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Pakistan Population Growth

Since the year 1947, when the country became a sovereign state, the population of Pakistan has
increased significantly, particularly because more and more people felt comfortable moving their
families and businesses to the area. Compared to the other countries in the region, the growth rate
of Pakistan is about 2.1 percent higher. It is predicted that in about 35 years, if this growth
continues, the population of Pakistan will eventually become double of what it was back in 2001.
Judging from how the population has grown significantly over just ten years, this “doubled
population” figure does not seem to be far off.

Pakistan Population History

To break this down even more specifically, the population of Pakistan grew, on average, at a rate
of 3 percent per year from 1951 until the middle of the 1980’s decade. From the mid 1980’s until
the year 2000, the growth of the population slowed down to about 2.6 percent per year; and from
2000 to 2012, to about 2 percent per year. The reason for this slow population increase may be that
the country spent a lot of time and effort to slow down the population growth. As a result of these
efforts, it is a lot poorer than what is was a long time ago. If it did not make any effort to slow
down its population increase, then there would actually be 49.13 million MORE people in the
country than the current reports. But on the other end, they would also be a lot richer as a country.
In other words, Pakistan, had it not slowed down its population increase, would actually be 52
percent richer than it is right now. Obviously, history cannot be changed, so the efforts have been
switched to educating its population instead.

Life Expectancy in Pakistan

In the year 1984, the life expectancy of a Pakistani citizen was only at 56.9 years. As of the year
2002, the life expectancy has jumped up to 63 years of age. The improvement was a direct result
of improved medical facilities and better educated health professionals available in the country.
The downside, unfortunately, is that doctors and nurses are still in short number for the citizens
that need them. There is only 1 nurse for every 3,700 people in the country. There are
approximately .6 beds per 1,000 individuals residing in Pakistan as well. If the country is looking
to improve health among its citizens and continue to grow their life expectancy rate, then the
number of available doctors and nurses needs to continue to grow. If these numbers do not
improve, then the people of Pakistan will actually see their life expectancy rate dip back down to
the numbers of the mid 1990’s (59 years of age).

The life expectancies of males and females are generally the same in Pakistan. As of 2002, men
were expected to live around 63.7 years, while women were expected to live 63.4 years. (These
numbers are according to the National Institute of Population Studies.)

In addition, the median age is only 23.8 years of age.

Quality of Life in Pakistan
The access to clean drinking water and improved sanitation services are also important factors to
consider in terms of quality of life. 91.4% of the population has improved access to clean drinking
water while 8.6% still have unimproved access. When it comes to sanitation access, only 63.5%
of the population has this available, while 36.5% still struggle.

Pakistan Demographics Notes

There have been very drastic and dramatic social changes in Pakistan. These vital changes have
ushered in a new era of urbanization and the creation of a couple of megacities within the country.
As of 2003, the country became one of the most urbanized cities in all of South Asia, mainly
because city dwellers made up about 36 percent of its entire population at that point. About 50
percent of Pakistani citizens live in a place where at least 5,000 other citizens reside as well.

Most Pakistani people come from the ancestral group known as the Indo-Iranians. The largest
ethnic group in Pakistan consists of those of Punjabi ethnicity, while Pashtuns and Sindhis are the
second and third largest ethnic groups in the country, respectively. There is a special mixed ethnic
group between the Punjabi ethnicity and the Sindhi ethnicity, and this group makes up about 10
percent of the entire Pakistani population.

When we consider the foreigners who live in Pakistan, a majority of them come from Afghanistan.
Smaller foreign groups include those from Iraq, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, Somalia, Burma,
and Tajikistan. The most popular language in Pakistan is Punjabi, a language in which 88 percent
of the population speaks. Second is the language Saraiki, which is spoken by 10 percent of the
population; and coming in third is the language Pashto, spoken by 15 percent of the population.

