Question of Acute Care

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There will be times where you will need to engage in discussion and other communication with health
team members about the care of a patient. These discussions may be formal, or inform, but still need
to be undertaken with open and productive communication.
Briefly describe what strategies and resources might be useful in such conversations?
The strategies and resources might be useful in such conversations are:
 The members of healthcare team have different communication styles, thus effective
communication is vital for patient’s safety and care. Formal training and regular assessment
can be done to improve the communication.
 Transparency and trust among the team members are essential for effective communication.
For this, the institute must provide the needed resources and use appropriate style of
communication so that open communication takes place in any hard situation.
 Introduction to working culture at the workplace which gives value to cooperation, honesty
and respect can improve communication between the members of the healthcare team
With proper implementation of these strategies and resources, the stress levels, decision-making
process, problems can be solved easily.
The organisation is not providing the resources. You are. Patient records for example. I don't think
you have understood the question entirely.

 Collaborating with health care professionals is necessary so that the appropriate service is
provided to the patient in care. This is important as the patient’s life is on line with the services
 Information regarding the patient’s past and present health, medications that have already been
provided, nutrition levels, and future courses of actions that need to be done needs to be known
to all the members of the health care team. This information needs to be updated to the team
from time to time so that the patient’s health progress is known to all the members.
Please read the question. We are checking to see that you are able to engage in a discussion
with the team about the care of the patient. Check in the learner guide states foe
communication with the team and give example how you will be able to engage with the team
members when you were on placement.
 2.2.1
 Provide brief details of how you normally do each of the following:
 • Gather information
• Documented results
• Report changes to appropriate health team members
 I would gather information from acute care setting.
 documented results by:
 progress note
 medication chart
 observation chart
 handover sheet
 care plan
 report to RN in charge, doctor, multidisciplinary team, colleagues

 Comments
 Comment:
 You haven't answered all parts of the question. The question is asking you have you document
and report changes to the MDT.
 Gathering Information
Data entry application is a data collection tool that can solve the problems like quality, security
and collaboration of data. The tool is run on EDW that can help in the creation of data collection
forms. Instead of using Excel sheets to gather the information about patients, this tool can be
used in a dynamic environment where analyzing, collaboration and security of data are of more
 Documented Results
It is a form of communication tool that provided the medical history of the patient, gives
confirmation about the care and treatments that have been provided. The documentation must
be accurate, complete and must have an objective.
 Reporting changes to the members of the team
The changes that are made in the information about the patient needs to be communicated to
the health care members so that the members take proper care and ensure safety. This requires
open communication among the team members and that the issues are addressed and solved
Once you have attended the first 2 steps it is important you to report the finding to the health
care team. Provide a brief example of this.

In your practical activity for this unit you will be required to give a demonstration of assisting with the
care of a person with a compromised airway. This activity relates to underpinning knowledge.
Refer to the emergency airway management PDF, and list the five steps in providing care for a
person with a compromised airway?
The following steps can be used in case of emergency airway management-
 Assessing the airway, breathing and circulation in the body.
 Listening to the patient’s chest with a stethoscope to find the breathing rate, depth, regularity
and ease.
 Assessment of the suction unit.
 Make sure that the tube is straight and not bent.
 The site of entry is checked to avoid redness and swelling

