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According Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Norm is something (such as a behavior or
of doing something) that is usual or expected.
According to Oxford Dictionary,
Decency is a behaviour that conforms to
accepted standards of morality or

The definition of conventionality in the

dictionary is the quality or characteristic of
being conventional, esp in behaviour
thinking, etc. Other definition of
conventionality is something conventional,
esp a normal or accepted rule of
behaviour; propriety.
 Norm of Appropriateness and norm of
conventionality ate the most adhered norms
in society.
This norm includes the manners, type of
clothing a person wears in a specific
occasion and behaviors that show a person’s
refinement and civility.
 In some society, norm of decency also
includes the use of appropriate words and
gestures that convey politeness and
 Colors signify different meanings to
certain cultures.
 Normsbof Conventionality are beliefs
and practices that are acceptables
to certain cultures but can be
inimicap to other cultures.
 Respect for one’s belief are given
paramount consideration.
 Individuals or groups can shape the norms
and values of their society through the
concrete application of their beliefs, norms,
and values in their everyday life. Through the
process of experimenting and appropriating
these norms and values, society, one can
gain wisdom at looking into the significance
of norms and values wheter as sets of laws or
rules or guiding principles that regulate
actions or as social mechanisms that warrant
approval or recognition in the community.
One can gain wisdom
and Everyone must learn
to value and respect
other people’s culture.

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