English is widely spoken throughout the government of Pakistan, mainly because it is actually the
official language of the government of the country. Many government officials, civil servants, and
members of the military speak English in their daily conversations and their meetings.

Pakistan Top 20 Cities by Population

Name Population

Karachi 11,624,219

Lahore 6,310,888
Name Population

Faisalabad 2,506,595

Rawalpindi 1,743,101

Multan 1,437,230

Hyderabad 1,386,330

Gujranwala 1,384,471

Peshawar 1,218,773

Rahim Yar Khan 788,915

Quetta 733,675

Muzaffarabad 725,000

Battagram 700,000

Kotli 640,000
Name Population

Islamabad 601,600

Bahawalpur 552,607

Sargodha 542,603

Sialkot 477,396

Sukkur 417,767

Larkana 364,033

Shekhupura 361,303

Pakistan Population Clock

The population of Pakistan (as of 3/25/2019)? 203,594,141

Last UN Estimate (July 1, 2019) 204,596,442

Births Per Day 14,872

Deaths Per Day 3,974

Net Migrations Per Day -565

Net Change Per Day 10,333

Population Change Since January 1st 867,972

 Net Increase of 1 person every 8 seconds

 Population estimates based on interpolation of World Population Prospects data.

Pakistan Population by Year (Historical)

Year Population % Male % Female Density (km²) Population

2019 204,596,442 51.36% 48.64% 231.99 6

2018 200,813,818 51.36% 48.64% 227.70 6

Year Population % Male % Female Density (km²) Population

2017 197,015,955 51.37% 48.63% 223.40 6

2016 193,203,476 51.37% 48.63% 219.07 6

2015 189,380,513 51.37% 48.63% 214.74 6

2010 170,560,182 51.41% 48.59% 193.40 6

2005 153,909,667 51.54% 48.46% 174.52 6

2000 138,523,285 51.60% 48.40% 157.07 7

1995 122,829,148 51.68% 48.32% 139.28 8

1990 107,678,614 51.83% 48.17% 122.10 8

1985 92,219,488 52.04% 47.96% 104.57 9

1980 78,068,144 52.31% 47.69% 88.52 10

1975 66,787,901 52.60% 47.40% 75.73 10

Year Population % Male % Female Density (km²) Population

1970 58,090,759 52.87% 47.13% 65.87 10

1965 50,845,221 53.19% 46.81% 57.65 12

1960 44,908,293 53.57% 46.43% 50.92 14

1955 40,424,296 54.00% 46.00% 45.84 14

1950 37,542,376 54.50% 45.50% 42.57 14

Pakistan Population by Year (Projections)

Year Population % Male % Female Density (km²) Population R

2020 208,362,334 51.36% 48.64% 236.26 6

2025 226,767,952 51.34% 48.66% 257.13 6

2030 244,248,371 51.30% 48.70% 276.95 6

2035 261,093,438 51.25% 48.75% 296.05 6

Year Population % Male % Female Density (km²) Population R

2040 277,494,590 51.20% 48.80% 314.65 6

2045 293,003,264 51.14% 48.86% 332.24 6

2050 306,940,443 51.06% 48.94% 348.04 6

2055 318,887,652 50.98% 49.02% 361.59 6

2060 328,858,580 50.90% 49.10% 372.89 5

2065 337,005,859 50.81% 49.19% 382.13 5

2070 343,515,596 50.72% 49.28% 389.51 5

2075 348,468,054 50.62% 49.38% 395.13 5

2080 351,849,890 50.52% 49.48% 398.96 5

2085 353,751,829 50.42% 49.58% 401.12 5

2090 354,296,824 50.33% 49.67% 401.74 5

Year Population % Male % Female Density (km²) Population R

2095 353,607,849 50.24% 49.76% 400.9 6

Youth Power
Youth Power is a campaign to achieve the Global Goals to end poverty, inequality and climate
change. The campaign supports young people and their collective power to turn these promises
into reality.

