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In this essay , the researcher will be investigating the meaning behind Stonehenge along

with what the stones used to construct it was called. The use of Stonehenge and why it was so

important will be examined and by the end of this essay you will be enlightened about the points

listed above.

Stoneage, a geographical name, is the assemblage of megaliths ( a very large usually

rough stone used in prehistoric cultures as a monument) erected by prehistorical people

belonging to Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, Southern England about 137 kilometres southwest of

London. Known as one of the world’s most famous prehistoric monument have always been the

focus of many theories when it comes to the origin. Historians believed that it was erected in the

Neolithic period at about 2500 BC. Even though the pupose of the Stonehenge still remains a

mystery ,person visit the Stonehenge to because of its unbelievable size and age, some searching

for it’s connection with the past while others come to witness the working of a massive

astrological observatory.

Focusing on the prehistorical aspect, archeologist have concluded how Stonehenge was

actually construted. With the use of 20 ft long megaliths ,weighing 25 to 30 tons each, were

dragged from a quarry. They were then assembled nd sculpted by metal tools to form a huge

outer ring and a inner horseshoe made from post-and-lintel stones. Ten of these huge stones were

positioned upright and five layed horizontally across and bluestones, either reinstalled or freshly

quarried, were erected in a circle, half in the outer sarsen circle and half within the sarsen

It is believed that it was used a coronation place for a Druid temple, Danish kings , a

place where ancestors were worshipped and a cult centre for healing. But most importantly it was

believe that the Stonehenge served as a supernatural observatory used to foresee he movements

of the sun and moon and unlocking the seasonal cycle which woould provide vital information to

the agricultural society. Along with recent dicsovers , Stonehenge may have also served as a

burial site containing more than 350 burial mounds , this landscape is a apotheosis source of

information about the ceremonial and funerary practices of Neolithic and Bronze Age people.

Stonehenge is an icon of the past and continues to play the role as a sacred special place

of many religions and cultural significance for others. It has been the subject of many paintings

and poems ans also have been featured in books and films.

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