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Global Issues Report:

Dating and sex in how it effects persistence in the academy

Esteban Garcia

The University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1301

Dr. Vierra

April 8, 2019


This report examines the effects in which of dating in sex have on persistence in the



“What students all around the world who have not one clue about what sexuality. Is

hurting their personal life, as well as in their academic life.” So, said Hinrichs and Kaplan

(1969). This has sparked a global epidemic in today’s students. Having no knowledge on how to

safely date and have sexual relationships is all about. Has led to several factors that weigh into to

this topic of discourse see figure [1]. Ones societal view on the topic, the religious aspect in

one’s culture, and how much time the educational system wants to put into it as well as many

more. As we can see on a global scale dating and sex dose indeed have an effect on student’s

persistence in the academy.


The standard way of thinking about the topic of Sexual education programs to help

reduce Teen pregnancy has it that. According to DeCarlo (1995), American teens show the

highest pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease rate in any modern country (p.148). The way

in which we teach today’s generation of sex is the colossal problem. Knowledge is not enough to

change the reaction that the students will have. According to DeCarlo (1995), this form of

teaching has resulted in STDs and unwanted pregnancies being transmitted between any age

group by age 21, and in “1974 417 new aid cases have been reported within 13-19-year old’s”

(p.149). Accordingly, programs that require participants to roll playing, and self-efficiency have

been extremely beneficial in more ways than one. Consequently, according to Kirkendall and

Calderwood (1965) emphasized that the youth obtain their knowledge on sex from each other

(p.33). It is said that when this correct information is obtained from capable sources, it is

insufficient for the constant modernization of society. According to Kirkendall and Calderwood

(1965), education received up roots from mass social media and from the older generation that

had a different perspective (p.34). Because of the many different ways in which the youth get

their information this practice leads to confusion and untimely leads to the transmission of

diseases as well as unwanted pregnancies.

Many people today assume that morality has nothing to do with the topic of dating and

sex, but according to Hototois, and Milner (1975), a pupil must be showed that indeed morality

plays a big part with the decision made, as well as the consequences that follow (p.4). This is not

only the job of the educational system. This responsibility falls on the society as a whole whether

it be globally or locally. According to Hototois, and Milner (1975), failure to be forward about

the several consequences that follow after these promiscuous activities results in non-real outlets

to the youth of today (p.5). Consequently, according to Kirkendall (1978), we cannot speak our

own values to other people due to our own bias showing (p.342). This has shown manifest in our

own behavior, which has led to our very own principals being affected in more ways than one.

According to Kirkendall (1978) , these are the question in which our own educators must ask in

order to see the positive growth in the subject (p.342). This simply means that because the

morals of every single person (see figure 2&3) are so different that the fight to find a universal

solution that works with everyone is very difficult. By only asking the big questions will we find

out how to compromise.

One implication of Perkins (1997) treatment of society responsibility is that there are

indeed millions of teens out there that are postponing promiscuous activities until after marriage.

According to Perkins (1997), due to a federal grant program demands that teachers help students

see the pros of being sex free and date free to lessen the chances of unwanted pregnancies, as

well as less daises transfer (p.96). As a result, from this practice the statistics of unwanted teen

pregnancies have indeed fallen causing a boost in school attendance and students receiving their

education. Perkins (1997) emphasized, that another factor that contributes towards these numbers

is the ability from the society making contraceptive more readily available to today’s pupils

(p.98). This implies that with these resources made available by the society the youngster today

can stay in school and not have to worry about the consequences that follow. By contrast

according to Kirkendall (1964), sexual patterns are always changing just as society is every day

(p.113). It is impossible for society to make a compromise, because of how judgmental we are.

This leads to the shyness of people or even just plain out ignorance. According to Kirkendall

(1964), The plethora of the population globally is affecting the societies economic situation, for

example “median projections state that the population of 300 million will be passed by the end of

the century compared to 200 million mark set in 1980” (p.118). Consequently, these effects put a

strain to our economy globally due to more resources being used as well as more pollution to our

planer. Which all on its own makes us as a society dread the sexual education class.

