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Ragtime Analysis

FIRST (both students do this - work independently - this is not group work I need to
see independent thinking):
With a view to the topics under discussion as part of this Independent Study, make
a connection between i) the time period represented, ii) the time period in which
the book was written, and iii) our current times. From your investigations, what has
changed for the better AND for the worse?
The book Ragtime by El Doctorow was published in 1975. Although the book was published in
1975, it is written in the setting of 1900-1917. During this time social classes were divided and
people were viewed differently than today. Although women now had the right to vote and there
wasn’t any slavery, people did not have the rights that we have today 38 years later. A lot has
changed with the economy since then and social classes have changed as well.
​Why is the book still significant today with regard to the topics under discussion as
part of this Independent Study?
The book Ragtime is very significant today. By reading this book one can relate how different
our lifestyles are and how close as well. We as Americans can see how far we have become
and what it took to have what we have today. In addition, the book Ragtime in many ways is just
like our life today. For example, the book was about social classes and the struggles families
had to survive. Today our society is still somewhat divided into classes by towns or even states.
There are many poor people who live in the same town as wealthy people.
​How can we relate to the struggles of the characters in Ragtime with regard to the
topics under discussion as part of this Independent Study? Use evidence from the
In this book the main reasons that families and people were struggling during this time period
was due to the constant change in technology at the time. New systems and transports were
created for the purpose of benefiting. We can relate to this today as many people are struggling
to keep up with the fast paced new technology coming out everyday. People today and in the
book Ragtime are forced to adapt quickly to the environment and surroundings.
How does this book function as an impetus for social criticism regarding the time it
was written (NOT the time is was written about)? Use evidence from the novel.
The book Ragtime by El Doctorow is an impetus for social criticism because of the difference of
when it was about and when it was actually written. It is clear to see that not much changed
between these two time periods. In addition, when it was written in the year of 1975 the Vietnam
war was going on therefore the US did not pay much attention to the social classes nor its
citizens but more on foreign policy and other countries.

​ ind out something about E. L. Doctorow. His life and times. What motivated to
write about what he wrote about? Do not simply copy wholesale from sites such as (!!) or other similar sites. How does he, as an author, fit in to the
topics under discussion as part of this independent study? Paraphrase your
findings from your sources and cite your sources.
THEN - negotiate with each other. One of you do all the odd-numbered questions,
the other all the even-numbered questions.
The reason why El Doctorow is so significant in writing this book and this independent study is
because he wrote this from his perspective. For example he was a little boy growing up in the
book, however he was able to write and publish this later in the year of 1975. I believe what
motivated him to write about his experiences is that he wanted the audience to realize what he
went through and how not much has changed today in our society. This is perfect for our
independent study because it highlights the fact that not much changed in our society since the
early 1900s. Of course we have gotten better, but the United States is not anywhere near
equalizing all social classes.

1. When the story opens, the narrator describes life in the early 1900s, noting that
“There were no negroes. There were no immigrants.” Is this description accurate? What
might this statement propose about the accuracy of historical accounts?
I definitely don’t agree with this statement made by the author, however I believe he has a point.
Obviously during that time period there were negroes and there were plenty of immigrants. I
believe where the author is going is that he is trying to have the readers realize that at this point
in time it is nowhere near as bad as it was in the past, especially around the 1800s.

2. Why might the author have chosen to name the characters as he did? Why do some of
the characters have general names such as Mother’s Younger Brother while others have
proper names like Coalhouse Walker, Jr.? Does this affect the way we relate to them?
Use evidence from the novel.

3. Describe the narrator of the story. Can we be certain of who it is, or does the point
of view shift throughout the story? How does Doctorow’s method of narration relate to
historical texts? Use evidence from the novel.
The narrator of this book is the author as a little boy. He is writing about his experiences and
what he went through in his early stages of life. He explains the “harsh and cynical” situations
that he experienced as a kid in the society he lived in. The point or view does not necessarily
change from person to person, but there are many different view points throughout the book.

