About Me Ms

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5/12/2019 About me (Ms.

Write) - Google Docs

Gleason 2



English 3/5

5 September, 2018

Meet the Mikaela

Hi! My name is Mikaela Gleason, I’m 12 years old student in 6th grade and this is

my first year here at Marshall. 6th grade!!! I know you adults are like, 6th grade

no big deal, we’ve all done it. But for me, knowing that I started out as a girly and

jumpy kindergartener to now becoming the totally different person I am right now.

It’s not the fact that I’m now in 6th grade and that I’m a “big kid”. It’s the fact that I

changed so much from where it all started. Let’s dive into who I am now.

I have not a lot of personality but some of it has to do with honesty. No,

matter how bad it is, if my parents ask what happened when they see something

broken and ask what happened I’ll tell them the truth if I did it. Same thing in

other situations. I also think myself to be curious, I love investigating things I

have a sudden interest in. I’m also attentive, if people are talking I listen, and I

pay attention to the person talking. I also think myself as independent. I feel like I

most of the time do my best when it’s a individual assignment.

My favourite things is what mostly makes me unique, knowing that barely

nobody has the same exact likes and dislikes. One of these thing are the fact that

I love marine biology. Ever since we gone on a field trip to the San Diego natural

history museum in 3rd grade and saw a movie called “Ocean Oacis”. It was

about the wonders in sea life and I instantly fell in love. Later that year I got a

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5/12/2019 About me (Ms.Write) - Google Docs

Gleason 2

book called “Deep Blue”. That’s when I told myself I want to be a Marine Biologist

when I grow up. I also love acting. I been introduced to it by my friend as we

wrote a script “Isle of the Lost Panther” (We never finished it). We’re currently

working on “The Modern Red Riding Hood” to perform for our parents. Sketching

is another thing I enjoy in my free time. I’m currently working on my cats and love

drawing cat people. I’m also a flutiest and enjoy playing my flute. That’s why my

elective is band.

My family is a family of 5 (including my dog, 6). My mom is the leader of

the pack, feeding us and cleaning the house which is saying she kinda controls

everything that we do. Then there is my dad who makes the money as a finance

lawyer. I’m the oldest kid in my family then there’s my sister, Cara who is 10, and

my brother, Holt who is 7. Cara is the creative one and Holt is the athletic one.

To conclude, I don’t have a lot going on but I am special like just like

everyone else is. Thank you for reading about me! This is Mikaela Gleason

signing you off. Bye!!

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