Americans parents just like parents worldwide put forth their input on how they feel

about laws on abortion, and how and when the children should be taught by the teachers (p.112)

said by Lucero (1998). A parent input that is said has actually resulted in the children making

more conscious decisions with dating and sexual activates. Consequently, In their recent work,

Boyd and Glazier (2017) have offered critiques on the topic of Difficult Discussions in Cross

Disciplinary Teacher Discourse Communities. According to Boyd and Glazier (2017) We

believe that pushing secondary teachers out of their traditional disciplinary silos and encouraging

them to engage in meaningful conversation can lead to better and holistic education for all

students, particularly in areas of working toward equity and in general engagement with students

when sensitive issues arise (p.143). This statement goes to prove that even in our own

educational system there are discourse communities. According to Boyd and Glazier (2017)

Researchers have recognized that “teachers learn through situated and social interactions with

colleagues who possess distributed expertise and with whom they have opportunities for

sustained conversations related to mutual interests” (Curry, 2008, p. 738). In consistent

gatherings of small groups of teachers, discussion centers on issues from individual teachers’

practice (p.131). This helps prove that there are ways indeed to help these communities.

The standard way of thinking about Human Sexual behavior has it that an activity that

consist of two partners that provokes sexual arousal. According to Gebhard (1995),

“anthropology proves, that the variations in sexual behavior depends on the different culture

groups one is involved in.” (p.206)... The piece goes on to explain different activity’s that these

different cultures go experience to get the unique behavior. That each are known for, these

include and are not limited to prepubertal activities, Self-masturbation, and homosexual

activates, etc. According to Gebhard (1995), “even dough with all the differences in between the

cultures, the sexual behavior between the human races is usually always the same regardless.”

(p.216). this implies that even dough these cultures are very different, in the big picture the

human race shares similar to the same sexual behavior. As a result of sexual behavior being

considered the same Many people assume that marital sexuality in cultures are different all

around. According to Gorer (1955) that the poor were more likely than the more affluent that

women regards as immoral if they show too much interest in sexual relations with their husbands

(p.159. The piece goes on the show a table of facts that helps prove the statement used (p.195) it

shows that out of 69 lower class people interviewed 20 people rejected the act of martial sex.

Therefore, it can be said that marital sexual cultures don’t change. Regardless of what others say

the numbers don’t lie and the chart is factual.


On a global scale dating and sex dose indeed have an effect on student’s persistence in

the academy. As we can see from society to our educators and our parents, this list of

influencers effect how we react and act to dating and sex in our everyday life’s. Depending on

whether or not on how the class and topic is taught. This practice has been proven that students

with this under their belt have the ability to persist through their studies.


Boyd, A. S., & Glazier, J. A. (2017). The choreography of conversation: An exploration of

collaboration and difficult discussions in cross disciplinary teacher discourse

communities. High School Journal, 100(2), 130-145. Retrieved from http://0-


Clark Shelley, M. R. (2012). Dating,sex, and schooling in urban kenya.43(3), 161-174.

Hottois, J., & Milner, N. A. (1975). The sex education controversy : A study of politics,

education, and morality Lexington Books.

Marshall, D. S., & Suggs, R. C. (1971). Human sexual behavior; variations in the ethnographic

spectrum New York, Basic Books 1971]. Retrieved from http://0-


McKinney, K., & Sprecher, S. (1991). Sexuality in close relationships Hillsdale, N.J. : L.

Erlbaum Associates, 1991. Retrieved from http://0-


Otto, H. A. (1977). The new sex education : The sex educator's resource book Association Press.

Powers, G. P., & Baskin, W. (1969). Sex education: Issues and directives Philosophical Library.

Reik, T. (1960). Sex in man and woman; its emotional variations Noonday Press.

Roleff, T. L. (2001). Teenage sexuality : Opposing viewpoints Greenhaven Press.



Figure [1]. From Clark Shelley, M. R. (2012). Dating,sex, and schooling in urban kenya.43(3),


Figure [2 &3] both form Hottois, J., & Milner, N. A. (1975). The sex education controversy : A

study of politics, education, and morality Lexington Books.


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