Roles of Youth in our Society

A society is a group of people involved with each other through persistent relation or a large
social grouping sharing the same geographical or social territory, subject to the same political
authority and dominant cultural expectations. Human societies are characterized by patterns of
relationships between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutes, a given society
may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent members. In the
social sciences a larger society often evinces stratification or dominant patterns in subgroup.
In so far as it is collaborative, a society can enable its members to benefit in ways that would not
otherwise be possible on an individual basis; both individual and social (common) benefits can
thus be distinguished, or in many cases found to overlap. A society can also consist of like-
minded people governed by their own norms and values within a dominant, larger society. This
is sometimes referred to as a subculture, a term used extensively in criminology.
More broadly a society may consist or be illustrated as an economic, social or industrial
infrastructure, made up of a varied collection of individuals. Members of a society may be from
different ethnic groups. A society can be a particular ethnic group, such as the Saxons a nation
state; such as Afghanistan or broader culture group such as Western society. The word society may
also refer to an organized voluntary association for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific,
political, patriotic, or other purposes. A "society" may even, though more by means of metaphor
refer to a social organism such as an ant colony or any operative aggregate, such as, for example
in some of artificial intelligence. The Afghan society consists of many nationalities living together
in a harmonious, peaceful and far from prejudice and hatreds
In a society different strata and groups of people live; such as Young, old, rich and poor people;
the most important and significant proxy of a beau monde which looseness a decisive purpose is
the young and fresh generation of that society. If we analyze the office and duty in a society we
can say as; younker is backrest off-white to the Nation. They can variety the future tense of the
society with their wellbeing and courageous conduct. They are here to show us what we have not
been willing to look at within ourselves. Unfortunately, Tomean solar day we find the early days
who are more interested in other topographic point which are not useful to them as well as nation.
They choose to spend their Clarence Shepard Day Jr. doing drug and acting video games. They
spend their nighttime partying and living it up, so to speak. More and more young men of this age
group are sitting at home in front of their tally playing games all day instead of bettering
themselves or going to study.

How Youth Bulge applies to developing countries:

In most developing countries like China, there is a large youth population size. When focusing on
establishing economic development, these “developing countries” are told to follow the framework
of development as “developed countries” have done. This notion that development can only be
achieved by following to path of ‘developed countries” then causes a conflict to “developing
countries.” This conflict is created because many “developed countries” have a small amount of
youth within their national population and they established their framework of development based
on most of their population being older than children. “Developing countries” have a high youth
population within their national population and if they try to follow the framework of development
as developed countries have established, they will neglect the development of a significant portion
of their population. In other words, there would not be much development done in these countries
because they are not focusing on the development of a significant portion of their population. And
so, areas, where there is a youth bulge, will have a lower level of development.

Positive and Negative sides of Youth Bulge:

There is typically a larger youth population in most developing countries for various reasons like
aid in performing jobs. Among these commonwealth, Cathay has been known for the
overpopulation of young person s and then establishing a policy to help sustain the population size.
In an Asiatic Paper article, there have been reports of China making the best of their youth
gibbousness. Overall the newspaper excerpt indicates that China has been trying to give more
educational aid and purpose in growing to their youth. This opening move demonstrates a positive
way to deal with a youth swelling because it allows young masses to understand the earth they live
in better through academic. Then once they understand their surroundings better, they have
admittance to be an office of maturation along with older extremity of the population. This
coordination will aid in promoting overall growing of the nation, not just growth of a portion of
the commonwealth ’s population. On the downside of youth development, another newspaper
excerpt revealed that in developing Arabian state, there are significant reversal in development. It
was shown that very few opportunities to get educated or involved in development were offered
to both female person and youth. This lack of involvement from John Major parts of the country’s
population has caused the overall development of these Arab commonwealth to decrease. Lack of
youth development is high in developing countries, and members of these countries are now more
aware of this problem. The newspaper article indicates that members are also working to get their
youth more involved in development.
The importance of understanding youth and their roles in development:
Youth development in developing countries is an important topic to focus on. Adolescence and
youth are a critical time in human development, and this time is susceptible to changes in areas
like globalization, AIDS, urbanization, migration, and other economic and health challenges.
Throughout these changes, it is easy for members of the youth to be neglected, which could then
lead to them developing health and risk factors that do not aid in the general development of a
country. To minimize risks of juvenility, they should have equal entree to imagination that can
improve their health, their education, and their overall function in the land ’s development. If a
body politic has a youth excrescence, it would be more detrimental to ignore youth as they are
going through development stagecoach, which is why delivery attention to youth and finding way
of life to utilize more resources for them is good for the overall development of any country.