4. Why did the author choose the title Ragtime for this novel? What is ragtime music?
What are its origins and how does it relate to other genres of music? What does it reveal
about the society in which it was created? How might "ragtime" as a genre of music relate
to the concepts of race and gender?
5. What might Doctorow be implying about race or gender (use evidence from the
I believe that Doctorow is implying that there is still a problem with race and gender today and
he wants the audience to realize that not much has changed. In addition I think Doctorow is
implying that race nor gender was equal at the time. There were certain races who believed
they were superior than others. In the text he states “his ears burned with humiliation” after
being beat up for no reason. This shows the unfairness and violence portrayed by the author in
this story.

6. Describe the setting of Ragtime. When and where does the story take place? Why
might an author have chosen to write about this time period and these places and events?
What was going on with regard to race and gender/sexuality issues during this time (the
time of the SETTING and the time when Doctorow wrote this novel)?

7. When was Ragtime written? What was happening at the time? Is this novel simply a
historical narrative or does it reveal things about contemporary society?
Ragtime was written in the year of 1975. During this time period one of the biggest things
happening at the time was the vietnam war. I believe this novel is both a historical narrative and
reveals things about contemporary society. I believe the main goal of this novel was to relate as
to why our society is what it is today. For example, the novel portrays the violence that
continues and that we still currently have in our world.

8. Why do you think that Mother’s Younger Brother chose to help Coalhouse Walker,
Jr.? What does this say about issues being discussed as part of this Independent Study?

9. The quest for freedom and peace is a key theme of Ragtime. How does the author use
Harry Houdini to illuminate the complexity of this quest? How might this connect to the
topics under discussion for this Independent Study? Use evidence from the novel.
In the novel Ragtime, the author brings up the character Harry Houdini. In Ragtime, Harry
Houdini challenges the police to lock him up. He is famous for going against the police and the
unfair violence. The author uses Harry to show that peace is a key theme of Ragtime because it
shows the innocence of the people who are on the minority side of race and gender. This ties in
perfectly to the topics of race and gender in our independent study because it shows how it was
such a big problem back then, and how not much has changed.

10. While the characters represent different classes, races, and genders they share
much in common. Discuss some of these commonalities. How are the characters
different? Use evidence from the book.

11. What imagery does the author use in the first chapter to set the scene? What does
it tell us about life in the early 1900s? What might the purpose be in revealing the
murder of the architect Stanford White? Does it change our initial impression of
American life during this time?
In the first couple sentences of the first chapter the author uses imagery to describe the house
they lived in. The house is described as “a three-story brown shingle with dormers, bay windows
and a screened porch.” This tells us that life in the 1900s was very plain and not very luxurious.
After describing the violence that occurs in the neighborhood, Doctorow tells us that Stanford
White was shot. This does change my initial impression on life in the 1900s as I did not think of
it to be so violence and unpeaceful.

12. When Evelyn Nesbit meets The Little Girl in the Pinafore, she is tied with rope to
her father’s wrist so she won’t be stolen. How does the author make connections between
Evelyn, The Little Girl, and Mameh? Why is Evelyn drawn to Tateh and The Little Girl?
What does this help explain about the topics under discussion in this Independent Study
(race and gender)
13. The notion of value is prominent in the book. What do each of the characters value?
What consequences does this have for them?
Generically in this book in a broad sense of view, each character values freedom and their
promised rights. The characters in this book are not all equal as racism is unfortunately playing
a huge role. The consequences for them is that they are going through a lot to try and gain their
respective freedom, and the conditions are becoming worse and worse throughout the years. In
addition, many of them are minorities where they are also women and are not getting treated

14. Does Coalhouse Walker, Jr. obtain justice? What does he sacrifice in the process?
How do his actions affect those around him? How does this scenario relate to the justice
system and civil rights struggles in today’s society as it relates to the topics under
discussion as part of this Independent Study.
15. Why does Tateh reinvent himself as a baron? What does it mean for his identity?
How does the style and imagery of the novel relate to the topics under discussion in this
Independent Study?
Taeh reinvents himself as a baron I believe for a metaphorical value. By reinventing himself as a
baron he is completely changing his identity and going against the belief of sticking up for
himself. The style and imagery of the novel relate to the topics under discussion in this
independent study in many different ways. For example the style is from the 1900s and the
imagery is shown by the word choice used to describe certain types of people.
16. Many of the characters struggle for what they believe is right. Are they
successful? How are these struggles tied in to the notion of identity or societal
definitions of identity?
17. The author uses his characters allegorically. What groups are represented? Do you
feel the portrayals are accurate? Why or why not?