Please review the following resource to assist with your response.
You are looking for the 5 steps. Please read this document carefully.
The following steps can be used in case of emergency airway management-
 Assessment
 Check on patient’s condition
 Suction unit is assessed.
 Tube check
 Check on swelling and redness in the affected area (Gaszynski, et al. 2015).
Please answer from this link
External feeding may be needed for patients who are unable to consume adequate nutrients, have
impaired swallowing, have facial or throat abnormalities, eating disorders, or some other form of
disease or condition.
What can external feeding tubes be used for?
External feeding tubes are used for patients who are unable to intake oral food or who cannot drink
safely. This tube is used to improve the nutritional status of the patient. These are used for patients
who are not able to meet their nutritional requirements despite the use of supplements for food intake.
Yes but what else are they used for?
External feeding tubes are used for patients who are unable to intake oral food or who cannot
drink safely. This tube is used to improve the nutritional status of the patient. These are used
for patients who are not able to meet their nutritional requirements despite the use of
supplements for food intake. These tubes are also used when a patient is undergoing a therapy
(such as chemo or radiation) which makes it difficult for patient to eat for short period of
time. This also help in reducing the need of injecting needles in the patient’s body as the
medication can be passed through the feeding tube (Mitchell, 2015).
Please answer from this link
Clinical guidelines (nursing): enteral feeding and medication administration
Provide an example, which may be a case study, of how you have or would use critical thinking and
problem-solving to prioritise and or modify the nursing care for a person whose condition had
changed or was otherwise altered.
Your answer will need to include details of the situation (which may be a case study), the condition of
the person, the changes that occurred in their condition or situation, and how critical thinking led to
adaptions which were more beneficial for the patient?
Critical thinking is necessary so that best decisions can be taken by possessing essential skills. For
instance, if a patient is suffering from the respiratory disorder like influenza.
 The nurse must first check the condition of the patient by gathering information about the
patient, evaluating the tests that are conducted and then analysing the reports.
 The nurse then diagnosis the causes of influenza which may be a cough, fever, sore throat or
muscle aches.
 The tests are conducted for confirming the disease.
 The courses of action that can be taken are decided in collaboration with the doctor and other
 The best alternative is chosen and implemented to treat the patient.
 At last, the patient is evaluated from time to time so that the treatment is properly done or any
further action is to be taken.
This whole process requires critical thinking of the nurse as wrong decisions would lead to improper
treatment and affect the condition of the patient
cough, fever, sore throat or muscle aches these are symptoms of influenza not the cause. What test
are conducted? Your language and writing skills require attention here. Please read the question and
complete all parts. The question is not asking you what critical thinking is but how you have used
critical thinking. Provide an example.

For instance, a patient encounters a sudden change in the in his condition and is experiencing
some distress (like chest pain, internal bleeding), in such a situation if you are alone the
following are the immediate steps to be taken as a nurse-
 Call for the nurse in-charge or RRT
 Stay near the patient till some patient arrives
 Instead of panicking assess the patient’s condition like look for signs of the change
 Undertake some initiate some steps for intervention like raising the bed’s head, oxygen mask
if required
 Call the doctor in-charge and identify his/her needs to medicate the patient.
This is good however you think of something that happened on placement that you were
about to use your clinical judgement about deteriorating patient. What you did and how
you informed the RN what for example you undertook the patient vital sign and there were
not between the flags. What did you do within your scope of practice before reporting to
the RN and then what intervention the RN and you undertook. What was the next action
you took.

Having the knowledge of the patient’s medical history and previous medications will be
beneficial to handle such situations.
How do you or would you ensure a patient/person understands the health care given or to be given,
and how it can assist them to regain normal function and quality of life?
Ensuring that Patient understands the medication that will be given:
Communication in an easy language
Use of materials that can be easily understood by patients.
Verification of the understanding level of the patient regarding the matter.
Assisting patients to regain normal course of life:
If patients have the understanding of the medication will help better cooperation in the medical
procedures and will have trust in the medical team. Answering the questions that the patients have by
giving the proper time of discussion will help the patients to give support.
Again your language skills need attention.
by giving the proper time of discussion will help the patients to give support..... Why are the patients
giving support?
How would you verified they have understood?
How can it assist them to regain normal function and quality of life?

Ensuring that Patient understands the medication that will be given

 Identify patients having lesser knowledge of the health issues. Some factors that show the
problems are-
 Behaviour of the patient
 Clinical questions are not properly answered
 Responding technique to the written communication or information
 Strategize accordingly to educate patients about the medication they will be going through.
Verify the understanding of the patient by asking them to repeat the information back and
relay their involvement and information at regular intervals.
 Assisting patients through recovery stage
If patients have the understanding of the medication will help better cooperation in the
medical procedures and will have trust in the medical team. Answering the questions that the
patients have by giving the proper time of discussion will help the patients to take informed
decisions on whether or not they agree to the practices that will be undertaken.
Assisting patients to regain normal course of life
This involves educating the patient about effects of the medication after treatment and what
are the precautions that are to be taken by patient. Information about the recovery process and
the doctor’s visit schedules.
Assisting patient to regain normal course of life. This involves educating the patient
about effects of medication after treatment and what are the precaution that are to be
taken by patient. Information about the recovery process and doctor’s visit schedules.
Think about when you undertook your medication management under the supervision
of the RN. How and what were your actions.
Check the patient have they used this medication before if nor you will need to find out
the information and then educate the patient. The language should the simple so the
patient has an understanding you may use brochures, when you have attended the
education ask the patient to feedback to you there understanding.
Provide at least 2 examples of will possible psychological support and care that someone suffering
from acute health problems might need?
The examples of will possible psychological support and care that someone suffering from acute
health problems might need are:
 Communication with the patient about his/her strengths so as to improve their feelings about
 Be calm and supportive when the patient is angry.
Language again here....The examples of will possible?? For example;
Psychological support and care required...
Yes communication but not about their strengths or keep calm. What support could you
provide or refer them too? How could you provide the support?
I suggest you re write you answer.