A youth is any person between the age of 15 years and 30 years regardless of the gender.
Unfortunately, the youth are the backbone of a society and hence they determine the future of any
given society This is because all other age grouping, the minor, teenagers, eye aged and the senior
citizen rely on the spring chicken and expect a lot from them. This shuffle the youth to be an
important age group in both today's bon ton and the future bon ton than other age groups.
Therefore, due to the high dependence on youth in the society, we the youth have a purpose to play
because the future of our families, communities and the country lies in our hands.

The role of the youth is simply to renew, refresh and maintain. Youth have a role to renew and
refresh the current status of our society including leadership, innovations, skills etc. Youth are
expected to advance the current technology, education, politics, peace of the country. On the
other hand, youths have also to maintain the culture of our culture, all good values in the
societies, development projects, etc.

First of all, kids and teenagers need to be advised, taught and encouraged by the youth. Youth
also have to be a good example to the young generation. The youth have to teach both the
teenagers and kids all aspects of general life, show them the way so that they grow up the right
and the wrong. Youths have to advise and encourage teenagers and help them to solve social,
educational, psychological, emotional and various problems the teenagers encounter in life.
Youth have the role of teaching teenagers and the young generation what teachers and parents

Secondly, as the middle aged and the senior citizens grow older, many employment posts remain
vacant. This vacant positions have to be filled by non-other than the youth. This will enhance
economic well-being as well as the social life of the citizens the serve. Youths have to bring in
new innovations, new skills in the job industry for more productivity at a lower cost because they
will do away with old technology or they will invent new ways of doing a certain job. In doing
so the country will develop in terms of industrialization and both her economic and social well-

For any country to succeed, it needs educated, well informed and responsible leaders. For your
information, the best leaders are the youths. The youth have to correct the mistakes and
shortcomings of the previous leaders and completely change the outlook of that particular
society. Youth have to do away with vices like corruption, self-centered and greed in leadership
so as the citizens realize development, gender equity and equal allocation of resources. Youths
also have to maintain virtues set by other leaders, help the society or country to achieve her
visions in future.

The youth, after some time they are expected to be the next parents. This is to continue with
recreation. The youths are expected to start and maintain their own families as their parents did.
Intermarriages between the youth will bring sharing of ethnic cultures and hence this will
improve peace within communities and hence overall peace for the whole country. Sharing of
different cultures all over the country will bring national peace and social well-being of every
Since the youth hold the important part of our society's future, they need to be educated, guided,
encouraged, advised, taught and shown the way to go so as to make sure that we achieve our
dreams and visions. We should not our culture as a society slicing away thus our elders have to
Thatch us what is to be done and what not to be done. So it is everyone's duty especially the
middle aged and the senior citizens to guide as because the future of our society lies in our
This is a wakeup call for all the youths, the time is now, our future is in our hands. Let us arise
and work towards our future.
Population Growth:
We calculate population growth by looking at the change in population over time. The formula
for population growth is given below.
Population Growth Formula:
P= Pₒ × ℮ ͬ ᵗ
 P= Total population after time “t”
 Pₒ= Starting Population
 r =% Rate of Growth
 T=Time in hours or years
 e=

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