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“Pink Beach in Lombok NTB”

Indonesia is rich in natural beauty, one of

them is the beach. One of the beautiful
beaches in Indonesia is the Tangsi Beach in
Lombok NTB. this beach is famous for its
nickname "pink beach" because the sand on
this beach is reddish. actually this beach is
not the only one beach that has pink sand in
Indonesia. you can also find the beach with
pink sand in the eastern coast of Indonesia.

to go to tangsi beach we can travel in

two ways, by motor boat and also by
car through the land route. If you use
the land route, you need to know the
access road to the tangsi beach is not
smooth to traverse, we will pass the
residents housing and corn garden that
adorn on the sides of the road. And also uneven-gravel paths that’ll make your
journey more challenging. if you want to visit there, you should choose the sea
route because the travel time is shorter. to use the sea lane you can cross by
boat from the Tanjung Luar harbor. Only IDR 800k, you can visit Tangsi Beach by
Private Boat, or you can use public boat only IDR 60k/pax. so what are you
waiting for ?

Nama : Ruslan Hidayat

Kelas : S1B
NPM : 201745500114
: @Ruslan_Dyat

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