 Verbal communication with the patient by asking them questions about how they are feeling.
The patients on the other hand need to be honest so that they receive the care that is
 Patients to fill out questionnaire so that they are able to convey about the rating of the
different feelings they are having.
This is about the nursing support to the patient please see the above comment .
For example how would you console a patient who was upset about their medical
condition what would you do? Think of 2 situation and briefly describe what you did and
what strategies you used

As a part of your practical activity for this unit you will need to perform nursing interventions for both
preoperative and post-operative nursing care. For this activity you need to refer to the PDF provided
and :
provide details of two things:
1. Details of what the initial PACU assessment should include:
2. Details of what should be included in the ongoing 15 minute observations:
The initial PACU assessment should include:
 Identification of medical issues so that appropriate care can be taken during surgery.
 Identification of any social issues that are bearing on the procedures.
 Familiarizing patients with the processes of the hospital and the treatment.
You need to provide more detail and answer each part of the question.

 Patients have different medical history, these need to be taken care of while performing
surgery. Identification of the past medical issues play a vital role in surgery as the medication
does not affect the patient in other way.
 Medical procedures may have different social issues that are not under the norms or
jurisdiction, carefully analyzing these issues before surgery so that the procedures take place
within the social norms. Identification of any social issues that are bearing on the procedures.
 Communication with the patient and the family is necessary so that they know the medical
procedures and treatment. This encourages cooperation and clarity in the minds of the
You need to check the learner guide on 3.6 and answer on your own words
Briefly describe the role of the nurse for each of the following in preoperative assessment and care:
• Preoperative patient evaluation and education
Before a patient is operated the nurse has to evaluate the condition of the patient and also educate
them about the procedures and processes of the medication.

• Holding a nurse

• Anaesthetic nurse
These are certified nurse’s work in collaboration with the medical team to ensure safe administration
of anaesthesia.

• Circulating nurse
They assist the team in maintaining and creating, safe environment for the patient as they work
outside the sterile part of the surgery room

• Instrument nurse
They help the team by managing the equipment required during surgery, by identifying the needs and
passing them during surgery.

• Scrub nurse
By working with the surgeon, they pass instruments, sponges and other equipment required in the

• Post-surgery recovery nurse

After the surgery is completed, they apply dressing and bandages to the patients.
The recovery nurse does much more than that.

Preoperative patient evaluation and education

Before a patient is operated the nurse has to evaluate the condition of the patient and also
educate them about the procedures and processes of the medication.
Anesthetic Nurse
These are certified nurses' work in collaboration with the medical team to ensure safe
administration of anesthesia.
Circulating Nurse
They assist the team in maintaining and creating, safe environment for the patient as they
work outside the sterile part of the surgery room.
Instrument Nurse
They help the team by managing the equipment required during surgery, by identifying the
needs and passing them during surgery.
Scrub Nurse
By working with the surgeon, they pass instruments, sponges and other equipment required in
the procedure.
Post-surgery recovery nurse
After the surgery is completed, they apply dressing and bandages to the patients. Monitors the
patient’s condition by taking various check-ups like heart rate, blood pressure, level of

Briefly provide a couple of samples of potential post operative complications, and how these would be
dealt with in your area of nursing?
The samples of potential post-operative complications are:
Monitoring: Monitoring the blood pressure, pulse rate and respiratory functioning will help the nurse
to know the levels and can replace the lost fluids.
Communication: assuring patients that the medications are going in a normal manner can help them
recover faster.
Monitoring and communication are not post op complications. You haven't understood the question.

 Shock- Communicating with the patient about the complications that may occur at an early
stage can help in dealing with shock as the patient needs to know the complications that may
arise after the surgery so panic is not a solution.
 Wound infection- The wounds that have been healed through surgery needs to be covered
properly so that the infection does not enter the body of the patient which may increase the
risk of worsening the wound (McCoy, et al. 2015).
Check the learner guide to assist the answer

What is the role of the nurse for post anaesthetic observation?
The role of the nurse for post anaesthetic observation are:
Measure vital signs like blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen level.
Check the wounds for bleeding.
As patient recovers, if he/she is stable enough to be discharged.
Please provide more detail.
 Measure vital signs like blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen level. This will help in the
identifying after effects of the medical procedures and relative actions can take place.
 Check the wounds for bleeding. Some wounds may bleed even after being medicated this may
worsen the patient’s condition, a check on the wound at regular intervals will reduce the
chance of internal bleeding.
 As patient recovers, if he/she is stable enough to be discharged. Before discharging the patient
a medical check-up will help in the analysing the condition and decision can be taken
Please check the learner guide

Briefly describe the process and policies utilised for post-operative pain management by your
organisation or area of nursing activity or training?
There are different strategies that can be used by an organization to reduce pain levels in a patient as
they have different types of pains. A multimodal approach is used to manage pain because it reduces
the amount of medication required. Lower the dosage, lesser is the side effect and the process of
relief in pain improves. When working with cancer patients, for instance, this approach is beneficial.
Please refer to post op pain management policy and discuss this.

