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International studies

MATTELART, Armand, Cultural Diversity and Globalization,

coll. benchmarks, No 411, Paris, The Discovery, 2005, 122

Yves Laberge

White Papers and the foreign policy: Practices Compared

Volume 37, Number 1, March 2006


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Quebec Institute of Advanced International Studies

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Laberge, Y. (2006). MATTELART, Armand, cultural diversity andthis document is protected by the Copyright Act. The use of services of scholar (y
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122 p.. International Studies, 37(1), 175-177. https:// Line. [Https://]

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Udit is a Consortium interuniversitaire non-profit organization made up of the University of
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Books 175

Cultural Cultures of social groups and societies

diversity and find their expression" (p. 98).
As soon as the first pages, Ar-
MATTELART, Armand. Coll. mand Mattelart clearly inscribed the
Benchmarks, No 411, Paris, The opposition between the "Diversity
Discovery, 2005, ass--cultural" and "globalization" in
122 p. terms antagonists: those who pro-
Move the cultural diversity veu- Slow
The sociologist Armand Mattelart
protect their markets in the areas of
seemed to me to be the author any
culture and the audio- visual
indicated for write this seminal work on
representation in the face of the giant
the theme Cultural Diversity and my-
institutions that control their own
globalization, after having published
markets to their place; whereas on the
a twenty books strict on the
contrary, those who benefit from the
communication policy, the offer
mondialisa- tion s displayed not only
ass- Cultural Society, the
as the defenders of cultural diversity,
information society, and what
but dare assert without fear of the
one named formerly "the im-
paradox that the globalization would
Cultural périalisme". Since the use
be the process miracu- lous which
of the media in times of
leads naturally the markets of culture
crisis (mid- chèle Mattelart, toward greater cultural diversity. It
Editions Alain MB- reau, 1979) and will be understood that Mattelart
the excellent book DONALD THE enrolled in false against this second
vision (p. 3).
CHILDREN (Ariel Dorfman, Editions
Alain Moreau, 1976), Armand Book of Small format but very
Matte- lart has devoted his entire informative, cultural diversity and
career to the study of ideologie s globalization is divided into seven by-
and the economy policy, ties. The first chapter starts a
particularly in the field of the historical reminder on the
media. He teaches the impossibility to consider a unique
information sciences and culture made for all (hear the United
communication at the University States), or consider a single human
of Paris- VIII, and its research civilization as universal. The fathers
focus since thirty years on the founded- sponsors of the social
culture. sciences have all stated the principle
of the plurality of cultures,
The expression "cultural
civilizations, Patri- monks, since
diversity- relle" now seems devoted
Charles Horton Cooley and Franz
since 1999; however, we are
BOAS at Herbert Spen- cer and
beginning to hear a variant more
Emile Durkheim (p. 7). But as the
nuan- enhanced: "The diversity of
Mattelart explains, "the inter-
content ass- turels and artistic
increasing nationalization of the
expressions". For its part, Armand
circu- lation of ideas, goods and per-
Mattelart cites among other this
neutral definition of cultural
diversity proposed by a Japanese
economist, Saki- KB Fukuda-Parr,
drawn from a WORLD REPORT ON THE
CULTURE , published by UNESCO
in 2000. It defines cultural
diversity, such as the "mul-
tiplicité of the means by which
176 International Studies, Volume XXXVII, no 1, March 2006

