. Vibration of string, Applications 5
related to Wave equation, Laplace equation and equation of Heat conduction,
solution of these equations using Fourier transforms.
Books Recommended
1. “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Herbert Kreyszig & Erwin Kreyszig, John Wiley &
Sons (Asia) Publications, 7th edition.
2. “Engineering Mathematics”, N. P. Bali and Manish Goyal, Laxmi Publications.*
3. “Complex Analysis”, Lars Ahlfors.
4. “Numerical Methods for engineers”, Jain Iyengar, S Chand & Com. Delhi.
5. “A Text Book of Applied Mathematics”, Vol I, II, P. N. Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar, Pune
Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune.
6. “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publishers.*
7. “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, C. R. Wyile, McGraw Hill Publications.
8. “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Vol III, E. Rukmangadachari, Pearson
Education Publications.*
9. “Engineering Mathematics”, Ravish R Singh and Mukul Bhatt, McGraw Hill
10. “Calculus” by Thomas and Finney
11. “Statistics”, S. P. Gupta, S. Chand publications.
12. “Numerical Methods for Engineers”, Steven C Chapra, Raymond P Canale, Tata McGraw Hill
Publication, Special Indian Edition.
 Useful for all topics/units

Suggested Evaluation Methods

A. Continuous Assessment
1. Essential
a) Unit Tests
b) Tutorials
2. Optional
a) Quizzes
b) Class Tests
c) Seminars
d) Viva

B. End Semester Examination

1. Written examination

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