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Business Services Firm Redesigns

Deadline-Intensive Processes
ADP Netherlands increases visibility, simplicity,
and efficiency with OpenText MBPM

DP is the world leader in payroll, personnel and Industry
benefits administration, and HR issues. In the Business Services
Netherlands, the 550 employees of ADP provide
1.2 million workers with their pay slips every month. Customer
This division processes more than 85,000 pay slips per ADP
month as a managed service and is also responsible for
the transfer of assignment of payroll and HR experts. Challenges
n Deadline-intensive business
Deadlines without data n Lack of data, transparency
“The quality of our services stands or than expected. At the management level,
falls with reliable and efficient process- however, they had no understanding of Solution
es,” begins Mijndert Geervliet, Process & the status of the different process steps
Quality Manager for the Services division and, as a result, it became difficult to make n OpenText MBPM
at ADP Netherlands. “After all, we cannot interim adjustments.
pay salaries a day late just because we Moreover, management knew very little
have an internal problem. If employees about how its employees worked through
received their holiday pay too late, it would n Simplified processes
its processes. Geervliet explains, “You can
make front-page news. In this industry, a often approach a problem from the left
n Improved visibility for ongoing design
deadline is a deadline.” or the right. Previously, employees could
n Increased efficiency without
increasing manpower
Geervliet and his team had, indeed, choose how they completed work them-
designed very effective processes to selves, which is fine in principle, but the
meet the deadlines agreed to with their disadvantage is that an employee doesn’t
customers, but in practice they had not always see if the chosen solution is the
sufficiently factored in the speed with most efficient.”
which the process was completed. The
organization agreed to deadlines averag- Process redesign powered
ing from five to seven days from delivery with workflow
to processing with its customers and had When ADP decided to divide its managed
built in the necessary contingency into that services payroll process into knowledge-
process in case something went wrong or intensive and back-office tasks last year,
an accounting job demanded more time the company used this moment to look


“Thanks to OpenText MBPM, we do not have to hire a lot of

new people and we can now increasingly raise the efficiency
of our processes to another level. From that point of view,
this investment is paying for itself twice over.”
Mijndert Geervliet, Process & Quality Manager, Services Division, ADP Netherlands

for tools that could increase its grasp and Streamline implementation came to the process, which leads to better manage-
control of processes. Because ADP is Netherlands to assist Geervliet and his ment. There are no more holes. If some-
constantly evolving and regularly introduc- team. Again, everything went smoothly thing should occur which causes a delay in
ing new services, the tool had to be able and quickly. Geervliet says, “Based on a the process, it is immediately clear to every-
to help with designing new processes. “I proof of concept, we built our first process one involved so they can adjust it in time.
had a very clear idea in my head of what in October, which was a success. Then, in
I wanted, but I didn’t know if anything like November and December, we ran a pilot Using MBPM, it is now also easier to inte-
it even existed at the time,” Geervliet says. with one of the six teams to sort out any grate different processes. This is especially
An external consultant helped him in the problems, which also ran without a hitch— useful if new processes need to be designed.
search for suitable software and introduced and in January we went live.” Geervliet says, “Many of our processes are
him to Business Process Management intercontingent; one starts the other. In the
The five people in Geervliet’s team were
(BPM) software. Two possible solutions past, there was often human intervention
released for the entire month of January
were proposed—WorkFlow Management between them. That makes sense, because
to assist the 80 employees of the servic-
(WFM) and BPM, but he knew that WFM
es division. The employees received no in the pre-OpenText era we built processes
would have been too limited for ADP’s
training in this new way of working and from the point of view of the employee who
needs since they wanted to design
just learned it by doing. “It shows that if needed to perform the process. Now, we
processes and not just support workflows.
your forms make sense, the new process set up the process centrally and we look
ADP Netherlands’ sister company, ADP becomes self-explanatory,” he says. at it from an IT perspective to see what we
Streamline, in France, had already worked Consequently, ADP put a great deal of can automate. We only bring people into
with OpenText and its BPM solutions effort into the design of its forms.
also scored high in all lists and rankings it at the last stage.” Similarly, many of the
submitted by the consultant. Geervliet Another success factor for the smooth process steps that had previously been
went to France to see for himself what the transition was the change management. done manually are now automated.
OpenText MBPM software could do. “We Geervliet applied all the lessons from the
The managed services payroll process has
invited OpenText and two other vendors for books long before he promoted the new
been made more efficient after the imple-
a demo. It was not a difficult choice. We method. He says, “Life for employees in the
division has gotten better simply because mentation of MBPM and the subsequent
were all excited, but after a meeting at our
they have to do less to perform the same redesign. “The goal for managed services
office, we were completely convinced.”
task. Furthermore, they know exactly is to double the number of salary bands
Geervliet then drew up a business case
where they are in a process. Their under- every three years and we’re on schedule.
and guided it through the approval route
standing of their own actions is greater.” Thanks to OpenText, we do not have to
with ease. Although he did not quantify
the volume of the proposed revenue hire a lot of new people and we can now
savings in financial terms, management
Increased visibility, increasingly raise the efficiency of our
also saw the usefulness and the need for efficient management processes to another level. From that point
a better grasp on processes. The French The result is just as expected. ADP has of view, this investment is paying for itself
consultant who supervised the ADP more visibility over the managed services twice over.” n  n
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