There are different strategies that can be used by an organization to reduce pain levels in a
patient as they have different types of pains. The pain that the patient goes through can be
managed through the following process-
 Assessment of the level of pain that the patient is going through.
 Provide medication accordingly to reduce pain which does not affect the patient negatively
for the medical procedures taken place. Higher the level of pain, higher will be the level of
 5.1.1

 Within your area of nursing practice training how do you identify and confirm the roles and
responsibilities of emergency response team members?
 I would identify and confirm the roles and responsibilities of emergency response team
members are:
 Physician:
 Ø Assess the patient
 Ø Assess the patient response in treatment
 Ø Manage the appropriate post care
 Ø Communicate the patient

 Physician’s assistant:
 Assess the patient and medical intervention which was order by physician.
 Critical care registered nurse:
 Ø Assess the patient condition.
 Ø Follow the doctor order
 Ø Assess the response of treatment
 Ø Provide appropriate support to the patient as well as other staff also

 Clinical care nurse:
 Ø Assist with medical intervention
 Ø Remove the excess staff
 Ø Assist with plan to transfer as needed
 Ø Acquire extra resources as required

 Respiratory therapist:
 Ø Work alongside physician to assess patient
 Ø Provide respiratory response as needed.
 Laboratory technician:
 Ø Be accessible to retrieve blood and blood products as necessary from the laboratory

 Comments
 Comment:

 The question hasn't asked you who is in the team but how you know who they are. Consider
organisational orientation or less informal means or training.
In the health care profession it is very important to solve the problems and sensitive with the
every situation and all the other health team members should be also to recognise the
changes in the patient’s condition. In nursing, recognising the triggers that will require the call
for medical emergency response teams is essentials. Health care organisations has the
medical emergency teams in place in hospital surroundings in order to deliver patients care in
emergency conditions. These terms are trained to quickly assess and respond to patients who
are experiencing imminent critical worsening of health. Medical emergency teams often
contain the following members:
Physician’s assistant
Critical care registered nurse
Clinical care nurse
Respiratory therapist
Laboratory technician

The question is asking how area of nursing practice training how do you identify and confirm
the roles and responsibilities of emergency response for members?
How do find this information , check other sources of CPR training

Provide an example of where you have been involved in a response to a first aid request from
emergency response team, including accessing and preparing drugs used during cardiopulmonary
resuscitation. This may have been in a simulation or a real situation, but the details need to be
provided will including the situation, your role, in the process details of team members, any other
relevant information?
A nurse who is responsible for a patient knows the condition and history of the patient. If any changes
take place in the condition of the patient, the nurse can call for an emergency team. The team
consists of-
 Physician- Assess the patient to stabilize, response to the medication, arranges post care;
communicate with the team about the condition of the patient.
 Assistant- Assist in management and medical intervention as needed and directed.
 Critical care nurse- Assess patient along with the physician, provide appropriate staff for
encouragement, education and feedback.
 Clinical care nurse- Removes excess staff, assists in workflow, extra resources are obtained,
activates stand down when the team is no longer needed.
 Respiratory expert- Works with a physician, provide the response as needed.
 Technician of laboratory- Be available when the blood products are lost in the laboratory.
Again you haven't understood the question. The questions hasn't asked you who is the MET
team but what your role was in a CPR. Please read the question and answer all parts.

During a cardiac arrest in the hospital, as a recording nurse, the main roles were to prepare
the room, checklist for the procedures, equipment needed, medical trays were managed. The
team members contained lead nurse (prepares the team, passes the instructions to the other
nurses as indicated by the physician), circulating nurse (provides for the medications, and
other important tasks that are delegated by the lead nurse), the main doctor who operates the
patient (performs the surgery and medication) and the team leader (who assigns the roles to
each team member and conducts physical assessment of the patient) (Shoham, et al. 2016).
What would your role be check the policy so you have an understand on what your role as an
EEN would be

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