People fact gives rise to the fear of the Researchers anglo-saxon

'nivel- tion'" (p. 6). The reluctance (NOTAM- ment around the axis
toward a single model and the of C ULTURAL S TUDIES ), which would
homogéni- nations has yet always contribute to a favorite- ser" the
existed. In reality, the emergence of a neoliberal apology on the absolute
unique culture only becomes possible sovereignty of the consumption-
only by means of powerful tor atomised" (p. 74). In other
mechanisms: colonialism, then the words, some researchers now fail
cultural imperialism, globalisation to consider the spectator as
(chap. 2). flooded, invaded, limited in its real
choice under the pretext that the
The third chapter supports its
offer appears abundant (but not
demonstration on the example of the in-
diversified in its sources) and that
dustrie of cinema: Hollywood af- clearly
it will always be the intelligence or
firm, since 1947, that it must serve of
the pre- sence of mind to refuse
entertainment but also of export
the hegemony of the other:
machine and Fri- Dr. TheAMERICAN WAY
"suspicious, the concept of
OF LIFE (p. 46). However, as indicated
'dominé' has been deleted from
in the fourth chapter- tre, not only the cartogra- cognitive
this system is binding for all philosophy. " (P. 74) Seduced,
countries tou- chés, but it also FAS- cines by this
appears as being fundamentally hypermédiatisation culture of a
unequal, that is to say, to unique single country, of the univer-
sense, because the market of the sitaires s will bewitch for devoted
audiovisual sector of the United serious studies to the phenomena-
States of- die to all intents and phenomena of popular culture,
purposes closed to foreign such as the television series DALLAS ,
productions. The 1960s mark the
without criticizing the
emergence of a ve- ritable awareness
disappearance of the real choice
and the establishment of a parallel
of the spectacular- tor in the face
system in the field of audiovisual,
of a unique culture, homogénisée,
confirming the need to design
networks al- ternatifs. In response to
this problem, the famous REPORT The sixth chapter illustrates
MCBRIDE (1980) of com- ment Europe has been able to
UNESCO pleaded for a greater build, as early as the 1980s, the
multiplicity of voice: accordingly, as ramparts legal for protect themselves
a result of its publica- tion, the from this invade- ment of the media,
United States had slammed the door by providing effective cultural policies
of UNESCO, followed by the Angle- and concerted action to boost its pro-
land, at the beginning of the years Pre cultural space, if well that the
1980 (p. 56). Moreover, these two United States have tried various my-
countries have since returned to the ber to cede these dams (GATT, WTO).
Organization, to cer- tain conditions. Where the birth of the principle of
"the cultural exception- Relle,"
In the fifth chapter, Armand claimed by the European countries
Mattelart questioned the universitai- wanting to exclude culture from the
res in the field of social sciences and negotiations aimed at the opening of
certain paradigms brought by the the markets. This expression was
replaced in 1999 by a concept more
positive: the promotion of the di-
Cultural Diversity (p. 90).

The last chapter entered the Convention on the diversity of cultural

current issues of culture in contents and artistic expressions of the
geopolitical terms and legal Mattelart: UNESCO .
will say in an eloquent formula
One reads cultural diversity and my-
"Heterogeneity of actors,
globalization with great interest: it is a
inclusiveness of issues" (p.
99). UNESCO rede- comes a living book, well written, well docu- ket;
motor in the exchanges on the there the bed almost as a novel (a kind
merits of the diversity ass- of novel histori- that on our present, it
goes without saying). As with his
cultural, publishing a STATEMENT
previous books, Mattelart always
impresses by its ease to combine
DIVERSITY- RELLE (2001). Several States
different concepts and data, but also by
have mobili- feels, mainly in Europe its large capacity of synthesis. However
and in the southern hemisphere, but I will make a reproach to publishers: the
in his overview, Mattelart also characters are really minuscu- The, and
remains on the lookout for the the texts of boxes sem- involving even
efforts of Quebec for dy- namiser more small, compared- bles, if I dare
cultural diversity, stressing the say, in the last line of the test of the view
financial participation of the federal that the optician is not asks you never
government and the Government read. Be that as it may, the content itself
of Quebec within the Coalition for is not less stimulating, since the
Cultural Diversity (p. 97).
book Cultural Diversity and
Bright, the conclusion of the li- Globalization appears to me to
VRE stigmatizes the "cult of the constitute a book essen- Tiel on the
present" to which we have been future of culture, which will be
witnessing since a de- decade, appropriate to the students in the
according to the expression of the economy, in geopolitical, cultural
histo- nothing François Hartog studies, communication policy.
(in regimes of historicity, présentisme
and experience of the time, Threshold,
2003). It is understood that the DEPARTMENT OF
promotion of the diversity ass-- LAVAL, QUEBEC
cultural combines hand in hand with
the claims of the antiglobalist The cultural diversity.
movements: against the excesses of Toward an international
capitalism, for the respect of identities convention effective?
and the legitimacy of the States. Then,
Mattelart resumed the words very GAGNÉ, Gilbert (eds.). Coll. Hot spots,
wise men of the historian Fernand Saint-Laurent, QC, Fidès, 2005, 215 p.
Braudel, who "warned the science so- Main cultural debate which ca-
cial against the habit of 'run at the ractérise contemporary international
service of the current' and to stick to relations, the cultural diversity- relle is
the only actors who are the noise" (p.
constantly gaining importance; at least
106). In sum, the cultural diversity
if one is to judge by
fully proved represen- sentera a sign,
a vector of de- mocratie. The author
offers some worse- thy on this
connection, and which should
perhaps be inspire the next

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