18. Why do you think that the author chose the quotation by Scott Joplin as the novel’s
epigraph? What does it signify?
I believe that the author chose the quote by Scott Joplin because his story is about Ragtime and
the struggle through the time period. The music written by Scott Joplin portrays the theme of
Ragtime and is played in a way that one can interpret how society was played at the time. It
signifies the connection between music and lifestyle, showing the correlation between the two of
NOW - this is independent work. You can pick whichever of the choices you want
but you CANNOT work together. You CAN pick the same option but you must
demonstrate independent work.

Do one of the following?

1. Listen to 4-5 songs/tunes from the below play list:

Examine style, rhythm and tempo, instrumentation, lyrics, etc. Consider how these songs
reflect societal issues of that time in history (specifically as regards to race and gender
but not limited to).

Choose 4-5 current day/contemporary songs. Discuss how these songs reflect our society
and our experiences today with specific regard to the topics under discussion for this
Independent Study. Examine style, rhythm and tempo, instrumentation, lyrics, etc.
Examine some other examples of music that were more straightforward tools for social
commentary or criticism, such as folk music and the protest songs of the ‘60s, etc.

Using hard-copy books available in our Library, and creating a Works Cited page which also
includes the ​Dewey-decimal numbers o​f the books (where I would find it in our Library)
write a 1.5-2 page reflection on how style of music reflects the societal issues of the day
in which it was created with specific regard to race and gender.
2. Choose music from three different genres (rock, folk, blues, gospel, religious, opera,
non-western, reggae, etc etc - be as diverse as you can). Listen to each piece.

Create a document that has a link to the music track AND has a copy of the lyrics (if
there are lyrics, and there don't have to be), citing the source where you found the lyrics.

Using hard-copy books available in our Library, and creating a Works Cited page which also
includes the Dewey-decimal numbers of the books (where I would find it in our Library) do
some research on what was going on in that society (related to the genre/song/music you
chose) specifically (but not limited to) as it relates to race and gender.

Compose 3 short pieces of fiction or poetry of your own which relate to or interpret each
piece of music you selected making a connection to race/gender

Project 1
The Maple Leaf Rag
This song is played by Scott Joplin on the piano. Scott Joplin is known for his rags which are
usually all fast paced. The genre for this song is Ragtime and it is very quick and upbeat. I
believe that this song is perfect for the time that it was written. Throughout this piece I realized
that there are three main sections to the piece. There are three different sections of the song
that are played on different parts of the piano. I believe that these represent the different social
classes. For example, when the section being played is on the lower side of the piano (the
base) it is representing the lower class. Throughout the song it is up beat yet at times slows
down as the notes get lower. This shows that at the time the lower class was struggling a bit
through the harsh lifestyle.

Fur Elise
The song Fur Elise is composed by Beethoven in 1810. The song starts off slow, calm, and very
relaxing. The notes flow perfectly and sound very light across the piano. The piano is a perfect
instrument for this song as it describes the settling environment in 1810. In the middle of the
song, it begins to pick up where the notes get lower and the rhythm is faster. This might have to
do with the War of 1812 that was about to occur. Society at this time was very fasted paced with
some new advances in technology including the rush to mobilize for war.

The song Bethena written by Scott Joplin is under the theme of Ragtime due to the instruments
performing and the style as well. This piece is played with a piano and is very laid back and
relaxing to listen to. It reflects the time period because of the peace during this time right before
the Vietnam war. This song was one of the first Ragtime songs to come out therefore it was
more on the relaxing and soothing side.

March Majestic
The song March Majestic is a ragtime song also by Scott Joplin. It is a little more uptempo than
the previous ones due to the fact that it is later on during the years. This piece is played with a
piano and is a quick rhythm piece. It symbolizes the content at the time and the social classes
mixing in.

