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Theme – Developing Myself

CAREER SKILLS – Self Development

KEY SKILLS – Communication, Working With Others, Improving Own Learning and Performance


COMPETENCIES – *ai, *aii, *ci, *cii, di, *eii, eiii, *eiv, *evi, ***kiv, ****mi,

SUGGESTED SUBJECT AREA – Personal Development, English

Learning Outcomes
By completing this task students will be able to:

 Identify and list their likes and dislikes.

 Compare their likes and dislikes with others.
 Discuss how life changes – demonstrating and understanding of transition and self awareness.

Preparation and Materials

 Copies of the Activity Sheet “This Is Me!” for each student.

 Teachers’ Notes as a prompt for leading the discussion.


1. Put the students into groups so that they can share their responses with a partner followed by a small
group discussion.
2. Explain the aims of the lesson using the learning outcomes on the Activity Sheet.
3. Introduce the lesson using the briefing on the Teachers’ Notes.
4. Give out the Activity Sheet to the students.
5. Ask the students to complete it individually.
6. Working with a partner, students compare their responses – drawing out similarities and differences.
7. Lead a classroom discussion using the questions on the Teachers’ Notes.
8. Ask the students what they have learned from the lesson.
9. Summarise the main learning outcomes.

To introduce the lesson, explain to the students that:

 Life is a journey and that journey has several stages.
 They have already been through some stages and have experienced changes (at this point you could get
ideas from the students about what changes they have experienced and what changes they may be
experiencing in the future).
 Coping with changes is always easier if you know what you are like, where your life is now and where
you would like to be in the future.
 We call these things Self Awareness.
 Each person is unique in the way that they cope with change and it follows that we must always
remember that everyone is different.
 Seeing how you are different from or similar to other people can help you to understand yourself
 Understanding yourself and knowing how you would like to develop is the very first step in career


Questions for the class feedback discussion when students have completed the Activity Sheet.
 Did everyone put the same things down?
 Why not?
 Were some parts of the worksheet easier than others to complete?
 Why was this the case?
 What would they have put in answer to these questions when they were in younger grades?
 What do they think they might put when they are in Grade 10?
 Why do they think these things are different?
Learning Outcomes: By completing this task you will be able to:

 Identify and list your likes and dislikes.

 Compare your likes and dislikes with others.
 Discuss how life changes – showing that you understand about changes and yourself.


My hobbies are: I am good at:

My name is:

My birthday is:

My hair is:
My eyes are:
My address is:
My favourite
The things I like best subjects are:

My favourite fashions are:

My favourite TV shows are:

My favourite food is

My favourite music bands are:

I do not like: I am afraid of: I am not so good


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