Carbs - 2 Ways You Can Earn Them - Strength Sensei

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Carbs: 2 Ways You Can Earn Them - STRENGTH SENSEI 8/11/18, 1&28 PM


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Contrary to what some would have you GENERAL

believe, carbs are not evil NUTRITION


However, unlike other macro-nutrients, carbs should be earned. In any case, protein
is the one macro-nutrient that should be prioritized as much as possible. Not only
because it’s an essential requirement for staying lean, strong and healthy. It also Deutsch
helps that it’s impossible to over-consume this macro. In addition, proteins actually
prevent over-consumption of large volume of food.

Recent research shows that any excess is burned and not stored. And while an
adequate intake increases satiation, it also reduces cravings between meals. Hence, Polski
protein makes you lean and jacked, while reducing hunger.

For example, a 2015 study from the Journal of the International Society of Sports
Nutrition had 2 groups of people on a high-protein diet. 48 resistance-trained men
and women consumed either 2.3 or 3.4g of protein per kg of bodyweight per day for Suomeksi Page 1 of 7
Carbs: 2 Ways You Can Earn Them - STRENGTH SENSEI 8/11/18, 1&28 PM

the purpose of this study. What they found then was a greater reduction in fat mass Svenska
and body fat percentage in the higher protein group. But what was most interesting
however, is that the gains in fat free mass (i.e. muscle) were the same. This is in spite You May Also Like
of a 50% greater protein intake and the extra calories that came it.
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Fat is number two on the list because it is also essential for our body (and our Doesn’t Exist

brain) to function optimally. And saturated fats most of all. They have an important
role in supporting nutrient absorption, cell membrane and hormone building, in Bullshit Speed Training
addition to vitamin conversion and transport.

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The Body Fat Rule Brain Boosting

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For males with a bodyfat percentage above 10%, and women above 15%, fats should
make up the bulk of the calories after protein (20-30%). And for those with any
degree of insulin resistance or symptoms of the metabolic syndrome? Well, then fats
should as much as possible make up ALL of those extra calories (40%+). Ascending Set Protocol for
Advanced Trainees

Finally, carbohydrates are third because they’re non-essential. In other words, this
means our body is perfectly capable of functioning without them. Additionally, those Lift Heavy To Age Gracefully

keeping their total intake of carbs under 50g enter a state of ‘ketosis.’ Ketosis
changes the way the body utilize stored fat as energy. Train Long & Prosper – How To
Manage Aging

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Which isn’t to say fat people should always be in ketosis. It does not even mean that
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ketosis is necessary for everyone (ex: naturally lean, highly active). But rather, that Performance & Best Trick To Sleep
using predominantly fat as fuel is an option. And depending on the person, it can be
very beneficial for other reasons. This is especially true when looking at the
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superior impact a diet that is very low in carbs (ketogenic) has on the markers for
Hamstrings Mass and Strength
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Reduces beta-amyloid Functional Hypertrophy

Increases antioxidants (glutathione) Signs of Overtraining by Volume

vs Intensity

Stimulates mitochondrial growth

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Improves glucose tolerance and cholesterol profile

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Prevents free-radical damage Relative Strength

Reduces inflammation Page 2 of 7
Carbs: 2 Ways You Can Earn Them - STRENGTH SENSEI 8/11/18, 1&28 PM

Keep Your Mouth Shut to Improve

Lowers triglycerides and fasting insulin Your Performance

Provides alternative brain fuel (in Alzheimer’s patients) Is The Pec Deck a Valuable Chest
Building Tool?

Improves motor performance (in ALS sufferers)

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for Size or Strength?
Lowers HbA1c (in type 2 diabetics)

Live Q&A – Insulin Sensitivity,

In my experience, the majority of the population can benefit from a 3-4 week Knee Health, Sleep & More
ketogenic (or very low-carb) diet. If you look around, you will know why, as most
people are carrying excess fat and dealing with varying degrees of insulin resistance. Can Improved Posture Accelerate
In most cases, these people are also sedentary, stressed and sleep deprived. Strength Gains?