Current Day Songs

Animals- Maroon 5
This song is sung by Maroon 5 whose leader is Adam Levine. Although this song is upbeat,
catchy, and seems harmless, there is a meaning behind the lyrics. It is said that this song is
about rape and hunting down women. In the lyrics it says “baby I’m preying on you tonight” and
“you think that you can hide”. This song brings a negative connotation about women and implies
that men are superior and can do whatever. This shows that even today in society women are
not treated equally and not not viewed the same way as men are.
Same Love- Macklemore and Ryan Lewis
This song is written by both Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. The meaning behind this song is that
everyone is equal no matter what gender you are. In the song he talks about how he came out
being gay and what he went through. Macklemore makes a good point in his song when he
states how people comment “man that’s gay” all over social media when it is something
negative. People today are saying that things are gay if it is something they don't approve of.
This is not acceptable because now people are perceiving “gay” as a negative thing which it is
not at all. He ends off the song by repeating over and over again that “love is patient” and that
we all love each other for who they are. This song says a lot about society today. I believe that
this song shows that we are now more accepting than what we used to be, but there are many
ways our society can improve.

Imagine- John Lennon

This song is written and sung by artist John Lennon. Unlike the other two songs this one
includes race as well. Imagine by John Lennon discusses what it would be like to live in a world
where there is not only peace, but everyone is equal to each other. In his song he states
“Imagine all the people, living life in peace” as if during the time period people were not. He
stays in his song “you may think I’m a dreamer” due to the fact that many people believe that
the world will never find peace or that everyone will be equal. Throughout the song, Lennon
states “the world can be as one” to enforce that we are all one. This song is many about racism
and how people are not equal. I do believe that there is some gender mixed in here as well
because all genders are not viewed as equal in today’s society.

The Power of Equality by Red Hot Chili Peppers

This song discusses the American equality and how even today it has not fully been achieved.
In the song it states “American equality has always been sour, an attitude I would like to
devour.” This demonstrates how Americans have never been really equal and still are not today.
Even today it is clear to see how people are treated differently and not equal.

Music today is based off of feeling. Today artists write songs to portray how they are

feeling, including feelings and word choice to make it emotional. For example, when there is a

funeral, sad music or calming music is played because everyone is upset. Usually at funerals

the music does not include any lyrics. Another example is at a wedding upbeat and exciting

songs are played (especially at the reception). Music definitely affects our society, and reflects

on what is happening at the time. During the Great Depression, music was a slower pace and

rhythm. In addition, during the great depression the lyrics in the songs were sad and more

negative. Many songs were about losing jobs and losing everything. One example of a song

would be “Brother can You Spare me a Dime” In this song E.Y. Harberg complains about losing

his job and the situation he is in during the Great Depression. Since this was a very depressive

time artists came up with songs to raise people’s spirits and give them hope for the future. It

was very important that people were hopeful during the time of the Great Depression. The song

“Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries” by Lew Brown is an example of a song trying to lift people up

during this depressing time. The main instruments at the time were the piano, base and even

the guitar. A typical song with these instruments was called “Ragtime”. Some examples would

be “The Maple Leaf Rag”, “The Entertainer”, and “Sunflower Snow Drag”. Ragtime songs

usually consisted of a bit of an uptempo but nothing too crazy where it got to the point of fast

and quick rhythms. It is said that “In the late 1890s virtually any Negro Dialect song with a

medium to lively tempo, or a syncopated rhythm, was called a ragtime song.” (Ragtime Its

History, Composers, and Music) This type of music was very high spirited as well yet very

relaxing fitting well with what was going on during the time. Along with Ragtime music, “West

End Blues literally changed people’s lives” with the way the music made one feel. “West End

Blues” was a piece written by Louis Armstrong that had no lyrics but included many different
instruments throughout the song. This piece was uptempo in the beginning but often slowed

down at times. I believe this is to connect with the pace and rhythm that people lived in the

society. It was easy for one to relate to the music due to the rhythm change throughout the

song. At times, it was very slow and the base took over, where on the other hand, the piano had

the lead and the tempo quickened. This described normal society at that time with the fast

adaptations and the urge to move with society. At times in this society it was calm and everyone

was okay but as the tempo speeds up and the piano is incorporated, it symbolizes the Great

Depression and the struggle in society with employment and caring for family.
Works Cited

Hasse, John Edward. Ragtime: Its History, Composers and Music. Macmillan, 1986.

Nicholls, David. The Cambridge History of American Music. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

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