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How to build a PowerPoint Storyboard

Materials Revision Analysis Form

Evidence &
Component Problem Change

The assessment Specified target group

Dr. Chen feedback via
Needs Assessment needs to focus on a “teachers &
specific group administrators”

-The document title is -Corrected Title to

different from the title “How to build a
in needs assessment PowerPoint
“Creating instructional Storyboard” and kept it
video’s using consistent throughout
PowerPoint” the entire ISD

- Step 1.4 “Item exist” -Change question from

is not clear. What are “Item exist?” to
Goal Analysis the items? “Images and audio’s Dr. Chen feedback via
Flow Chart available? email

- The first entry skill -Removed the entry

regarding the skill “Microsoft Power
availability of MS PPT Point version 2010 or
is not an entry skill later” from the entry
required for the skill area.
learners. It is the
learning context.

Direction on how to Included direction on

Assessment use the document for how to use the Dr. Chen feedback via
Instrument learners was not document to learners. email
-Save video mp4 - Video saved to mp4
format instead of .mov instead of .mov

Video Tutorial with - Remove the bottom -Bottom navigation Dr. Chen comment in
Key out Video navigation portion of in portion was removed. Blackboard
the screen recording
session so not to
distract users and limit
to mac users.

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