Therefore, even while some of them may be close to being lean, I wouldn’t
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encourage higher-glycemic carbs (think starches). The simple reason is because it
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would inhibit their results, as much for body composition as for long term health
health. Pushers

Low Glycemic Vegetables

Lettuce (All) Brussels Sprouts Shallots & Scallions Onions & Chives
Bok Choy Collard Greens Mustard Greens Turnip Greens
Arugula Kohlrabi Seaweed Kale
Broccoli Cauliflower Cabbage (All) Okra
Carrots Celery Cucumbers Peppers (All)
Tomatoes Avocado Olives Artichokes
Garlic Mushrooms Swiss Chard Spinach
Radish Asparagus Leeks Watercress

Considering this, whether they carry on with the ketogenic diet depends on their
personal responsiveness. Yet, in most cases, simply adding 1 or 2 portions of carbs
per day will not affect the improvements in insulin sensitivity and reductions in
bodyfat. For a start, foods like low-sugar high-fiber fruits (ex: berries) and vegetables
(ex: squashes) should be prioritized. Page 3 of 7
Carbs: 2 Ways You Can Earn Them - STRENGTH SENSEI 8/11/18, 1&28 PM

The Carbs Management Solution

To sum it up, there are two ways to earn your carbs:

1 Get Leaner

2 Exercise More

And realistically, the second doesn’t happen without the first. As has been
mentioned, if you’re not lean, you’re simply stalling the fat loss process. Quite simply:

High-Glycemic Carbs = Insulin Up (Storage) = Glucagon Down (Burning)

And if you’re exercising while you have carbohydrates in your system, you are
burning carbs, not fat. This isn’t necessarily a big deal if you are an insulin sensitive
SOB pumping iron to build muscle. But it is if you are a belt-busting baby-boomer
looking to shed some pounds in the first place.

For instance, a 2011 study from the European Journal of Applied Physiology
separated active young men into three groups. They had them go for a brisk walk in
different conditions:

low-glycemic meal

low-glycemic meal with fructose

high-glycemic meal

The group that ate the low glycemic meal burned mostly fat. And the other 2 groups
burned mainly stored carbohydrates. This specifically shows us the negative impact
of sugar consumption before exercise. And in that case, it actually emphasize how
‘fructose’ alone can sabotage an otherwise good diet strategy as well. All of this as a
result of poor food choices. Food for thought

Exercise Makes Carbs Your Friend

Opposite to this, the period following exercise is a bit of a different story. Notably
because muscle tissue’s sensitivity to carbs is increased after exercise. This is due to
the fact that elevated insulin promotes tissue building and glycogen resynthesis
instead of fat storage. In addition to this, it also activates non-insulin dependant
mechanism of glucose management, namely the GLUT-4 receptors. Page 4 of 7
Carbs: 2 Ways You Can Earn Them - STRENGTH SENSEI 8/11/18, 1&28 PM

Speaking about this, not having results might mean that you are experiencing
anabolic resistance (non-receptive muscle tissue). This condition often accompanies
insulin resistance. Hence, if your diet is not on point, it can affect your training results.

Interestingly, the latest research also suggests that a high-quality whey protein might
be your best friend. It’s been shown to be doing a great job of elevating insulin and
maximizing muscle protein synthesis (MPS) sans for extra carbs. Hence, training with
low muscle glycogen does not suppress the anabolic response. This is contrary to
what researchers once thought it did. Consequently, this would imply that those
lacking insulin sensitivity and carrying unnecessary bodyfat are better with a plain
protein shake. Or maybe some low glycemic fruit (like berries), if taken post workout.
Especially relevant is that they should not be seeking a massive carbohydrate reload,
as most do.

Low-Glycemic Fruit

Berries (All) Grapefruit Lemon/Lime Pears

Plums Peache/Nectarine Oranges Guava
Watermelon Cantaloupe Honeydew Melon Apricot

In conclusion, when it comes to carbs, context matters. While a high-level athlete

training twice a day would need adequate glycogen replenishment, a desk-jockey
with man boobs or a stress-ball with a muffin-top would best leave the bananas for
the monkeys. Even if you did go to the gym once!

Want to know more about this topic? In Live It, NOT Diet!
Diet!, Mike Sheridan delivers
his progressive plan for losing the fat and keeping it off without counting calories,
over-exercising, or sacrificing your health. Page 5 of 7
Carbs: 2 Ways You Can Earn Them - STRENGTH SENSEI 8/11/18, 1&28 PM


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